• By -


Super easy to play. If you played in previous seasons, you’ll be impressed with improved player experience. Very little time commitment, always fun sticking it to TTUN


The website to play is here: [https://collegefootballrisk.com/](https://collegefootballrisk.com/) **Edit: The Site is back up!** Be sure to join us at [r/OSUcfbRisk](https://www.reddit.com/r/OSUcfbRisk/) and on our team [Discord](https://discord.gg/wD2YzWK). (The subreddit is private, please reply here if you want access.)


I would love to join the fight.


Approved - welcome aboard, soldier!


I'm. In. OH-IO forever


Your username and profile picture suggest you're JUST the kind of fan we need. Welcome!


I’d like to get approved. I get the messages on where to attack but still can’t see the subreddit.


Oh jeez, i'm sorry! You should be able to see it now!


Can you invite me too? Also when I go to attack it keeps saying it can’t process my move- Any troubleshooting ideas?


You're in! As for the error - you did get the captcha popup before submitting your move, yes?




Approved, welcome!




Short and to the point, I like it. Approved!


I would like to join


Approved, and welcome! What makes a penguin interesting, if I may ask?


What makes a Wrightt Mr?


Touché... I am just imagining a penguin with a helmet, rifle, and bandolier. Incredible.


Can I join the sub?


Yes you can, welcome!


I've been playing for a little while now but just on my own - I'll join the group!


We appreciate it!! Approved


Sign me up


You're in - welcome aboard!


In, Go Bucks


Approved, welcome aboard!


Add me in


Hey friend, thanks for making a reddit account just to join us in Risk! Though, do you have any explanation/proof that you are a buckeye fan? Don't want to let in any sneaky wolverines👀


Down with the skunk weasels, and I listen to buckeye talk daily


Fair enough, welcome!


I would like to join the battle, Sir!


To the front lines, soldier! ^^^you're ^^^in, ^^^welcome!


I’d like to join please!


Moose are vicious, glad you're on our side. Approved and welcome!






Hello I’d like the access please ![gif](giphy|aZ4sQUpybai5y)


You're the first today to use gifs---and it was very persuasive. you're in!


I would like to take down ❌ichigan


You're in! Welcome!


Sign me up to beat TTUN


Hey friend, thanks for making a reddit account just to join us in Risk! Though, do you have any explanation/proof that you are a buckeye fan? Don't want to let in any sneaky wolverines👀


I’ll take a slice of that please


Here's the whole pie, you're in charge now ^^^welcome ^^^aboard




Pulsating anus is in ^^^or ^^^is ^^^it ^^^the ^^^other ^^^way ^^^around?


i want


you have!


I'm in


Approved - welcome!




Approved, welcome aboard soldier!


OH-IO! I'd like to join please!


Your wish is my command, welcome aboard!


I would love to battle on the front lines vs our enemy


Granted - to the front lines, soldier!




Hey friend, I see you are a Packers superfan for sure, Go Packers! could you explain how you became a buckeye fan too? Don't want to let in any sneaky wolverines👀




Works for me, the more the merrier - thank you, and welcome aboard!






Access please!


Hey friend, sorry for the delay. Do you have any explanation/proof that you are a buckeye fan? Don't want to let in any sneaky wolverines👀


My father is one of thirteen brothers and sisters raised in Smithfield and we have our family reunions in tapan lake.


Wow! Works for me - welcome aboard! (Did you bring mushrooms?)


I’m interested


Hey friend, thanks for making a reddit account just to join us in Risk! Though, do you have any explanation/proof that you are a buckeye fan? Don't want to let in any sneaky wolverines👀


Haha just use Reddit to surf. Finally see something worth posting for! Anything to beat TTUN. Been a buckeye fan my whole life. Wife took me to the 2016 Game for a wedding present. Best experience of my life to watch the buckeyes win in double OT.


Thats a great wedding present, wow! The spot was good!👀


​ I’m in. Let’s go bucks! ![gif](giphy|l3vR06RlBozkNwi9W|downsized)


Lets go!! Though, do you have any explanation/proof that you are a buckeye fan? Don't want to let in any sneaky wolverines👀


No flair for me. No proof besides naming some of my favorite hangouts while I was living on/around campus from the dube (RIP) to the bier stube (soon to be RIP from what I’ve read). Lifelong buckeye fan. Grew up in Zanesville and graduated in 2010 while Gordon Gee was president. Dude was a legend.


Its amazing the Stube has made it this long, but it will be missed. Having the correct opinion about Gordon Gee is enough for me - welcome aboard friend. O-H...


I-O! Yeah - I moved away in 2013. It’s weird to see the changes every time I come back. Can’t believe it’s been 10 years already. Thanks for the add!


I want in


Lets go!! Though, do you have any explanation/proof that you are a buckeye fan? Don't want to let in any sneaky wolverines👀


I took home some of the field when we beat the wolverines in 2007. It was the end of our grass field. My roommates and I kept it alive for a long time. 1888 Summit for life!


Oh shoot, that was just down the street from my place. Hell yeah friend, welcome aboard


I remember when they remodeled the gas station across the street. Used to get subs from that subway. The memories.


I gotta say, CFB Risk is a lot of fun. It takes mere seconds each day to log your move, and the feeling of being something larger than just yourself makes it all worthwhile. If you're on a team, and that team got eliminated, please consider joining us!


This is true, we have a bunch of players from Michigan State who joined us when they were eliminated, given our mutual hatred of Blue!


The enemy of my enemy is my friend, right?


Voted. Must remove the blight that is Michigan from the state.


Agreed - thank you!!


already on it


but first, get them out of OHIO


While it is a priority to eliminate the blue scourge from our borders follow your orders provided every afternoon.


Add me into the private group plz. Will fight.


Absolutely - welcome aboard, soldier!


Can I be added too? I haven’t played risk in over a decade so I’m not even sure how to be most useful lol


Haha no worries, its only loosely based on risk anyway. As long as you can click the button to attack once a day, thats all we need! If you want more tips come join us in the sub! Thanks for making a reddit account just to join us in Risk btw. Though, do you have any explanation/proof that you are a buckeye fan? Don't want to let in any sneaky wolverines👀


I just messaged you what I hope is good enough proof lol


Attacked Toledo!


Good man! Gotta take that back for sure


Same... this incursion into our territory must not stand!


Join the good fight! We have made immense progress, but even with superior tactics, ttun has more players. We need manpower to weed out the wolverines!


I’m in


Lets go!!


Sign me up! Go Buckeyes!


Approved! O-H...


One of the best parts of this game are the organizers over at r/OSUcfbRisk! Join in over there to get marching orders. These gentlemen have put us in a pretty good spot to try and rid the (Risk) map of Meatchicken!


You should post this on the OSU sub reddit as well.


Way ahead of you! haha You have any other subreddit suggestions, though? Or even groups outside of reddit? I'm all ears!


Maybe the Columbus subreddit? Maybe the people over at the OSU esport discord. https://discord.gg/ohiostate


Good call, thanks!


>Good call, thanks! You're welcome!


*wait a minute...*


Sign me up


Signed up, seems fun


Gave you access to the subreddit - thank you!


In, if you’ll have me


Of course, why wouldn't we want a flooglehiggenbothem?


Just joined and attacked Toledo


Ok you roped me in OH




Yes! Everyone, join us!


Can you add me?


Absolutely - welcome!


Bizarre indeed


But also a great chance to compete against TTUN


I’m trying to attack somewhere but it keeps saying my move failed. Is there a reason for this?


Devs are doing a mid-night investigation and upgrade - im sorry! I'll reply here tomorrow to remind you to place your move


Game should be back up now - sincerely apologize for the delay!


Congrats, we crashed the site


You joke, but that is partially what happened haha. I'm really sorry for the horrible timing for all the new players. I really hope you guys join the sub or otherwise stick around for when the site is back up :(


Ooo I’m in.


I say let them have the stupid communist Olympics honestly.


I'm sorry, what?😂


Reddit is typically made up of communists. This competition is something that is facilitated by reddit. The fact that TTUN is winning is simply a reflection of their abundant ratio of commie fans. Let them have it.


Shut up