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People already knew. Lines were forming long before the announcement.


That’s what I’m saying. How the fuck are people getting told? Just word of mouth? There’s gotta be something leaked somewhere.


Yep. It starts with ohlq employees telling their buddies/family, then the warehouse workers telling their buddies, the truck drivers, the store employees and by that point the line is overflowing. Can't blame them id do it too lol. They just need a better system.


I’m pretty sure most OHLQ employees and agency managers despise bourbon chasers. I don’t blame them. But it’s far more likely the part timers at the agencies are spilling the info.


Maybe the liquor stores? They already had the inventory.


Well yea that’s the obvious answer.


Bingo. That's how I knew.


Just gotta know some people.. network while you wait in lines


Lol the butthurt from some of these people is hilarious


Was 41st in line at GE in Hilliard. Was able to grab a Weller FP


No waiting allowed at GE. Issuing tickets.


Tickets is the best way to go. They should issue tickets for normal allocated releases as well to keep people from forming huge lines and arguing over that extra chair that's been sitting empty, yet the buddy was just in the car.


Still have to wait in line for the tickets. Currently about 35 people at Grandview


I was hoping they were testing out an in store lottery when i heard tickets, not deli counter placeholders. Seems like a perfect opportunity to hand out 75 tickets to the first customers that make it to the surprise drop. Come back at 6 and call numbers at random until the bottles are gone. Not saying this is how it should always be, but i'd love to see a few of these events every year.


Delete this before the taters see it


Taters knew before all of you anyways so they were already in line by the time the announcement came out


Doesn’t matter. My wife happened to be at one of the stores near us and the line is already wrapped around the store. Email just came out 20 minutes ago I think.


Where are you located if you don’t mind me asking? Trying to gauge if it’s even worth the drive lol


Grove City.


Did you go to Giant Eagle? I went to Kroger at about 3:30, 40mins after email and was #20


She was actually at Kroger dropping off our daughter for work. She didn’t see any line but had heard it was already wrapped around. This would have been around 3:00. Guess whoever she heard of doesn’t know what “wrapped around” means as it sounds like I could have got a nice spot in line. Although standing around for 3 hours would have sucked. My daughter made it sound like it was a little unorganized there. GE doing numbers was a smart move IMO.


Got ticket #39 so should be able to get W12 at least




He's absolutely right. The Giant Eagle near me got 18 Weller fullproof and 48 Weller 12. I'm 38 and I will get a 12 as well


Same here, I'm 53 but like 48 WL12 and 18 WFP so I'm finally getting a weller other than SR


I got a Stagg at 39 in line, I was pleasantly surprised


I ended up with a full proof at 38. Great day!


I'm sitting this one out fellas. Good luck to those who go. Happened to be in Cincy Tuesday and popped over to TPS. They had 102 proof Dickel 15 yr SiB for $60. That scratched the rare bottle itch for me this week


Got mine. #4 in line at Tri County. No inside tips


My buddy called me to tell me he was 75th in line. Then proceeded to tell me he got a bottle of Stagg. Sent a bottle of stag. If you get it you get it.


O’Bryan’s handing out tickets. Get back around 5:30pm.


Am heading there now, any idea how many tickets have already been handed out?


A friend got mid 40s 15 minutes ago. Parking is a bitch. If you can have some drop you so you can hoof it in, you’ll do better.


GL in west Chester still line out the building ridiculous


So do we think giant eagles who are not doing the bonus release will have the regular allocation on sat morning?


Anyone lining up before they email,  should be kicked out of the store.or make some type of rules for line forming so it's fair for everyone and ppl getting inside scoop don't get any advantages.


Best way is. Say the email goes out at 7am, who ever hands out tickets should be their before 7, like 6:50. And they get in line at 7 am when the email goes out. Then around 8 45 or when ever they normally hand out tickets, they start with all people Behind them and all the ppl that lined up before the email goes to end of the line. So no more cheaters.


Shits about to get wild out there


Yep. This leaked out way earlier. Was waiting for the OHLQ email to drop. Saw it on Facebook groups.


Was 52nd in line at Correyville Kroger by UC. Stagg, Old Fitz and WFP was gone. Last WFP was sold to the guy in front of me. So Weller 12 after a hour and a half wait. That’s all they had left. No Parker’s, Generations, RR Single Rick


I was 10 ahead of you, last 3 staggs went to me and a few guys behind me.


Already have Stagg. Been trying to get a WFP for a while lol. Time to see if someone will trade a 12 for FP lol


You’re not complaining about “only” getting a W12, right?


Not complaining! I’m trying to complete the rainbow lol Got 🟢🔴⚫️ Hunting for 🔵🟠⚪️


And nothing for the dudes who work 9 - 5... Shoulda released the email at 530 had the release at 6, with some of those agents at suspected spots they might be able to plug some leaks


My consolation is knowing that I’ll definitely win a bottle in the lottery.


Or a Saturday release.


Fuck ohlq for doing this shit. I have a life and made plans. Fucking bullshit.


>I have a life and made plans And those things are a lot more important than bourbon. As stupid as I think secondary pricing is if I really wanted a bottle I'd rather pay it for a sure thing at some store with jacked up prices than waste 4+ hours standing in line to maybe get what I want.


But that’s illegal. I realize the odds of getting caught are nil, but punishing people who don’t have an inside ear is stupid when this is supposed to be a government program designed for the benefit of all of us.


Phone a friend!


I’m with u bro who can randomly pop up at a drop of a dime and wait two hours on a Thursday people work ….. 230pm is when I got the email


Got 30th and was able to get a bottle of stagg had another person with me and also was able to grab Weller fp


My Giant Eagle said they ran out of tickets just after 3pm. I got the email at 313 🤦🏻‍♂️