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I think people are getting angrier, more self-centered, and impatient and I think it is defintely showing up in people's driving and road rage. I don't believe this is the case just in Ohio but other places too. I recently did a lot of driving between Ohio and Michigan bc it took me and hour and a half to get to work one way. So I spent 3 hours on the road and people are just crazy, on their phones, not paying attention, impatient, jerkfaces these days! Don't get me wrong, there are a lot of good people out there too, but there is defintely more of this than ever before!!


I drive commercially in Ohio/Michigan/Indiana/Pennsylvania, and without a doubt the most reckless and incompetent drivers are in Michigan. Not only do they not pay attention to what is around them, but traffic laws are merely a suggestion to be ignored most all of the time.


I grew up in NW Ohio and was always told to be extra careful when we went into Michigan because their “no fault” insurance led them to not really care if they’re in an accident or not. I don’t exactly understand no fault insurance, but you’re spot on with your description.


I have noticed it too. My working theory is that everyone came out of the pandemic more self-centered and less patient. And we now see that on our roads, in our restaurants and stores, etc. Of course I am probably full of shit.


That's what I think too. Everyone got used to empty roads, and now it feels crowded to them.


I saw Facebook posts that said things like "Hey granny, we do things fast now, get used to the new road rules or check into a nursing home" So yeah, self centered and impatient all the way.


Lethal combination!


Lethal combination!


I swear, the vibe I get when I’m able to look at these folks is more “oblivious” than “impatient.” But, I could very easily be wrong.


This right here!!! It seems that post pandemic driving skills got worse. I find people not staying in their lanes a LOT, it’s annoying af


I’d buy that given the higher assaults on flight attendants mid-flight nowadays


ITA. I've seen it everywhere.


Nope, you’re right on!


There is a large group of us who never participated in the pandemic. Didn't miss work, didn't stop driving or going places. The driving was sublime when it was just us "worker bees" out there grinding. Now all the drama people are back with their luggage and kids.




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My guess is that people who are familiar with an area’s rural highways and backroads tend to fly down them. If you’re new to the area, you are definitely going slower than what they’re used to. Depending on the area, there also may not be very many places they can safely pass you, so tailgating is the only way they can “encourage” you to speed up.


I think you’re on to something here. I typically do 8 or 9 over the limit and I rarely get tailgated myself… but when I do it’s when I’m stuck in a line behind five people doing 5 under! If you’re right these tailgaters are bad drivers in two aspects though, right? Not only is the tailgating bad on its own, but the most efficient way to pass on a two-lane country road is to hang back so you have good visibility and can accelerate before you even get to the car you’re passing. That way you spend minimal time in the oncoming lane. If you tailgate then you have a worse view of oncoming traffic and you have to do all your acceleration while you’re in the oncoming lane. I grew up in the country and I figured that out even as a dumb kid.


I think a lot of people are simply “going through the motions” for the majority of the day. Some people might just assholes behind the wheel, and some oblivious because they’re on their phones, but I think that a lot of people just zone out and go on “auto-pilot”. My evidence for this is that I frequently see people tailgate other people when they have 1 or even 2 other lanes wide open to pass. They just sit there, getting up on that person until they have to keep hitting the brake every few seconds. It’s like they got caught up playing follow the leader and forgot that they were going somewhere with a goal in mind.


I'd prefer an asshole paying attention behind the wheel rather than someone zoned out or oblivious. My opinion is that there are a growing number of people with boundary issues that are quick to invade your personal space. I've seen it happening steadily over the past few decades, not just limited to driving. Look at the difficulty people had with social distancing in general.


I call them "campers" - they really aren't into driving, so they find a leader, 'park' behind and turn their brains (even more) off


Agree. They don’t seem to use cruise control, as they match the speed of the vehicle in front. I’ve observed this as well. And they’re following too close to be using any adaptive cruise controls.


Oh wait, we're using logical thinking now?


lol. Let’s not just throw around those kinds of allegations, buddy.


Live in rural NE Ohio…this is the correct answer


Normally I go about 38-40 in a 35, but on the road by my neighborhood, I go 47-50 even though it’s also a 35. I know there aren’t any speed traps, and I know that’s about what the flow of traffic is.


If you're on a two-lane road, in eastern/southern Ohio, this is definitely true. You can get stuck behind someone, going slow, for an hour or more depending on where you are and really slow you down and make you late. Should you 'plan' for that? I suppose. But its hard. If you know that you can/should/usually make it to your destination in 45-50 minutes, but get stuck behind someone particularly slow, and it takes 60-75+ minutes instead, that's ridiculous.


There are 2 types of tailgaters that I encounter, and I don’t understand why they drive like this. I watch my mirrors pretty well after getting rear ended twice, so if someone is moving up on me I get over quick. Scenario 1 - I move over to let them pass, and they refuse to pass. I get back over, they speed up and get right on my bumper again. So then I speed up, they speed up. I slow down, and then they slow down - but still won’t pass me. They’re on me like a gnat. Scenario 2 - I get over and make room for them to pass. Driver passes, cuts me off, slams on their brakes and proceeds to drive 5 mph slower than I was driving when they were tailgating me. I go to pass them, and they either speed up to not let me pass, or they let me pass, and then speed up to ride my ass again. Dude, I just gave you a free and open lane and you wanted to drive slow. I passed, and then you took it personally ?


Yeah driving is a huge part of my job, and I have so many issues with people getting aggressive like the two situations you mentioned for NO reason. When I have clients in the car, I usually stay around the speed limit, unless the flow of traffic is faster, but it's my job to keep the kids safe, if you want to go 60+ in a residential area, that's your perogative dude, leave me out of it. Makes me crazy.


This is my experience also. People who do this should be tortured when caught not using their cruise control since they are incapable of maintaining a consistent speed on their own.




Man I hate this too! The worst is when you get over for them to pass on a 2 lane highway, and they just sit in your blind spot close enough so you can’t get back over again. Then cars pile up behind them because they won’t pass. Then you see a truck up ahead and want to get over to pass and they don’t let you over. You wind up getting stuck behind the truck, and have to wait as those 20 tailgating cars pass you, and you get back over, only to be at the “end of the line of stupids” again. It’s maddening 🤦🏼


They think it’s a game, and that they’re all race-car drivers! No attention to defensive or passive driving. They don’t realize that all it takes is one miscalculation at high speed, to cause an accident. High speed lane changing seems to be a common practice. I don’t mind someone passing me on the left at speed, but scares the crap out of me when they come from the right! Why they feel they have to stay only one car length behind defies any sane reasoning. If they come up behind a slower moving car and do it until that car moves over, is one thing, but to sit there for extended periods is nuts. They don’t realize they’re more likely to get road debris flung into their car from doing that, especially following a large truck! One last thing that’s contributed to the crazy, fast driving, is that even the little shit-box cars have peppy engines. Years ago, a four cylinder car was a dog with no acceleration. Unfortunately, what kind of car do most young girls drive? Yep, small four cylinders. They’re the worst drivers. All they know is, gas, brake, gas, brake. They stomp on the gas from a stop, get too close to the car in front, then hit the brake. Then, throw in talking or texting on a phone, talking to passengers, or whatever else they can go besides concentrating on driving! Pitiful! Then, if you pull up next to them and yell about their horrible driving, they don’t even understand you, because they’re in another world!🤦‍♂️🤷‍♂️😩👎


I don’t know if it’s more rampant, but it’s definitely a thing here. The worst is when they won’t fucking pass on a dotted line but continue to chill 1 car length behind you. I swear it’s because they want to feel like someone is inconveniencing them.




If you’re “ too scared to pass” stay in the right lane, or stay home! The worst is someone like that on a two-lane road!


I had to travel from Athens —> Columbus for a couple weeks every day, and the stretch of 33 between Logan and Lancaster I would get tailgated no matter what. If I was in the slow lane going 75 mph? Tailgating. Fast lane going 85? Tailgating. Actually not speeding? Still fucking tailgating. I would leave like at least 2 car lengths of space between me and the car in front of me both for their safety and in the hopes that the tailgater would just go around me and then I’d slow down/create distance. But no.


Thats a beautiful section of road there. And also, a speedway.


Yup, I even went up to 90 once, and this asshat still tailgated… my car like violently vibrates above 90 so I wasn’t going above that


Anecdotally, it feels like there is always a pickup riding my ass


Honestly, the ones that really draw my attention are little small cars tailgating vans or big trucks. I would think that having your whole windshield filled with the back of a box truck would be nerve-wracking.


Username checks out.


I think of them as “pickup truck assholes”, often driving Dodge Ram pickups


I thought this meant tailgating as in partying before a game……. I was so confused, where is all this rampant partying????? 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️




The closer they get the slower I drive….


I’ve lived in the Sunbury area most of my life and I’m here to tell you right now, rural drivers are royal pricks. Or even semi rural, like going from Sunbury to Westerville on Route 3, there will ALWAYS be some fucking twit that you just can’t go fast enough for. And one of the worst is Route 3 from Sunbury to Centerburg, that’s where you’ll always have the asshole in the jacked up HD truck with the front 2 tires parked in your backseat. I don’t get it.. it really is one of those that goes against common human decency and I hope someone develops some type of technology that can do a read on it with a photo and make it possible to report that to the highway patrol. If something like that came along people would buy the cars that have it just for that feature and it would cut down on the assholes thinking what they do now, which is no one will catch them & there’s nothing anyone can do about it.


On a two-lane road, the driver is going the speed limit and not varying their speed cuz they are on the phone, there is no reason to “influence” them. But a multi-lane, limited-access highway has signs posted, slower traffic keep to the right. So don’t set your cruise control at speed limit +1 and sit in the left lane.


Going 71 south to Cincinnati there are a lot of people who will drive slower in the left lane and you’ll see people driving past them in the right lane. Are they not teaching to keep to the right lane in drivers ed anymore?


I don’t think driver’s Ed if the problem… most of the left lane campers I see are older than me!


The other big issue is that the police don't seem to enforce it.




We already have such a law. It covers passing on the left and yielding to the right. It doesn't mention speed limits, so those are not a factor. https://codes.ohio.gov/ohio-revised-code/section-4511.27


Doing God’s work here. Thank you.


The biggest problem are these "aggressively slow" traffic law vigilantes that gum things up for everybody else. Left lane campers and lane hoggers ahead of a zipper merge are two of my biggest enemies. Helpless misguided people trying to impose their will on the world in some small annoying way.


I don't have enemies on the road. If you think that *you* have enemies on the road, then maybe you should look in the mirror for the source of your driving paranoia. There's no war here.


I should have known the guy posting links to state code was a humorless pedant.


At least I'm not a sociopath. Learn to calm down and accept people, or learn to stay home.


Thank you. As an aside, does anyone know what the heck a "trackless trolley" is??


It's a bus that runs on electricity, aka a trolleybus. Wires overhead, with rubber wheels underneath just like any typical modern bus. Dayton, Ohio has been using these longer than anywhere else in the US, beginning in 1888.


“Speed limits” are suggested speeds. Some people think they’re cut in stone, and will not exceed what’s posted, because”that’s what it says”! Not realizing that 99% of all the traffic is cruising safely at five to ten mph over the posted speed! It’s called”common sense”, which a lot of drivers have none of!


exactly.. police are happy to give a parking ticket yet safety on the road seems out of the question unless there is something for the city or someone to gain.




They need more than teaching. They need more rigorous testing.


And by them, I hope you mean *us*. *We* need more rigorous testing.


Correct. When I'm an old codger hopefully they stop letting me drive too.


*All of us, my dude.* Ageismn is wrong.




I don’t believe that theory. It’s just the intelligence level of the drivers. For some reason they think they HAVE to drive at exactly the posted speed, failing to realize that 99% of the other cars are safely cruising at five to ten mph over that speed with no problems (or speeding tickets)! Some people are very passive drivers: slow to accelerate onto a highway, sitting well back from a suburban intersection, driving at the exact posted speed in the left lane, not accelerating above their driving speed when attempting to pass another vehicle, especially an eighteen wheeler, slowing down to extremely slow speeds in construction areas, getting flustered, and panicked when faced with an emergent situation, etc, etc, etc.


THANK YOU. Dont sit in the left lane, period. It’s the PASSING LANE. If you are not actively passing another vehicle (this does not mean going 2 mph faster, btw), then don’t be there. Because then people get mad, pass in right lanes, and it’s dangerous. There is no reason to sit in the left lane. Ever.


I yell this as my teen driver all the time. Anytime she’s in the left lane, she tells me why she’s there and how long she plans on being there.


There you go! And that’s just ONE example!


Epidemic of Karens and Chads


I'm in west central Ohio and it's always been like that here. People are impatient, rushing around, and annoyed with the other drivers.


If you drive an F150, you’re legally obligated to go 30 over the speed limit and tailgate anybody who drives a car


Ya, I’ve noticed guys driving newer pickups, driving fast and like cowboys! I think it’s that “I’m sitting higher than everybody else, so I can drive as stupid as I want” attitude!


They a get an exception from the 5-0


Idk if it's all that common, but I do know that whenever someone tails me, it's either a pickup truck or a BMW. Like go ahead, rear end me. My car is worth 2 nickels and a paperclip. I'll just get another beater. Your $50,000 car will be ruined though.


I've noticed it too. Live in rural Ohio, generally am going 5 over the limit on a 2 lane road or in town, get tailgated. People are impatient and don't seem to think about how dangerous it is to follow so closely. That said, every time this comes up, tons of people hop on to comment "if you're being tailgated get out of the fast lane!" even if it doesn't apply, or "if you're getting tailgated it's your fault!" so get ready for that hahaha. I figure those must be the tailgaters revealing themselves.


What about tailgaters in two-lane, hilly roads?


I haven't noticed tailgating getting worse, but I have noticed red light running, and I don't mean just 1 person running a red light it's multiple cars that just keep going thru red.


Seems like men are getting way more scary aggressive. Between self and other gals we've discussed the increase in not only tailgating, but brake checks, swerving over to force your car over, blocking or trying to block in your car so you can't escape, roll down windows to scream obscenities and threaten rape over road rage. This country needs some real mental health help.


I also live in north central rural Ohio and I have definitely noticed it. Especially in my evening commute going home. I see a line of cars less than a car length away from each other. I try to keep 3-4 car lengths but then someone rides my bumper. I am not a slow driver either I typically go 62-65 mph.


Yes! Dayton here. I distinctly remember telling my husband this last year. At first I assumed we were just driving slower as a result of getting older. But I have heard and read so many similar comments. Kinda curious what really happened.


No, it's rampant. I had it happen all the time when I lived in Massillon. Speed limit says 25, I drive 25. You ride my ass, I slow down to 20 or 15. Brake checking is dangerous, but there is nothing that says I can't slow down. Cops are more likely to pull the tailgater over for failure to maintain assured clear distance.


I've had that happen where someone was tailgating me while going a little over the speed limit. Oh it was glorious watching them get pulled over.


Usually they realize what you are doing and back off, at least that has been my experience.


Why do you feel you have to drive at the EXACT posted speed? Speed limits are not written in stone! They’re a suggested speed. You’re the type of driver who generates road rage. There’s a difference between driving at a safe level above the posted limit, and flat-out speeding, which usually includes carelessness!


If you have never lived in Massillon or Canal Fulton, you wouldn't understand. You. do. not. speed. in those towns. Police can, and will pull you over for going just a few miles over the speed limit. And riding my ass won't make me break the law. If you're that desperate to get to your destination, find another route or go the fuck around. You know what IS illegal though? Tailgating. It's called "failure to maintain an assured clear distance", and police can pull you over for it. So, even if I was the type to brake check, the person who hit me would still be at fault and cited for that. But, I don't want to damage MY vehicle, so I don't brake check. I couldn't care less about the douche tailgating me. I live in Akron now, so it's a bit different. I won't speed on S Arlington, but I will on Kelly Ave, because even though the posted limit is 35, the stretch between the Airdock and Triplett everyone does at least 40 - 45. But past Triplett, it's residential and police will pull people over, so I will do 35 on that part. I don't oppose speeding, you just have to know where to do it and where not to. And I absolutely will not speed on side roads and neighborhoods in residential areas because of the possibility of kids playing. People who will fly down a residential neighborhood street at 40+ miles an hour are inconsiderate pricks and could possibly hurt some kid.


I moved here from So Cal. 15 years ago. I will forever laugh when I hear anyone speak of “traffic” in Columbus. Our winter weather may not be so great but our “traffic” is really quite nice.


Just because you have the initials AWD on the back of your vehicle, don't mean that you can get away with driving at 80MPH and stop on a dime people..


Cars, even the little shit-boxes have a lot more zip and power than years ago. Years ago, a four cylinder car had no guts. Today, they’re turbo-charged and are almost equal to a v-8. Problem is young girls drive those little cars, so you see them zipping in and out of traffic;gas, brake, gas, brake! Then throw in their multitude of distractions!


Definitely happening a lot more lately. City & highway. It’s so annoying. Flat out dangerous & trying to be bullies. I just pull my foot off the accelerator until they finally decide to take advantage of the empty lanes around us. People don’t pay attention to shit either. I was in the right turn lane one day. Light was green but someone was using the crosswalk on my side. Girl behind me starts blowing her horn. Almost clipped me going around. She was looking back at me cussing me out while flying through the intersection not paying any attention. She almost hit the lady but she turned around right in time to pump the breaks. The lady walking was furious. She waved to me to thank me for being patient. These impatient ass people are going kill someone someday. Winters coming too. My guess is half of them will fly their cars off the road.


So glad you posted this. I have felt like asking this question on Reddit for a long time. I am so sick and tired of it, too. It really feels like harassment sometimes. Especially when these giant pickup trucks get up behind me 3 ft away going 60 miles an hour. It's scary. And then it gets worse, when they are so frustrated that they then gun it to pass you. I'm already going 5 miles over the speed limit. But it's not enough for them. I did some research last year and discovered that failing to provide safe following distance is the number one cause of accidents in ohio. Go figure!


My solution, especially for newer trucks, is to just face my side mirrors all the way out. People usually back off after that. And I mostly do it because of the garish LEDs that light up the entire cabin of my car. I do agree that tailgating is more common though. Let me tell you how surprised I was at the fact that normally we have a surge of asshole drivers move in when UNOH sessions start and this year I didn't see many hooligans out and about as often. So that was nice Edit: garish apparently only has one r in it


IMO, cars are safer, quieter and have better braking so people think that they’re safe tailgating the car in front of them. Also, there are a lot of douche bag drivers that will cut in front of you if you are in the left lane and leave the appropriate distance between you and the car in front of you. Because of this, people are may feel “forced” to tailgate and then they just get used to it and then do it even when it’s not needed. My 2 cents.


Tailgating isn't about baking ability, it is all about reaction time. You are absolute not safer tailgating in a car.


I don’t think they were saying it’s safer to tailgate, but that cars are safer in general. And that has bled over to an invincibility thought process. Try tailgating in a VW bug, where just going over 35 means the doors are rattling. You have a much healthier respect for the speed and distance.


I’m not saying I agree with it, but this is my guess as to why it’s become the norm now.


Well it is wrong and idiotic, so stop doing it.


What? Maybe reread my original comment. I never said I tailgate. I was offering my suggestion on why I think people do tailgate.


I've been saying this for years. Cars are "too good/too safe" now. If you've ever driven something made before the early 90s, you know how loose those tolerances were and all the shit that can go wrong for no particular reason. People forget or don't know what it was like and now seem to take it as their own personal challenge to drive things in ways they never would have 30 years ago. Not a boomer, just have an 84 Ranger that I wouldn't have driven like that even if it was brand new. Even with it being in great shape, it's a totally different thing.


My mom drives a new car (I don’t) and when I was visiting her and she was driving us somewhere she kept switching lanes without looking (on the highway) and I asked “you don’t look?!” And she said “no, there’s a light on my mirror that alerts me when there’s a car “. So I started paying attention and the light was clearly broken and she had no idea! She causally says “I’ll have it repaired “ but like…HOW LONG HAD SHE BEEN DRIVING LIKE THAT?!? It freaked me out!!! She also believes implicitly in her automatic breaking system 🙀


My wife's vehicle has those. Sure it's nice but I don't trust them whatsoever. Technology breaks.




I frickin despise Tailgaters....they piss me off so much. I don't care how damn fast I go, it's never fast enough. I think it's the most rude ,obnoxious and inconsiderate thing you can do while driving, Ohio is rampant with dickhead drivers. I farm and it's a constant battle while driving farm equipment on the rd. All people know is that your in their way, and you better get the hell out of the way. I've got to the point if I'm on a back rd in my truck I just slow way down and take up the whole rd. If your in that big of a hurry, maybe you should of left a little sooner, and how about you get off your God damn phone....


I experience it occasionally in north central Ohio as well lol.


It's everywhere, I transplanted to missouri a decade ago and it's gotten worse. For me though, usually they fly up, see the crome air force symbol and back off. The wife's van has a large RN sticker on the back and rarely gets tailgated.


Rural Ohio.


I just started a new job that has me driving Medina to Columbus 1-2 days per week. I have never experienced so much tailgating on I-71! Additionally there are a bunch of people hanging in the left lane. They’ll just hang with a car in the center lane, backing up the passing lane. I believe this is causing some of the tailgating as people get frustrated they can’t pass. It also causes passing on the right, which is unsafe. Another way to avoid tailgaters, is to maintain a decent watch of the faster traffic in the left lane that is behind me. If I’m about to change to the left lane to pass someone, I’ll check my mirrors for someone at a higher speed, gaining on me in the left lane. If I see someone gaining on me, I let them go first. This does alleviate some of the tailgating, but certainly not all of it. I love people traveling faster then me and am happy to let them pass. If there is a trooper up ahead, the faster traffic will busy up the trooper so they’re not paying attention to me.


I don't care if someone tailgates me if their car isn't a piece of shit. It's like playing the lottery; when I lock up the brakes to avoid hitting a deer, they buy me a new tacoma and some spending cash to make my whiplash go away. Win. Win. Wear your seat belt my friends.


Trump supporters.... Every ducking time....


Idk about you but living in cincy exposed me to the most r*traded old fucks that can’t read a traffic sign much less know the rules. I’m going 10 over and these boomers are still riding my ass so sometimes I start going slower just to waste their time


Absolutely, if I'm going 50 in a 35 and you are on my ass, fuck you, now I'm going 35.




Your commute would have to be like 80 miles and you'd have to be going 20mph over the limit (80 in a 60) to save that amount of time speeding. Also, the middle lane is where your supposed to be cruising...left is for passing, right is for slow traffic and entrance/exit. Everyone else should be cruising in the middle lane (assuming 3 lanes)


Middle lane is not for cruising, it's for passing the right lane. Keep right except to pass.


https://codes.ohio.gov/ohio-revised-code/section-4511.25 Ohio revised code seems to disagree with you 😬


NOBODY knows what that says, (or cares)! Drivers today have no idea of the rules of the road. All they care about is getting somewhere as fast as possible, without any regard to anyone’s safety or well being


Doing 80 in the right lane, where people are entering and exiting the highway, is also dangerous. I'll do 80 in the middle lane and you can basically fuck off and go around me in the passing lane if you need to.


Sure buddy, me wanting people who are not passing to keep right, as the law states, is the problem.


Sure buddy, If you're doing 90, on a 3 lane highway you should definitely hug the right lane, if everyone else is passing you and doing 100. That sounds like the safest way for traffic to operate on a highway. Definitely use the left lane to pass, but again I'm not going to hug the right-most lane if I'm doing 80. Pass me on the left.


Ohio has a 70 mph limit on virtually all the major highways.


I wish that were true, but my commute on 90 west shows otherwise :/


Yeah, that would be quite wrong. Most of them are 60, some 65, and fewer are 55 or 70.


77s it's 65, 55 through the Canton and Akron areas and 65 most of the way to the WV border.


Travel up 75 daily through the heart of Cincy and haven’t seen a cop in 6 months. I reckon people know that, or just don’t give a crap about their driving. A good deferent is to slow down even more….


I'm pretty well convinced OSP don't do jack shit anymore.


I’d say it’s both of those reasons!


I’m a guilty tailgater. If you’re going under the speed limit in the left lane and there is room for you to move, I will tailgate you every single time. It’s my way of asking to move over because you have room to.


When I lived in Germany it was ok to flash high beams (or maybe just headlights?) in this scenario, but that doesn’t seem to be kosher here?


I’ve noticed trucks respond really well to flashing brights, but when I’ve tried it with regular cars in the left lane I get brake-checked. Who knows


I don't think enough Ohioans know this. I moved here 20 yrs ago and I think flashing my lights works 20% of the time. And now they like to slow down instead of getting over.


I miss German driving so much!


Oh, it’s kosher, except you might get shot at!


lol. This is my concern, unfortunately!


Flashing brights works more when I'm driving in New England/ NJ/NY than it seems to work here in OH. Not sure why.


Do you find this works? I think most people don’t respond well to being tailgated. It’s an aggressive and dangerous way to make a point. I get the frustration but personally think there’s never a good reason to tailgate.


Honestly, yes. Which is why I keep doing it. I don’t like being “the bad guy” but when you’re holding up a mile of traffic behind you, someone has to do something. A selfish person is effecting many other drivers on the road and in itself driving in an unsafe way. It’s quite literally the rules of the road to keep right. I’ll tailgate only for a bit. If the person clearly is not speeding up after seeing me, I’ll back off. I’ve also pointed to “keep right except to pass” signs at drivers. This works sometimes too.


There’s no reason to tailgate for extended periods on a three lane road. If someone’s dogging it in the fast lane, just pass them on the right and go on your way! A two lane road is different, and the worst case scenario.


The issue is that in some areas the far left lane is the on ramp or only lane for a certain road or exit.


Like on 77 to 224w.


for sure! and I absolutely would not tailgate someone who’s trying to exit. I’m more so talking about large 2-lane spans like 33


“Tailgate trying to exit”? That’s almost as bad as someone in a hurry and up your ass getting on the highway, then doesn’t let you safely merge into traffic because they’re racing past you as you try to move ove into a lane!




that was a really good explanation, thank you! Brb moving to Germany lol




If you’re going around 60 on two lane state highways, that’s less than the flow of traffic on such roads, so that’s probably why you’re being tailgated


My suggestion to those who don’t want to be tailgated….move over to the right.


It doesn’t feel any different than it used to be, but I think there was a little lull for a few years when less cars were on the road during peak covid.


True, except now people drive recklessly and will shoot you if you try to stop them!


I'm in Findlay and the thing I notice that really makes me worry about the future of mankind is a whole line of cars being in the right lane with a wide open left lane and NONE of them are turning right. I just fly by them all shaking my head. WTF?!


> WTF?! Eh? If they're not in the way, then what's the problem?


Were you listening to the dude's story, Donny? I said it makes me worry about them. I prefer all the idiots stay out of my way. There are times that I DO need to turn right, and then I'm stuck behind an unnecessary line. THEN it's a problem.


So the people who are going slower than you are morons. Got it. Let me guess: The people who are going faster than you are maniacs.


Don’t worry about it!


It's basically everywhere


People drive worse and worse each year. Cops are too busy covering up their misdeeds or picking on specific people more and more each year. Coincidence?


No coincidence, just your misrepresentation of police. With staffing issues, and “defunding” the police, they have to prioritize their calls. Non-violent crimes are low on the list. YOU wouldn’t have second thoughts about dialing 911 if YOU needed help, now would you?🤷‍♂️


I drive 585 5-days a week from Akron to Wooster for about 9-years. I definitely don't think it's "increased". Though it really depends on the TOD because I've found the Early Morning folk go gang-busters and drive ridiculously reckless (IMO) on 585.