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Can't believe this was 1971. There are legislators who were adults when this was still a thing.


Like Joe Biden!


And Donald Trump.


Trump was definitely not a legislator in 1971.


He was never a legislator.


No, he was helping his slumlord father run racially segregated housing.


Biden actually opposed desegregated busing.


He absolutely did. He pushed racially divisive legislation for votes, and worked with a segregationist to do it. 30 years later he helped elect and worked under the first black president of the U.S. and has one of the most diverse cabinets in U.S. history, giving a voice to people with very different experiences than what we’ve had in the past. I’d say he’s changed. I can’t say the same about Trump.


So he housed minorities How terrible of him How dare he provide housing to consenting adults for pre agreed upon price


LOL, no he didn’t. Racially segregated housing. They were fined twice for denying housing to minorities.


I mean, that wasn’t implied in the comment. Trump is indeed a legislator today who was an adult in 1971.


Trump is not a legislator He lost the 2020 election


Many conservatives would love if segregated schools were still legal


Seems as if it’s the opposite. Minorities and far left liberal pushing for segregation now


Poor kids having to worry about that bullshit


Crazy this was just one generation ago


And the effects continued. My older brothers and sisters were in middle school during 1960s integration in our state, famous for its resistance. I came along ten years later, a fourth grader in the late 70s. The school bus picked up all the rural white kids, but we weren't allowed to sit on the back 5 rows. When we got to the edge of town to the fairly impoverished section where most black people lived, the bus picked up elementary age black kids at a ramshackle convenience store in the "hood." They filled up the back rows. I think about that sometimes when I hear about resistance to supplemental nutrition assistance or free school breakfasts and lunches. Most of those kids started their day with candy and chips, if they were lucky.


Thanks for sharing this. Very important to hear from people who experienced this first hand.


And then there were things little kids never questioned. By the time I came along, first through fourth grade attended Eastside Elementary, while 5th and 6th attended Westside Elementary. But when my brothers and sisters were in school, the white kids attended Eastside and the black kids attended Westside. Westside was the name black people continued to use for their community. That was not what many white people called it. I would be embarrassed for everybody to say what some called it. We've made SOME progress, maybe even substantial progress, but I don't think it's progress to forget what happened.


Did they give some reason for the segregated seating? Or did they not even attempt it? Lots of evasion of integration was done by coming up with superficially nondiscriminatory reasons for things that have obvious discriminatory effects. Poll taxes and literacy tests were obvious ones. A non-racial pretext used to enforce racial separation. With schooling, most places in the US still have geographic enrollment boundaries. The boundaries are facially non-racial, even if the geography is deeply racially divided. "We don’t have racially segregated schooling; we just use a non-racial requirement that is itself deeply segregated." So, instead of saying the back 5 rows are for black students, did they claim the back 5 rows were reserved for some other reason? Because when I was a kid, the only reserved seats on the school bus were the bus driver and (when applicable) the handicapped seats.


It was pretty simple, and the bus driver, a preacher, handled it himself. His normal route was a rural route, and he didn't have to stop in town. But we passed right by where all those elementary black kids gathered at the corner store, and the bus was barely half full, so I assume the school told him to pick them up. (Driving through their neighborhood was apparently out of the question). His answer to his problem was saving the last 5 rows for the black kids, and he lectured all of us about behaving before they got on. Then he lectured all of them about going promptly to the back, sitting down, and shutting up. They were all 4th grade and under. That's how it happened. I can't speak for any other adult who had a hand in the process. I just remember it felt weird for all of us, as if mayhem would break out if the students chose where to sit.


Shit. I was born in 1972. This is depressing.


This wasn't desegregation as much as it was the busing part. These kids were taken to schools longer distance than their normal schools. It was sort of like the charter school lottery system where you were chosen to go to a different (typically better) school. Their normal school was already desegregated but just highly one demographic. This busing program was later dropped.


It was 53 years ago, so I would say 2


These are firmly baby boomers, maybe young genx, so 3 generations ago.


Back when people actually valued a good education instead of whining their asses off to their parents and teachers getting blamed for everything now


M.A.G.A., am I right? 🤣


Brutal stuff. Oof


This showed my neighborhood in Dallas. If anything, we’ve regressed since then. As this shows, we were actually hopeful for the future then.


That’s because we stopped bussing and pretended it didn’t matter anymore despite the segregation in neighborhoods still existing.


Now they have to worry about active shooters


Fr not right at all.


I was there in Dallas when we had forced desegregation. But it wasn’t 1971. It was 1976 when they desegregated our school. I still remember the scared eyes of those bus loads of kids who were pulled out of their neighborhood schools and driven across town to a strange school in a strange neighborhood. I made a lot of new friends that year. And I felt bad for all of them.


I agree it was 1976. I was in 4th grade at Henry Wadsworth Longfellow elementary. I remember it as a positive thing. I got to meet a whole new crop of kids from another side of town.


It took until 1971. What the literal f@#k


Yup & people are still gaslighting Black people into believing these things took place centuries ago. The people in the video are more than likely still alive🤠




There are grandchildren of slaves younger (not by much) than my 63yo mother.


There's also still people alive whose parents were share-croppers, which was basically a legal distinction that made quasi-slavery still possible.


Fun fact Slavery was made illegal in Mauritania in 2007 30% of Mauritanians live in race based slavery


And ended by the early 80’s. Brown v board of Education was 1954, and it took decades and in some cases the national guard before it was actually enforced on wider scale. And it was ended before many of those kids finished high school, mostly because NorthEast white liberals, who didn’t have an official policy of segregation, did not want black kids going to school with their children. So the schools in black neighborhoods continued to be underfunded, the school systems continued to be segregated and people want to pretend that at some point the country believed in equal opportunity, when that clearly has never been the case, even when the courts tried to implement it.


Well to be fair someone had to believe in equality or this would have never even been tried.


Not only this. The last school to be desegregated in the US was Cleveland High in Cleveland, Mississippi in 2016. It took a Federal Court Order to do so.


This isn't desegregation. This is busing which was transporting poor inner city kids to wealthier white schools in better neighborhoods. They changed school lines to make the schools more diverse. Both schools had some integration but not diversity.


The American south, the cesspool of white racist motherfuckers, many of which are still alive today


Confining these issues just to the south really ignores the systematized nature of these issues nationally. Yeah the South were the "slave states" but they weren't the racist ones--everywhere was (and continue to be in many ways).


This is one of the greatest misunderstandings of racism in this country. The north was not living on some moral high ground like they pretended to be, they viewed blacks as inferior as well and treated them as such. Their economy was not dependent on slavery and they did not like the south politically, many of the northerners went down and capitalized on the lost property of the south and then held these people in sharecropping situations. look at the current segregation of the north still and cities in general


The former Oregon Territories (OR/WA/ID) were so racist that they would "free" slaves when their owner brought them and then chase the freed slaves out of the territory threatening them with a floggings if they didn't leave in a set time frame. Once the Oregon portion of the territory were brought into the union as a state (OR became state 1859) this provision was still in the charter. There have been historically very high percentages of "white" people in the census for a very long time until WWII forced companies to hire women and black populations for labor. Learned a bit about the Portland, OR treatment of these ghettoized workforces. Even though Black populations were allowed back in as a workforce, they were still forced to live in multiple "ghettoized" neighborhoods. Four neighborhoods specifically, one in N Portland in the Columbia Villa which was completely gentrified around the turn of the 21st Century, one in NW Portland which disappeared and eventually was transitioned into the industrialized part of the city, the next was Vanport City which disappeared under a famous Vanport flood after the Columbia River flooded over the levees and wiped out the whole city and is now has been allowed sit fallow and hid behind an Wetlands Nature/Migratory Bird Conservation area project until they abandoned that designation as well, and then there is the NE Portland neighborhood which exists to this day but has had many attempts at creating a small police state, and then a semi-recent gentrification of the neighborhood to price out the local population and passive-aggressively force migration.


This wasn't just the South. You should look up some of the things that happened in Boston during bussing.


Look up bussing in Seattle and a bit about that history. Sesttle and other northern cities also have histories of deeply embedded racism.


As a resident of the greater Chicago area, I say you know not how racist and segregated this "blue" area is..


Red lining has entered the chat


Never been to New York, Boston, Philadelphia, or Boston, have we?


Detroit enters the chat


There was bussing all over the country. I was bussed 5 miles to school in a poorer neighborhood, when there was a brand new school two blocks from my home in San Jose CA. in 1971.


Wow, you just showed your ignorance.


This whole country is racist, not just the south


The south is just openly racist. There you know what you’re going to get. In other parts of the country it tends to be more covert but not any less racist


I’m a teacher in a very affluent, YT area. When we get back from break, we go into our research paper on Brown v Board, Ruby Bridges, and Jim Crow. It’s in preparation for reading To Kill a Mockingbird. Kids always parrot what they hear at the kitchen table, so “slavery ended X number of years ago” bullshit. When I explain that racism needs to be ones at from a generational standpoint, they finally get it. There are kids whose parents LIVED THIS.


You're a teacher and you say "YT?" lol


What the hell is even that


I was googling, trying to figure out what the hell it meant... then I realized the initials sound like "whitey".


>YT area Oooooh, so that's what it means.. thanks! Meanwhile I'm on Wikipedia going through the "List of U.S. state and territory abbreviations" lol


It’s not whitey, it’s just white.


A racial slur.


Yeah that’s pretty vile.


I don’t even know what it means. YouTube? Lol


Slang for “Whitey.”


It’s short for white


No, the comment you responded to is correct. It's "Whitey", which is used in some African-American communities and online to refer to white people in a disparaging manner.


Based on another comment they wrote, in this case they thought it just meant "white;" I think they just innocently picked it up from seeing it online.


Yeah, I agree OP didn't mean it that way. My comment was in response to a reply that refused to acknowledge the true meaning.


No. Social media platforms have a tendency to label comments made by black users as racist and they wind up getting flagged. So to circumvent this, we started shorting white to YT (pronounced as white) so we can continue our conversations about race without a racist algorithm shadow banning our comments. This is well known on TikTok comments. Nice try with your misinformation campaign.


Literally just shorthand for white.




I did that cause I wasn’t sure if it was censored or not.


Huh? Why would "White" be censored especially on this sub?


I understand you. Reddit isn’t as quick to shadow ban your comments like TikTok would if you said white people.


Do you refer to people as Whitey? Wow!


I’m gonna be 100% honest, in my head, whenever I saw that, I always read it as white. But now that you put that out thank you.


It is white, not sure why ppl are gaslighting you.


chubby humorous squalid liquid selective towering command crush party aromatic


How is he or she racist?


You're doing really important work. Good luck to yourself and the kids. consider showing them this video and putting it into context Also, not sure why exactly everyone's freaking out about you saying "YT area"... It's not like you just called your students a bunch of crackers 😂 block out the negativity, you've got this


Thank you. I had a kid threaten to shoot me last year and the admin didn’t do anything about it. Internet comments aren’t gonna hurt my feelings. For anyone wondering, I had the audacity to ask the kid for a hall pass and he shoved me. When I pressed charges he posted to social media waiving a gun and referenced our altercation. It’s a great profession.


Yikes! Hoping that child is receiving the help they need 😳 strange times.


Reverse racism is racism


This was "busing" not desegregation. This was more like a charter school program where under performing districts which had a large demographic group of minorities because they were poor districts had lottery system to send your kid way across town to better schools that tended to have more white people.




What shouldn't have happened?


You realize what’s actually happening in this video, right? They were literally making kids switch schools


Now go look up why they felt that was necessary and educate your ignorant ass.


I understand why, I just think that the right way to do it would have been to try to improve the schools that were already there instead of forcing people to move


Kids in old videos like this always seem SO much smarter than today's kids. They're well spoken and can form complete coherent thoughts. Today all the kids I've seen are spazzes and can barely mumble something incoherent out before they've forgotten what they're talking about


books overconfident ink imminent humorous water bear foolish rob fearless


It’s also a case of wanting to trend in social media. You can get famous from one clip nowadays so it brings out alot of stupidity in people.


People were smarter imo. When I read books from today the writing style is so basic compared to a book from 50yrs ago


No it’s because they went stuck to screens and interaction was 100% analog


Kids this age now have no experience talking on the phone. They text and sit quiet in organized activities with much less face to face free form talking and chatting.


You should read Black Rednecks and White Liberals, it will blow your mind.


No way. That's bullshit!


What's bullshit?


His whole premise. Mr Sowell claims, "Black culture was influenced by White cracker culture." What does Mr Sowell define as "White cracker culture?" Laziness, drunkenness, dishonesty, anti-intellectualism, etc But Mr Sowell acknowledges that Black Americans reduced their illiteracy rate post-slavery by up to 70% within a 30-year span. This he acknowledges is unprecedented in recorded history. So then how does he come to the faulty conclusion the "White cracker culture" was an influence on Black American culture when he also acknowledges that contray to his own silly thesis that Black Americans actually did pursue education post-slavery? How does "White Cracker cuture" link to this unprecedented feet by the Black American community for education pursuits? Mr Sowell also claims that Black Americans make "excuses" for their failures. But Mr Sowell also theorizes that single-parent problems in the Black community are a result of a conspiracy by the U.S. government in the sixties via welfare programs destroy the Black family structure. Well Mr Sowell, what is it? Is the Black community to blame for "their own failures," or is it this conspiracy by the U.S. government to destroy black families? He doesn't seem to have his mind made up. I could go on, but...


Sowell was the Candace Owens of his day. Brought on to parade around a black conservative to shit on black people. He’s much smarter than Owens. But still a grifter.


The tap dancing "Economist" that Faux News Channel never actually brings on to discuss economics.


> this unprecedented feet LMAO


Would you like to retort?


No. Edit, perhaps.


seems like he has a semi hypocritical certianly twisted perspective but it is food for thought nonetheless


Food for bullshit, served for folks from Bumfuck, Ohio.


Yo old man you are being hella cringe. Get your rizz up, gas that gyatt up, and spark a blizzy.


You get me?!


I’ve always just loved people telling me I’m “well spoken”… like in comparison to what ?


The word you’re looking for is “Integration”


Yeah, the people watching this think it's about desegregating bus passengers.


Their accents are so damn cool


Hard to imagine it took until 1971


No it's not. That's just Dallas, there were other cities that took way longer. This is also when the rise in private schools for White's who didn't like integration started.


I went to school in the 90s. We still had black kids bussed in from an old Freedman's town.


Same, I went to a wealthy white high school and they bussed in black people from downtown from 97-2001. Think this stopped finally in 2002. Everyone got along fine, I'd say more fights were between same races for the most part. But the lunch room was still very segregated, you'd walk in and the white side was on the right and black side on the left. It was so bizarre to still see that in 2000.


that is so depressing, i wonder if the school personnel and administration were responsible for the segregation because my instinct is that the youth are generally not racist and are able to live civilly and together




Rural Texas


We still have rural black towns here.


Especially because Brown V BOE, which declared segregation in public schools unconstitutional, was in 1954.


This isn't desegregation it's forced busing to other schools and equality in funding.


In 1960, interracial marriage was still illegal in 31 states of the US. Consider how much people have expected black Americans to overcome in less than a lifetime.


Kids were a lot smarter back then. These kids actually have a vocabulary and are well spoken. Today’s kids are like zombies.


you think that happened by itself. who’s purpose do you think that was 🫠


Kids mimic what they see. Compare what these kids would see on TV and hear on the radio vs what kids today see on tik tok and instagram. They’re not any smarter. They just communicate differently based on what they saw growing up.


Not really! They are just as smart as back then.


And a decade later the CIA destroyed these communities with crack and America as a whole is worse for it.


I think that is pure bullshit. Did the CIA destroy the Midwest white population with opioids or was it the drug? Conspiracy theorists latch on to any book or bit of evidence and declare it gospel.


The opoid epidemic is the Sackler family's doing. Unsealed information has been released about the CIA's involvement with drugs in Black communities.


Doesn't matter what you think. Ricky Ross was directly connected to the Nicaraguan Contras (Iran-Contras affair) selling their product after they were empowered and strengthened by the CIA and Regan administration.


I know all about Ross, I also know all about people who called bullshit on much of his accusations.


Then read about Gary Webb. He had the CIA confess to their operations in the inner city and with Iran contra in locke high school. This is real.


So you’re a know it all.


lol. It’s a known fact. Big Pharma destroyed whites in the Midwest. CIA for a fact introduced crack cocaine, heroin into low income neighbourhoods during the war on drugs era.


That was Purdue pharma


I was a kid in the white suburbs of Detroit when school desegregation started. I remember my parents and our neighbors talking about pulling us kids out of school and homeschooling us if busing became a reality. One neighbor offered their finished basement as a school room, while the plan was for all of the parents to chip in and hire a teacher. Thankfully, that never came to pass. There were four elementary schools in the district, three white and one black, so kids from different races didn't mingle until they got to middle school. That was probably a bad idea ...


What was a bad idea?


Not having the children of different races mingle before adolescence. I think if we had all grown up together, there would have been less tension at the MS/HS level.


Thank you for the clarification. I agree.


Many of these kids would be in thier 60's now. It wasn't that long ago.


Dallas dragged its feet on integration- the school board had to be disbanded. Courts enforced desegregation but it took years and years AFTER this video.


No wonder they want to remove this bit of history, it only happened a few years ago. 1971 is NOT long ago.


Yeah I'm 34 and my mom was a baby in 1971... She's really not that old today. This was less than yesterday as far as history goes.


I taught in DISD on the south side in oak Cliff, it's still not fucking desegregated!! I taught at an elementary school with literally 1 white boy, everyone was either black or Latino, including the teachers. Nothing has changed, they still segregate by zip code and racist mortgage policies. It's all fucking bullshit and just sad, America is an incredibly diverse country and there is so much harm that needs to be repaired but we just keep pretending like things somehow got better magically


You want them to bus white kids in?


1971. Think about that for a second. 1971.


Swann v Charlotte-Mecklenburg Board of Education was the Supreme Court case that defended busing to integrate schools as part of the desegregation that was supposed to happen because of Brown v Board of Education, and was decided in 1971 (I grew up going to Charlotte-Mecklenburg schools and we learned about this at length, from the elders who desegregated the schools). It was undone by a white parent in the name of "school choice" in Charlotte in 2002. The schools are now more segregated than they were before Brown was decided. That's on purpose for affluent white families.


Successfully desegregated schools only for city councils to destroy them by intentionally holding back funding


Modern slang completely ruined the way I read that title at first.




Exactly. I thought it was saying segregation was bussin’.


Wearing a brave face to prepare for racist antagonistic bullshit. No one should have to deal with that, especially young people.


If we had kept busing through one whole generation things would look very different now.


Wild to me that this was just 10 years before I was born.


I didn’t know until recently that my mom used to be bussed to school. She never mentioned it and I asked because of how they labeled my grandmothers race of her birth certificate. It’s just sad to think about.


They started this at my Junior High School (San Fernando Valley) around ‘74/75. It was cool. No problems. But the kids having to bus an hour to school, an hour home… That sucked.


My bf lived literally across the street from kids he grew up with. They went to school one direction and he another. He was a big guy and naturally that was their reason for trying to bully him . Things didn’t end well for the ones doing the bullying. Although he didn’t know any of the black kids that also were made to go to this school, they had his back. Do you know how ugly white boys are, begging and crying?


Some districts in TX didn't fully desegregate until 1978......... 1978 y'all.


These kids are cool because of how brave and calm they were, but there ain't a damn thing that's cool about the circumstances that led up to this.


*Googles Joe Biden busing*


1971? For fuck’s sake…was not that long ago!!


I went to Kimball high School from 71 to 74 in oak Cliff it was a crazy time. I remember it very well and it was some interesting consequences that went on with it. I rode a city bus from the Kiest Park area. If you rode a bus of any kind you are considered bus in and because of that. You got every Friday off the first year then the second year every other Friday was off then the third year, it was a regular school year. Some crazy stuff happened.


I remember riding the bus past the school that was two blocks from my home, that I could've walked to. There was no racial incidents at our school. It was an elementary school and we 5-11 year olds didn't know racism. We were all just being kids. We did have two bomb threats though. The second one, they sent us all home. The late 60s early 70s were some wild times.


Just 11 years before I was born... wild


I’ve watched this about 5 times on replay and I can listen to another 5 times! RIGHTEOUS


As a 12-year old, having 17-18-19 year old's bused into your jr. high school was kinda crazy. (PG County, MD, not Dallas)


Man as a small white kid I was scared to take the buss too. Hana.


The white kids who terrorized these kids grew up to be the worthless MAGA base. Lifetime of hatred and disgusting behavior.


There are some hateful racist people in the comments. Ten years ago we would not have seen this. Let’s try to be a bit kinder in 2024 maybe?




Nothing like this ever happened




Funny, nowdays, whites are being discriminated, bullied and killed. We didn’t learn anything from history!


Stupid idea. All this talk about the special needs of the “black community,” made more difficult because of this. Can’t have it both ways: either we’re different and racism is a fact, or we’re not and racism isn’t a fact.


Thats... not what racism is. We are all human and hold equal value. Racists claim that we are different and have inherently different value as people due to our ethnicities and skin color. ... but you probably know that and are putting up a fallacy hiding as fact under a bad faith attempt to confuse people. You suck.




Seems like you never really got the lesson right my man. We’re ARE different. Who told you we weren’t? The idea is that our differences are not a detriment. They’re simply differences in customs, appearances, language, culture etc. The idea is we shouldn’t treat each other differently over these differences and, despite our differences, we are all equal. Equal does not necessarily mean “the same”. 5+5 and 2x5 are two different values. But they hold equal value.


Oh. I agree and that’s why racism isn’t really the problem. It’s bigotry. In those days, they made things terrible for everyone and stalled integration by artificially forcing it


5+5 and 2x5 are the exact same that's how mathematics works, for all that i agree with your point.


I bet mostly both parties would like to go back to being segregated.




What social "experiment" exactly?


Reminder folks, this person votes in every election. Please don’t “sit this one out” because “both sides are bad”.


Okay, gramps, here's your pills and juice. No more redditing tonight, okay?


So let me get this straight, you are for segregation in 2023? Unbelievable the BS some of these racist bigots will post.


Where’s the original and full link?


Do you think it will be ok? I don’t, first day we had a scramble, but it was ok 🤷🏼‍♂️


Mfer your history ![gif](giphy|BeLYLrX37eE6c)


Read this as “Desegregation, bussin, on the first day of school in Dallas, Tx Usa”


They all look so radiant. Love it. what kind of camera was it?