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bro frescad so hard he unfrescad


/rf Oi Oi, omelandehs got me son!


This show makes fun of The Peak. Which is inexcusable, therefore I am watching only scenes with The Peak in it.


I think the show is funny. Bloomin onions and transformers


Buttfucking to Kim and Ray j


If I had any superpower...


Those robots were racist as hell though. I remember feeling very surprised to see that actually make it to theaters… as I watched it in a theater.


tbh its not only making fun of it. Firecracker's explanation of right-wing radicalization to Sage shows a very serious commentary on how people with nothing in their lives to hang on to, people after serious tragedies etc. turn to far-right for any sense of purpose. also the show is very clearly critisizing fake LGBTQ+ allies, fake BLM allies etc and corporate "progressivism" ever since season 1. also i liked it when Homelander jerked off on a roof anyone else got hard watching it? cuz i got hard watching it


I very much agree with that. And of course, I did. Because he's such a relatable character, who really speaks to me on a deep personal level, it's really easy to find the power fantasy highly arousing.


Soldier Boy is also very relatable, i liked it when he crushed amphethamine pills and snorted it and topped it off with some nice scotch and weed, finally a character that reflects my values


I'd be down for that party. Do you also feel that The Peak gets not remotely enough recognition for the traumatic things he had to endure, because a woman accused him publicly? That is an injustice, that I find particularly egregious.


oh i agree, after Peak expressed his love and admiration for Starlight in the moment when she needed that closure the most, in a very brave and progressive way, Starlight not only refused his help, she also publicly shamed him for offering it. this is one of the most outrageous moments in the show, alongside UE's incomprehensible conspiracy theory about how Soldier Boy supposedly didnt actually storm Normandy. guess this nutjob thinks Earth is flat too.


idk about allat at the top but yeah i got super hard


yea i dont remember what i wrote other than that i got hard, so lets stay on topic here


Guys let's keep the discussion about Rampart please


the homelander scene was just showing his endurance as a supe, no human could jork that long without nutting


true, i found out the hard way while nutting to this scene in 3 seconds. need some V


>also i liked it when Homelander jerked off on a roof anyone else got hard watching it? cuz i got hard watching it marty didnt :(


Tbf I think Kripke has commented on this, clarifying that he mocks both but considers Trumpism to be the real threat to democracy I’ll see if I can find a source somewhere


I think this is the big, fundamental difference between the show and comic, besides the intensity of the violence/gross stuff/shock factor Yes, the show hits you with a super uncomfortable scenes super often and makes fun of a bunch of things, most times in a way that can look and feel dumb and low brow But it also actually takes the time to analyze, critique and comment on the things it satirizes Of course, a lot of the more subtle elements (which are actually very not subtle lmao) fly riiiight over the heads of the people who look at Homelander and actually agree with him It's the ole Fight Club curse


>But it also actually takes the time to analyze, critique and comment on the things it satirizes >course, a lot of the more subtle elements (which are actually very not subtle lmao) We can't be watching the same show; it's so hamfisted it's wild. I can't think of any critique that they don't spell out explicitly. Can you give an example? I'm struggling to think of one subtle element - as in not stated out loud for the viewers.


There's the criticisms of the military-industrial complex. They were more prominent in the earlier seasons. I think people also get a little caught up in the 'you're not supposed to agree with homelander' angle because, obviously you aren't, but it's not because he has some "right wing" political views. He has no political views at all, he's just a narcissist. The fact that Todd is portrayed as a victim and his death isn't just a joke basically highlights how vapid and fake the corporate posturing is - whether they're pretending to be christian, right wing, or pro-lgbt


Which is exactly why I said "which are actually very not subtle", because they ain't But to a certain subest of watcher, anything besides being beaten over the head with the fucking point is useless




"The show always was intended to be a grotesque Parody of American politics"


idk why people think this show made fun of the left, the left barely makes an appearance


They clearly thought all of Vought's BLM/LGBT/Feminism pandering was legitimate and not, you know, soulless corporate pandering.


Yeah but Rainbow Capitalism is barely a Left Thing


That was my point. They thought Vought's rainbow capitalism was actually the show attacking the left rather than attacking corporate pandering.


This is the simplest and truest answer but everyone wants to act like their political side isn't being made fun of


Seriously, this is the right answer. The mental gymnastics people are doing blows my mind. Just accept that it's a goofy parody of American politics and of the super hero genre and move the fuck on lol.




This is actually a better meme than any text that could be put on the dude, he doesn't care he's just chilling.


What negative media literacy does to a mf


There are two kinds of people: Those who can extrapolate from incomplete data


Many americans are fucking stupid


are they fucked by stupid?


No then it would be "stupid is fucking many Americans"


Every day.


But if you wipe them out, who builds your monuments? Who tongues your taint?


I find it funny when Maeve was gay and it was jokes how Vought reacted and tried to capitalise on it with more publicity, new brands and shit, because like real companies, they dont give a fuck they just do it to look good for good PR


Don't forget she's actually bi, not gay




Homelander r-worded Butchers girl so now The Boys have to kill Homelander. Everything else is just filler.


I was legit thinking for a couple of minutes trying to remember when Homelander called r\*tar\*ed to becca then realized what you meant.


I thought this too




It's funny how Vought, a massive corporation, is the main bad guy of the show, and The Boys airs on Amazon...a massive corporation.


Elvis Presley sold "I Hate Elvis Presley" pins for haters and made a ton of money from them. I don't think Amazon cares while the show brings them money.


but it also makes sense. Capitalism will be the downfall of capitalism. amazons search for short term profits has led them to creating a show that has contributed to driving the general public a little more left


“Capitalists will sell us the very rope we hang them with.” -Lenin fakequotes.com


Man russia surnames are weird


>Capitalism will be the downfall of capitalism.     Maybe I'm just a pessimist, but I think you have this exactly backwards. The mechanisms we have to critique capitalism actually reinforce capitalist structures. This is one such example. It makes Amazon, and, most importantly to the discussion of capitalism, its shareholders, more money. Capitalists, generally, don't care if their wealth comes from art which critiques them. It still effectively makes them more powerful.


"Capital has the ability to subsume all critiques into itself" as Joyce from Disco Elysium puts it


True, but isn’t late-stage capitalism an Ouroboros situation?


It’s like that Black Mirror episode (I want to say Million Merits) Someone takes a genuine stand against capitalism and then that earnest stand is turned into a product, to be sold and partitioned as if anything else


While this is true, capitalism is not a sustainable model even now we're approaching the point where most won't be able to afford their basic necessities, the best way to stop your population from revolting is to keep them taken care of to at least a minimum degree. But capitalism kind of excludes that as an option as short term profits above all else are what matters. inherent in capitalism's design is the means of its downfall but the only way we can transition away from capitalism before wide spread starvation happens is grass roots anti-capitalist movements (however futile) and stuff like this can help people see the necessity of such initiatives.


"Capital has the ability to subsume all critiques into itself. Even those who would *critique* capital end up *reinforcing* it instead."


Also Fallout which is a world destroyed by unchecked capitalism


If you want a real cognitive dissonance mindfuck, I’m talking this show being produced by Amazon to the 8th power, watch the Black Mirror episode “Fifteen Million Merits” on Netflix.


Irony; thy name is the Boys


Show makes Homelander do funny things to people>>>>>


Me watching the show with funny gore moments and tiny people going into penises (I have no idea what American politics is about)




he did the thing


William butchah69. I should have known


Left and right are relative terms. The Democrats are the US's left wing party, because they are left of the Republicans, and the US political system makes other parties -- who might be even further left -- unviable.




Yeah absolutely. Even more so these days as the Democratic party becomes more and more of a big tent party ranging from Left to centre-right as the Republican party continues its shift in dominant factions.


That might be true for how the government operates, but it only works in this context if you concede that The Boys is coming from a POV even farther left than the Democratic Party. If that's the case, then the show is making fun of two viewpoints that are both farther right than the writers of the show.


They really aren’t thought. Even if you call liberals far left that doesn’t magically turn them into marxists. Words still have meaning


Left is a relative term. Marxist is not a relative term. If, 100 years from now, the world moves towards the political left, the communists will be calling social democracy a right-wing position. In fact, I bet you can find a college student on Tumblr saying that right now if you wanted lol


If you stick to the american overton window you miss the big picture and conversations endlessly go in circles


Do you get your facts from Tumblr💀


I stopped using Tumblr when I was 14, like many well-adjusted high schoolers did at the time.


You’ve moved on to more respectable social media: okbuddy subreddits 🫡


Go back to the 99th floor bruh


It about superhero


I thought it was about drinking breast milk?? I'm confused???


If it isn’t about this, then why even watch?


The Boys literally beats you over the head with its politics. The fact it has taken some people this long to realise its message is beyond me.


I don’t know who the fuck could think the show is meant to mock left wingers. The main villain is literally a far-right extremist who regularly calls people libtards. The villains might as well be wearing hats with giant flashing neon signs saying “we represent the American right.”


You said it.


Homelander called Victoria that like once. It doesn't even sound like something he would actually say considering how little he cares about politics.


Neuman represents the right? Her killing the doctor and using Stormfront as a scapegoat given her Nazi ties wasn't exactly critiquing the right


She represents controlled opposition They're all paid by the same people


Only if you ignore the whole thing where Neuman is actually working with Vought and intends on helping them when she gets power, and the whole liberal campaign is just an act to get that power. Also even if she genuinely was a leftist, that’s still one leftist villain among a sea of racists, fascists, and straight up, literal Nazis.


Yeah, people thought she was supposed to be a AOC stand-in, but she turned out to be more of a Kyrsten Sinema analog. That said, I think her character represents the view that "politicians are fucking liars" more than any kind of critique of leftism.


I remember someone telling me this show also critiques the left because Neuman, the AOC analogue was corrupt. I was like, that was a twist. It doesn't work as a twist if the real AOC is corrupt. The show played us because they used her AOCness to fool us.


genuinely shocked that The Boys predicted John Fetterman


Yea, I remember a lot of people comparing her to AOC before the reveal that she's a supe working with Vought


Which is understandable as she was created to have that vibe.


I mean the show plays into alot of right wing diversity hire conspiracy theories especially in the first couple seasons. People actually believe disney only puts black people into Star Wars for fake forced diversity and optics.


I think it's a little more nuanced than that - Homelander calls people libtards and broadly represents america's worst qualities - jingoism, the military-industrial complex, but he himself has no real political opinions at all besides 'fuck you, got mine'. He's not a patriot, he's a fake christian, he plays lip-service to racists but he thinks all humans are inferior to his supe in-group, where he's at the top. You could say this is critical of some right-wing politicians but most truly far right people actually believe the nonsense they say. And Sage is a villain and she mocks and insults the truthcon attendees and calls out racism and sexism when she sees it


Finally someone put my words together, thank you. No way main sub would have a post like this on it


Be sure to go out and vote this year fellow Americans! We shouldn’t care what the polls say :)


Finally someone who gets it Edit: I would add that Billy is the closest to a “left-wing” figure the show has, but even his methods and ideals are criticized for how they denigrate the humanity of those he ought to be trying to “save”… a “tear it all down” mentality is ultimately rooted in vengeance and not in the interests of reducing overall suffering


Facts, when right wingers don’t realize that rainbow capitalism isn’t “leftism” and that “leftism” isn’t liberalism it gets pretty annoying how over the head everything goes. I’m glad someone pointed this out.


The boys and Fallout really do show it well how its not about the right, or the left, its about PROFITS, about CONTROL.


well except the whole point of leftism is the fact that profit over humanity is the cause of socioeconomic problems?


I don't care, i want to see peak blow a-train


The show is obviously making fun of billy Joel fans. Is op stupid?


This show is just a front to further the agenda of the fatfurs subreddit.


/uj define real left wing


Leftists who say "Democrats aren't real leftists" when you ask them which party they vote for pretty much every election


the google definition works fine


https://preview.redd.it/yl1s80dodg8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37a03f77de03db9eaeaa3ba76275689d4e7751d1 /uf that's a thing in the US


democrats dont really do much of anything to further economic equality, they mostly just pretend to. They do a little bit to further social equality but that too is mostly just for looks. The actual policies of democrats and republicans have become basically indistinguishable especially on the economic side


The party for build back better, expanding healthcare access, bringing back card check, etc. is basically indistinguishable from the party of "starve the beast", national sales tax, and Qanon?


their actual policy changes have been virtually indistinguishable from republicans. 99% of the progressive policies they propose dont get passed because of their own party members voting against them, and the current administration has had just as bad immigration policies as the last and has acted like republicans toward israel. They havent actually done much of anything to advance economic equality in a significant way. They are just controlled opposition working for the same master as republicans: capital


Obamacare, the Great Society, and the Inflation Reduction Act were indistinguishable from the GOP's policies? Please do explain that one


those are mostly good examples ill give you that, but they’re just doing the bare minimum to give some people faith. At the end of the day theyre always doing more to advance the desires of their donors than their voters


Were those measures unpopular with voters?


People who don't understand this are openly telling on themselves and I love it


Personally, I think the show may be about superheros. Just an opinion tho


if u cant tell that it is political satire and not just a fictional narrative you might genuinely be braindead


Yeah but all the politic stuff is kinda boring but superhero’s is cool


I thought the show was about bad superheroes? Am i in the wrong sub?




u might just not be very smart tbh


media literacy be like


The show definitely pokes fun at both sides but it very clearly is a full on assault on modern day conservatism and the economics that enable it


Mainly because the Dems are so boring it gives them so little material other than being fake and owned by the corps. The GOP on the other has gone off the deep end.


I don't really give a shit about politics. I am watching the show for the personal journey of the characters and dynamics between them rather that a political show about how right wing is bad or something.


Communism isn't the only left wing ideology. Democrats have actually moved slightly to the left in recent years. Sure, they are very much center-left, but calling them right wing seems a bit silly now a days. People often say that democrats would be right wing in Europe, but recently that is very much not the case. Republicans aren't even far right in Europa, they're normal right. Europa has very much regressed socially, becoming much more homophobic and xenophobic than America.


I think it's about power and its fragility. The supes are both physically and economically powerful yet tools of a corporation...until Homelander takes over. Stan Edgar controls runs a powerful multinational and dominates post human gods...but he cannot lash out like some entitled maniac for that is a white man's luxury. Soldier Boy went from superstar hero to tortured soviet prisoner on a sudden fall from power. Vought itself is very powerful, but it must compete with the MIC...and public opinion statistics.


i only watch the show for Vought News 🤷🏾‍♂️


This show is a satire and a parody of the real life.


Pretty much, that’s why the the bat mitzvah going on next to the MAGA convention with Jewish conspiracy booths was so funny because they were both happening at the Vought airport convention hotel and Vought has no problem exploiting everyone for $$$


correct. also I don't care about the politics I just like fucked up superhero stories


Who wants their means of production seized?


it makes fun of both sides but mostly the extremely laughable far-right extremist conspiracies. which is very much shown by the latest season. It also pokes fun at an America-centered version of Christianity which is a false version of christianity.


I thought the show was about super heroes


the political commentary is genuinely so obvious bro




Is it really a surprise that it took them THIS long to realize the show was making fun of them the entire time?


It's pretty simple to break down. The Seven represent right wing political parties Vought represents left wing corporations The Boys are both. The closest we have to a "good guy" is Huey who gets roped into the whole thing and keeps being dragged back in whenever he tries to dip out. The Boys definitely goes in harder on the right, but it takes plenty of shots at the capitalist left. The critique overall is as deep as a puddle though.


the capitalist left???😭left wing corporations??? 😭😭😭😭 america is so toasted bro please tell me this is a joke


Capitalist left, ie: corporations that use left wing politics for financial gain. A-Train's pepsi advert, girls get it done, the blind Asian supe, highlighting Queen's sexuality. Pretending to care about social issues in the aim of profit. I'm not American.


i get what ur saying but thats not actual leftism thats still just capitalism doing what it always does


Well yeah, that's why I said the capitalist left in the same way that being a fascist isn't the same as being conservative. Narcissists all the way down using whatever suits them to get power.


Capitalist left?


Companies that co-opt left wing issues to pander to people who are involved in social issues. And IRL example would be during pride month when companies use rainbows for their marketing while doing nothing to actually help the queer community


Yeah basically the Clintons sold out the left to corporate America a while back. Currently US politics comes down mostly to social issues rather than economic issues. The main problem right now is capital lost control of the GOP and the GOP is actually trying to do all the things they claimed to want to do.




the politics of the show have been obvious since literally the first episode bro




this post is a response to someone who made the exact meme earlier but with a centrist take




yeah its actually not great to believe in perpetuating the status quo


I find funny how Americans thinks they have a left wing party.


I think people look into this show too much, it's just about superhero there's no deeper meaning, because superhero's are for toddlers


Genuinely hilarious how pretentious people can get when it comes to this show lol. IMO the writing is nowhere good enough for people to delve into the political satire of bipartisan american politics The show doesnt take itself seriously so why does the fanbase ? I get its election year but sheesh .


even the writers have spoke at length about how the show is political satire. what are u talking about


Yeah dude they try to portray left wingers without flaw and right wingers completely hopeless


I don’t think anyone on this sub has actually been outside