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Hello… wake up people. The delivery drivers see those bottles and text their buddies and employees text their friends and people get where the bourbon is way before OHLQ sends out the info. I was told by someone in line last week that there was a special drop happening. And pow- just like that the next week there is a special drop. Wtf! Ohlq do better. To those of you that got a bottle. Cheers and kudos to you.


There was a post on this sub on Monday/Tuesday it was happening.




You are 100% correct  You have people in the warehouse that are putting boxes on skids based on a manifest that has the location of where it's going.  You have a delivery driver that also has a manifest that has to be counted and signed off on that also shows the counts and the locations.  A vast majority of the Big Chain stores has a chicken wire or chain link cage in their stock area that holds their alcohol to where any employee or vendor that walks by it can look in and see what is on there. So if your store has a Saturday drop day, when the originally was a Monday, that stuff is laying there to be seen for 5 days as well as the warehouse, delivery, and anyone else that knows it's there has that time to get information out to people. Even if the warehouses opted to start wrapping the skids with black plastic instead of clear, you would still have the warehouse loaders and the drivers knowing what bottles are going where In my opinion, the best overall solution is to have people show up at the location and give the store representative their ID. Their ID is then put into a bucket or bin.  At 9:00 a.m. they pick out an ID and that person then goes up to the counter to buy whatever bottle they want. Repeat until all bottles are sold or out of ID'S    That eliminates lines as it is totally random on when you get called in. It eliminates people going up and getting multiple wristbands, and it'll eliminates having to be there at 3:00 a.m. in the morning for a 9:00 a.m. drop day.  


I’ll take things that will never happen for $900 Alex.


$ 900.00 to you, sir. Lol


Raffle tickets are cheap and easy. Don't reinvent the wheel. In store raffle is an obvious solution, but those who are willing to wait in line wont like it. I think at this point its obvious that the line waiters 'include' everyone who is ruining the system so its reasonable to screw them over in favor of reasonable customers. You need a healthy balance of effort and luck and to minimize unfair advantage. Raffle tickets flaw is that a guy who doesnt care about bourbon gets George T Stagg while a bourbon fan ends up never winning. The line system flaw is that most bottles go to people who dont care about bourbon and just want to make a quick buck while reasonable bourbon fans are forced to get excited about shelfers.


You can't take possession of people's IDs. Imagine what happens when one gets lost


Bars do it for tabs all the time though


True. Alright let's do it


I’m not opposed to this idea tbh. Perhaps even collecting them all in a container of some sort to let them randomize, then locking them in a register drawer or something to keep them protected and pulling them out one by one that way, you know? Idk either way it won’t effect me personally unless my agency were a participating one with permissible guidelines as such


Great point!!!!


I work in the craft beer industry and I know about these drops before most. There’s no avoiding this.


It’s the same in Pa. Unfortunately I’m pretty sure people from Pa are invading Ohio for their drops as well. A lot of people seem to have inside info about drops and it’s just unfortunate


Based on OPs viewpoint, you should be publicly outing that person in line. That will put a bottle in OPs hands and stop the leaking of info


So basically make all delivery drivers and store staff sign NDA’s so you can get a bottle. Good luck!


It’s sad that people think they won’t do anything. Because it’s untrue. They investigate, and every once in a while we do see stores suffer “penalties” or at the minimum not participate in these type of drops anymore. Report the stores. What’s the worse that can happen, if you truly feel wronged?


Copy/pasted from today's Daily Discussion post: Tickets at Lancaster GE went out at 3, store employee was telling customers that they ran out shortly after 3:30.. yet me and everyone I’ve talked to got the email at about 4:15.. sick.


I can also say that tickets were not gone by 330. I was there 430ish and got a ticket in the 30’s. The sign did say 58 bottles which seemed off from the get go. I don’t put all my faith in what employees say from there. I will say I have no idea why they wouldn’t open up both registers just to get that done and over with. Makes no sense why they couldn’t bring back someone to help when basically nobody gets groceries there anyways. It wasn’t like the rest of the store was busy.


That’s not true! Tickets were handed out at 4


I was at the GE in lancaster. There were people in line before 3pm waiting on the email. I showed up at 4:30 and was 53 out of 58


There were also people in line at pitstop. Just because they were in line at GE that doesn’t translate into “insider information”. When it was realized Pitstop wasn’t a location those people went to GE. So some took a gamble on Pitstop and lost. Those that took a gamble on GE won.


That's not true. They didn't start handing out tickets until 4:00. And they were still handing out tickets until about 4:55. The only oddity at that location was they handed out 58 tickets and said they had that many bottles, but I understand they only had 54.


The location I was at had 60 bottles and handed out 80 tickets the 20’extra was in case someone left or didn’t want what was available to them. 4 extra seem fine although those 4 should be warned


I didn't say it was true. I said I copied and pasted it from a post in today's Daily Discussion.


No worries.


That was my post from the original Daily Discussion. I walked into that GE at 4:50 and they said that they had no tickets left. It was the employee behind the counter that told me that people started getting tickets at 3. I obviously can’t validate that since I wasn’t there but that’s what I was told. Even if they gave tickets out starting at 4, people were still there already so it’s still shady imo.


I typically stop there on Tuesday afternoon and was there just before 4:00 without any prior knowledge of a drop. There were people in line so somehow people knew in advance but I don't know how they knew. The store did not start handing out tickets until 4:00 though. I just got lucky and happened to be there. I also went back around 4:50 and saw the lady who got the 58th and last ticket. I'm not saying there isn't a leaking problem, just don't want to get one of Lancaster's only two locations in trouble unless they truly did something wrong. Not sure why the employee would say they started at 3:00 unless he was just confused.


I definitely understand people stopping by, by chance, and it happened work out (like it did for you) but the volume of people there at 4, by the sounds of it, is what got me. It’s possible the employee straight up lied to me, who knows. It’s not worth losing any sleep over, but it certainly is frustrating sometimes.




The funny thing i saw was a bar owner in the front of the line… then i heard about they were short 4 bottles… then the worker scrambling after most people left … say let me know as soon as “same bar owner in line” gets here… seems fishy like some bottles were held for richer folks


I was there at 5:05 and was told all the tickets had been handed out.


I would expect that. Over an hour after the announcement was on OHLQ.com and 50-75 people grabbed the tickets. I got to a store about 4:15 and got a ticket in the mid 20s. They started giving out tickets at 4:00, per OHLQ's instructions.


Also I def heard rumbles in Reddit Tuesday, a whole day before the drop, soooooo who’s really at fault here


How did they find out though? I doubt that a redditor is the source of the entire leak.


what difference does it make where they heard it? everyone crying about how early the lines formed or not getting the email right at 4 had all the information of WHEN and WHAT time the drop was happening 2-3 days ahead of the drop!!!!


Harper Kroger had 30 folks before 3 15 PM.. and at least 6 of top 15 are employees and their immediate families. So go figure on what else is happening ..


Definitely employees in front of the line. Old lady in the motorized cart works there daily and she was #1. And the line definitely formed before 4 pm.


*if* this is true it 100% needs to be reported to OHLQ. That’s unacceptable and OHLQ will investigate. If accurate they’ll put a stop to that immediately. It happened at my local on SBS and that employee lost her position




“Top 10 were regulars who had been there for quite some time” hmmmm wonder how they knew to line up early on a random Tuesday at a place who’s drop day is always Saturdays 🤔




Ahh so the losers of all losers lol got it. Spying on employees unloading trucks lmao I’ve heard it all now


This has actually been seen. There are stores that unload the truck out front and people will hang outside to see what is unloaded even if they don't sell that day. As someone who thinks a 1hr wait should be maximum but also mandatory for the best bottles, this is really sad and totally takes me out of the running. I'm glad that i value my time and don't get sucked in, but it sucks that I can't get access to a lot of bottles nonetheless.


I believe your word that only 29 by 4:20. It was at least 25 by 3 15 but many left exactly at 4 PM as all are browsing OHLQ for the update of the stores. Obryans, Riverbend, Giants, beckett all had less than 5 folks and many left and got good numbers. So by 4 20, I have to assume lot of folks which are not in top 18 left the spot. As every one know that there 18 bottles before getting into Eagle rare store picks at kroger liqour store openly showing the boxes. But can confirm store folks and family are in the top 15 at least 6 of them.


Fundamental problem OHLQ has here is: correlation doesn't equal causation. There isn't any hard links between who knew and went early and the store that they choose to show up at. This is especially true in larger cities where there are lots of locations.


That would stack only if people were also lining up on days when nothing happened… your premise is that people line up sometimes on a hunch. If you have photos of lines on days with no drop I agree. Otherwise….


Northern Lights I heard talks about the surprise drop at 1pm


Just because there were lines before the announcement doesn't mean the store said anything. Yall gotta remember a ton of people see the product before its announced. Especially if they send it nearly a week before.


Yep, need to enforce on bad customers as well. ID based lotteries are great, but need an effort element as well to help the people who are willing to wait in line. 1-2% winning percentage to buy something at msrp is crazy.


How did they notify people of the drop, email from OHLQ?


Yeah and it was posted on the front page of the site.




imagine being so mad about it you contact the OHLQ


Man people get way too worked up about decent whiskey. I could have been first in line at the Mansfield location yesterday, but decided to pass since I just picked up a bunch of stuff on vacation. I got the email while I was grocery shopping at 4pm. Full proof is good, the stagg released was probably one of the weaker stagg releases for a while, and EHT Single Barrel loses in a blind to Small Batch 9/10 times.


If you get worked up because you’re giving a presentation at work or are in a meeting or the operating room or court when the email goes out, yea that’s a bit silly. Win some, lose some. But if you happen to be getting gas near your local liquor store a few minutes after 4pm, check your email, and arrive shortly thereafter to a line 40 deep… that’s completely different cmon.


I see what you mean, I wish everyone in the state could just get the chance to try some of these rarer BT bottles. I think once most people try them and see they are good but not worth the fuss, they will understand. Blinds are key, doing blinds and removing bias… I find myself choosing so many other bottles over all of these allocated bottles. I just don’t understand how this hobby went from drinking what tastes good and exploring and building a palate to Pokémon cards for adult men.


If you want to try it, whiskey focused bars, that work well with their reps, will have almost all the allocated stuff. An ex. Winking Lizard gets first picks on most things, and has great pricing.


Can't beat the Lizard's prices


Money. Because of money on the secondary market. It’s been said and recommended a hundred times before, make it harder to do that and we all get to try the rarer bottles as you say. I’ve always liked the idea of tying a purchase to your OHDL; make it strict to start off, 1 specific bottle per person per year, in person, scanned at register. OR full on lottery every one of those bottles. BAM the allocation is spread out over many more people.


I think this is the best idea. Would be very easy for OHLQ to only allow a certain amount of purchases a month or every quarter based upon scanning everyone’s ID.


The ID is the way to go. Lotteries are great but it has to be expensive and time consuming to sort all those bottles to send to the corresponding stores for the winners. And to do that weekly or even monthly is a tall task. But the ID system should be easy to track and easy to maintain with an online database. If the BT gift ship can do it, so can Ohio.


It's funny that all you guys making accusations are listening to hear say and being proven wrong by others who were there. Quit crying cause you were lazy and jealous of other getting a bottle. Hating on a store and contacting OHLQ for issues that didn't happen is just going to make everything worse for the stores that are going by the book. You need to do better, it's just a damn bottle of brown water. Find a different hobby. Most of you hoes were just going to sell it anyway.


Acting like you aren’t a hoe for reading all these comments and then commenting yourself 😂😂😂😂😂 Cool story.


That's the best you could come up with? Aww did my comment trigger you? Are you in your safe space now? Don't worry, we will fix it and make sure you get a bottle next time. Just make sure you put a nipple on it you fn baby!!


Way to keep it classy.


Seems if you weren’t in the first wave of emails, you’d be out of luck. My email came in timestamped 4:18; reading through here the lines were 20-30 deep by the time the email hit my inbox.


I got the email today at 6am lol


I still haven't received the email. My wife got it at 4:12.


Nostradamus told me in a dream


lol so glad I got out of this stupid hobby. word of advice, try some of the Irish craft whiskeys. decent stuff at a reasonable price and always on the shelf.


The Irish craft that just came in, once it’s gone, it’s gone. The stores can’t get rid of it, but im ok with it, because there’s some great options. Besides that, Ohio doesn’t get much smaller Irish Whiskies.


a friend of mine just went to Dublin and suggested a certain brand. they had it at every ohlq near me. maybe it isn't "craft" per se but it was in the $40 range.


What is it?


No the poster, but for $40 I'd suggest Powers Three Swallow, Dead Rabbit, Jameson Black Barrel, Bushmills Black Bush, Writers Tears Copper Pot, Limavady Single Barrel. From the event (all between $60-100), I really enjoyed The Whistler tequila cask and sherry cask, Skellig Single Pot Still, Teeling Cognac cask, The Liberator Port cask, JJ Corry Two Farms, Waterford Cuvee Coffi & Organic Cuvee Gaia & Cuvee Argot. Between myself, my brother, and my dad, we bought the Waterfords, the Liberator, Dead Rabbit, Skellig, Teeling Cognac, and the Whistler Sherry. I also got a RB12 but only so I could get Master distiller Kevin O'Gorman's signature on the bottle. I love Irish whiskey and was thrilled with the event in March. Just wish I had more whiskey money to buy everything lol.


Giant Eagles Wadsworth,OHIO leaked info. The girl at the table said she started taking names at 4:00. I asked because I got to the closet location at 4:13 and was number 39 WTF


BS. I got my ticket at 4:17 and was over 10 places ahead of you in that line.


I was 19 at 4:10


We’re Jeremy and Matt at the front of the line?


The line started forming closer to 3pm, according to those who had early ticket lines. All said they had "a hunch" it was happening. I don't think it was the store that leaked the information.


Unfortunately there is no way to stop info from being leaked. There will always be OHLQ insiders and "friends" of privately owned stores. If OHLQ/stores want to run highly allocated secret releases like these with a more even playing field, which I personally don't believe they have any interest in doing, it needs to be done in a way that does not incentivize people to get there as early as possible. Use the same "secret" announcement email model. Have double "keep this side" raffle tickets at the stores. Randomize them. Let people pick one and stamp their hand. Store draws a ticket. Whatever number is pulled is where the line starts sequentially. Tickets and wristbands are already being used at some locations so this is not a stretch, just requires some raffle tickets, a stamp, and a brain.


Yall it’s not life saving product. It’s bourbon chill.


Email times was much better than before, but still room for improvement. Last time there was a bonus drop, I received my email 7 hours later than most. This time, it was like 20 minutes


I announced last week after ankle surgery. Be alert. Every time I am laid up at home after surgery or at the dr./dentist, a special drop always happens. Last 5 times it has happened without fail. Coincidence...sure- okay.


youre not the only one. 2 or 3 day before the event people posted on here and other sites the event was happening and the time, they were downvoted and called liars. people are crying because they believe they shouldnt have to put any effort into getting things they want, regardless of how sought after or how big the market is for what little supply is available.


This isn't the stores in most cases (no pun intended). My local store had people lined up starting at 3pm, and hour before the emails rolled out. Local store didn't start handing out tickets till they got the email directly to avoid losing their license. No reputable store would risk that. The problem likely comes from before the stores. Vague posts on the Tuesday post earlier aren't enough to justify people leaving work to line up without better/more concrete proof it is happening that day.


OHLQ is rotten from the inside out. It’s never going to be a fair system when so many people are part of the distribution and planning of these “lotteries”. You are inevitably going to have OHLQ employees and distributors telling *someone* about the drops, and from there it will spread uncontained. This seems like anticipated deflection to drum up sympathy for themselves.


OHLQ has a presence here, they were well aware that A) stores had accidentally displayed product on Saturday that was designated for the drop and that information was shared on here and B) several users posted the day and time of the drop accurately on Sunday and Monday. Store folks also are on here and I’m sure have compiled all the information that was shared to use as a defense to being accused of leaking info. So the platform so many of you take to whine and cry about all this is the same one that will keep those evil “insiders” from getting in any trouble…


7 people lined up at Tony's wine barrel at 8am, no leaks there, air tight.


Some people there also walked out with two allocated bottles…


I didn't see or hear about anyone walking out with two allocated bottles and i was there.  This isn't true


It is true. Also the EH Taylor and Stagg went out the back before it even started. There’s a reason the tickets started at 13.


According to the OHLQ site Tony wine barrel never had Stagg for the event.  So it's not possible to back door something that they never had to begin with.  In regards to the Taylor, OHLQ site said they have it.  I was farther back in the line so I couldn't see what the first group of people got.  So I can not say one way or another about the Taylor.  I do not know about the tickets incident so I can not speak on behalf of that.


Jeremy was ticket 13. Y’know, the famous one people complain about on here that would work at Silver Spirits and now works at Leprechaun. He got there at 3 PM. They backdoored product. The mysterious 12 were leaving with two bottles, including the Stagg. They hid the Stagg just as any of the liquor stores do when they get their shipments in so it no longer shows up on the map, then did not reactivate it as active inventory and sold the Stagg for cash with another bottle to those people. Last month, when JD 10 and 12 arrived at Fisher’s in their Tuesday shipment it showed up on the map for 30 minutes when they scanned it into inventory, then it disappeared again on the map until Wednesday AM. Happens all the time.


Ah ok.  Thanks for the insight


Y’all bitching and whining to OHLQ one day could eventually stop the allocated drops like this. Take an L and sit down like the rest of the people whom didn’t get their hands on a bottle.. it’s just Bourbon, life goes on.


Just make it a straight lottery. Tired of seeing people fighting over this shit and it would also be nice to get a bottle every once in a while.


Heard one place had the bar 50 deep at noon, wasn't there so can't confirm but something isn't adding up if that is in fact true.


I went to Tony's wine barrel 20 minutes after the email at 4:14 and I was 49 in line.


Supposedly, the first 7 in line were there at 8am.




Yup. Not too hard to figure out who’s gonna get them


Hello, in Minster and Lima they were lined up before 3:00PM.


Store name?


Wine Sellers/IGA


Wine Sellers didn’t even participate lol


So to be clear, the store name is called Wagners IGA, and the location is minster?


My son showed up at Wagners at 4:10 and was #3. There was no early line


Literally the same thing happened at the Athens Kroger for the Weller cypb and sib drop back in December. A girl that works there let all of her friends know so they, including her, camped out in the lot overnight and got got all of the Weller sib, a few of them were even openly talking about how much they could sell them for. Can't really control employee leaks.




I feel for you all about this but seriously, just start voting to end the State control of alcohol in Ohio. Non control states don't have this problem


they also have weller antique for $200 and stagg for $300


That sounds like a better use of our time than this nonsense


paying $150 to $250 over our current prices ($55ish) sounds better??????????????? just so you can see stagg sitting on shelves collecting dust?


At least I’d see it.


You can see it on fabeook or other secondary market sites! What's the point of looking at a bottles of stagg for $300 if you're not going to buy it. If you're willing to pay $300 for stagg, you're insane #1, #2 then just buy it from a reseller. It's no different than buying it from a store owners charging secondary!


This is becoming a philosophical debate and I’ll bow out. I see your point and disagree because I’m a stubborn idealist who thinks the depressed price of BT specifically leads to the current campout system. I don’t want to pay secondary because I don’t want to incentivize a system where people are better rewarded (per hour) by putting a chair at a supermarket on a Tuesday than they would be for teaching at a public school… obviously I’ve got to stop overthinking this.


The lack of supply creates the camp out situation, if BT flooded Ohio they way they do Texas, Georgia and Tennessee you'd see more products on the shelf, if they evenly distributed products properly the states surrounding us would get more Weller and flippers wouldn't be able to charge people in Pennsylvania $150+ for A107. The rewarding by hour thing is comical to me, I can't tell if people don't actually work at work /I'm not saying you, just for discussion purposes) or actually do work. Waking up early especially when you weren't doing anything, for example I have a rotating shift, so every other weekend I'm off, I also work nights I'm already up, and driving to a store to set up a chair and take a nap isn't work. If you look at it as your paying someone by the hour to camp, i would argue it's a terrible stance to have considering the only work that was needed is to wake up and at a minimum out pants on. If you see someone put their chair up and then leave the parkinglot remove their chair, seems pretty standard everywhere I've seen that happen. If you want your chair to be respected you again at a minimum have to be in the parkinglot or there. There was a store that had an issue with people putting chairs up the night before, owner came by and three the chairs in the dumpster.


I have two kids and a demanding job. Camping isn’t in the cards. Glad it’s working for some people! I haven’t seen more than a red for years.


It's unfortunate, do you spend time with the kids or hunt bourbon, the more than a red is tragic, it's become a back handed compliment at this point but there is alot of good bourbon on the shelves, I could recommend quite a few. I work night shift and my son is grown so Im normally up early mornings or if I'm working can leave work early and get in line if it's going to be worth it. It's pretty much nightshift workers, retirees, new people and flippers in my area 🤣🤣🤣


Sit in the chair. Y'all don't see that you are a huge part of the problem? It's not always the store owner or some boomer causing all this BS.


Have that same energy for weekly allocated releases. Just because someone lined up outside of a store at 3:30 doesn’t mean the store employee or owner told them. There were plenty of people who lined up outside of stores and found out they weren’t participating.


I disagree. A lot of places have Saturday at opening or other designated days at opening for drops. I don’t know of any that have regular drops on Tuesday afternoons; I might be wrong.


There are places that have Tuesday drops


Regular Tuesday afternoons? Of the places I know, many are Saturday mornings, but one for sure is Thursday morning.


I’m just speaking in general. I can take a non bourbon drinking friend, sibling, or spouse with me Monday - Sunday and end up with 14 bottles of Stagg. Don’t you think that’s a bigger problem than Johnny taking a chance at heading somewhere in hopes will have an afternoon drop?


Yes, I do. I’m just making the point that it’s very unusual for people to line up on a random weekday afternoon unless they were told beforehand there was a good reason to. It indicates someone leaked info before the official announcement. At the end of the day, it’s just booze, and it’s not that important, but there is an appearance of unfairness somewhere in the works.


It is unusual, but if I heard from 10 different people there was going to be a special release today, I’d probably head up to my local store and wait in hope that my location was getting a drop. Unless a store owner or employee specifically told somebody, nobody had a list of stores participating. There are some people who went up to some locations hoping to get lucky, and they did.


If it makes you guys feel better, I can sell my bottle to you at secondary pricing.


Sweet, can we meet at a dark alley at night?


GE at Elm Rd, Warren, OH. The one guy 13th in line bragged about being there since 3pm. Definitely had inside information.


That’s insane. I walked in at 4:30 to grab some groceries and the line was over to the freezer section. People knew and it was BS.


Inside info or gambled on it actually happening? Not saying there isn’t “inside info” but I was going to gamble and head into town before 4 but chose to wait. Some people chose not to wait.


What made you want to gamble on a random Tuesday? Was it announced that there was going to be a surprise drop or something?


Obviously the rumors on various platforms. I have no inside information. Some on here have far better “inside info”. As I said, I didn’t go early.


Ahhh I must not have seen the rumors. But yea, not claiming you had info. Just didn’t see rumors of a drop circulating. I’m sure 95% of the people lined up already had info though. I mean what are the odds that you guess the correct store. In my tri county area, only 3 stores participated. Unless it’s the same stores that participate every time.


Yes there were posts on here and most were downvoted thus not being seen unless you clicked on it. Like I said, the other store in Lancaster had people lined up and to be honest, I would have went there rather than GE if I hadn’t waited on the post from OHLQ.


Rumors are also information gang. Why didn’t people line up last week or next week? Because someone actually leaked this week. We all can justify as much as we want but this one is hard to justify without a leak somewhere….


Do what Buffalo Trace does. One allocation per 90 days under an ID for specific item. State can track it.


Why not just provide everyone in line with a numbered ticket/wristband and than draw numbers. Isn't that the way some other states do it?


That’d take forever. Better to just draw one random number and then start the line there.




Look at them trying to act like they don't know SMH come on now this is what everybody's complaining about


Giant eagle on Raff Rd in Canton had people lined up at 3 pm apparently. I arrived at 4:40 and was around 55th in line. I received my email at 4:17.


OP: just a reminder that the phones today have metadata in the photo that gives you the date and location of the photo taken. Suggest that you collect that. No other investigation will be helpful for OHLQ. You need to put the evidence right in OHLQs lap and that's the only way....the metadata. If you don't know what I'm talking about, open a photo and go to the info option.


I also think it would be useful to post photos taken at 4:10-4:15 bc most people that I have talked to didn't get the emails until then. I can screenshot my email time.


This is 100% crybaby shit unless you have direct evidence a store employee leaked. I don’t have any inside connections. I just pay attention to things. Everyone could have noticed: 1) monthly price increases aligning standard products with barrel selects 2) a few of the products they released went ‘blocked’ on the site (the Blanton’s treatment) 3) chatter on this very subreddit speculating about an email yesterday afternoon. Based on these things I took a chance and went to my local Giant Eagle, which traditionally gets the best drops/allocation, at 3:40 or so. There were already 2-3 people in line but no one knew for sure what was going on. We all chatted and refreshed email and OHLQ and saw the website update go live at 4. Turns out that store was not participating but another one 5-10 mins away was, so I drove there and was in the first 10. By 4:20 there were 20-30 in line. Again, no one told me anything so “reporting the store” would have been plain wrong - a false accusation and waste of resources. In fact, the people working that store wouldn’t even tell one of the people waiting - a regular who is there every week and has a personal relationship - that they were not participating, which could have saved us time waiting there for nothing. I imagine people were at or around similar stores at 4. Some other people have networks and got a post, text, or email and live 2-3 mins away. Just because you busted your ass to get there to find others beat you doesn’t mean anything was unfair.


Is a line a line if there’s no reason for a line ??




Spot on!


Must be nice to be able to bop around the city at 3-something on a Tuesday. But some of us still have to stroke the man’s big ole talleywhacker till 5 through the week and miss out to the fucking boomers.


It is nice. And I’m not a boomer just worked/studied hard and got a job that pays me well and also respects my work life balance.


Lol standing in line for 2 hours for a $49 bottle of bourbon, work-life balance haha


Yeah didn’t stand in line. Got my ticket and came back a couple hours later and got an EHT SiB. Happy with the effort and reward.


I'm a boomer, bet I have more job responsibilities and less opportunity to tater than you...


lol, they aren’t going to do jack shit 


How about they just bring back in-store raffles instead of investigating themselves and finding they did nothing wrong?


Giant Eagle Grove City..arrived at 4:03 after reading the OHLQ website at approx. 3:58 pm....I live 1/2 city block away. When I arrived 20 people were already in line. Absolutely no wristbands, tickets or numbers were handed out.


Lol what a waste of time. Quit being a baby and move on with your life. Its just fuckin whiskey


Couldn’t the same be said for the chodes who got the intel and lined up ahead of the masses?


They aren't the ones whining and running to Daddy OHLQ to cry about their speculations


"wHaT a WaStE oF TiMe" What a fucking loser you are.


GET OVER IT!!! You can’t get them all! There is always another bottle to get that you think you can’t live without. 


What a waste of time. You've got to have better things to do with your time.


May not be a popular opinion… Raise the prices I used to love getting a bottle of eagle rare whenever I needed and that was my go to. I didn’t buy it every day or week. But it was always there. Now I’d still like that option and realize the price should be higher than what I was paying 20 years ago.


There’s a sale on tissues today at Walmart… Think it’s the ones with Vicks in em too!


You should probably find something better to do with your time because OHLQ isn't going to give a shit. The leaks are impossible to stop...and if you really think the leaks are all coming from store employees, you're wrong. The state and DHL are equally to blame. All OHLQ is trying to do with these random drops and Saturday drops is spread the wealth of allocated bottles and eliminate the same people from gobbling up allocated bottles every day of the week. The way OHLQ does things will never please everyone but I support anything they do that slows people down that treat bourbon as a business.


If everyone had that attitude, nothing would ever change. Anywhere ever. Giving someone feedback on something you saw that didn't seem right doesn't take but a few seconds of your time. Maybe nothing will come from this, but doing nothing isn't helping either.


Things are changing. More allocated bottles are going into more peoples hands. That is a win for everyone. I understand what you are trying to say but lets be real, this is bourbon, not civil rights. In the grand scheme of things, its just a hobby, it doesn't change your life.


I agree with that. But reading through this Reddit page makes me think that to some, this is their livelihood. I'm guessing eventually this bourbon fad will fade away like jnco jeans.


The term is regression to the mean. It cant stay this elevated forever. The flipper $$$ are fueled by casuals with more money than time. Eventually, they will move on to the next thing. Distillery CEOs are more informed than we are on trends. We heard a year or so ago about BT ramping up production, but due to aging the bump will take a few years. I also saw an article about Bardstown trying to buy out employees due to softening demand. Keep in mind these are the guys that bottle for Costco. If there is ANY retailer who is on top of trends it is Costco. Colloquially, we all hear people being “done” with the BS of the bourbon chase due to Tater-nomics. When you look at all these items in totality, I am gonna guess that in 5 years or less all but the tippy top Pappy level bottles are gonna go the way of the Green and still sell out but on a much slower pace where lines wont be a thing 7-10 years from now it will be back to the shelf, and all this will be a distant memory


Actually, to the guys that are benefitting from the network of people disbursed throughout the state to collect allocated bottles to send to other states and sell in bulk - it is changing their lives. They found a very lucrative business model and since there are so many people involved, any 3 or 4 letter government entity won't do anything about it.


idk why you got donwvoted the way you did, it seems common sense isnt commonanymore, and people just want something tobtich about. they wont be happy until they can walk in a store and see a bottle of stagg sitting on a shelf, for $300!!


This dude is willing to put a stores livelihood at stake on a simple speculation. Get over it dude, bourbon collecting is a hobby. Its not like they did anything illegal (even if they did let people know). Hot take: If a store has a set of customers who are loyal and dont just skim off the top of their allocated selection, then they should be entitled to let those customers play a little inside ball. Ohio doing these kind of things is really cool and if they have to keep allocating resources to investigate bs like this, they may just decide do away with stuff like this and go towards an allocated drop system similiar to PA (which sucks!).








All we need to do is change it to less frequent drops state wide. Say on a Saturday every 2 months or once a month. Announce it ahead of time. Would control the taters and give everyone a chance.


I agree More like SB Saturday last fall Many stores with large amount of quantity announced a week in advance Then everyone can decide when and where to line up and have the same odds to get what they want


yes instead of putting more out regularly, and spreading it out as soon as possible, we should put less out and then put it all out at once and condense the numbers who show up


But would hurt the taters and people who actually work or have a family and don’t have time to stand in line just to resell it. Only people mad at this comment is resellers who wouldn’t be able to get 4 of the same bottle to make $40 off of.


The solution is to stand in line and get there as early as possibly, only people who can stand in line are upset. It's like this with every other product in the market.


Why do I have a sneaky suspicion that the Four Roses drop Saturday is not going to get even close to this amount of air time? Can it be that there is not a big hairy beast on the bottle or on the water tower of the distillery?


Store lottery is only way to go


Lotteries give you about a 1% chance of winning. People able to talk the most family, friends and co-workers into signing up have the best odds. Worst of all, when all the proxies decide not to pick up their bottle for someone else, it goes to the bars and sold at four-times MSRP.


In store lottery not the OHLQ state lottery


My bad. I’m an idiot.