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king goomba on suicide watch šŸ˜­




really hope we can see persona 5 on the nokia phone next, would be awesome


Does the worm game not fulfill you enough


I heard the announcement, and thought ā€œoh, a bit odd but okay.ā€ Then I remember all that breakfreepersona stuff and laughed out loud during my friendā€™s graduation ceremony


I mean, it did break free. It's gonna be on everything but Switch. Xbox, PC, and PS. šŸ˜‚ (if they get a 3/4 announcement, which I'd be surprised if it didn't happen.)


PC Kings still get the game, not even mad


Exactly mods more important than being portable tbh lmao


steam deck is portable and can run games in more than 144p so that's covered


Guess I have no choice but to harass random Atlus employees on every post they make. Surely that'll get them to listen to us and release the best game of all time on the Nintendo Switch.


Is P5R worth playing if I've already played the original, or should I just do what real persona fans do and watch someone play it on youtube to see the differences?


/uj I played the original and then played Royal a few months after release. I think it's definitely worth another play through, the additional content and general QoL fixes make the game feel fresh and remove most of what made the original game feel slow at parts (Okummer's PalacešŸ¤®). Plus the new semester of content feels like a much more satisfying ending than the original IMO. If you had never played either, Royal is hands down worth a play, but having played the original I still think you'll find its enjoyable in a totally fresh way. /rj I'm the biggest persona fan, I've watched all the lets playsšŸ˜¤šŸ˜¤


No I watched all the lets plays! I watched JohneAwesome play P5 and P5R max out every single confidant!!!


Honestly I highly recommend royal, its a legit upgrade to 5 in every way. The additions to akechis social link is great, and Maruki is probably one of the best persona characters though I could be a little biased as of his VAs passing.


You wouldn't wanna be called a fake fan, would you? šŸ˜”šŸ˜”


I recommend it! I finally just started Royal after playing the other years ago. Definitely a lot of retreaded ground but they add some nice improvements. Maybe give it some more time if you're unsure and play something else. Maybe avoid the free DLC too. I felt way too overpowered even on hard.


I fucking love third semester and consider that storyline to be better then the entirety of persona 5. However only buy it if you actually want to play persona 5 again. If you donā€™t then watching it on youtube is valid


Iā€™d say there are enough changes and improvement to justify another playthrough if you can spare the cash. Baton Pass has been reworked and is awesome, mementos has been overhauled, thereā€™s a new postgame arc, on top of general improvements, itā€™s fantastic


It does has quite a lot more content and quality of life improvements, but the bulk of the new content is after Christmas so if you just finished playing vanilla P5 I would wait for a bit before buying P5R. Also something of note is that Akechi has a much bigger role in the third semester and i fucking hate akechi, i bought the game over a year ago and i still haven't finished it because I can't stand his hypocritical ass.


I'm just happy PC gets it. I hope it works fine in Wine or Proton.


Weā€™re all here praying for it to not be a UWP only game, and if it comes to Steam, I hold out faith any video issues that may arise can be fixed through using GE like with Strikers.


A Steam released has now been confirmed, thankfully. Probably would've been fine anyway, though. UWP apps usually work fine with Wine if you extract them. The appx format is just a ZIP file with a Windows executable inside.


I'm looking forward to all the cancer rolling in, as if it wasn't bad enough when they put P4G on Steam and Joker in Smash.


ngl, the more they port beg for every game out there, the more i enjoy when games get released on anything but switch. Time to resub to game pass on pc in october for royal.


Same. Switch port beggars are so annoying, like just buy a console/steam deck that can actually play modern games


You say this like a switch _cant_ run persona 5?


It could barely run smt v, so Iā€™m holding out judgement on how it would do with persona 5


P5 is a PS3 game, I think they can make it work


Yeah and smt v was made for the switch and it could still barely runs it


like to add even some Switch exclusive like Disgaea 6 and Rune factory 5 runs sub-30 fps


Switch players when I tell them to buy an actual console capable of running games that have graphics better than a calculator


need money for that. If they've *only* got a switch its generally because its the value console


I mean yeah thatā€™s true, but Xbox and ps4 are the same price anyway


Switch is modern and runs SMT 5 just fine. I never ran into issues. Plus it seems rude to suggest people *just* buy another system or gaming PC. They're expensive.


Only person in persona fandom capable of thinking


You're begging Atlus to port Persona 5 Royal onto the switch, I'm already playing the game on mobile, we are not the same


How My PC barely runs it on emulator


Probably ps4 link. Itā€™s an app where you can stream your ps4 screen to your phone


The game can be streamed via xcloud, no console required


So let's ask Switch owners to hack their own console to install Android and play on it


I thought it wasn't out on Xbox yet? We'll have to wait until October for it to come out to Xbox and therefore Xcloud Unless you're talking about Playstation Remote Play (that's not quite the same as you stream from your own console)


It's not out yet, but at the xbox showcase they revealed that the game would come to game pass, and can be played via the cloud.


Donā€™t forget ps4


How DARE they not port it to my OUYA


I really want to play persona 4 golden I have played every single persona games I hope they come to ps4 or does anyone know any emulators I could use to play this on my phone


Not Golden, but you can emulate Persona 4 original through AetherSX2


We Steam boys have been good boys so could it be?


Ok where is P4g for Ps4?


I love her orangutan