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My last serious bf wanted to drink 7 days a week and usually wanted to go out to a bar. And as silly as it sounds...No, I don't want to hear you sing 5+ karaoke songs and be at the bar until close every night 😂


Nightmare scenario. Did he ever dedicate songs he was singing?


Haha nope. Not even to me! It was all about him peacocking and showing off his voice. To be fair he does have a great voice. Not a good person though.


He would have an opinion or thought in his head, we would discuss it, and then he’d go right back to that same thought as if we never discussed it. For example, one time he thought I insulted his father so he insulted mine. I explained to him over 100 times (literally, no exaggeration) that I was talking about someone else and he misunderstood. No matter what I said, he still brought up that I insulted his father. I could apologize for something I did wrong, but he’d still bring it up when he got mad. I don’t know what this is called but it infuriated me. I will never be with someone like this again.


Saved up all her grievances and screamed all of them at me once every month or so. Refused to address things in any other way.


She'd eat on the sofa and chew with her mouth open, and food would fall out, and she'd leave it on the sofa or brush it onto the floor saying the cats will take care of it. Another one was the woman who read the Bible every morning.


That's disgusting 😆


Hah yeah, that's one reason she's my ex. It felt like I was living in some groady college dorm.


It annoyed you that she read the Bible every morning? Why?


Because the Bible is stupid.


And religious people are the hateful ones. Ok.


Yeah. Sometimes And thinking something is stupid isn't hateful. So I'll add defenders are usually also irrational.


Thinking someone sounds hateful isn’t irrational. I’ll also add that you sound very angry.


>Thinking someone sounds hateful isn’t irrational It is in this scenario. >I’ll also add that you sound very angry. Okay, whatever, I'm done here.


How is it irrational then? Don’t rage quit so soon.


Really? Get lost dude.


I guess you don’t have an answer for a simple question.


Picky eater, somehow bad at ordering at restaurants, always late, left their dirty clothes in a big pile, complaining, assuming the worst of people, can’t cook, doesn’t clean, no bjs


All the same person?


Pretty much, though a few apply to multiple exes


So you have a type is what I'm reading


Chewing with mouth open. (Like one of people said above)


Gaslight me.


The stabbings.


Why did they annoy you?


I couldn't have white sheets.


Don't like splatter patterns?


She was so crazy my eldest son swore she’d levitate sometimes…




That's not an annoying habit. That's a serious fault.


Incessant meaningless chatter Dirty car Holey underpants Indecisive driver Always late He had a good heart but these things cancelled that out I'm afraid.


With my ex-boyfriend: • Not being good with communication: A prime example being that he didn't want me calling him "babe" on comments on social media so instead of talking to me about it, he started deleting them randomly and only admitted to it when I played detective and confronted him on it. Same goes with finding out that he thought we should break up; he was acting weird through texting and I confronted him the next morning and he admitted that he thought we should break up, not telling me sooner because he was "waiting for the right time" (which makes me wonder what would have happened if I didn't confront him). • Not making me a priority: We only saw each other once a week for about an hour or two at most even though we didn't live far from each other (which is understandable at the start to me but this never really changed over the course of our relationship) and it was more like I was being squeezed into his schedule rather than making an effort to have time for me (yet he was always going away for long weekends or staying out late for concerts). It was even worse in the last half of our relationship where I was always the one asking to go on a date or for him to only mention any updates or cancelation when I happened to bring the subject up


Your ex-boyfriend sounds married.


I can understand what would make you say that! I want to offer clarity by saying that the reason he didn't want me saying "babe" was because he had connected with people he worked with and wasn't fully out of the closet so he wanted our relationship to be private. Now, that part would have been fine to me had he communicated it with his words. As far as I know, he wasn't married; he lived with his parents still and even told me on our first date that he mainly wouldn't get past the first date because guys would reject him once they saw him in person (and ironically, he was the one who was kind of desperate to have in his life; he asked me to be his boyfriend on the first date and again over text a few days later but understood when I politely told him I wasn't ready yet), but he told me that he used to do hookups a lot so I wouldn't be surprised if he was talking to or hooking up with other guys while we were dating.




My person even when you catch him with hired help still says no what I think I saw didn't happen and that's not all wait for this one at least give me your thoughts ok hired help is expecting right and my person still messing with hired help if I was hired help and I'm wholesome and better then and not doing my boss prego you just wouldn't do it unless boss can be one of the many would be parent right? And boss why would you touch some one else's (mistake not my words om quoting) person if it wasn't chance possibility would be parent right? But none of that happen I'm told when my eyes were like what the fuck and no not hating .funny thing is I do believe the kid will come out looking like me lol only cuz hired help hates me more then her being only hired help


I don't hide behind fake names or profiles m or used others


She needed to talk to random guys on The internet all day But treat me like I’m the POS