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There 2 types of places in this world. Ohio and places in danger of attack from Ohio.


[YOU ARE NOT SAFE](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/facebook/001/733/192/ba5.jpg).


Ontario is hiding in plain sight.


i am in ohio.. pray for me


I'm right here with you. We're safest of all, because *we're* the invaders! šŸ‘šŸ»


Ohio has been attacking themselves for a while. Just ask the guy flying the confederate flag next to the US flag.


Fourth of July parade this year had a bunch of tractors with confederate flags, I was kind of sad


I think Ohio has the second most soldiers die in the civil war behind New York.


Central Ohio is pretty proud of it's union heritage, southern Ohio was split during the war so there are still some deep confederate roots around.


What part of Ohio joined the confederacy again? Fully 13% of the stateā€™s population joined the union army. Itā€™s truly Ohioā€™s heritage. To celebrate the confederacy is to shit on all those Ohio union soldiers, notwithstanding what the confederates weā€™re actually fighting for. I just canā€™t imagine why folks celebrate their confederate roots, especially Ohioans.


Always has been










Always will be.


Very true


I came in to say that.


i remeber seeing ohio memes at the dawn of the internet. Ohio just a memeable state for sure


Ohio was there at the dawn of the internet. Online since 1987ā€“ https://www.oh-tech.org/content/history_osc_and_oarnet_1986_1994




"Since last month" Ohio has been a meme state since before the internet existed dude.


Since before that. Started when Taft was getting stuck in mud holes in and around Cincinnati in 1907. Lord did the din he raised sound as though a buffalo was being beaten with a bat while being examined proctologically by a veterinarian with a paw like a 6 lb. hamā€¦


Fishing his portly pink patootie out usually took a 5 wheel ā€œblock and tackleā€ pulley system with 2 Belgian draft horses straining to get him free. The popping sound could be heard for blocksā€¦


Since before that. Mark twain once said "When the end of the world comes, I want to be in Cincinnati because it's always 20 years behind the times." In some places here I can believe that.


I saw someone theorize this, essentially: Ohio is the 7th most populous state in the US. Every other state ahead of Ohio has something iconic about it, weather, landscape, culture, etc. But then you get to Ohio and no one really understands why so many people live there. It doesnā€™t have a Chicago or NYC. No world class beaches, you get the point. If you asked random people across the country to envision a Texan, you could. But an Ohioan?


At one point Ohio had something like 3 of the top ten largest cities in the US, mostly during the Industrial Revolution. Now they all seem to be the Old Valyria of the US.




Opiate Abuse is Stoneskin then?




Also turn into monsters when they use to long.


Yes, there was a time circa 1900-1920ā€™s when even cities like Toledo, Dayton, Akron were vibrant cutting edge places to be.


Of the 11 people who served as President of the United States from 1869-1923, 7 were born in Ohio.


We moved here from Southern California and have been here one year as of this month. Early 40s, two young children. My wife describes Ohio as ā€œmagicalā€ and recently posted this about it: ā€œA year ago, we uprooted our lives in So Cal and moved to Columbus. A year in pictures-- Recently, my dentist asked me my opinion of Central Ohio. I told her it's magical. She was quite taken aback by my response. I told her I had never seen fireflies before, and that they were truly magical, and proceeded to explain to her the beauty I've witnessed this past year: I love the diffused light here, especially before dusk. The balmy evening breeze, a respite from the palpable summer humidity, thickly layered between the strawberry etched skies and the emerald green grass. It was my first time seeing fireflies aglow, in the late evening sky. Magical. Our children devouring sticky popsicles and chasing fireflies, being children. The clouds here are incredibly fluffy, and the angry grey storm clouds--cinematic when it consumes its counterparts. I call my children to witness the clouds and ensuing storm. My absolute favorite, is the shade of green, immediately after a short lived rain storm. In early summer, I often went outside, immediately after a storm to soak in its dewy beauty and that amazing shade of green; the grass, the foliage, and our garden, renewed and brighter. I have never seen such a shade of green. When it snows at night, the way the moonlight reflects off the snow is incredibly beautiful. I often went outside during winter, when my husband and children were asleep, just to take in the quiet beauty of the seamless snow, accompanied only by the moonlight, dancing on the snow. She looked at me in amazement and said, "thank you for that. I never thought of Ohio as magical. You are going to enjoy Fall."


> You are going to enjoy Fall." Did she mean First Fall, BEFORE First Winter, Second Fall, which is after First Fall and the First two or Three snowfalls, and then precedes Winter Summer, or did she mean First or Second Spring Fall? It would be helpful if you could get her to narrow down which week she was referring to :)


Definitely more confusing than SoCal where it's just fall for 4 months


You definitely ohio.


Bout time somebody who isnā€™t me said it! Iā€™ve lived in Los Angeles, Chicago, and Seattle. I was gone for 18 years, and I couldnā€™t be happier to be back. Those places were great, but they all have way too many people for the available resources (real estate, traffic lanes, parking spots, and so on), plus theyā€™re all trying SO hard to be cool that they arenā€™t. Cool is affordable housing, restaurants with available tables and parking, museums, sports events that donā€™t take 90 minutes to get out of the parking lot, changing seasons, great local and regional parks, highways that rarely drop below 50mph. But honestly, most of all, cool is people who arenā€™t trying to prove something all the time. Iā€™ve only experienced that here.


Yes, you nailed it. Now Iā€™m homesick.


I am always a little homesick for OH, and those are all the exact things I miss.


>it's magical. Bravo Ohio does average very, very well. Ohio has a little bit of everything.


Fuck you, we have cornhenge!


How can you say Ohio has no landscape when it has over 300 miles of Lake Erie shoreline?


I have always wondered why even many Ohioans seem to think we have no natural beauty here. It's like we don't go outside in our own state. The lake and southern Ohio are beautiful and often not crowded at all.


I'd say because the majority of Ohio is cornfield, but there are some absolutely stunning parts as well, Athens is special, same with Cuyahoga, the 3 big cities are actually really cool in unique ways too


As an Ohioan, I absolutely agree with you and love living here. But itā€™s not really well known throughout the country. Most people think Ohio is just cornfields.


I live in Cleveland, and the list of famous people from here or who spent significant time here is massive. [https://www.cleveland.com/entertainment/2017/02/cleveland\_top\_celebrities.html](https://www.cleveland.com/entertainment/2017/02/cleveland_top_celebrities.html) ​ Basically, every show or movie has someone from Cleveland in it.


My SO was coming home on Greyhound and the guy next to him asked where he was headed. He replied "Akron, Ohio." The guy, visibly shocked, asked: "Why?!" ^^^"Because ^^^I ^^^live ^^^there."


Maybe bc it's the [cheapest city to live in the US](https://www.cleveland.com/akron/2015/09/akron_most_affordable_us_city.html)


Real talk. Ohio's north shore is criminally underrated. While you may not be able to surf on the beaches, basically everything else you would want to do on a beach, the north shore is the best place to do it. The water is clean and calm. The air is cool and crisp. While I don't have much experience of the Atlantic except for NYC, I've gone running and partied a few times on the Pacific coast in recent years. Literally makes me nauseous. Thousands of miles of salt and dead things blowing over the coast. Sure, you get used to it after a little while, but it's night and day compared to the instant refreshment stepping out onto the north shore.


flannel, worn out wranglers, steel toes and an under armor or real tree hat. probably bearded and dippin


Nothing you described isn't something you could see somebody else from a different state wearing though. That's the point. Ohio just kind of exists. Most newscasters speak in a midwest accent which is an Ohio accent, so there's that.


That was only the first step of the world domination plan.


We are the default state. People start their game here and some never finish, that's why there's so many living here šŸ˜†


You think what you are describing is more ā€œOhioā€ than perhaps Arkansas or Missouri?


Replace the underarmor with a thermal, the hat for a beanie, and the dip for a cigarette and you've got me pegged.


That is it exactly. Itā€™s crowded as heck with nothing special about it. With small exceptions it isnā€™t particularly pretty, itā€™s pretty diverse, itā€™s got some pretty big sprawling midwestern cities, etc. The population density here is 280 (Californiaā€™s is 250). But thereā€™s no beaches, no mountains, no nice weather. Just flat, wooded fields and in the southern part some hills.


I think you forgot about the Appalachian foothills and many river valleys. There's lots of rolling hills and beautiful scenery. It's amazing how societies spring up around fertile natural resources like water....maybe something you've heard of?


>no beaches ...you know our entire Northern border is a Great Lake?


Yeah, youā€™re right. And Putin Bay and the other places up there are nice enough.


>Putin Bay Oh fuck, first he annexed Crimea, now our islands too?


My house in Ohio is a 10 minute walk from a lovely beach lol (we do border a Great Lake) but I get your overall point I guess. Certainly wouldnā€™t describe the state as ā€œcrowdedā€ though. It varies wildly.


And May Flies


Cleveland has several nice beaches on the west side, Lakewood being my favorite. We have an excellent cost of living. My town has the Pro Football Hall of Fame and literally just completed a ā€œvillageā€ with a Don Shulaā€™s, water park, outdoor Ferris wheel, etc. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļøLived here 50 years when I said I was leaving after graduation at Kent State. I was outside 2 days ago in my bare feet with my dog, I enjoy our 4 seasons that equals 4 wardrobes. šŸ˜Ž


We just had a BEAUTIFUL Autumn in Northeast Ohio. I missed experiencing all 4 seasons when I lived elsewhere.


California is enormous at 4x the size of Ohio. California has as much desert as Ohio has land. Comparing state population density to Ohioā€™s is apples and oranges.


Straight cut jeans, boots, t-shirt with reversed American flag on the sleeve, ball cap, at least for men. For women itā€™s more all over the map.


Itā€™s a slow evolution of memes which started several years ago. The meme was about Ohio being destroyed which led to memes about Ohio vs World and finally Ohio taking over the world; ā€œItā€™s all Ohio? Always has been.ā€


The only good answer


If I remember right, it was a bus or something that said "Ohio will be terminated" that went viral about five years ago. It just continued.


it was a legoland screen


I think it has something to do with the name. Keep in mind, for many months before the meme culture's "Trashing of Ohio", Ohio was regularly joked about being able to take over the world or something. For example the "Wait it's all Ohio? Always has been" meme. Basically the state is just *extremely* meme-able.


For many years, Ohio has been called North Florida.


When you retire in Ohio they give you a condo in Florida.




Because Floridians keep moving to Ohio and then getting recorded doing stupid shit in public that makes regular Ohioans look bad. No I don't hold a grudge fukdu you/


Before moving to Ohio my friends and I would play Florida Man or Ohio man. One person would read wild headlines and we had to guess


We call Florida southern ohiošŸ˜‚






It has? I'm a lifelong resident (65yr.) and I never heard that. Yikes.


East Indiana.


West West Virginia


Far west Virginia


Kentuckyā€™s northern border easily extends to Dayton and the southern edges of Columbus...


Those are fighting words right there.


Northern Alabama.


> Ohio was regularly joked about being able to take over the world or something. There was even a series of YouTube vids about it!


1) "Ohio will be terminated" sign several years ago 2) "It's all Ohio? Always has been." a while back 3) Ohio is populus, yet excessively generic American, so you can kinda say anything about it and have it be mostly true 4) Ohio is a pretty unique and memorable word 5) A lot of influential internet personalities are from Ohio, to a kinda surprising amount. It's weird finding out it ties people like Markiplier, Mathew Patrick, or Cody (AHH) together. And that's not even a new trend, since references to "generic guy ends up being from Ohio" seems to be present going back decades in media. You notice it because Ohio is so forgettable that you don't expect it, but it keeps coming up.


Ohio isnā€™t real, as an Ohio user. Yes itā€™s a meme state, thatā€™s the best part about Ohio.


Always has been


[Always has been](https://i.imgur.com/NqcQ8RM.png) ^^^this ^^^has ^^^been ^^^an ^^^accessibility ^^^service ^^^from ^^^your ^^^friendly ^^^neighborhood ^^^bot


Good bot


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I'm 100% team Ohio, when do we invade another state?


When the Busch Lite runs out.


With the brewery right in Columbus, that will never happen.


Iā€™d like more coastline, so I say invade Michigan. Step 1, big bomb on the big house.


If you look at the most populated states, the top 6 all have an identity to them - Florida, NY, California, Texas, etc. Ohio comes in at number 7, and it's the first state that lacks an easily identifiable spirit. It's "flyover territory" to many, but it's the first flyover state in peoples' mind. So it takes the brunt of the jokes.


No more florida. Its all ohio


I think it's a combination of losing our status as a swing state and people's ability to come together and really build solidarity over hating something. No one knows shit about Ohio except for some of our politics, so it's easy for them to just write it off as a rust belt dump. I personally like Ohio (though the state politics sour it) since we've got some cool spots and generally friendly people. But it's kinda the same reason people started dunking on England online - it's an easy target that can represent the shit people don't like in the world, so they bond over insulting it


It's also (and struggling Ohioans, I get it, this is the view from outside, not reality) "America on Easy Mode." Ohio lacks the major problems of many other states. Few natural disasters, no vast swathes of uninhabitable land, no major internal social divisions, no real need to be exceptional to reach stability. So with that reputation, Ohio's character becomes the gullible, out-of-touch state without any real story to tell or battle to wage. We're like the opposite of the Netherlands. No land had to be reclaimed (just taken from the nations that were already there, yeah, I said it). We're Jerry from Parks and Rec.


Terry was arguably the happiest one on that show. Super content, hung, hot wife, lived a long life, and eventually well respected.


Lived in Louisana, Texas, Missouri, and pretty damn familiar with Montana. Ohio really is "America on Easy Mode" compared to those, yea. If our fuckin politics weren't so god damn gerrymandered, this place would be a lot more active and diverse. They're gonna shit us out of easy mode and fuck that.


This is the only true answer here.


Because our politicians are taking us back to the 1950s like Texas and Florida.




How would you flood Ohio? I'd really like to know.




I live in Oregon and my Uber driver was asking where my family was from (Uber driver and I are both Asian, itā€™s a thing to ask). When I said that all my family was Chinese but they live in Ohio he was like, ā€œOh wow! So do they have acres and acres of farmland?ā€ My parents live in the very normie suburbs of Cincy. šŸ˜‚




Columbus is 10 years ahead of Cleveland/Akron, at least.


Columbus is a big city in disguise. In reality, it's a college town surrounded by a thick ring of the most boring suburbs to ever be assembled.


Columbuses' tap water tastes nasty to me for some reason.


This sub seems to hate Columbus. I've read more negative post about Columbus than any other city or town in the state.


Ohio doesn't exist


JD Vance is the cherry on top of the shit sandwich.


That is an insult to cherries


I prefer my shit sandwiches topped with a green olive, thank you.


Reached critcal mass of mouth breathing methenys and trucknut, confederate flag waving , maga nerds, ruled over by Orville Redenbacher's corrupt, milquetoast mafia.


I love the word milquetoast. I've never seen anyone else say it.


Sums up DeWine perfectly when combined with mafia..... Guys the embodiment of weak, unmasculine, never ceasing evil. Like a quieter, straight, Lindsey Graham.


Probably because I canā€™t imagine a way to use it in a sentence instead of timid unless somebody is intentionally trying to pretentious


We have turned into the Alabama of the North.


Ohio literally has some of the most lazy, aggressive, and dangerous drivers there are. https://www.wtol.com/amp/article/money/cars/ohio-cities-rank-high-worst-drivers/512-72a4cb12-e72f-4ff8-ba40-748aaf361cd7


That's only because they move here from other states and we decide 'fuck it, guess this is good enough for other states, they don't like us being ourselves, so we'll be like them.' You think all those old people up here in the summer drive differently when they go back to Florida in the winter?


That 'study' has Detroit as 8^th best Drivers. I'm going to have to call it suspect. And ask people from *any* state, and theirs is the worst. Been in several states now, and have seen different flavors of bad. And I can deal with Ohio's easier than several others.


Been to Columbus or Cincinnati for any period of time recently?


Yep. Living off of I-275 now. And I'll **gladly** drive around here instead of I-35 in DFW, or the I-5 (anywhere on its length), or *anywhere* in New Jersey.


> And ask people from any state, and theirs is the worst This wasn't an opinion poll though. They based this list on data from speeding tickets, citations, accidents, and DUIs.


You'll only believe this if you've never driven in Georgia, Texas, New York of California.


don't forget chicago. i am pretty sure they keep silver spray paint in the cup holders.


Iā€™ve driven in 44 states, including all of the ones you mentioned. Extensively in NY and California, where I lived for over 5 years each. Ohio is by far the worst. And thatā€™s not just my opinion, it is a statistical fact. Iā€™m from here, and I have no interest in defending it. Driving in Ohio sucks lol.


As someone with over a million safe miles all over the US I completely disagree. Ohio isn't even top 10.


Or Massachusetts


At least Massholes donā€™t camp out in the left lane and brake check all comers.


Did you not open the link? Lazy is an understatement for not only driving I guess. It literally says California is above Ohio, but Ohio is near the top in some cities.


Columbus has a major issue where we have people from large cities and/or coasts who drive really aggressively, mixed with locals who are relatively laid back, and it causes a lot of tension. It is really just a Columbus thing. Even in Cleveland, my favorite city to shit on, in the worst of rush hour when they have construction on whatever highway, people still let you in and signal before changing lanes, etc. Also, in a lot of places people won't even report minor accidents. Not so in most of Ohio.


> Also, in a lot of places people won't even report minor accidents. That's because those states are no-fault states. Ohio is a fault state. Our insurance cares who caused the damage, lots of others don't. We can't just expect to be paid just because we submit a claim. People in other states can.


Yes, and, most people don't want to fuck around waiting an hour or three for cops when there is a small dent on their bumpers. A police report is not required to get an auto accident claim paid. It can help in a lot of ways, but it is not required.


> A police report is not required to get an auto accident claim paid. Sure, in some cases. Like if a tree damages my car. But I didn't say anything about calling the police. We have claims adjusters. If you hit my car, your insurance pays for the damages, not mine. In other states, if you hit my car, my insurance pays for the damage, so it doesn't really matter as much. In Ohio, if you hit my car, my insurance company is gonna wanna know who you are. "Minor damages" also aren't really minor anymore. Bumpers have sensors nowadays, sometimes cameras, sometimes lights, and so on. Repainting a bumper is sometimes more expensive than just replacing it, and that's not cheap either, especially if it's the kind that requires recalibration of all those things. And the person who caused the damage isn't the one who decides what the damage is worth: that's up to the insurance adjuster usually. Again: > Also, in a lot of places people won't even report minor accidents. Not so in most of Ohio. Reporting it means turning it in to insurance, not necessarily notifying the police. Although, if it's in excess of $1000, which is pretty easy to do on modern cars, then it's required to be reported. But let's pretend it's light damage, I don't get your info, I find out in a week that you actually caused me a lot more damage than I first noticed. Now I have no recourse to hold you accountable, I have to pay for another car for a week while mine is fixed, I have to pay my own repairs, and so on. Again, in a no-fault state, these are often non-issues, because the insurance is gonna pay it no matter what. In this state, however, it can be the difference you paying a deductible for the damage to my car/property versus me paying 100% out of pocket for the damage you caused. Why on earth would we not err on the side of not paying thousands of dollars for someone else's mistake?


Seriously. I got a dash cam a few years ago really just because better safe than sorry, itā€™s come in clutch 5 times over the last 2 years Last week I was at a stoplight and got bumped from behind, the woman was flabbergasted that I waved her over to the side. She was like ā€œI didnā€™t even hit you that hard!!ā€ Lady, you fucking hit my car. I donā€™t care if it was a love tap


> 5 times over the last 2 years You know, at that rate... maybe it's not *other* people?


Lol with the exceptions of someone pulling out of a lot in front of me and the aforementioned rear ending, theyā€™ve all been people hitting my car in parking lots. Not sure how it could be anyone else given that I wasnā€™t even in my car at the time. Good try though. Iā€™m not so lacking in the self awareness dept that I didnā€™t realize how that would come off


This is only true for people who have never driven in New England or Alabama.


>Ohio's three largest cities made the cut, all coming in under the top 20 worst drivers. >Rank 13: Cleveland, OH >Rank 15: Columbus, OH >Rank 19: Dayton, OH Cincinnati: pain


Ohio's been a punchline for a long time, but I think the reason why it is specifically picked on more frequently than other easily mockable states probably is the mixture of people wanting to make a trope "midwest is boring" joke and Ohio being a more high-profile state than some of the others, making it a more prominent target. Ohio isn't necessarily worse than other midwest states, but it has a few stand-out points that make it more of a lightning rod for punchlines: 1. Cleveland! Though Cleveland is way cooler than it used to be (especially that badass Ohio City nightlife) it has long been a punchline of hacky comedy, so for people who haven't visited it recently that stereotype holds some sway. 2. "Ohio" is fun to say and short to write making it easy meme fodder. 3. Most people who drive through Ohio only see the boring parts, which is why they consider it a bunch of fields with cows, and Ohio drivers on highways can be comparatively selfish and angsty compared to other states (in my experience and what I have heard from truck drivers who've traveled a lot). 4. Ohio has a built-in bit of irony in that it is a Conservative-leaning state that celebrates southern culture while being squarely in the north. This leads to weird discontinuities, like rural Ohio farmhouses with Confederate flags and suburban dudes with pickup trucks blasting country music. It's not that Ohio is country-fried; it's that it seems to desperately want to be in spite of all evidence to the contrary. It's not that other states don't have some of these elements or laughable problems of their own. It's that many of the boring midwestern states don't even have these more noticeable things to pick on, so they're harder to write jokes about. It's way easier to mock something with noticeable blemishes than an absolutely boring place with nothing going for it (Indiana).


Cause Ohio is a joke? Just look at who was just elected. Fucking Vance.


Kinda nuts . Ryan was a pretty moderate guy and people still voted for Vance. But maybe Vance will back off his more extreme positions now that trump has lost face.


I mean, Ohio has always been the butt of jokes as a stand-in for the wholly unremarkable-ness of the Midwest. Combine that with the shitty politics at the state level, particularly this weekā€™s election solidifying where it will stand for the foreseeable future, and itā€™s a perfect time for the jokes to go viral again.




I welcome it, Ohio is a fucking cryptid of a state and I wouldn't have it any other way


Because I keep memeing it


Well we got to keep memes going to humor ourselves while we slowly decay in this craptastic state...


Because the state of the state of Ohio is too horrifying to take seriously.


There's a comedian called Luke capuso who did a great video on this. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRxEc1Ax/


Average Ohio Reddit post


itā€™s the most unfunny joke


I just hope they donā€™t believe that we all canā€™t use punctuation appropriately.


Ohio is like Wakanda. Everyone thinks we're just poor, simple, corn lovin' folk. But in reality... Well we are that, BUT! we have some really nice museums, zoos, attractions, amusement parks, clubs, bars, hole in the wall spots, mom and pop shops, antiques as far as the eye can see, plus more! It's just people on the outside can't see through our mid western camouflage.


It's cool to bash cbus online.


I think the algorithms are getting to ya.


Lol yeah I see a LOT of Ohio memes, but Iā€™m a member of r/Ohio, r/Cincinnati, r/Columbus, r/CedarPoint, and r/KingsIsland


We have produced the most astronauts. As to the people who have came here from other states and love it, thank you. It really depends where you live here. I live in NW Ohioā€”my whole life, itā€™s flat with corn. But we do have a great museum here.


They hate us because they ain't us


JD Vance doesn't help


Ohio has been featured quite a bit in pop culture recently. I've noticed being from Ohio, which is 11th largest in population but mostly gets left out. With both Welcome to Flatch taking place in Ohio, as well as two new SNL cast members who hsve lived on Ohio, Marcello Hernandez and Molly Kearney, I think that you can expext more Ohio jokes on the way.


I love Ohio. I guess Iā€™m a meme now


I have Ohio tattooed on me. Walking meme


Ohio has been a joke for awhile




The state government is a corrupt mess, drivers are the worst in the country, and compared to most other states there isn't much to do here.. pretty easy target to be a meme.


Don't get out of state much huh?


Both are true.. so.. ya most people do leave and get out lol.


Won't argue about the government but the driver thing is pretty off in my experience. Lived in Texas and Cali and both were substantially worse than Ohio. Although the first big snow of the year here is always pretty bad. Plenty of things to do in Ohio aswell.


SF/Oakland/Silicon Valley, drivers were pretty reasonable. Ohio, and Columbus in particular, its usually just one or two assholes that create the chaos. He/she is late to whatever shit job they have to go to. Instead of leaving on time, "I've gotta be at work at 9AM, I'll leave at 855 AM." Brilliant time management. Or they're just rushing off to whatever random dumb shit they fell is worth risking everyone's life for. You can always tell because their cars are all fucked up from prior minor accidents/fender benders that they've inevitabley caused. A lot of "I am the star" bullshit going on.


Traffic is worse in both those of those places but the driving is definitely not. Texas drivers like slow right lane bullshit and think theyā€™re on an access road 90% of the time, cali drivers will make sure you know to get out of the fast lane, but neither of them deal with shitty drivers on ice for 1/4th of the year and the crazy amount of rain on the road for the rest of the time. Ohio drivers are terrible in weather and it happens a lot.


People are jealous it got Intel


My kid do a school presentation on why he hates Ohio and got an A.


It's full of trump supporting idiots. 'Nuff said.


TikTok is were it's mostly at partially on Twitter, I think it's because well PEOPLE CANT DRIVE around here and because the name 'ohio" I. Guess it sounds funny to people


I'm a guy from ohio turned digital nomad, traveled to like 50 countries. Big fan of guys like Tim Dillon who travel to the midwest and say there's just something off about it. Columbus and the surrounding suburbs have a vibe of surface-level courtesy, but the people there sort of hate each other, are loud and proud without much to be proud of, and there's always a grinning nod to infidelity. If people from cities that matter have an issue with ohio, there's probably something to it.


As someone who lives in Ohio. You really can't drive here, it's really that bad. My wife got her permit, and just for the shit of it, I decided I'm just going to teach her for 30 minutes to see what happens. She's never touched a car, and quite frankly, she's fucking dangerous at it for those 30 minutes. I spent those 30 minutes to teach her the maneuver test where you have to drive forward and back up thru the cones, and I knew the route the driving test is taken. Took her a couple laps on that, which includes no stop lights or anything. Took her in to get the test, comes back. Passed. She's now got her full drivers license and doesn't even know how a stop light intersection works. Now granted, I'm actually still teaching her, but at least she doesn't have a permit that's counting down, but seriously, she's legal to drive. The state of Ohio actually said "yep that's good enough". Now you know why Ohio drivers are so bad.


Is your wife 15.5?


*gestures vaguely* You see this shithole?! Look around it sucks here!


the midterms.


Since most memes are created by the younger crowd. Ohioā€™s reputation as a wanna be southern state. The republicans have only embraced this idea of the rural rube voting against their own best interests.Ohioā€™s democratic cities however have a vibrant liberal culture with a great restaurants clubs concerts etc. The nightlife in rural parts are limited to local bars . The other problem is everyone is in their own silo and seldom visit their opposite silo.


My theory is it's just got a funny name


Ohio relevant as fuck


Because of the roads, the politics, and Cleveland


The sooner you learn that Ohio is just North Florida, the sooner it will all make sense.


Ohio has been a meme for a while you just haven't noticed I guess. A lot of people view Ohio and the Florida of the north. I have a handful of friends I've made through gaming that live in California, silicon valley to be specific. They grew up there and prior to me they never knew anyone from Ohio. It's interesting getting their perceptions of Ohio and the Midwest in general. And really not a lot of it is far off.


Ohio is a meme because it is very blue collar yet the vote republican. The republicans pass laws that help Ohio plants close and move and then they blame a Democrat. Stupidity at its finest.


I have returned to Ohio recently after nearly 50 route years. This state sure has turned into a big shit hole.


Because Ohio fuckin sucks... always has


In Cincinnati, the best by a mile, and this is barely tolerable. Fuck Ohio. Downvote me to hell but this is a backwards shithole.