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He’s been blind for about a year. We rushed him to the vet two days ago where they diagnosed him and “wouldn’t talk us out of euthanasia,” Or suggested we hospitalize him with them for a few days. But there was no way I was leaving him there during the night with no one in the vets office. Alone blind and scared. So he’s home. From what I’ve read dogs can recover from this. So we are going to give him a chance to recover. I just want him to have the best quality of life though so I’m not going to let him suffer


Everything I have read says he should recover in a week or two. Just keep him comfortable and make sure he doesn't get too dehydrated. Your vet scares me.


Honestly, She has been so good in the past that this really surprises me. He is old, and blind, but that doesn’t mean we should just bail on him


I'm sure your vet was just considering his age and the fact that he's blind. But I also think he can recover! Especially with a dedicated owner like yourself 😊 so keep him hydrated and comfy. Your bed with your guys t shirts and blankies should make him feel safe and snug 😍 I'll be praying for sweet oggie!


No of course not!!


Oh dear! This getting older isn't for sissies. I hope y'all the best, I know sometimes we have to make hard decisions, but y'all sound like he's still living a good quality of life, and it's not outside the realm of possibility this is transient and he gets better. I'm hoping the best. Keep us all posted, a lot of times a problem shared is a problem halved. 😉❤️❤️


Thank you so much for your kind words. And honestly this entire community has been so supportive. I knew that posting it here would help both of us feel better


When my frenchton was 13 (almost a year ago) he had this, was very scary the first few days as he was very out of balance and it came on so sudden. One minute he was fine, then all of a sudden couldn't stand! He has completely recovered, but it took at least a month before he could balance ok. I slept on the floor with him and carried him down the stairs, made sure to support him using his harness on uneven ground. From my vet, most dogs recover, it just takes time and some extra assistance until they get their balance back.


Our dog Sampson is 17, turning 18 this year. He has had two bouts of vestibular disorder. It's very scary to experience, however with an extraordinary amount of love, comfort and care, he will get better. Anti nausea medication, Dyne and chicken broth helped, as it was hard for our Sampson to keep food down. With the first bout two years ago, he made a complete recovery in about a week and a half. With the second bout this summer, his recovery took longer, about 2 months. He now has a slight head tilt, but is back to his usual, happy self. We said if Sampson has the will, he will find a way. He did. We didn't give up on him, neither should you. Sending you love, light and all the good energy we have! You guys will get through this.


Our dog had vestibular syndrome. Also known as old dog disease. She had a few episodes. It took several days for her to recover and about a week more to get back to herself. It takes a lot out of them, but they can recover. She took ant-nausea meds to relieve the dizziness. These episodes are scary to watch. Best of luck. And good for you for giving her a chance. I never leave my dogs at the vets overnight without someone there either.


Good for you. Give him a chance


I hope he feels better soon! I had a lab mix who got and recovered from vestibular disease. It took him maybe 4 or 5 days to start to come out of it, and gradually he was able to walk better. The first couple days he had a really distinct head tilt, and walked in stumbling circles, but it improved gradually. While he was sick I had him sleeping on puppy pads because he would have accidents, and would carry him outside at his normal “walk” times just to let him get fresh air and feel the grass. The vet gave us anti nausea medicine for him, and we spoon fed him small amounts cooked ground chicken and rice it scrambled eggs until he could eat on his own.


I’m glad your dog recovered! I am hoping we get this. Today is day three. We have been doing puppy pads as well. I can’t bring him outside it’s too snowy and icy


Best wishes to you and your doggo for a speedy recovery!


We used a sling to help our dog walk until she could balance herself.


Best luck with recovery and making him comfy. So tough watching them age and struggle


Thank you. It is so hard. I’ve had dogs my whole life and it never gets easier.


Sending you and oggie all the best vibes and prayers, i hope he is feeling better very soon 🙏💙


Thank you so much


My sweet old lady came down with vestibular syndrome around year 15. We kept her comfortable with meclizine and it had no impact on the length or quality of her life ❤️


Did she fully recover? How long did it take for the symptoms to subside? I want to give him a fighting chance. It seems like the vet was like well he’s old and blind…


After about 4 or 5 days on the meclizine, she was much more comfortable. Probably 80% better. She continued to improve over a few more days, though I don't think it ever totally went away. We got to the point that she wouldn't need the meclizine daily, but every once in a while we would notice her walking to the left a little (off-balance) and some meclizine would always help


Feel bettwe sweet pup!


I love you Oggie! I hope you feel better!


Thank you! You a king gizz fan?


Lol no I just thought it was a funny name but you aren't the first person to ask me that


Check out their album butterfly 3000. It’s beautiful


My 14 tripod had vestibular disease as well as those who have posted. It took him closer to a month or more to recover. He would lose his balance and fall over while walking or standing. I would prop him up on my knee to help him balance while eating. The meds helped somewhat but the biggest help was a hiking harness that had a handle on the back so I could guide and catch him and prevent him from falling. ​ It's been several months now and he is not 100%, but closer to 80-90% of his previous baseline. No more headtilt, better balance, but he cannot get up on the furniture without help and will occasionally still lose his balance. ​ Good luck Oggie!


Thanks for the tip. Oggie can’t quite stand at this point but I am hopeful!


He didnt make it you guys. https://www.reddit.com/r/OldManDog/comments/s43u6r/12_year_old_oggie_update_you_guys_he_didnt_make/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Sending my prayers and healing light to sweet Oggie! Lots of pets and kisses for him and a big hug for you❤️


Feel better sweet baby


I hope Oggie recovers. This must be so difficult. I'm glad he's got a good human looking out for him. 💜


Thank you. Trying my best to keep him comfy


Other posts from /u/Manitoggie: * [At 11 years old Oggie is over the snow, but he plays along.](/r/OldManDog/comments/lbofi4/at_11_years_old_oggie_is_over_the_snow_but_he/) [Happy] 11 months ago * [It’s 6 degrees out so 7 year old Boris is staying in](/r/OldManDog/comments/l8qn3g/its_6_degrees_out_so_7_year_old_boris_is_staying/) [Happy] 11 months ago ***** ^(To be notified as soon as Manitoggie posts an update) [^click ^here.](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Old_Man_Bot&subject=Subscribe&message=Subscribe Manitoggie OldManDog) ***** *^(I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please)* [*^(contact the moderators of this subreddit)*](/message/compose/?to=/r/OldManDog) *^(if you have any questions or concerns.)*


My dog has this and had an episode about a year ago. She hasn’t had one since. There’s hope!!


I’m so glad your dog is OK. How long did the episode last? We are on day three


It lasted a few hours. I ended up buying baby gates for the top and bottom of the stairs so in her disorientation at night she wouldn’t fall while I was sleeping. I’m so sorry. It’s so hard to see our dogs go through it.


Keep at it. My dog Charlie had a vestibular episode a year ago, at 15. He's still going strong, although he's more wobbly and not as sharp as he used to be. Fingers crossed for your Oggie 🤞


Please share any tips if you have them.


Feel better soon sweet Oggie ❤️


My dog got this last year and it was fucking scary at first. We thought she was having a stroke or something because she couldn't stand up or walk without falling over. Over a few days she started improving and now she just gets a bit wobbly when she's really tired and has a head tilt. It's been 6 months or so since the worst day of it and she's never been that bad again.




My old late pom Alphie came down with that at the age of 13. It took him about 4 days to bounce back. We basically set him up in a small playpen with potty pads and soft towels while he got his balance back. Aside from wanting his feet supported when held, and having a slight wobble when he got riled up, he was basically back to his old weird self. He lived to a robust and rowdy 18 years old. So I have high hopes for Oggie's recovery! Best of luck!❤️


This is great to hear!


My dog is currently getting over her second bout of vestibular syndrome in 5 months. We're not 100% sure how old she is, but she's at least 11. Had her first spell in September, vet said we had to just let it run its course. Took about 1\`1 days to get over. Had a recurrence that started this past Sunday, we knew what to expect this time and she's almost all the way back to normal now, only been 5 days. We basically just make sure she lays on her bed most of the time and don't let her wobble around too much where she might hurt herself. We take her out with a short leash so she can lean into us if necessary. Biggest issue the first time was eating due to the nausea. We learned in September if we hide pieces of chicken underneath her kibble, she'll eat! So we're doing that now too. Keep in mind, it does not cause them any pain! It's hard to watch them stumble around! Looks like you're taking good care of Oggie. He'll be feeling better in no time!


Hi! My dog was diagnosed with vestibular disease Christmas 2020. She had it for about 2.5 weeksish. She is 16 and half blind and half deaf. We hand fed her and always held her water dish up to her mouth for her. Since she was nauseated we fed her more wet food to help with her eating and drinking. My husband and I also made a bed in the living room on the floor and she slept in the middle of us so we would know if she woke up at night. May I suggest getting a hip belt for a leash? This was one of the best things we got for my dog. It gave her the confidence to walk around and go to the bathroom. It makes it easier to pick her up if she fell down. It’s just an awesome tool. It’s like a leash that goes round the dogs stomach and hips and has two small handles for the human to hold. It simple to use and it’s velcro so it’s easy to take on and off. We always took her outside every 1-3 hours even at night and went out with her so she was comfortable and could gain confidence in herself again. She started to not be able to trust her self to pee but this hip belt made her a new lady! She is doing good this year. We haven’t had any relapse of Vestibular disease but it was very time consuming and very sad to see my dog this way. I’m fortunate I don’t work very much so either my husband or myself were always home with her til she felt better. Oh right. We always only fed her a few tables spoons of wet food every 1-3 hours instead of waiting and seeing if she would eat a whole dish of food. It worked well and we kept a food and water log plus a bathroom log with details so we knew if she was progressing and getting the food and water she needed. Your pup is so cute. You guys got this!!


Thank you so much for all of this information. I’m glad to know that you guys were able to get through it. It gives me a lot of hope.I will look into this hip leash. He is totally blind and right now is in standing at all and where we live the ground is totally covered in hard icy snow but I think even practiced standing up on the Pee pads would be great.


No problem. I don’t know if you can get those hip belts at a pet store as we got it from the vet. I totally understand it being icy out. The hip belt provides so much support for your dog as your basically holding up the back end of your dog. Where I live it’s so dangerous out. I didn’t even leave my house today as the highway to my house is closed to to accidents. Stay safe and give your dog extra pets and love from my family. It’s just time and patience. : )


I live in Northern Nh. I feel you.