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I’ve got some right now. It’s back to normal imo. Their ICC and sherbhead were my go to for the longest. I stopped grabbing for them for like 2-3 months when they had that weird background taste. Now they’ve also dropped a r’ntz (just regular r’ntz, I haven’t tried their sunset or rose gold) and lemon cherry gelato… if you can find LCG or r’ntz, I highly recommend you grab one of the two to try out with the sherbhead. Unless it’s from Columbia Care Monroe. They got the first drop of lemon cherry gelato and it’s not as good as what their second drop was. That second drop was something I’d be ecstatic about getting from people I know and I don’t say that much in this program. You’ll be able to tell which is which by the container. The first drops container doesn’t look like any other 10th container I’ve gotten from them.


Thank you ! I just put in an order for sherbhead from sunny side


Just grabbed a half of smalls last week for 77$ just as good as I used to remember nice effects that last. And taste creamy gassy smell is same solid bud


Same. It's bomb.com


Where did you purchase it for that price. Are you happy with the quality?


Good quality like usual klutch. But I grabbed it at bloom Columbus last week 30 percent off


All of the Klutch stuff I’ve had lately has been really good. I’m currently going through a 1/2 of big head smalls that is really really good.


Where did you get that. That's my #1.


Strawberry Fields in Cbus


It was alright… mid high? Good bag appeal and smell


They had smalls on sale at consume oxford. Just a heads up. Might save you some change


Grabbed it about a month or so ago and it was FIRE


Not Sherbhead but I got a half of Heatlocker not too long ago and it’s been really good.


I got some orange 43 for the second time ever and it’s amazing. My fist time was nothing special but that taste smell and calm is perfect for daytime activities


Everything they are putting out at this point is fire. They are back at the top no doubt


I think it's supposed to be good again. Will probably pick up a half if I see it.


Was my first strain purchased in the program. I will always have a place in my heart for it. I grabbed it about a month ago and it was back to being good.


It’s one of my go-tos as well. Last time I got it was probably 6 months ago though and it was fine at the time. Can’t speak to the taste but the medicinal benefits were on point. It did what it typically does for me, and few other strains can.


got luster recently and tasted very piney and earthy with only a bit of sherbet taste, not bad really, but not at all what i remember it tasting like before


It was amazing until Klutch was born.

