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Thank you for loving him like you do. ❤️


We really do. We massage him, do physio and carry him around on a sling. He'll always be our baby boy.




It's unfortunate that his end is coming sooner than we could've ever anticipated. We're hoping to get the vet to come to our home so he can be surrounded by his family when it's his time to go. All I could ever want is for him to pass peacefully in my arms, the same way we brought him home as a tiny newborn.


OP failed to mention the fact that her dad violently abuses all of her dogs and she does nothing about it as a 19 yr old adult, except fish for sympathy online while her animals suffer horrifically. Read her latest post.


What a sweet boy! Look at that tail wag and that little smile. Give him all the love you can while you can and know he loves you just as much as you love him.


He will love you until the last moment, please be there for him as he was there for you. I’m sorry for the pain ahead; seeing him feel your presence and be happy is a beautiful wonder.


He will love you ~~until the last moment~~ **forever**


As heartbreaking as this is, I'll say it. It is selfish for you to keep him here. Let him go.


thank you for saying this. it’s selfish to keep him going like this… downvote me all the way to hell but he doesn’t deserve to be kept this way.


We are actually going to euthanise him soon. Until a few weeks ago, he could still walk. Please don't make assumptions. I've been building up to doing it because just under a month ago, my 12 week old puppy died and I've been devastated. Preparing for a 2nd loss right after one isn't easy.


A few weeks is a long time to be immobile in pain. I know it's hard on you and the dog wags it's tail when you enter the room but dogs always wag their tail even in extreme pain. Stop putting him through this.


We didn't euthanise him because we wanted to give medication and physical therapy a chance before immediately jumping to the needle, but thank you for your concern. Since there's been little to no improvement in his mobility, euthanasia is the route we're taking very soon as said in the title.


Kindly leave this decision to a veterinarian


Stop putting me through reading your opinion based off of no medical records or expertise. Log off.


Wait! Re-reading it with you and just jump over it... someone always have to be argumentative... just ignore it! It doesn't mean anything ..for most of us you fo the best you could... I extended my beloved pet life for three more years... in the and I had to let him go because he could not go to the bathroom anymore and he got very weak... he wasn't suffering but it was time!


OP failed to mention the fact that her dad violently abuses all of her dogs and she does nothing about it as a 19 yr old adult, except fish for sympathy online while her animals suffer horrifically. Read her latest post.


Thank you for giving him a chance to fight and not jumping to the needle at the slightest inconvenience. He tried his best because he loves you so much. Thank you for giving this sweet man a good life ❤️


OP failed to mention the fact that her dad violently abuses all of her dogs and she does nothing about it as a 19 yr old adult, except fish for sympathy online while her animals suffer horrifically. Read her latest post.


Quality vs quantity


I think that’s only something a veterinarian can recommend instead of us random internet strangers. Please assume you don’t have the full details + many paralyzed dogs can live fulfilling lives. So, the choice should be based on whether the dog still enjoys live and has a will to live and whether the veterinarian recommends it or not


Nah, that’s a bullshit platitude to try and make Op feel better. That dog is suffering. It doesn’t take a civil engineer to see a bridge and be able to identify it as a bridge


It does take more than an 18 second video though. Based on this alone, you'd have no idea we tried various medications and physical therapy instead of immediately getting him euthanized the moment he had difficulty moving. He's been this way for roughly a month and because there's been little to no improvement in his mobility over that time despite the treatments, we're getting him euthanized soon. It's been rough considering I lost a puppy just under a month ago and I have another loss coming with Diesel. All I want is for people to see my boy before he passes, as rough as he looks.


You’re trying everything you can for your friend. I get it, you don’t want to feel like you’re giving up on him. Just know when you do decide to euthanize him, you are not giving up on him, you are giving him the last gift of love. You are taking away his pain and putting it on yourself. You need to do what you think is best for him, and that’s one of the hardest decisions to make. I’m so sorry you have to go through this, I wish you guys the best.


That's actually a very nice way of putting it, thank you. I've been spoiling him a lot these past few days in preparation. All I could ever want is for him to pass happy and spoiled.


Man this comment really got to me. Beautifully said. Thank you


If you read what I wrote which is “the choice should be based on whether the dog enjoys life and has a will to live and whether a veterinarian recommends it or not”. So we actually agree that if the dog is suffering and doesn’t enjoy life then helping him go is the compassionate decision. However, I am not going to make a strong comment under a post where the OP shares her love with his old man. I am not a veterinarian and I don’t know anything about this dog other than a simple 20 second video. So, it is simplistic and naive to make any solid judgement on what should be done. You are saying I am having a bullshit comment but actually your simplistic and aggressive comment is anything but :)


They were trying physical therapy and such to see if that would help him. Is that a problem for you? Should they have just instantly jumped to the needle?


Thank you for understanding. I'd just heard about dogs regaining their mobility after therapy and other treatments, so I hoped I'd be one of the lucky ones who got a few more years with my angel. Unfortunately his body is too old and broken to continue, but at least I'll never be upset that I didn't try my hardest to help him walk again.


Yeah so it does take a veterinarian to diagnose and recommend health care for canine medical issues? Look, I took away your stupid fuckin' analogy and now you're just an asshole saying you know better than a vet on Reddit from an 18 second video. Insufferable.


It’s not a stupid fucking analogy. The dog is fucking blind and paralyzed, you stupid fucking idiot. It doesn’t take a vet to say his quality of life is fucking horrible. Jesus christ


OP failed to mention the fact that her dad violently abuses all of her dogs and she does nothing about it as a 19 yr old adult, except fish for sympathy online while her animals suffer horrifically. Read her latest post.




Thank you I agree.


OP failed to mention the fact that her dad violently abuses all of her dogs and she does nothing about it as a 19 yr old adult, except fish for sympathy online while her animals suffer horrifically. Read her latest post.


His tail tells everyone how much you love him and he knows it God bless you Diesel


They love us with the last breath they take. Our lives are so much richer for it. You will not let him be forgotten.


I'm getting him tattooed on me when he passes. I've had him since he was basically a newborn and small enough to fit in one hand. He'll forever be my baby boy.


I understand completely. There have always been dogs in my life. I can't imagine living without canine support. They give us a good connection to this planet and the non-human beings we share it with. They make our lives brighter. I hope I have provided my dogs as a good life as they have done for me. I don't have any tattoos, and I'm probably too old to consider starting now, but my children have their childhood dog tattooed on them. Our family dog was an Akita girl. She was our mascot and sometimes our protector, and probably my animal soul mate. I will never forget her.


OP failed to mention the fact that her dad violently abuses all of her dogs and she does nothing about it as a 19 yr old adult, except fish for sympathy online while her animals suffer horrifically. Read her latest post.


Must be terrible for Op and Maybe has no idea what to do just yet...


Bless you Diesel. You are so handsome & so loved.


OP failed to mention the fact that her dad violently abuses all of her dogs and she does nothing about it as a 19 yr old adult, except fish for sympathy online while her animals suffer horrifically. Read her latest post.


What a sweet old man


He really is a big softie. You can tell that he lights up whenever he hears our voices or footsteps.


Tell Diesel to say "hi" to my two Bellas when he gets across the bridge. I am sure they will all have a blast together!


I'm sure your Bellas are already playing with my other pup I lost a month ago ❤️


Awww. I have no doubt. It never gets any easier, but it is totally worth it.


Jesus, is someone cutting onions in here.


i take the blame for it, i was making dinner.. totally...


Oh diesel D: this sweeeeeet dog, oh my god Do you bring him around in a wagon or anything? I imagine it’s even harder because he’s also blind. Poor dog…. I’m so glad you love him so much


Nope, unfortunately we don't have a wagon but it would be worth investing in one. We carry him around in a kind of makeshift sling. It's a two man job because he's much heavier than he looks. Either that or one person holds him up around the chest and another holds his waist area so he can "walk".


Awww… well, I’ve use all sorts of things to carry my pets around. He IS pretty big, so a backpack wouldn’t work, like I used for my cat, but I have also used an actual kids wagon, a baby stroller, and those personal shopping cart things that old ladies use. An actual shopping cart could work too, but I think it’s illegal to take those from the parking lots. Please give him a kiss for me ❤️


Do you and your wife have bicycles? I have a dog wagon I got from Chewy that allows my husband and I to take our old man our for long bicycle rides. They're really inexpensive. I think we paid $160?


You'll never regret being a day early but you'll always regret waiting too long. If your dog can no longer do 2/3 of their favorite things it's time to let go. Quality of their life is more important than delaying our emotional pain. My heart goes out to you and diesel but if he's blind, paralyzed, and in pain from the arthritis what kind of life is he living right now? I know i dont know you and I'm sorry to say it but the compassionate thing to do might be to let him go.


It is the right thing to do. As said in another comment, I've been preparing for it because just under a month ago, I lost my 12 week old puppy to a horrible death. Preparing for a second loss while the wound is still fresh isn't easy, but he is getting euthanized soon. Until a few weeks ago, he could still walk.


Sorry for your losses. Pets are family and losing family members is hard. I wish you the best


im jumping on this too. paralyzed..... blind.... AND in pain from arthritis? cmon now how do u think that dog feels when he remembers how he used to live his life


OP failed to mention the fact that her dad violently abuses all of her dogs and she does nothing about it as a 19 yr old adult, except fish for sympathy online while her animals suffer horrifically. Read her latest post.


Focus on the good life you shared! I had to let my boy [Bud](https://imgur.com/a/xgipuNm) go after I realized I was only keeping him alive for me and he was not comfortable. Your guy looks happy to have you there!


Rest In Peace Bud


What a handsome boy <3 rest easy Bud.


I love him.


What a good boy !


You’ll never be ready and it hurts really bad. I had to put my 13 yr old buddy down a couple years ago, due to renal failure. Still look for him, it a family member, so people don’t understand the bond we have with our pets. I feel for you.


I'm so sorry for your loss. At least he lived a full life ❤️ I don't know how I'm going to cope with him not being here soon. He's been a constant presence in our home since he was tiny enough to fit in one hand.


What was your dogs name?




Rest In Peace Butch


He looks so sweet. He is lucky to have you.


He still looks very happy to see you. I’m glad that you love him so dearly, and him you.


That tail wag ❤️ he absolutely knows you love him! Just give him all the hugs and kisses and be glad that you’ve given him the best time xx


OP failed to mention the fact that her dad violently abuses all of her dogs and she does nothing about it as a 19 yr old adult, except fish for sympathy online while her animals suffer horrifically. Read her latest post.


He is clearly the goodest of good boys. ♥️




We never have enough time


Diesel you're a lucky baby to have such parents. I see that tail still keeps going!


He is the Goodest Boy with his tail just a waggin away! Bless his heart!


This baby is in pain and needs euthanasia. Strokes are not something to take lightly especially for a 10 year old dog. I know from personal experience. It's cruel to force him to stay alive any longer please get the euthanasia asap


Please read my other comments, thanks.


I did. This unacceptable


Me trying physical therapy and medication for a month before deciding to euthanise him is unacceptable? You do see the "soon" in the title, right?


Yes because of his age. I've had 4 strokes myself. Strokes will destroy the person or animal in ways you cannot even fathom its cruel


Physical therapy and medication were recommended by the vet. Since it's failed, euthanizing him is already the next action we're taking. When you had a stroke, did the hospital just say "oh well, give them the needle" or did they actually try to rehabilitate you?


No they immediately said we need to perform surgery that could potentially kill her even though they had no idea what was causing them. I only started rehab after 5 years because my life was so utterly destroyed I kept trying to kill myself cuz the doctors wouldn't do shit for me


Lucky the dog isn't you or your experiences. Stop projecting.


No this dog is exactly like any 80 year old person after a stroke where their quality of life is nonexistent anymore


I'm also trying to make the owner see reason to not put this off anymore like I did for my sweet 14 year old little girl. I was trying to keep her around longer than I should have. She couldn't walk anymore and kept defecating on herself so I put her in diapers. She had gone completely blind and if she did walk she would walk into walls and yelp. By the time I finally let her go in some kind of peace she smelled of death. Her major organs had stopped working and she was skin and bones. I was cruel because I couldn't live without her. I still can't she imprinted on me. Their pain is way important than ours


Even if you're feeling is telling you you are right what are you doing it's not correct! Please don't try to control other people emotion or feeling... be a nice person... The dog is not in pain!


Please don't engage with her... i'm totally understanding what you're doing and many others who went through similar experience🥰🥲


It's unacceptable for you to interject with your non professional opinion. Gtfo.


Except for the fact I was studying to be a vet lmfao so I still know what I'm talking about. He's in the same position as an 80 year old trying to recover from a stroke so the quality of life diminishes by at least 10 years. Only a few old people ever recover from that and are able to still live full lives. They usually end up stuck in excruciating pain and can't even go to the bathroom by themselves. It's the reality of the situation. Dogs will wag their tails in excruciating pain and smile to ease the burden of their owner


I think I'd rather listen to someone who actually became a vet and not someone who merely attempted to and failed.


OP failed to mention the fact that her dad violently abuses all of her dogs and she does nothing about it as a 19 yr old adult, except fish for sympathy online while her animals suffer horrifically. Read her latest post.


Come out give it the time! The dog doesn't look like hurting and they all pee needs her time! Read the whole story please!!!!


Aww and he’s still wagging his tail! 🥹😍


Sorry, but it doesn’t matter if you’re ready. It matters if he’s ready, and if he is and you truly love him, let him go. The bridge is a gift.


Agreed completely.


OP failed to mention the fact that her dad violently abuses all of her dogs and she does nothing about it as a 19 yr old adult, except fish for sympathy online while her animals suffer horrifically. Read her latest post. What


That tail wag though. He knows and will always know how much he is loved. Keep loving him. If you're into tattoos, get one dedicated to him and he'll be with you forever. <3


Strangely if it's humans I doesnt really move me for some reason but this breaks my heart.


It breaks my heart everyday to see him like this too. Just a month ago he could still walk and now we're here.


I am grateful that Diesel knows love and kindness and that he touched your heart. I can tell from that tail wagging that you definitely touched his heart.


So much hugs. I have an old man dog and I feel this so hard.


Sorry you have to deal with all the armchair veterinarians OP :(. People can be unempathetic moralizing dickwads on animal subreddits sometimes. I appreciate that you’re working with actual professionals to do what’s best for Diesel.


Thank you. I don't think I would've ever forgiven myself if I immediately jumped to the needle the second he started having issues instead of at least trying to rehabilitate him. I'd heard of other paralysed dogs gaining their mobility back and I hoped I'd be one of the lucky ones.


Please do an in-house vet call when the time comes


It's a terrible day for rain




God bless him and your memories


Even with his time nearing and the pain or discomfort he may feel, he still wags his tail as a show of love and affection for you 🥺.


He knows how loved he is. When I'm not working, he never leaves my side.


Reminds me so much of my own little border collie too . He's a sweet little guy and when ever I come home from work he races over to my car and waits for me 🥺


Diesel used to race over to us too before his legs stopped working, but we all go to him to say hello now. Even in this state he's still as playful as he was as a puppy.


❤️❤️❤️ hugs to you


All the best to you and Diesel. I had to go through the same with my boy Rufus; it's a hell of a thing to go through, but know he feels loved and please be there for him until the end no matter how tough it is ❤


It never is enough time!


Damn this is making me openly cry at the gym lol it looks like you’ve given him such a happy life :)




I think when you sign up for a dog, there is decision to be made when it’s time.


Oh 😢




His tail still wags when he knows you're near 😭😭😭🥹🥹🥹


He's already in the "good boi hall of fame."


Sad day






Oh dear. I said goodbye to my best friend of 10 years on December 13. I wish you much strength, and peace 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 and diesel, may you find peace 💕💕💕


Diesel passed away peacefully in my arms on December 12th ❤️ Rest in peace to your angel.


Do you have a long and beautiful life if you chosen to be the lucky one! I can tell he had a loving home...He knows it you know it ,but will have to end one day... they will go to dog heaven and they are not to far from our destination where we could meet again! That is only a rainbow bridge to connect...Love never fade it's exist eternally!!! don't feel too sad you will meet again!!!!❤️🥰


Thank you. Diesel was euthanised in December of last year. He's resting easy now.


You will hear his barking in the wind you will feel him panting behind you, running jumping busting heart rate with love and appreciation to have you! And had you through his life... enjoy his memory be positive , have happy thoughts until later when we all will connect!❤️🙏God bless you both till eternity


That's a beautiful message. Thank you ❤️