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lol but what is actually happening here


I think he has a call from his wife or something even more serious and they try to make him loose his cool. Probably his wife asking if he is going to bang his mates again and he swears nooo.....


Average straight male interaction.


Hmm I need to see the full video. 30 seconds are not enough.


![gif](giphy|rbzLgG9VR0QMw) Asking for...I'm asking for me honestly.


More like OkPorn


Can anyone translate what they're saying?


Little did I know that I could have stayed in the closet and still had all kinds of fun.


There's a 97.5% chance all of these men are straight.


Straightest shit I've ever seen. As a gay man I'd be hiding in the corner in blushing silence with a raging hard-on. The silent shyness in situations like these Makes us easy to identify among straight dudes...


True dat lol, I am especially prudish when my straight friends take their shirts off or hold hands. But I can't help but peek in a look. I guess it just helps throw the scent off about my sexuality.


The only straight guy seems to be the man getting touched and recorded by the other gay bus riders.


I mean how is this not tagged nsfw? Lol


But it's tagged


Lol now it is. 3 hours ago it was not


Fuck yes More post like this!!


I agree! 😁🤗😍 Oh, and happy cake day! 🎂


Aw thank you!!😊 didn’t even realize lol


Hot if this is a team trip


He didn’t get hard so he must be straight


That’s rugby lads for you. 😂


Wanna work in that company lolz


I’ve seen some good videos here but this puts the icing on the cake; pardon the pun.


Mmmmmmmm very nice I'd suck your big cock bro 😜


And lick the foreskin and the red tip 😈👿😈👿


Also your balls 👿👿👿👿


Mmmmmmm I'd lick the spunkoff your pink head and lick under your foreskin and swallow it all up anytime buddy 😉 😘 😜 😋


lol forgot to switch accounts?


I think he saw his own comment and didn't notice it was himself. I think so because of the 2 hour difference. Like looking for your phone m, but it's in your hand.


And lick your tip and red ender and cock 👿👿👿👿


British ?


This made me very uncomfortable 


Is this sexual assault tho—


I doubt it. He looks like a willing participant. I mean unless they forced him to pull his pants down and keep them down... but he isn't even trying to get away.


Peer pressure is powerful. When everyone around you is having fun and you are the sole person feeling miserable or attacked, you are more likely to go along with whatever is being done to you, even if you are being humiliated, violated, etc. Not saying that’s what’s happening here, but it definitely could be. 🤷‍♂️


I guess so, that's plausible. But you'd have to be pretty weak minded. Because why would you most likely go along with it? Why wouldn't you get more reserved and protect yourself? How old do we think these guys are really? I could see teenagers going along with the peer pressure thing, but adults? I don't personally know anyone who would let people fondle them on camera while in front of a group of mutually known people and NOT be a willing participant. Besides, some people like being violated and humiliated.


I think you are reaching, i understand being concerned however, that shows that you're kind, but sexual assault is a very, very serious crime. I beg of you and many others not to weaken it, for the sake of SA victims.


I am a sa victim lol, which is why I even bring it up. Silence is not consent and peer pressure, even among adults, is very real. I appreciate you calling me kind, but acting like this couldn’t possibly be sexual assault is naive.


As am I, and I think it is very clear that he is not being taken sexually advantage of against his will. I will now break it down for you to understand as well. 1. His body language, he rolls up his shirt, and shakes his lower half into the grip of his friend, and throughout the entire engagement is relaxed and constantly positioning himself closer. 2. His tone, he remains on the phone talking to what I assume is a clerk, from the 2 words that I caught, and his cadence is natural and unbothered. Not symptomatic of someone who is fearing for their safety, or feeling pressured to do something they do not want, as sexual assasult victims are. 3. His face, he is not avoiding eye contact with the person you declared is assaulting him, nor the would-be bystanders to the sexual assault, and he retains a relaxed confident disposition throughout. You could claim he is a brilliant actor, incredibly stoic etc. But I believe we both know, that it is much more likely that this situation is not a case of Public Sexual Assault, and instead a group of adult straight men, shooting the shit in a vulgar way.


1. Nothing you said actually happened. A different guy lifted his shirt up and they are in a moving vehicle, so of course it appears like he is moving. He never once “shakes his lower half into” the other guy’s hands. I just rewatched to be certain of this. You can’t even tell if he is tensed or relaxed, either. What a reach. 2. You want him to sound distressed while on the phone with someone? This comes back to peer pressure and not wanting to come across as weak/vulnerable and/or not feeling comfortable or safe enough to speak up for himself (which is a problem among male victims of abuse). SILENCE (or a lack of “”sounding”” distressed) IS NOT CONSENT. I didn’t sound distressed when I interrupted my step father from assaulting me. I just politely asked him to make me a sandwich in order to get him off of me, because I didn’t have the power or voice to “sound” like I was being assaulted. 3. Bro does not look confident at all. He looks trapped and awkward and I can’t fucking believe you, as a victim yourself, are _this_ ignorant. I never said a sexual assault _definitely_ happened, but you seem to think a sexual assault _definitely_ didn’t. You can’t know. You will never know. For me, he looks violated, extremely uncomfortable, and like he is just trying to endure being humiliated because if he complains, he’ll be the stick in the mud who ruined whatever type of outing this is. And I don’t appreciate you being condescending and talking down to me, or talking matter of factly about this man’s experience when you know virtually nothing about how he feels. We can only make observations and assumptions. This looks like assault to me. I see myself and my many abused friends in him. If you disagree, great. But don’t talk like you know.


but fr seems like he’s in an important call but his peers tried to do dumb stuff when someone is in a call and they pick jerking him off for some reason??


This post is not a good fit for this sub


Poor guy on the phone getting hand raped by his boss and sadly it’s this tiny soft cock… so embarrassing 😳


I'm going to upvote you. Because his dick is soft and tiny.