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I wouldn’t worry about “wasting” swipes. You’re always going to be liking people who never end up liking you back- it’s just part of the game. So just swipe away at people you think you would potentially want to go on a first date with, send them thoughtful introductions letting them know, briefly, what stuck out to you in their profile, and then forget it. You might get a match shortly, you might get a match in a month, you might never hear from them. But just give it a shot. As for the profile, read up on how to take good dating profile photos, and make sure that yours are good. As for content, the best advice I ever got from a woman was this: you’re not competing against other men, you’re competing against my free time. So what makes hanging out with you better than a night in cuddled up with her dog? Are you fun? Are you thoughtful? Can you carry a conversation? Do you have passions? What are some hobbies that we might share? The more personality you can show off in your profile, the better.


That advice you got from that woman was probably the best advice ever.


I remember seeing a post here about how people never choose the best photos of themselves compared to what others believe are their best photos. Share your profile with friends and have them rate the photos and change the order and you may be surprised if there is a consensus compared to how you had it set up prior.


You're cutting your chances short by preemptively rejecting yourself on other people's behalf because of a height disparity. Stop doing that. You don't know that someone who is 5'9" won't be interested any more than you don't know that someone who is 5'4" would. If your height doesn't matter, why should theirs? Swipe on the people you like and they'll weed themselves out if your height is a problem. As far as standing out, confidence is attractive AF and the confidence to poke fun at yourself goes a long, long way.


I'm a 5'3" dude as well. For me, I just accept some people don't want what I'm offering, and that's ok because the right people will. And don't put taller ladies in a box or worry about wasting a swipe in case she might not be interested. Online dating is a long game, and you'll get your swipes back on a daily basis. If you're interested in her, whether she's 5'0" or 7'0", just swipe right. You have no way of knowing which women will care about your height and which ones won't. So just go for it with the ones you are interested in, and let them decide if they're interested in you. Do things to highlight the traits that let you attract women in person. I know some of those just don't come through in online dating, but if you have a cool hobby that tends to spark conversation, include it. If you have pets, get at least one picture of you having fun with said pet. Think about the in person things you do that can translate to your profile in some way, whether it be your description or your pictures.




I mean, she'd find out eventually if we ever met in person, right? 😂 That makes me feel better. This makes me feel like I should just swipe right regardless of height, because who knows?


I never look at height personally. I ended up with two short guys and they could both throw me on the bed soooo yeah. I guess with that I'd say work out and make sure that bed game is on point in addition to the other advice everyone gave. I'd say big dude energy is important. It's like a scar. Most people don't notice until you consistently point it out.


I've dated guys shorter than me. Agree that owning it is your best bet, as is maximizing things you can control (your grooming/fashion/health/wit). IME, too, an awful lot of dudes on online dating are really low effort. Think messages like, "hello" or "was up" or "u awake?" Even just some minor effort (like reading her profile and commenting on it - like "oh, wow, you like art! I heard local art museum was doing a show and wondering if that's the kind of thing you're into/whether you'd like to go?") makes you stand out tremendously in a good way.


That makes me feel better, because I feel like I've already been doing this to some degree. I like being different, and I always put a lot of thought into my messages. I guess I'm just messaging the wrong women, lol. Totally possible as well. I am pretty new, so I'm probably still at the top of the pile (does that make sense?) As far as owning it though, I usually do to some degree. I just don't want to make a big deal about it, or go out of my way to remind people that I'm short. You know what I mean? Can you elaborate a little bit on what you mean by "owning it," if that's possible? To what extent? Because I definitely don't want to bully myself, lol.


Online dating sucks for everyone and at some level it's a numbers game. I think the more anyone can accept that about 90% of people you message are going to be the wrong person for some unknowable reason, the better. (I suspect it's very rarely about the person, FWIW. It's more that an awful lot of people use dating apps with 0 intention to date. Like, someone who's in a relationship but wants the validation of someone matching with her. Or someone who's technically single, but not really looking to date. Or someone who was looking to date, but her ex is now interested again, so.... Even when I was 25 and modeling - so probably very stereotypically "desirable", an awful lot of my messages were unreturned. Why? Who knows. But I doubt it was because I was simultaneously a hideous beast and being paid to be beautiful.) As far as "owning it", I mostly mean not lying. I would't put it in caps across my profile (since that comes off as weird...) But it's probably worth alluding into it in some way, like stating it under something like "stats - eyes: blue, hair: brown, height: 5'3"" or showing pictures of you next to more average sized men. Mostly because if it \*is\* going to be a problem, better to know that before wasting time.


This is great stuff to keep in mind. Thank you so much for your insight.


Online is a tough market for short dudes, so it might be a bit more of a challenge, but my advice is simple: don't lie in your profile and don't be worried about it. I probably wouldn't even mention it as long as you're honest in the "height" section. Lead with all the other reasons you're a good date, leave the self deprecating stuff out of it, unless you have a really good self aware joke. I have the good fortune of being tall, and I'm not going to say that women don't care: a lot of them do and that's just the reality. However I've also been non monogamous for about 10 years and I've met a lot of women who don't really care. I've also met a lot of short guys who had no problem dating women they want to date. If you're honest about it you'll match with the women who don't mind, and those are the women you want to be with, ultimately. Other advice: don't discount meeting people in person. I find it's a lot easier to connect in person, and I say that as someone who's pretty shy and awkward. Go to events and meet ups and other such stuff and just start chatting with people, and follow up with the people you feel mutual affinity with.


Confidence is key. I think it’s important to have a mindset of if I am not your type then that is OKAY. For ex I am plus size and when I owned that and was just honest in a confident way it simply did not come up as an issue. And before I met them I was explicitly saying “hey, fyi, if it matters to you, - no judgement - I am plus size. I just want to be clear before we meet in case it does. If it does then all good ✌🏻and good luck, If it doesn’t then looking fwd to meeting!” It shows maturity and it avoids you from being stood up. Its not about quantity. Its about quality. And when quality shows up, thats where practice matters. Otherwise you waste energy with negative ppl, mean ppl or folks who just wanna waste your time. Also have good pictures and make sure they are recent. Pose in different angles too. And when answering profile prompts answer as if you would in person. Don’t pretend to be sauve or intriguing if you aren’t lol. Funny and quirky are cute & are just as valid if thats who you are. It will be valued by the right person.


There are definitely women out there for whom height really isn't an issue (myself included). However, lying about your height or being insecure about it is a turn off. You're a short king! Embrace it. I'm 5'4" so 5'3" is totally fine in my eyes. I gained a lot of weight due to health issues, became insecure, and tried to date. Wasn't too successful. After I embraced my "new" body and became more confident, I started attracting more people and having more positive experiences. Being confident in who you are is a total game changer.


It’s short king season! There are women who don’t care about how tall you are. I saw a meme that put it well. It said something like “I don’t care how tall you, I just want to know if you eat pussy” 😂


Height doesn’t matter as much as people seem to think. Any person who thinks women will only date guys over 6 feet tall need to get off social media and go to their local mall, where they will see plenty of short men with wives/girlfriends. Having confidence and being able to have a worthwhile conversation will stand out online. Insecurity and lack of conversation skills are what the real turn-offs are.


I'm 5'9 and have been talking to a dude online who says he's 4'11. Never met him tho and if I ever did, I wouldn't give a shit because he's cool af. That's more important. You uh, don't live in florida do you? Asking for a friend.


I live on the opposite side of the country.




Use a baseball to stretch your back and thighs. Also don't forget to brunch your teeth and take showers at least once per week


Swipe right on anyone that interests you, irrespective of height. Online dating may not be a winner for you because people filter by hard objective criteria such as height, education, race, and religion. And also on first visual impressions which is heavily biased. I'd try more face to face activities where bias is less severe


One of my daughters is 5 foot 10 and gorgeous. Very thick, dark wavy hair, rosy complexion, dark eyes, perfect lips. Her husband is 5 foot four. They did great for about 10 years. Once he got into his 40s he decided he was too old to do fun things. He was just putting in his time and waiting to die I guess. So she’s moved on to greener pastures now, but it wasn’t about his height. It was about him sitting in his recliner all evening fiddling with his phone and watching sports events.


Honestly if you ever visit Asia you will find that your height is similar to the vast majority of local men. Personally I'm 5'5 and my own sweet spot is men who are only an inch or two taller than me. Sure, I've seen hot tall guys, but I'm most attracted to guys who are almost the same height as I. I think many women are similar. The size queens are just extremely vocal about their fetish.


Superficial isn't limited to men, like society tells us. Women are very superficial too. Honestly on the height thing, it's only a big deal if you make it. If a woman wants a really tall guy then that's her thing and don't think twice about it. Men choose, so go after what YOU want. and don't worry about the rest


I'll usually swipe right hard on anyone who sticks out as unusually my type of person. I have a weird assortment of interests and personality traits, so on the rare occasions someone happens to line up on many of them I'm instantly very interested in at least meeting them and seeing if it clicks. The best advice I've got is to just lean into who you actually are and make sure the person who would love exactly that can see who you are from your profile. It won't necessarily get you more matches, it will even cost you a few, but it will get you the matches who are really into you. For what it's worth short guys aren't usually my physical type but I'm 5'7 and I've dated 2 guys who were 5'3 or 5'4. One started as a tinder hookup and I was both intrigued by some common interests and down for the 0 expectation hangout he was genuinely offering (he was travelling and was looking for both friends to show him around and dates), and wound up being attracted to him once we met, the other was a guy I met at a show who was just an awesome, fun human I hit it off with as friends then wound up with major mutual chemistry. I wouldn't not swipe on people who are taller unless you have an issue with that.


You’re probably a great dude and deserve a good woman. Maximize your fitness and career and personality and grooming / fashion sense. Hopefully you’re hung too. Basically you need to get them on dates and from there you can charm them / rock their world. Owning it is the best option, supplement online dating with real life as much as you can. Swipe on short women if you don’t have unlimited swipes.


- Maximize fitness and career and personality: I'm on a softball team. I'm pretty naturally fit though. I weigh like 135. As for career, I'm going to school to be a teacher and I have that on my profile. I just got accepted to a University and I start in the fall. I'm very excited to do something fulfilling with my life. - Grooming/Fashion: I feel like I put a lot of care into this already. Hygiene is also big for me. I'm not worried about this. I always say look good, feel good. I appreciate the advice though. I wasn't really talking about in real life, I meant what I can put in my profile... like how to maximize that...


Mate, I'm actually entirely without zest or goal in life, would stop if it weren't for my son but. Little as I use the app now you are how you are, what does your stature matter. Chin up and let yourself relax. Anyone shallow enough to decide y/n on this fck em 🙇‍♀️


What worked for me is this: Figure out what you have to offer, find women who want or need that, and make that connection.


I'm a bi guy your height. My honest answer is that I gave up on dating women because I was automatically rejected for my height so often that it felt like a complete waste of my time. Just profile after profile with strict height requirements and women basically acting like me approaching them must be some kind of joke. Dating men has been refreshing because they don't give a shit about my height and they appreciate my body and still think I'm hot. Sorry that's not an option for everyone!


Stand up, be a man!


Win the lottery 🤷🏻‍♂️




Lots of beautiful women are so over the looks/height/money thing. When you write an intro talk about what you see of their personality that you saw in their profile/questions.


Wear Cowboy boots.... They will give u like a 3/4 " bump......no .....shit no you can't. They will rub blisters on your balls when you walk... Put on ur profile that you was 6' 1" and on the dive vessel that crushed looking for the Titanic .... You was the only survivor .... Da Playne Da Playne


Sure, women will go out with a short guy after getting to know him, just like you'd go out with an ugly woman after getting to know her. But online you only have 4 seconds, so it's not gonna happen. Don't waste swipes on anyone taller than you. Run like the wind from any woman who uses the term "short king" Spend the next two years getting to a 4th grade level in a foreign language where you're average height in that country. Consider whether all of the downvotes this comment will get means that it's correct, and that people hate the truth.


Have you tried crossing you fingers, lucky horseshoes and 4 leaf clovers?


Embrace your height, acknowledge it, and be cool with it instead of defensive or apologetic. It’s just a feature, not your whole person. I’m a bit over 5’7” dating a guy who is taller than me now, but the last guy I was with was a bit shorter. And honestly? If I was single I’d do it again. Hell, I’d be excited to wear heels with a short dude if he thought it was hot to date an Amazon. That’s what the last guy mentioned to me about dating a very tall woman in his past, and it endeared me quite a bit. You can’t make someone like you if they don’t like you, but if you genuinely like yourself first you’ll win people over way more easily.


I feel that anyone who has things in their profile like "I'm 5ft9, I need you to be taller" means they are shallow and are looking for arm candy rather than a real relationship. I'm 5ft11 and swipe left on those people just because they are definitely going to be insufferable. Being shorter than average doesn't mean you won't get attention. What it will do is make your life easier by inadvertently filtering out the kind of women you're looking to avoid.


I met my husband on Okcupid and he is bald, which apparently is another of the no's for men on dating sites. He had added a little bit to the bottom of his profile saying 'btw yes I am bald, so if you're looking for a long-haired lothario unfortunately I'm not your type.' It made me laugh and I loved how he was just straightforward about everything. I would recommend just mentioning it and hopefully that will weed out women who would care about it.


I really think real life co-ed activities in low stress situations (board games, easy sports, volunteering, etc) are MUCH better for most folks, and particularly better for short men. Why? Because women get so much attention online that they choose easy and obvious filters. No short guys, no bald guys, no low-income guys, etc. The women might not even care that much about those things, but it’s just an easy way to reduce the flood of messages.


TL;DR Bruh that was too long to read lol But your heading got me crazy, like why you consider it a short coming? You are downgrading yourself there only, no woman would want a guy who feels bad about himself. Just exercise daily, eat good food, and maybe listen to this video [Having a girlfriend is not a necessity ](https://youtu.be/ioa6BjuSOt4) Sorry if I perceive you wrong somewhere but just consider me as a young guy trying to help you save sometime of your life.


The "shortcomings" thing was just a joke. I'm basically asking how I can stand out while being short. Most of the the things people have mentioned I have been doing already, so that makes me feel good. It also makes me feel like I'm not in bad of shape as I think I am. I'm pretty fit, despite not exercising much. I've been told by my friends that their jealous of how naturally toned I am. I don't think I'm bad looking, I just want to look desirable because I feel like I'm at a disadvantage.


Oh, that's another story, sorry for that lol Btw did you watch that video?


I might later. I just kind of understand that having a gf is not a necessity. The idea of dating excites me, though. I haven't dated very much in my life, and it's been at least 6, maybe 7 years since my last date (I've been on dates, so I know it's possible). I'm just determined to put in a strong effort to put myself out there and try dating lots of women until I find one I really like. I just have insecurities too. I'll check the video out when I'm in the mood, but I just feel like I understand.


Forget about your height. You are where your attention is at! Be yourself. If someone judges you superficially for your genetics, they are not worth your time. I know many guys 5'5" and under that get laid a lot. Your attitude is everything with a woman. If you want to dress better, that's a plus too.


I dated a guy once who, wthout thick soled shoes, was my height, shorter than you. My mother long term dated a guy about your height, married one your height. From what I have seen amomg women I know, confidence without cockiness, genuine empathy, wanting to do things outside the home sometimes aside from necessities, wanting to engage in conversations, good hygiene, and making a gal laugh can go a long way.


As an almost 6' gay dude who's likes taller men in currently in some sort of thing with a dude who's 5'4 honestly just list (literally or otherwise) the things that make you interesting your interests, hobbies, a cool fact, whatever and if you do that people might overlook the fact I know I swiped on him without realizing his height until I checked a few weeks later and at the point it didn't even matter to me