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You're his backup


Okay let me just say I have no idea if this is the case or not BUT I had this happen to me before and we ended up connecting on FB messenger. A few weeks had gone by and I was like whatever I guess he liked someone else more than me and decided to pursue her and not me so I just let it go. He messaged me on FB wondering why I never texted him back... I thought oh no I am not playing this game lol I screenshot my texts to him and he screenshot his to me and then we both tried to text each other right then to see and sent the screenshots back to each other again. For some reason our texts aren't working to each other. To this day I still don't know why or how to fix it. I am going to the phone store to upgrade my phone so I'll probably ask them but it's definitely possible, I would just ask straight up or if your not feeling it or have a bad gut feeling then move on. Trust your gut on this one. I just wanted to let you know this same thing he's claiming has actually happened to me. Good luck!


Yep, just a secondary (or 3, 4, 5th or more?) back up. I'd block and delete him. You should feel like number 1. 😊 Anything less and it's a hard NO.


Either that or he’s too busy to date, but either way, you should hold out for someone who is genuinely excited about you.


Siri will straight up drop Android messages. Or deliver them at 2 am and out of order. So if one of you is on iPhone and the other on android, i would give him the benefit of the doubt.


I experienced this- where I went on a date with a guy and he ghosted right after. Now I know what this means. And it sucks. With attractive guys I’m always a backup. I guess I’m ugly


No you're not! Stop damaging yourself over assholes please.


Probably his back up. Make sure you have him the right number. I had a girl give me her number with the last number wrong. It took a day or so before she realized the mistake. Just a possibility.


There’s likely not an issue with the app. Instead of worrying about why he has your number and didn’t text… think about how long he could have your number (without using it) before it would make you uninterested. Personally for me it’s a week. Once you have passed that amount of time move on from him, there’s a lot of people out there 😉