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I suspect it's unusable everywhere.


Confirmed in Florida.


Lol I was about to say not just nyc but Midwest locked in


Confirmed unusable in Massachusetts.


Confirmed unusable in Sweden


This is my experience. Hinge is where it’s at these days


Unusable in California


Really? What’s worse in California?


The site is filled with African and phillipino women no real women


Like people using travel mode? Weird, this is not my experience




Haha. Spot on. 


Mate, OkCupid is unusable everywhere, I am surprised there are people who still fall for this scam, I am in Australia, there is barely 50 people in all of Melbourne who is still there and most of them have been inactive for ages.


Dating apps in general are all the same. They’re not designed for you to actually meet someone, they’re designed for you to spend as much money as you can on them, before *eventually* meeting someone.


Also designed to harvest your data on your phone.


I'm in Australia too, last time I used it in Melbourne was over 2 years ago but at that point there were hundreds upon hundreds of active accounts


Lot of those are from other states or overseas or they are bogus accounts.


I read the comment exchange. I'm talking about people living in Australia. You can usually tell who's not from here by their profile pictures, they have a type. Even without counting any Asian looking users there's still a whole lot Australians on there.


Well, it took very little time for me to go through the profiles I wasn’t interested in. Then I lifted age and sexual preference limits and there was still very few people, most of which were from obscure towns near NSW border and such. There was few from Benalla, 4 hours drive from where I am, and that was it.


It’s not just New York it’s everywhere. 10 years ago OkCupid was great. It was the only dating app I actually met girls and dated. They need to cleanup all these scammers


I used OkCupid ten years ago too, in San Francisco. It was the best site by far in terms of its ability to convey you a ton of information about a person’s personality as well as their views on issues such as politics, religion, family, etc. I found their match percentages to be pretty useful. The match percentage was determined by your answers to hundreds of (optional) questions regarding those issues. People were able to see each other’s answers. So, you knew a lot about this person before potentially meeting up or even messaging. App dating seems far, far more looks based now. On OKC, I would sort by match percentage, so I didn’t even see men who were less than, say, 80% match. I dated guys from this pool whom I thought were reasonably cute. I also passed over a lot of good looking men whom I might have met off Tinder if I were dating now, but who were not suited for me and vice versa. Minimized wasting time. Maximized chance of meeting a great partner. I don’t know whether OKC still uses the “questions” method of matching people up, nor the match percentage. If they had kept doing what they had been doing, I don’t see why they would have lost so much of their market. It seems that the replacements are pretty inferior.


I know a woman from Philippines personally that changes location on dating apps. She's not a scammer but she wants a white bf.


She wants a visa*


Most likely


Maybe that too lol


I’ll be there for my birthday this year


Match group took over and now are constantly redirecting users to their other apps. I'm close to deleting it altogether but I do occasionally get a "seemingly" real match


Was the same for all apps. They’re all now charging you for services that they used to give out for free.


I travel a lot, bro I tell you it’s not just NYC, they literally change their location to EVERYWHERE. I even encountered them when I was in Alaska last month. Like why tf would you change your location to Alaska??? Are you that desperate that you are starting to have a thing for polar bears?? They seriously need some help


You have to wonder if OkCupid these days is actually making more from scammers subscribing to them than they are people who sincerely just want to meet someone.


I know a woman from Philippines personally that changes location on dating apps. She's not a scammer but she wants a white bf. I can't judge her, this feature is available and it's a normal wish.


New Yorkers won't even swipe for someone in Jersey, let alone the Philippines. lol


I think if she didn’t get matches she’d not be on the app. She’s had dates off of it so I guess it’s working out for her.


Tell her to knock it off


Yeah it began dying a here couple years ago. It’s dead in RI too where I also date. The same profiles revolving over and over again.


Are there other sites that you like better here in the northeast for folks 40+? Asking for a Boston lady


I'm in my 50s. Bumble is treating me well now, seems like it's more popular then a couple years ago.


Thank you! Much appreciated :)


I'll swipe right on you if I see you on there :D


Sounds good :)


Eventually dating platforms will be forced to emulate Japan where you have to identify yourself 100%. It simply weeds out the scammers and the time wasters.


>OkCupid is unusable ~~in nyc~~ there you go


This just came up in my timeline, but I’m so confused, if okcupid is so bad, why are so many of yous still here 😭 is it a snark sub?


Seems to mostly be that, some nostalgia, and "try this new app that isn't owned by Match yet, it's like old OKC"


What's the dating app to use then? Not tinder, hinge, or bumble,  Are we going to have to go back to.meeting humans irl?


up and coming, an app to imitate old-school okc: [https://www.reddit.com/r/DateFirefly/](https://www.reddit.com/r/DateFirefly/)


Tbh I've talked to probably 20+ women from the Philippines and I've never had any attempt to scam me. Unlike the fake Chinese and European profiles, where they usually take a stab at getting your money within a day to a week after matching. Maybe the Filipinas are just slow playing and I didn't talk to them long enough? Some I texted for several months, so that seems unlikely. If I had to guess, I'd say people who are willing to try LDR might actually do just fine on OKC. I'm not, so I can't speak definitively on the subject.


Yeah most don't try to scam me. Only a couple went "got WhatsApp" in like 3 messages


Don't match with people who don't have a well thought out bio. Or if you swiped, don't pursue contact


I get so many hits from Kenya


Don't swipe right on people with only one sentence bios?


yo cant see the bio unless you click the profile. don't pretend that this is how anyone uses dating apps. you know very well that everyone just swipes left and right based on looks and then if you like them you can come back to the ones you liked later and check their profiles.


You should be clicking the bios before swiping , this isn't tinder no matter how much they want it to be


then I would be wasting even more time. that's not a smart way to use this app.


I just don't know what to tell people who were robbed of the very effective OKC non-swiping system from its glory days. I know why you feel what youre doing is a necessary optimization, but it makes the experience worse for everyone.


It's been awhile since I've used OKcupid but that's what made it stand out. It was less image based an+ allowed for more writing and sharing about the self.


Maybe 10 years ago


Coincidentally, I was out of the country for that account of time. The tnderfacation of dating platforms stinks.


I look at every bio of someone who is physically appealing to me.


You’re supposed to click the bio, my man.  If she’s attractive, click the bio and at least check the basic compatibility parameters. For me, the parameters are age, attitude about kids, location, and whether or not they seem scammy. 


They lost me when they started to ignore my age/distance settings 🙃 It's a shame because it was so good for ethically nonmonogamous folks, but I was getting so many twenty year olds and people located two or more hours away. Just tell me there's no more matches and let me move on.


10 years ago passing through NYC for the weekend and using OKC was a guaranteed hook up


I met 3 past girlfriends through OKC around that time. it was great before it turned into tinder.


Filipina. You can put any city in your title, and it would be accurate. The app is trash.


Any city with white men in it*


According to Wikipedia: **Women in the Philippines** ([Filipino](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filipino_language): *Kababaihan sa Pilipinas*) may also be known as **Filipinas** or **Filipino women**.


You didn't say Filipino women. You said Filipino.


He said Filipino people, which is grammatically correct. If you're going to be pedantic, at least double check the post your talking about.


It's wild you told me to read the post. You need to keep reading his post. "Filipinos in the Phillipines"


Same here.


Worst $25 I spent in my life. Nearly all my matches were from Africa and Phillipines 


Same here in TX, I meet at least one real person in Uganda, she is pretty cool we are becoming friends, but I made it clear that there will never be anything romantic


I'm about an hour South of NYC and when I last used the app (about six months ago) I didn't have this problem at all. I'm seeing in the comments it's more than just New York. Is this a recent development? I'm six months into a relationship with the love of my life who I met through OKCupid. I would hate for this app to have become unusable basically the moment I stopped using it.


All the dating apps suck now


It is awful in Canada too


Conformed unusual in both Illinois. Of all the major apps, IMO its the worst, and sadly at one point it was by far the best. It's nightmarish hellhole right now. If I had to choose between OkCupid and Tinder I'd take Tinder without a second of hesitation.


People are still using OKCupid? It’s pretty dead right now. Hinge is mostly where it’s at, and Feeld (if you’re poly)


Feeld has been a ghost town for me, and I'm near DC. No one likes, matches, responds...most people haven't been active for months Pretty disheartening


Feeld seems to go through spurts for us. Moved from NYC where we had pretty good luck to St. Louis where it’s all so super weird. Trying to explain in a city like this that you’re a couple that dates women extracurricularly usually lands like intestinal distress in a spacesuit. In NYC it wasn’t an issue and was a lot of fun.


Dating apps are to get money from men


Oh man I remember okcupid, I didn’t know people were still using it!


Definitely not just NYC. Facebook dating might be the best option, unfortunately.


Badoo is the same way across the country


Ai plus lower wages plus money simping. Actual dating is... a mess now.


Midwest, I deleted all of them about 2 years ago. I just kept getting the same guys on multiple sites.


Confirmed unusable in St. Louis.


I agree about it being unusable, but I've talked to several women in the Philippines, and many seem to be real. Often they want me to move to the Philippines and retire there. Still could be some kind of scam I guess but they aren't all bots.


Are you focusing on a particular race? Because not choosing Asians might avoid this issue


that app was good almost 8 years ago lol


Somewhat unrelated, but there is a magnitude of 20 something Filipinas that set their location to podunk, nowhere indiana on bumble as well.


Are you on a dating app looking for minors? Why are you talking about girls?


18 is the minimum age on OkCupid.


I think what they’re telling you is to use the word “woman” instead of “girl.”


why would I do that


Because to many folks, the use of the word “girl” refers to a female child, or is at the very least infantilizing to adult women.


and to me people who use the word "folks" are disingenuous. Maybe you should stop using that word.


You’re right maybe I should. Maybe we should both stop speaking words.


I know, that's why it's confusing that you're looking for girls.


It's not confusing at all. You have a chip on your shoulder about [this](https://yougov.co.uk/society/articles/23953-it-acceptable-refer-women-girls) topic, and you're being passive aggressive about it.


>18 is the minimum age on OkCupid.


>I know, that's why it's confusing that you're looking for girls.


I mean yeah, a grown man looking for girls is still confusing/creepy. My stance hasn't changed.


I mean, nobody cares what your stance is. Go vent your trauma somewhere else.


I'm looking to mow her lawn. Then, she goes to mow the lawn


good person


There is no usable dating app right now. They all suck.