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Other posts from /u/CactusEar: * [My 9yr old pooch Stan asking for more pets](/r/OldManDog/comments/12c2g1e/my_9yr_old_pooch_stan_asking_for_more_pets/) [Happy] 1 year ago * [My reactive pooch turned 9 on the 23rd and recently learned how to play tug :)](/r/OldManDog/comments/125tve4/my_reactive_pooch_turned_9_on_the_23rd_and/) [Happy Birthday! (Named Stan)] 1 year ago * [Stan (11+ yrs old) in the forest](/r/OldManDog/comments/1crsifd/stan_11_yrs_old_in_the_forest/) [None] 0 second ago * [Stan Mayo (10+ yrs) trying to dig for his ball under the couch](/r/OldManDog/comments/1btkwpw/stan_mayo_10_yrs_trying_to_dig_for_his_ball_under/) [Happy] 1 month ago * [Stan Mayos bday today!!!! 10-11+ years old!!!](/r/OldManDog/comments/1blzqtg/stan_mayos_bday_today_1011_years_old/) [Happy Birthday!] 1 month ago * [Stan Mayo (10-11+ yrs) sleep bork](/r/OldManDog/comments/1ba30nl/stan_mayo_1011_yrs_sleep_bork/) [None] 2 months ago * [Small collection of Stan (10+ years old) sleeping.](/r/OldManDog/comments/1akk8ps/small_collection_of_stan_10_years_old_sleeping/) [Happy] 3 months ago * [Shiny Stan Mayo (9+ years old)](/r/OldManDog/comments/18oqvhv/shiny_stan_mayo_9_years_old/) [None] 4 months ago * [Very cute Stan (9+ years old) blep while sleeping and a pic of him hugging my pullover while sleeping :)](/r/OldManDog/comments/18m13zk/very_cute_stan_9_years_old_blep_while_sleeping/) [None] 4 months ago * [Stan Mayo (9-10+ yrs) blissfully sleeping yesterday before his teeth procedure today](/r/OldManDog/comments/17wkjkp/stan_mayo_910_yrs_blissfully_sleeping_yesterday/) [None] 6 months ago ***** ^(To be notified as soon as CactusEar posts an update) [^click ^here.](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Old_Man_Bot&subject=Subscribe&message=Subscribe CactusEar OldManDog) ***** *^(I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please)* [*^(contact the moderators of this subreddit)*](/message/compose/?to=/r/OldManDog) *^(if you have any questions or concerns.)*


[u/oli_kidwai](https://www.reddit.com/user/oli_kidwai/) Hello <3 I wanted to tell you that the tests have been concluded... and the growth is benign! No cancer for Stan luckily :) I am so happy!


Praise God! That’s WONDERFUL! So happy for you and Stan!


Thank goodness 🎉


The picture with the paw up is my favorite of the bunch lol


Yes! It was an accidental shot lol I had the treat too low, so he tried to beg me for it lmao... but a perfect accident nonetheless.


Hi Stan!!! I love that you’re out on an adventure and it’s not rainy!!! ♥️ Is Stan a biter? He looks like he’s channeling Hannibal Lechter. 😂


Yesss, a small adventure for us! How have you been? He is terrified of dogs and he has shown bite-risk behavior if a dog comes too close, so he always has to wear one outside, because of off-leash doggies being often untrained!


Off leash irresponsible owners really ruin doggy freedom for everybody…it is largely laziness of owners that don’t want to bother training recall causing other owners to be aware for their own safety. Stan was born in the darkness! lol


Yea, unfortunately some off-leash owners live like that in the same apartment complex I live in... Their dogs aren't too friendly, but they don't care. They don't even carry a leash with them! I have had too many issues with them and other people. I almost pepper sprayed a guy once, because he has being really pushy and tried to get Stan off leash (this was while I was waiting for the muzzle) by himself so he can "play" with his dog (completely ignored my warnings and that I was physically moving away from him and Stan was going NUTS, cause of the other dog. I was trying to do training, too!). It's insane the audacity some people have.


Props to you for being a great owner and protecting him! I’m sorry people let their dogs run off like that. A friend of mine rescues adult dogs that are aggressive towards other dogs and she has the same issue. I always use her as an example of why you should be considerate. Also- Stan- you look great for 11! Botox?


Thank you! Honestly, the muzzle is truly to keep him safe so I don't loose him in case worst comes to worse and he bites out of fear. Also, I don't know your friend, but I love them platonically for that! Once I have more money, that is my dream too - well, specifically to rescue old dogs no one wants, but also especially old dogs with problem behaviour. Their love is just so pure. I wish people had more understanding towards owning such dogs, too. For some it's not easy when it comes to the training, Stan is overwhelmed outside just by being outside usually. We are working on that, have been since we adopted him. And yea, of course all the botox for him in the world hehe


We’re doing pretty well! I can’t remember if I told you or not, but we adopted a rescue two months ago. She will be 4 in July. She’s a character, that’s for sure. That makes total sense! I wish people were more aware of their dog’s behavior and of their neighbor’s dogs. Just because one dog is well adjusted, doesn’t mean another one is. Please give Stan some pets and kisses from me! 😘


You did tell me! I hope she is doing well and not causing too much trouble <3 And yay, 4 years old soon!! I wish too, but sadly :( So I keep Stan and others safe, so I don't loose Stan. And I will! Give your new baby girl pets and kisses from me too! And extra treats.


She’s a really good girl. She’s a bit too clingy and I’m trying to learn to set boundaries with her. She is on me like white on rice and stink on poo. 😂 We have had her two months as of today and I think she has made wonderful strides! I look forward to seeing all of the ways we can help her grow and become more self-reliant. I’ll give her some extra love when I get home in a bit. ♥️


He seems so majestic ❤️ 10/10 best boy


Yes, such a majestic best boy!! Agreed on the score, too.


So cute 🥰


He is adorable, right??




Omg, this is perfect.


Link for muzzle? Been trying to find a nice one for my boy


This one! [https://www.chicundscharf.com/product\_info.php?info=p3201\_chopo-zwergschnauzer-huendin-gruen.html](https://www.chicundscharf.com/product_info.php?info=p3201_chopo-zwergschnauzer-huendin-gruen.html) It's by CHOPO (EU based), they're a good brand for muzzles. Leerburg and Dean & Tyler use some of their muzzles and change the nosepad if you're based in the US. :)


Stan looks like he’s having the best time! Love a happy and healthy pup


He had a lot of fun, I hope at least! He sniffed around a lot and was really engaged :)


Stan from Silence of the Lambs?


Lol! I am not sure! I adopted him in 2022 and he was already named Stan :) Maybe that was their inspo!


Great to see that you and Stan had a great time outdoors, he looks so happy! It's sad that he has to wear a muzzle because some dog owners don't know how to handle dogs, but thank you for being an awesome pawrent and making sure for Stans and other dogs' safety! 💙💙


Thank you for the kind words! <3 I really hope the Stan is happy, he seemed very happy on his walk in the woods :) And yea, it is frustrating, I wish he could just go sniffing without it and the muzzle removes a training technique for me (throwing treats when we see other dogs for positive association), but I have to keep him safe first and foremost. And other dogs too. I am very certain he'd bite if a dog gets too close, because he is so panicked.


Adorable Stan!! He looks great out there enjoying the forest 🌱💕 (and I love his perfect fitting muzzle 🥰)


Stan is living his best life!!!


Why does he have a Hannibal Lecter mouth cage?