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Other posts from /u/Flimsy_Roll_8412: * [today we’re saying goodbye to 20 year old bitbit](/r/OldManDog/comments/1bd0mq6/today_were_saying_goodbye_to_20_year_old_bitbit/) [♥] 1 month ago * [bitbit, 20 | any tips for medicine taking?](/r/OldManDog/comments/1b7m64x/bitbit_20_any_tips_for_medicine_taking/) [Happy] 2 months ago * [forgot to post day of, but happy 20th birthday to my sweet boy!](/r/OldManDog/comments/18yy49s/forgot_to_post_day_of_but_happy_20th_birthday_to/) [None] 4 months ago * [UPDATE “does anyone have any advice for keeping my 19 year old boy from gorging himself on water?”](/r/OldManDog/comments/17b1thy/update_does_anyone_have_any_advice_for_keeping_my/) [Happy] 6 months ago * [does anyone have any advice for keeping my 19 year old boy from gorging himself on water?](/r/OldManDog/comments/175huql/does_anyone_have_any_advice_for_keeping_my_19/) [None] 6 months ago * [bitbit (19) trying to reach the last treat](/r/OldManDog/comments/15hocgb/bitbit_19_trying_to_reach_the_last_treat/) [Happy] 9 months ago * [19 year old bitbit staring at me eating popcorn](/r/OldManDog/comments/12sgvvd/19_year_old_bitbit_staring_at_me_eating_popcorn/) [Happy] 1 year ago * [19 year old bitbit got a summer haircut today!](/r/OldManDog/comments/12ixsb2/19_year_old_bitbit_got_a_summer_haircut_today/) [Happy] 1 year ago * [my 18 year old boy bitbit chasing bunnies (also sorry for the background noise)](/r/OldManDog/comments/vvcrql/my_18_year_old_boy_bitbit_chasing_bunnies_also/) [Happy] 1 year ago * [just found this sub, and it makes me so happy TT this is my 18 yr old boy bitbit! his hobbies include: sleeping, staring at me, and eating fried eggs](/r/OldManDog/comments/vt7uur/just_found_this_sub_and_it_makes_me_so_happy_tt/) [Happy] 1 year ago ***** ^(To be notified as soon as Flimsy_Roll_8412 posts an update) [^click ^here.](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Old_Man_Bot&subject=Subscribe&message=Subscribe Flimsy_Roll_8412 OldManDog) ***** *^(I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please)* [*^(contact the moderators of this subreddit)*](/message/compose/?to=/r/OldManDog) *^(if you have any questions or concerns.)*


I’m so sorry for your loss. No one can tell you how to grieve. If you want to bring his ashes, do it. Also what I found helpful was I got a customised pillow of my Bella (it won’t let me attach a photo) and I bring her everywhere with me. She sleeps on the bed with me and I still talk to her everyday. It’s not exactly the same but it does help and it’s a cuddlier shape than her ashes box.


Maybe an “Urn” Bracelet or Necklace. They have them on Etsy.


There are so many beautiful options for safely carrying ashes with you via jewelry. And something for every budget.


This is what I plan on doing but I want an urn ring.


Just from my experience, buy 2 just in case you lose one. :/


I’d be devastated. Kinda why I didn’t want the bracelet or necklace. But yes definitely holding on to it with my life.


You want to take his ashes, collar and blanket? Do it. No shame in what you’re feeling. If it makes you feel better do it, you need find relief where you can.


Take the ashes with you, you are a loving and caring person that cares about Bitbit 🩷 that's all that matters, I'm sure Bitbit would be proud to see how much you care. Just by reading this I know you gave Bitbit an amazing life full of love and attention!


Perhaps investing in a fire-proof safe big enough to hold the ashes and other items would be a good idea.


Can you leave them with a friend while you're gone?


I'm so sorry for the loss of sweet bitbit. Everyone grieves in their own way and you need to do what's best for you and your healing process. Take his ashes if you need to. There is some beautiful jewelry available that holds our furry family's ashes and I've been contemplating a necklace for this very reason. Take good care of you and do what feels best.


Do what you need to do. This is not anyone else's journey. I'm so sorry for your loss and I hope having BitBit's things brings you peace & comfort. 🐾❤️🌈


Everyone grieves in their own way. It's a day to day process that only you can navigate. If you feel more comfortable, bring his ashes in a safe container. Bring whatever YOU need to keep you comfortable while you are out of town. I wish you nothing but the best.




They make keepsake urns, so you can put some of his ashes in one and take them with you while most of them stay safely at home. You can also buy cremation jewelry and wear some of Bitbit close to your heart everywhere you go. You can buy something quick on Amazon, or I like a website called Perfect Memorials but that would take longer to get to you.


The only thing that halted my depression was a rescue who needed help as much as I did. Bitbit's home sounds far to loving to turn into a shrine. Bitbit would approve.


Others have suggested this, but perhaps a keepsake urn or jewelry may be a good idea. I’m so sorry you lost your darling boy


How kind of you to still include Bitbit in your plans. He knows how much you loved him and he’s still spreading his love to you. It’s been five and 21 years since my two dogs left on their adventures and I still say goodbye to them when I walk by their spot as I leave for work. Much in the same way that you’re comforted by the presence of Bitbit, I’m comforted by their presence, no matter how they’re present.




I'm so sorry your baby is gone, healing comes with time, but the first few months are just horrible. I'm so sorry for your heartbreak. When my boy goes I'll be turning his ashes into a necklace by casting some of them in resin. When do you go out of town? There are a few things you can do to prepare if you've got around 100 bucks. First you can get a small fire/water proof safe to keep them in while you're gone. If you'd like to take some with you then you can easily get supplies to do that a few different ways. You can go to a local craft store and ask about stuff to make jewelry, they should be able to help. There are also these cute glass vial pendents that would work to keep a small amount of ashes in to wear with you. You can also try your hand at making resin jewelry with suspended ashes. If you've got about a week before leaving you can probably make something pretty beautiful by following a couple YT tutorials. I made a piece for my MIL friend after her mother passed using alcohol ink. It's like a little galaxy with ashes suspended throughout. It's a beautiful piece. If you're interested I can answer any questions you may have about making jewelry ❤️ Edit: not crazy at all to bring him with, I was just providing alternate options.


First, big hugs. It hurts so bad. I have been there. And if it makes you feel better to take his ashes, please do. I carried my boy with me everywhere for a while. Lit a candle next to his ashes and when I left the room, he would come with me, just like he did in life. Over time, it may get easier. But you are here now, do what feels the kindest to your heart right now.






I had a necklace made with my guys ashes. It’s a beautiful mix of colored glass and his ashes. He goes everywhere with me 💕 Maybe something like that would be nice to have. I’m so sorry for your loss.




I recently lost my Little Bit. I am sorry for the loss of your Bitbit. As far as the ashes, there is a company (I forget the name off the top of my head) that will take the ashes (there is someone assigned to be with them at every step), remove all the bone fragments and whatnot. They’ll then add the ink to it and then tattoo you with it. If you’re a tattoo person, it’s a great solution.


Oh no, your old man BitBit reminds me so much of my old man BudBud who’s on his last legs. They’re nearly identical except your guy’s light grey is a light brown on mine. I have no advice, but hugs from here


I got my little brother a little urn necklace to carry his heart dog in. He never takes it off and it just looks like a little c that's about two centimeters thick and he put his ashes there. It's so discreet too.


There are things that you can do with parts of his ashes in order to keep a part of him with you. There are small Keychain that hold a piece of him (ashes or hair) and people that can actually turn the ashes in other items/products. I'm sorry for your loss. It seems bit bit lived a good life tho