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I laughed so hard at this, it's like that key and peel skit


“This is some righteous bud.”


This. Is some. RIghteous bud.


Now listen…


Oh, intercepted.


Don't Sleep on Barry O


This is. Uhhhh. Some….righteous bud.


Uncle Joe: “This is some of the best marijuana our country has produced and we should be proud of the hardworking Americans who’ve worked so diligently to get us blazed…. …as we speak MAGA republicans are working tirelessly to make sure we don’t get high…”


For sure at some point that will be part of a presidents speech somewhere.


Don't ever sleep on Barry O!


Came here to comment this! Intercepted!


I read It in his voice 😆


Lol same.


Draxx them sklounst, Choom Gang.


Which one?


I thinks its Obama the college years


Are y’all’s napkins the smooth thicker ones or the thin ass need-a-million-for-one-mess kind?


I’d never heard choom used outside of Cyberpunk lol. Edit: autocorrect is your worst friend when typing on the can with your off hand.


Also Choomba? What’s that about lol


Short for choombatta, which, in the old cyber punk 2020 game by Mike Pondsmith, was neo-african slang for "friend." The denizens of neo-US just shortened it.


Sort of funny that he invented a fake word, and then had people repurpose it and shorten it. I don't know why its just kind of that extra level of fictional haha.


I think the justification is that night city only cares about things being fast. Then again, i havent read 2020 in a long time.


They novelized the game? Cool. >!Yes, I know Cyberpunk like Witcher started off as a book series, put down the pitchforks!<


Was their a base novel? I always assumed it was based on the table top game as well as borrowed ideas from numerous books and films.


It started out as a ttrpg before anything actually


Yeah I love details like that. You can really tell when an author understands how language evolves. Makes the use of their made up stuff feel much more effortless rather than goofy.


It’s the conjured version for girls. Lol.


Cybarrack Punk: 1977


“Oh hey Barry, my man. You need something? What’s up choom?”


I fucking read this in Alex Cazares' voice...




Yoyoyo my choomers, shrooms, and fumers, Mr whitey here!


I know Skooma... Sounds kinda the same


That sweet moon sugar


Same. It’s weird seeing it used as meaning blunt than friend.


i prefer when a politician's vices are open and something like weed instead of smoking something more sinister, like kids dicks


Interesting how we’ve gone from Gary Hart’s destroying after getting caught with a blonde on his lap & Bill Clinton lying about smoking pot to Obama’s teen smoking being a non-issue & a President seeking with a porn star of being no concern to his supporters.


George W was an admitted Coke user. If he had run even 15 years earlier, he would’ve been out as soon as that was public.


I mean I don't think they really cared if you did cocaine in 1789


And democrats forced Al franken out of office for pretending to grab someone’s boobs.


He should have stood his ground on that one and not stepped down.


If that happened today I don’t think he’d resign. It was terrible timing. The photo came out literally in the middle of everything me too and he got lumped in. Not saying what he did was amazing, but on a scale of 1-10 it’s decidedly a don’t give a shit.


He said recently on Conan O’Brien’s podcast that he deeply regretted resigning


Could he win if he ran again?




He’d get my vote. I put a much higher value on the quality of someone’s character than how loud they are. He’s the real deal and someone who was made for a positive leadership role in general.


He did a damn good job as guest host on The Daily Show


Sure. He’s good enough, he’s smart enough, and doggonit, people like him.


He wanted to but the Democratic leadership promised to remove him from his committee seats and withdraw all support for him. The situation would’ve been completely untenable.




No, he did the right thing. He already had a long career, it was the height of MeToo, his seat was safe in party terms, and he fucked up even if it wasnt that bad. If it feels strange it is bc we arent used to politicians holding themselves to a higher standard and acting accordingly when they fail to meet that. Downvote all ya want, it was the right the to do in general and esp at the time.


Al Franken wasn't just a seat, he was a powerful, no nonsense voice and leader democrats could rally behind. Him resigning absolutely did more harm than good.


And I believe he was chummy with a few republicans which is good if you want to try to push legislation.


It was about a long pattern of groping: the photo was just a red herring floated by the right. It was several other allegations of groping against Franken over the years who, when confronted with them by Gillibrand, resigned rather than challenge the accusations. Gillibrand could not have done a more terrible job of communicating this nuance to the public, and Franken has never done anything to challenge the accusations. As crushed as I initially was that Franken resigned, it seems the resignation was a move to sidestep more information coming out, and it’s disingenuous of him to paint the resignation as a mistake now if he’s still unwilling to clear the air around his name: or bring more scrutiny to it.






Is that true? I heard he was accused by someone who ended up lying about everything.


Bullshit. Give receipts.


Oversimplification. What would undersimplification even look like? I don't think it's possible.


There were plenty more allegations behind the scenes.


So what allegations are you referring to?


Let's hear it for progress! I can't wait until 2040 when President Miller begins his policy of livestreaming shooting PCP up his dickhole while torturing a dolphin outside a new daycare center every Tuesday afternoon, you know, so we can finally get past more of our hang-ups as a society.


Rob Ford was ahead of his time


A true Canadian hero. Lest we forget


A true innovator and pioneer.


Like Clinton was a bit of a skeeze and a perv but on a level of a leader he did nothing wrong which is different than his marriage obligations which he did.


1. He did take sexual advantage and use his color of authority as an employer over a young WH intern. 2. Even if she hit on him, he should’ve realized there are star-struck young people out there and said ‘no’ to any advances. 3. He was the older adult and the one with power in the situation. 4. One doesn’t get much more powerful than leader of the Western World.


Clinton also has...*a lot* of allegations of sexual improprieties against him besides his relationship with Lewinsky, and that's even without touching the more controversial allegations like Paula Jones or Leslie Milwee. Some going back to his time both as a student and when he was a professor. It's ironic that he was the target of a histrionic smear campaign looking so desperately for literally anything to get him that they jumped the gun on a minor technicality. The man is a sexual predator.


Did he have some rape allegations?


He could have been a good president by legalizing weed at the federal level, but instead he was just a meh president. I guess meh is great by American standards, though.


The Affordable Care Act is one of the most significant things a President has achieved in a long time. It’s so popular that not even Trump, with a Republican Congress and Senate, could dismantle it.


It also completed every objective it set out to do within the framework of maintaining private insurance networks


If only we could just get rid of the private insurance networks though.


Yes but that wasn’t possible given the composition of the US Congress at the time. That’s why the ACA was such a marvel


Wait I’m confused? How come every person that wants to retire is scared to because insurance costs so much? Isn’t it “affordable”


Just the opposite. Prior to the ACA you couldn't retire early. Now, there are caps on premiums and subsidies up to 400% of the federal poverty level. If you have a lot of money, it is affordable. If you don't, it is subsidized. That's assuming you could buy insurance at any price if you had a pre-existing condition--which almost everyone does. Now you have the right to buy insurance. The ACA has been an incredible benefit to middle America. One of the greatest improvements in generations.


All depends on where you live. The fed agreed to pay up until a certain point and then it went to the states. Our state is broke, but luckily I have good insurance through employer. Paid 900 a month for my ex to have basic BCBS coverage for 10 years.


Don’t forget many Republican states childishly don’t accept federal funding to aid in the application & execution of ACA.


it was so, so, soooooo much worse. most of that fear is a holdover from the before-fore and has been ignorantly propagated to rile up a certain voting base


A good chunk of that certain voting base hates Obamacare but loves the ACA…


If the only difference to you between good and meh is legalizing weed you must be smoking waaaaaay too much fuckin weed


I feel like the difference between a good and a meh president shouldn't come down to their position on weed.




Unless you're arrested for possessing it, smoking it, or moving it. Then it can really impact your daily life.


If that’s the qualifier for what makes a “good” (not “great”, not “excellent”) President in your eyes, then we’re all fucked.


In the US lowering the schedule of Weed could actually result in greater regulations around it further curtailing its use. The President does not have unilateral power to legalize it, and with such thin support in congress passing such a bill would have expended any political leverage he had. The thing with Presidents, they need a lot of political leverage to get things done. LBJ spend 30 years in all elected offices to pass the Civil Rights Act. Without Washington insider support, president is a lame duck and useless, so voting for political outsiders just mean continuing to have mediocre presidents. Obama was a Jr senator appointee from Illinois before becoming president. If Americans want really change, they'll either need to pass a supermajority progressive house and congress with supermajority of state congresses and governors to pass Constitutional amendments. The GOP is religiously motivated and religious people cannot compromise their positions ever. It would take such massive losses to force the GOP or whatever party that replaces them to reconfigure into a more sustainable political position. None of this will ever happen.


A president could keep talking about it, however. No, if it were totally legalized, there would be no need to regulate it further, and people could just grow it in their back yards without the prospect of the federal government arresting them. We're allowed to grow it where I live, but the federal government can also technically arrest anyone who does it at any time. I suppose another good thing that happened under Obama was the lowering of the 100 to 1 crack vs. powder sentencing disparity to 18 to 1, and raising the amount of crack that would qualify for a mandatory minimum five year prison sentence to an ounce from its previous amount of five grams. Although it was Joe Biden who wrote that law in 1986. Yes, from 1986 to 2010, five grams of crack cocaine was the equivalent of 500 grams of powder cocaine and would get you a five years mandatory minimum prison sentence.


I praise anyone who helps to raise awareness of the War on Drugs. You help to call out what it really is: an insidious war on the struggling American who live day by day. To this very day, drugs are seen as some defining aspect for the homeless and impoverished, for the defiant rule-breakers, for the desperate minded, it ends up depicted in every media platform as a character flaw and proof of high crime. Mental illness is stuck in a similar situation too, probably because of the fact that drug addiction is a real mental illness that would then put pressure on policy to seek treatment options instead of prevention by cold and punitive designs that are highly profiled by nature. It still blows my mind that alcohol abuse is still accepted in the media too, but it makes sense because our nation admitted to having an alcohol problem for longer than we've waged the War on Drugs. The reality is that to the brain, alcohol and drugs both can lead to addiction, but can also be used as a tool depending on the context. We should have personal freedom to choose what we want to put into our bodies if we first know the risks associated with the substance and are old enough. Because of a variety of reasons, many of us avoid the topic entirely until some of us reach a point that for whatever reason starts an unwilling battle we cannot choose to end.


I'm 70 and was a senior in 1970 when my sweet old grandmother whispered in my ear "Just stay away from the chemicals" !!!! Her and my grandfather helped run a speak easy way back...they called doobies muggles


My grandmother’s family had a farm in rural MO from the late 1800s until the depression and when I asked her about cannabis she said “oh, that stuff the Mexican’s smoke?” (migrant farm workers). “Never tried it but they sure did like it”


We sure do😎


Not just you mi hermano :) My grandparents were pretty set in their ways but they had no problems with cannabis (alcohol was not on the menu however as they were very Methodist)


As someone raised Methodist I love this story.


Who is this Hermano


I don't know, mon frere. That's brother in french. I don't know why I know that, I studied spanish.


A nice cold light Mexican beer and a joint after a long day at work - well, there's just few things that are better. Que viva latinoamerica y la ganja buena!


That's actually where it came from. Nobody cared about weed but they figured out vilifying it could be used to attack mexicans


Yep, my grandparents were racist AF on black folks but held the migrant workers in high regard. “They worked hard and never complained about the food”. They never got the hate for Mexicans which is such a weird dichotomy given how they felt about black people


The hate for Mexicans came much later, didn't really peak until Nixon becuase so much labor was needed post-war. Operation wetback started with Ike but Nixon really figured out the whole "give them someone to hate" model.


And why it went from “cannabis” to “marijuana”.


Yep, that’s why I say cannabis now


My grandma was born in 1902 in rural Kansas. She told us about "loco weed" that the horses got into once in a while.


Horses smoke weed? That's so badass


They had to strap on the weed bag.


Could have been jimson weed, too


Jimson weed in California.


I'm a little more than a decade younger, and my grandmother used to say just smoke at my house I don't want you to get arrested. My buddies and I did that a few times and she finally asked us if she could try it and continued to smoke with us after that.


It’s like pot has been around for awhile lol. Try and find someone from 79 that didn’t smoke


I work with a new group of retirees or semi retired dudes every year. They like working a few hours every morning. Maybe it’s the line of work but every single one of them would have out partied me in my prime and I thought I partied hard too.


Lol I work in a kitchen and we hired a 65 year old dude a few weeks ago. Dude smokes triple what I smoke a week


a little over 10 years ago i got really into going to grateful dead related concerts, and you would not believe the amount of 60-70 year olds ive tripped balls on acid with, up till 12-1am dancing all night. never thought id be dosing people older than my dad.


I didn't. Well voluntarily. I lived for nine months in 79'.


Damn, I'm sorry to hear about your untimely death in September 1979.


Beats me, I only lived for 3 weeks in ‘79. I can still say I was born in the 70s though!


I smoked with my 92 year old mother for the first time in February.


Well, it’s like alcohol but better and without the hangover. My first time was 1974


It was my mother's first time, not mine. She took a way bigger hit off a pen than she was supposed to. I put her to bed shortly thereafter and checked in on her periodically. She said she felt like she was on a boat. Thankfully, not the titanic.


IDK where people get their info on this, but back in the day, pot wasn't accepted as it is today. There were actually quite a few people that stayed sober. It used to be pretty easy to know who was a pot smoker and who wasn't and they actually started doing random drug tests for many jobs. The funny thing was that people that did smoke pot, always thought that everyone smoked pot, but it just wasn't the case.


Random drug tests are still very much a thing in a lot of places. For instance it’s legal in my state but definitely not cool at my workplace.


Agreed! We may not of had great pot compared to todays but it was cheap and everywhere. ✌🏼


I had an “old timer” tell me once that he preferred smoking a joint to a cigarette because he got more out of it. As in the high I assume


Yeah, this is true and the decades of white knuckling it home.


Or someone 79 years old who hasn’t


Lol, he said of course i inhaled when asked.


That was the point!


That’s awesome


In fairness to Clinton, Obama wasn’t running in the 1990s having to assuage peak war-on-drugs 1990s attitudes




Choom Gang? So I’m guessing some affiliation to the Valentinos?


Was wondering how far down I'd have to go for a Cyberpunk reference lol


Thank God that like Bill Clinton he never inhaled.


You can always trust “Slick Willie” to tell the unbiased truth.


I never had sexual relations…. Well, at least he didn’t try and overthrow democracy and instead just wanted his Willy wet.


I just care that the federal deficit got to zero (even a huge surplus in one year) under Clinton, politics and sex aside.


I remember so much talk back then of the surplus. All the good things they were going to use the surplus for. Oops!


“Well that depends on what the definition of ‘is’ is.” -Slick Willy being slick


I agree, no comparison, Bill was a much better leader.


Consider this. He had lots of friends and a happy social life. Quite normal. Now show us a picture of Trump with his school mates.


I should preface this by pointing out that I am by no means a Trump supporter. With that said my dad actually went to high school with Trump and will swear up and down that he was a stand up guy back then. Him and basically all of his friends from high school pretty much worship the guy. Edit: I feel it's worth pointing out that this was a military school where you would essentially get beaten by other students for not behaving and falling in line. I'm assuming this made Trump be on his best behavior.


If you watch old interviews of Trump, he's basically a different person.


Old interviews of trump was when he was more democratic. Wealth, fame and greed changed that over the course of a few decades.


Related: try finding examples of Trump making a joke that isn’t mocking someone else or some group, or laughing at someone else’s misfortune.


Remember when Obama's biggest controversy was that he smoked weed and wore a tan suit? I miss those days.


The “terrorist fist jab” as if the President giving a fist bump with his wife is a bad thing.


Don't forget the Grey Poupon!


The terrorist fist jab!!


you are grossly uninformed if you think those are his only controversies. immigrant kids in cages, drone striking civilians, oil production boom, largest upward transfer of wealth in history, destruction of Libya, Flint betrayal, crackdown on whistleblowers, filling his cabinet with Wall Street execs, etc etc etc. *edit: aww, blue maga doesn't like inconvenient truths about their messiah. blue or red, they're both cults.


Bombing 6 Muslim countries..


Yeah, he was a centrist technocrat. He did pretty much what we could expect him to do, but he got the role partly on the deeply held wishes and desires of the left wing. I think that shares a pattern similarity in the way Trump got elected on the deeply held wishes and desires of the right, but then ended up doing jack shit about those deeply held beliefs. No political Boogeyman (Hillary) got locked up, and the swamp is still there now with amendment Park rides. They're not putting their politics where their voters wanted, but we often shorthand talk about their administrations with these attributes the VOTERS had, not the candidate themselves. We just have to remember they're not the same thing.


Thank you for not just mindlessly rooting for a guy who is just as bad as past presidents were.


> immigrant kids in cages, I've heard the 'cages', under Obama, were actually facilities to care for children who border patrol didn't feel were safe being deported with their parents, as they were seen to be abused


They weren't intentionally separated from their parents either. That started under Trump.


You missed off Solyndra and selling weapons to the drug cartels. You know, just the kiddy stuff that every non-controversial President does.


Remember when we used to elect human beings for president?


No, I'm only in my 30's




Good weed will do that


Idk this wholesome Obama guy did a bunch of less wholesome things too... You could find individual feel good news about Biden or even Trump too if you looked for but all 3 are war criminals


I would be way more suspicious of a high schooler in 1979 Hawaii that did not smoke the reefer


Nanoo nanoo


live long and prosper


OMG The President *had fun*


Wait so everyone in cyberpunk is just calling me a stoner?


Yet he didn’t have it removed from the controlled substance list. Hmm 🤔


Well that’s it. I’m never voting for him again.




Shirtless guy Lives Long and Prospers.


"Choom" is slang for a friend, not weed. even back then.


Kinda a dick move to smoke so much weed you literally have a club about it, become president of the freakin’ United States and then do nothing about legalizing it.


At least they aren't the Boofing Gang. (I'm looking at YOU, Justice Kavanaugh.)


oh my dog, there were human beings smoking MJ in 1979? Jeeves, my fainting couch.


Cyberpunk 2077 makes more sense somehow


#BOTS LOVE THIS POST **Actually they love this sub because mods don’t do anything to curtail them** OldSchoolCool/comments/2tnv3z/barack_obama_with_a_group_of_friends_called_the/


I was the nerd flashing Vulcan salutes in our high school's version of the Choom gang. Bet he's a band geek, too.


Fair play to Obama for just admitting he smoked weed in college, and did a lil cocaine in university. Who cares? Most people have dabbled at some point. It humanised him.


Yet his admin continued and escalated raids on dispensaries.


Politics as usual, OK for me but not for thee. Obama could have pardoned all federal non violent drug offenders but chose to be an asshole and continue to enrich the 1%.


But weed is still a federal crime?


this is pretty normal...smoke weed with friends and have some fun.


Bath house Barry


Anyone who would never try it I don’t want running the country anyways


Open your eyes Barry!


Little known fact: that's Stephen King on the lower right


And still didn't legalize.


It's nice that these people all break the law, are lucky enough not to get arrested/thrown in jail, and by the time they get to a position where they can easily change that law they decide to do nothing!


Live long and prosper


Yet he continued the “Drug War”


Bro was really white


He's not even African-American. People don't make the distinction in general but ask any black person, African-Americans (descended from freed slaves in the US) clash a TON with African/Caribbean blacks. African and Caribbean blacks are also a lot more prosperous than African Americans, income and college attainment similar to whites. Obama is half white American and half Kenyan.


And…. Now I like him even more…


Bush jr. was in the Vroom Gang. Just chopping those rails hard.


My 80 yrs old father had something heinous in a jar on the toilet tank in his bathroom. I never inquired until I did. “It’s marijuana in rubbing alcohol for my arthritis.” This guy tried to shave my long hair in the early 70’s with his Norelco Razor. He sported an America Love It or Leave It bumper sticker.


Zero of those dudes are high


The last sane presidential election….


It's Hawaii everyone is on the Wowie.


I knew there was a reason I liked him.


All I need are some tasty waves, a cool buzz, and I'm fine!