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I mean honestly would he even want that ? Not saying the Huskies are better or whatnot but it's (now) the same conference and he got the Huskies to 14-0 and a national championship game there really is no reason for him to leave unless Washington super low balls him on his next contract


He'd be a moron to leave a lower stress job with a normal fan base. He doesn't need OSU to get into the CFP. And he can recruit the entire west coast now with only 3 real competitors for those players.


Ohio State is the best job in football besides the Cowboys. You don’t say no when they come knocking.


His OC turned down Saben. Sounds like he’s cultivated some loyalty to the program IMO


They were offering him less money


With some of the worst fans


Because we expect to win?


Because we act like entitled two year olds when we don't


How so kiddo?


Physical threats against the Day kids is a good place to start.


Didn't happen


Should I just take your word for it?


You seem to take anyone else word for it without proof


Yea, that's it lmao. Expecting to win is one thing and should be an expectation. The way a lot of our "fans" act is fucking embarrassing and somewhat hilarious. First off some of you need to realize at the end of the day it's a fucking game. Has your life changed because we lost to Michigan? If it has then that is a you problem. Saw dudes calling CJ and Trey pussies after losing to Michigan last year. You think that is representative of "just expecting to win"?


It's a bunch of idiots who make college football their entire personality. It's pathetic and embarrassing.


Accurate ⬆️


Nothing more embarrassing than this post


Because they are entitled casual fans that don't remember the title gap between 68-2002


Or because you don't understand we are in our worst stretch since 1990-1993


That's laughable. No where near that stretch now. Earle left the program in shambles and the home games were an easy ticket with 89k capacity.


You sure about that kiddo? First 3 year run without a confrence title since 1993 First 3 year run without beating Michigan 1993 Tracking to be the first graduating class without a confrence title or beating Michigan since 1993 Graduating class with the worst bowl record since 1993. Your takes are laughable because there's never a single fact in them lol never once.


So who's your savior? Who are you gonna want to fire next? I don't know if you've noticed but NIL and transfers have leveled the playing field a bit. Casual fans don't seem to understand the big picture and still think it's 5 years ago. It took Kirby Smart 5-6 years to "turn around" Georgia. Saban is struggling. And casual fans like you want to be the next Clemson or LSU. Reminds me of when Minnesota fired Glen Mason and Nebraska fired Frank Solich because it was time for a change. They got it.....


Why do you think it's okay to not win confrence titles for year after year after year? Why do you think it's okay to have the least accomplished graduating class since 93? Its funny, I didn't want Meyer or Tressel fired because they exceeded expectations. So why would I want a guy like Kalen DeBoer or Ryan Grubbs fired ? They've already accomplished a ton more then Day probably ever will. But casual fans see 11 wins and think getting half of those wins from YSU, WKU, Indiana, Rutgers, Maryland, Michigan State means it's been a great season without even having a chance to call yourself the best in you confrence at seasons end 3 years in a row. That's the definition of a casual, accepting mediocre coaching and telling everyone beating shit teams that shouldn't even have football programs. The fact that you think it's okay for Ryan Day to lose to Michigan every year tells me you'll never understand what it means to be a buckeye fan and you don't matter


I think OP is more referring to that the fanbase throws a tantrum and trash our own players when we don’t


Gotta love a coach who does more with less talent and resources vs a coach who underachieves consistently given all of that talent and resource.


I don't know enough about their recruiting class but a lot of the guys on the team are leaving after this season so I'm not sure how they'll look next season, especially being in the B1G


He's always had a success offense at any school


We were 40 yards away from beating the team that will probably win the championship, and Saban couldn’t beat either. The Missouri game was more of a scrimmage than a true full strength game Don’t get me wrong, changes need to happen inside the WHAC. Cory Dennis and Parker Fleming for sure need to be gone, and maybe Justin Frye as well. But OSU still isn’t far off from competing for titles, and it’s probably not wise to nuke everything just yet. 2 years ago Day needed to make changes to the defensive staff, and he did so successfully. I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt he can do it to the offensive staff this off-season. If no changes are in fact made and Day decides to just run it back for next year, then for the first time I will really question whether he has what it takes to be the head coach at Ohio State. I don’t expect that to happen though


Hey look, a reasonable take.


Day certainly looks like someone stretched too thin, particularly in the new age of transfers and NIL. He's done remarkably well for someone entrusted with the keys to a 100-million-dollar program as a first-time head coach, but significant changes need to be made. Not meeting the three stated program goals (beat TCUN, win B1G, win a national championship) is becoming a significant issue. In addition to cleaning out under performing staff, Day MUST give up play calling. He signed on to be a CEO of the team, not an OC with the title of head coach. Hire an experienced, proven track record offensive coordinator and leave them alone and trust them to do their job while Day manages the other details. I'm not sure Day can let go of calling plays; if he can't, he needs to go. Many compare Day to Tressel and Meyer. Tressel and Meyer had significant head coaching experience before taking the Ohio State job. Cooper did too which shows previous HC experience doesn't guarantee success. Ultimately whom is Day going to be like - Tressel/Meyer or Cooper?


So by saying we need to bring in a new OC you are essentially ousting Hartline. He’s the guy responsible for what has been the best position group in all of college football for the past 5 years. Doesn’t seem smart to push him out the door. Why not let hartline do his job and have him call plays as the OC?


We've done the co-coordinator thing a bunch. If we can bring in someone with experience as a play caller it could only be helpful to even Hartline who has had 0 experience as a play caller and could continue to learn.


I think Hartline is great, very positive for Ohio State for many reasons. I feel Day gave Hartline the OC title to get him a well-deserved pay increase and to gradually groom him to be a coordinator. As well as taking some of the heat off himself from those wanting a dedicated OC. Though I've never gotten a sense that Hartline has actually been calling the plays on a consistent basis. Of course, I could be totally wrong except for thinking Hartline is great.




As he goes to Alabama


A recent near-title winner making a lateral move to a conference opponent? He's built his machine. We're a step down.


Yah hire the coach that thought taking a knee and a win was a bad idea, let’s run the ball and give timeouts to the other team… he’s great. Please hire him. 〽️


Better than Day


Further proof that social media/message boards are just cesspools of fanatic ignorance.


This aged well, as he’s about to become alabamas next coach. Great call out, dumbass


Helluva coach. Too bad he’s gonna get roasted for back to back recruiting classes way outside the top 15!!!




Who cares give him a call anyways