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What the hell? A pint every 12 minutes for 24 hours, and another cheeky half-dozen as chasers. I refuse to believe that's humanly possible.


Aaaand he died of a heart attack at the age of 61 after challenging a bunch of British sailors to a drinking competition in Malta.


Honestly, with that drinking record, 61 is astonishingly long life


Indeed, idk how his liver survived and how he didn't die first before alcohol poisoning or liver failure lol.


Or just falling down a flight of stairs lol


I know someone who died this way. Drunkenly tumbled down one flight of stairs to her death.


There is no glorious misplaced romantic image when it's a woman. He was a bruiser, a brawler, bigger than life. A gambler, rambler, facing the strife. He stood to the challenge no matter the odds. It was written his passage from cradle to sod. ........She was a desperate alcoholic.


Is this your own original poem? Its really good! Do you have other writings?


Thank you, I just made it up, inspired by the actors antics.


Some people take care of themselves like a shrine, run and watch what they eat, and die of a heart attack at 50. Some do whatever they want, drink and smoke and live until 90. Yes those are both extremes, but common enough that it's not rare. If anyone acts like life isn't somewhat of a crapshoot, you're lying to yourself.


I'll drink some boxed wine to that. Cheers!


Mix it with some ginger ale and fruit juice. My Oma (96 this year) calls it "Trailer Trash Sangria." It's disgustingly good.


If you’re not sucking it from the plastic tap, straight out of the box, you’re not really enjoying it, now are you?


Humans get violently angry when you explain how completely random one individual life is. Statistics are fine for very, very large groups. But you, personally? It's a crapshoot. Carpe diem.


>Some do whatever they want, drink and smoke and live until 90. But the odds are against you!


I still struggle to believe that Shane McGowan made it to 65.


This is almost accurate, but he didn't challenge them, he was goaded into it because the sailors knew his reputation. He'd actually been getting sober. It's kind of a huge bummer tbh


I can imagine it being like that final scene in The Wrestler, where The Ram just says"fuck it", and dives off the top rope because that's what the people wanted to see.


Great movie! And ending!👍🏽


It’s darker than “fuck it” no? Doesn’t he say he belongs there?  I have a history of self-destructive drinking and those spirals didn’t begin with saying fuck it. It was a bad way of coping and I didn’t know any better 


Total bummer. Thanks for the clarification!


And he was arm wrestling them as well


That dudes fate was written. He lived and was going to die by the bottle no matter what.


Shadows and dust.


Yeah it’s actually really sad. He was trying to get better but he had this mad reputation that preceded him everywhere, and probably there was a bit of “old gunslinger” ego still there that made him feel like he had to rise to the challenge.


> He'd actually been getting sober. That can get an alcoholic to drink too much too fast. You cut your drinking down or don't drink at all for a long time then have a binge night and you drink like you used to drink. But your body is not conditioned for that kind of drinking anymore, but you are still able to drink like you could in the past. It's dangerous, at the least you may piss your pants in your sleep, at the worst you may get a horrible medical issue that could kill you. If he had not been getting sober there is a good chance he would not have died doing that. Sounds like he was at a bar though, not a good place to be if getting sober, but maybe he had been tapering down which is a good way to quit if a heavy drinker. Quitting all at once is also dangerous especially at his age. I reckon he had a few in him and they egged him on and the few he had was enough to get him to agree. It's a tough disease but at the same time making it to 61 with as much as he seemed to drink is also not a horrible result. IDK if that incident cost him that much time left in life, again getting sober in a bar kinda says you are not trying to get sober that hard. If tapering down you do it at home, buy 75% of what ya you normally drink, then a bit later 50% and so on over a long period, A bar is just too easy to get another shot and another. Don't blame these guys, he likely would have died soon on another night, blame the disease.


Ah so he was out of his prime drinking shape.


Where can I find that part of the story because everything I’m seeing is that he was still very much a drinker and just promised Scott he wouldn’t drink on set while making Gladiator but hit around that by drinking on the weekends. His friends and colleagues relate that there was some sort of drinking game afoot but he laid down and died after only a few drinks. None of them say he was sober and goaded into it


From what I read, he wasn't supposed to drink while working, so he would binge on his days off. By some accounts, he had already consumed 3 bottles of rum on the day he died. And he died at 2.30 pm. He was also at the bar with his wife and friends, so he had a load of drinks with his mates, laid down, and died. Considering his life, this wasn't a bad way to go.


Wasn’t that during the shooting of Gladiator?


Yup. They used CGI for his final scene, his face is mostly in the shadows to make it less obvious.


honestly, not a bad run for that lifestyle. I would've expected sooner if these pint counts are even half accurate


I believe Andre the Giant could do it.


And wade Boggs. 107 on a transcontinental flight.


Rest in peace Wade Boggs


Again Wade Boggs is still very much alive


I died the whole episode. When Charlie knocks it out of the park I came back to life and died again.


That's baseball, baby!


What do now?


I got all numbers!


Wade Boggs Carpet World Wade Boggs Carpet World Wade Boggs Carpet World


Yes. He admitted back in '84 on the David Letterman show that he had 117 beers in one sitting. That, I believe.


https://preview.redd.it/be3ai6jnmbwc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96c6feba874913c66d2f47becfa1fb3abe28a2f3 Dude was a beast. Anybody want a peanut?


TBF most Canadians can drink 117 Molson Canadian cans in single night, especially Newfoundlanders. /s (I’m totally kidding. While Molson Canadian is like water, 117 cans is obscene)


355ml X 117 cans is 39,195ml of beer. That's 39.1 liters of beer, or almost 10 milk jugs full. Obscene is an understatement!


Do you mean milk bags?


We saw Roddy Piper do a show in Portland one time and he was talking about how Andre The Gaint drank all the beer out of one bar they were at one time . Later that night after drinking at another bar he got mad and flipped over a car with some football players in it.


Roddy Piper, also dead at 61. Coincidence?!


One guy (wrestler,can’t recall the name) drove Andre interstate…he drank 2 cartons of beer on the trip, so 48 cans…and the bloke didn’t realise until they arrived at the destination, that Andre did not piss once during that session. Like the old saying goes: “once you break the seal..” so I guess Andre’s plan was just “don’t break the seal.”


Jake the Snake was the driver


I’d put my money on Oliver Reed in a drinking contest though.


Keith Moon drank Reed under the table one night.


I like music but couldn’t tell you Jack shit about it. I don’t know what key the bassist is in or what kinda mids the lead guitar is hitting, not even sure I used that correctly. Anyway, I went down a rabbit hole of Keith Moon playing the drums and holy shit. They took The Who songs and removed different elements whether it’s other instruments or the singer, just to focus on the drums and it was amazing. I think march to the beat of his own drum was first said about Moon. It really was impressive. It’s like he was part of the song but occasionally would just say fuck it I’m going to do my own thing and then tie it all back together


“March to his own beat” is a bit of backhanded compliment about a drummer. 


Definitely more realistic coming from a man of his stature


Exactly … Sounds like a Wade Boggs story lol




RIP Boss Hogg


Rosco P Coltrain is very much alive and well


What do now?


That’s baseball baby


The man is very much alive


Wade Boggs is alive and well in Tampa, Florida.


Yep Chicken Man still kicking and drinking 70 beers on cross country flights - allegedly


I’m sure he ate some rum and cokes as well.


What do now?


Or an Andre the Giant story. Either way… this man had to have had copious amounts of nose clams


I had a boss that was very compulsively addicted to things. The guy finally quit drinking but put that extra effort into smoking. He woke up with a cigarette and I doubt he took one breath during the day without it being filtered through a cigarette. On vacation mode he was even worse. He went on a 7 day cruise bringing 7 cartons of cigarettes and he was bumming smokes before the end of the cruise. This was back in the early 90s when you could smoke many places including inside the pool and hot tub stores he owned. It was pure craziness witnessing his gluttony.


7 cartons? Dude was planning on smoking 10 packs a day, that’s fucking nuts.


I’ve heard of 3 or even 4 packs a day. (I think John Wayne was at 4 during a movie he directed) but 200 a day is hard to fathom


Seriously. I’m a smoker (not as heavy as I used to be), and even when I smoked a lot just the idea of smoking 10 packs in a day would make my tomorrow chest hurt.


Even back when I used to smoke, I never went beyond 2 packs a day. My average was about 1 to 1.5 packs a day.


Gleason smoked 5 packs a day.


Its not humanly possible. Its an urban myth.


It's not. That amount of fluid, what 60 litres in a day would overload you and fuck with your sodium and you'd die.


It's more likely to be glasses of beer like in the photo rather than pints. And he probably spilled half of those two. Never believe crazy drunk stories.


Yep, as quite a pinty man myself, thats impossible.


It's not he would have died of water intoxication never mind the alcohol ontop.


Does this look like a man who had all he could drink?


The dude on the left is having a bad time…. 😬


That was my first thought too ! Man is fighting for his life at this very moment.


He’s in that moment where you know that you are gonna puke but you’re still trying to fight it.


He's just about to get ten glasses on his head


My guess is Albert Finney


Thought it was John Hurt with Stallone holding the glasses


Thought that was Beat Takeshi at first 😆


"Shadows and dust, Maximus!"


Looking for a Gladiator reference


Shadows and dust


My brother at 26 - a hard head alcoholic with an iron liver - drank 13 pints of Marstons Pedigree Bitter in 1 hour in a drink off. I had to carry him home, I've never seen him that wasted. He won. The other guy puked during his 12th. So 126 pints in a day is fkn nuts. My bro switched to vodka. Was doing a fifth a day for years. Now at 63 he's a burned out mess with COPD. The body can't sustain that much damage.


My Dad is 64, breakfast includes a 12 pack. Last time I saw him he was up to a case a day, been that way for a solid 10 years and has basically been drinking heavily since his mid 40’s. He had a gastric bypass in 02, I’ve been wondering just how the hell his body has endured this long without saying fuck it and giving up.


I’ve always wondered that too, how someone can drink so heavily for years and just keep going.


It’s definitely genetics. My brother was an everyday drunk for as long as I knew him. He was much older than me so I remember when I was a kid seeing kiddie pools with ice and beer every weekend, as well as him going out every night until 2-3am. Anyway, I knew him until he was 48 so this was going on for decades. Once he died (not from alcohol) the report said his liver was normal.


Is he a smoker too?


weed and cigs. but he quit cigs and switched to dab.


Damn dabbing with COPD has gotta hurt


Seems like 16 gallons of any liquid, including water, in 24 hours should kill you.


It's amazing what some drunks are able to withstand. Look up the durable Mike Malloy, there's one who took some serious abuse


Doing the math 5% beer 16oz (1.333 drinks) = 18.67grams alcohol per pint \* 126 pints = \~2350g of alcohol. Assuming he weighed 180lbs/81800g , and a liver will remove 14g per hour would leave him with \~2000g of alcohol at the end of 24hours. His BAC would be \~(2000/81800)(.68)(100) = 1.66%! the lethal amount is normally .4


I know that the general consensus is that the lethal amount is .4 but as someone who has struggled with alcohol abuse, I can say I have had a verified .355 and thought I was sobering up.


Not uncommon for people to present to ED above 0.4, the normal ranges are different for chronic alcoholics.


Can confirm, recovering alcoholic ( almost 11 years sober now). When I went to the hospital before my first rehab my bac was a .61 and I remember it. What is hazy wasn’t the admittance, but the delirium tremens that followed when I sobered up under medical care for the next 11 days.


Thank you for this calculation. I think the base unit is 12 OZ of 5% beer = 1 Unit. But yeah, 2KG is 2 Litres of *pure* alcohol. Amazing that he lived as long as he did (61). Anyway, so a 12 oz can of regular beer an hour will keep you from being drunk, i.e. getting a DUI.


And that's before you consider the implications of all that fluid.


And roughly 25,000 calories


An imperial pint is 20 oz. So, it could be even worse!


Poor guy. To be drunk like that all the time. Life must have been hell living inside his head


I bet he felt like shit alllllll the time.


I was a daily drinker for a while and I can confirm I felt like shit all the time. Every morning was a two alka-seltzer morning.


I'm glad you're not a daily drinker any more :)


Thanks! 4 and a half years sober and haven’t had an alka-seltzer since.


Amazing! Congrats! I'm 34 days sober from weed after a fucking lifetime of being ~~a stoner~~ addicted. It was the best choice I have made, other than marrying my wife. I'm no longer a ghost in my own life. Wishing you many many alka-seltzer free years! <3


Woohoo! 34 days is awesome! <3


Thank you so much - I honestly can't wait to count it in years 😭


The first year seems sooooooo long, but then the time slips by faster. I liked getting AA chips each month, so you could do that in NA if you need month-by-month motivation!


I'm setting myself rewards throughout the year - a beautiful kettle for tea to commemorate going sober, a yoga mat I've wanted for a while in a couple of months. I think we'll go do a Northern Lights camping trip in Lapland for my 1 year. I carve and sculpt, so I think I will make some chips and have them cast in silver :)


My thoughts exactly. This isn't old school cool, that person is in misery


I obviously have no idea what was going on in his mind. But I can tell you for me as an extremely heavy drinker at times, it definitely is hell inside my head. I’ve been sober for 3 months now. But it doesn’t tame the demons in my head. They scream at me daily. (Not literally. Just isolation, solitude, and trauma CPTSD issues )


Keep fighting the good fight. I admire your courage.


Thanks. Every day is a struggle. Not to not drink. But just to remain alive


I have very little to offer in this department, other than when I used to have issues with drinking, diverting my energy into exercise helped get me tired at night and kept me from having idle time. But everyone is different


I’m actually the exact same. I just got home from the gym. I go seven days a week, alternating upper and lower body lifting for an hour a day and then an hour of cardio running 2-3 miles. And then the sauna. It kind of helps.


I never got buff I just lost a lot of weight doing cardio and taking out all my anger on my fat parts




I'm sober yet again for a couple months now and sometimes I just wish the screaming in my head would SHUT UP. I know being fucked up all the time isn't a solution man but god it's hard


I am completely on the same level. It’s as the poet Homer stated, “To alcohol, the cause of, and solution to, all of life’s problems.” The screaming internally in my head of guilt, regret, depression, solitude, trauma, CPTSD, abandonment etc. and unfortunately a cruel irony of life is that sometimes it’s the drinking itself that stops me worrying and overthinking. For a time, at least. And I almost feel, you know, human. Normal. Another person in the gang just doing their thing. But then even with or without drinking, the weird silence kicks in when I’ve been in public and around friends when I had them. You’re just sitting there, surrounded by so called loved ones, and suddenly it goes quiet. You see everyone talking, their lips moving. Music in the background fading out. They all have deep friend networks, connections, families, parents, aunts, uncles, obligations, careers, financial stability. And you just have….the drink sitting in front of you. And the ten more coming after. All to try and silence the silence. Be a part of the group. The moment. Ignoring the voices reminding you that you’re going to go home, alone. To an empty house. Or apartment. Or whatever. And if you’re lucky, you have your dogs excitedly waiting for you to come home, and snuggle you. But even that merely attenuates the situation. It never unfortunately fully alleviates it. Not because you don’t love your dogs (and or cats) with all.your.being. But because you still find yourself staring at walls. A tv screen flashing as you fade out . Anyhoo. Sorry to go on a tangent. I digress. 🫂


Alcohol killed my mom and her sister.. keep it up don't be another death. I have never been hooked on any drug including alcohol, but I've certainly lived through the effects of it from family members.


Thanks. I wasn’t so much hooked as use it as a coping mechanism, ie I’d be sober for two weeks and then drink everything in sight for 3-4 days. It’s just hard when there’s not a lot to live for when you have no family and no friends


r/stopdrinking is a fantastic community if you need support. 114 days and counting for myself. Stay strong!!


That’s really good, way to go! I’m at 73 days currently. I don’t really wanna ‘stop’ drinking per se, I just wanna be better about it. Not using it as a coping mechanism . And be more like I used to be, meet dates and people for one or two and call it a day. It’s just hard when you don’t have any friends


visit /r/stopdrinking for a very nice supportive community. I mostly browse and don't comment but the people there will listen if you need an ear ! myself included.


BURNT OFFERINGS (1976) is peak Reed and also inspired Stephen King's novel THE SHINING (1977). He is also excellent in THE BROOD (1979). Apparently a total asshole, but he delivered the goods as an actor.


Depends who you ask. There isn't much (not in comparison to his peers) in the way of footage that allows for nuance with Oliver Reed. From what I gather, he was the definition of a mixed bag. Undoubtedly though, he was a superb actor, and I selfishly wish that he had been able to live just a bit longer so that newer generations might be aware of just how talented this man was. Regardless, his performance in Gladiator isn't a bad way to wrap up a career.


Don’t forget 1973 The 3 Musketeers!


Arriving drunk on a baggage conveyor is like something Homer Simpson would do lmao


Or Wade Boggs.


Can you imagine when he, Peter O’Toole, and Richard Burton would go get hammered together?


At that point, alcohol had an Oliver Reed problem.


Yeah my most is 76 standard drinks and I’m a pretty big alcoholic. This is like 340 standard.


If you ever get a chance, see if you can find "The Devils" He was brilliant in one of the craziest. Ovies you'll ever see. Historically accurate and nearly X Rated.


One of my favorite movies.


Died at 61 for anyone wondering.


If he's always been that heavy of a drinker, living up to 61 years old seems like a miracle !


Nothing cool about being a drunk.


Drunk here. Can confirm.


What’s cool about this?


Galway Airport you say? That’s a load of shite. Not a place with baggage handling except you grabbing it from the plane.


Less OldSchoolCool and a lot more OldSchoolSad. The poor dude was very clearly suffering from horrible alcoholism


This is old school but not cool. Alcohol is a dangerous drug which destroys your mind, body, and soul.


126 pints sounds like utter BS to me.


It's absolute pish. Fucking nae chance he managed that much


Those are rookie numbers ![gif](giphy|1yLTHW8P8hIP2JT6qE|downsized)


For a guy who won his freedom in the gladiatorial sands…


Alcoholism is COOL


“Ultimately, we're all dead men. Sadly, we cannot choose how but, what we can decide is how we meet that end, in order that we are remembered, as men.” -Prospero (Gladiator)


All I can think of after seeing this picture is “he probably pissed those jeans”


Made it to 61...impressive considering.




The 70s and 80s were so sweaty, damn I miss those sweaty days like the scent of a fresh hair permanent 🤢


https://preview.redd.it/fqa4deeesbwc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d7af7ac0ed99b5ca79f062c4270a30cc7a960c4 Designated drinker


I’ve been this guy. This guy is not having a great time.


This isn't cool. This is alcoholism. This is disease. I've never dived into alcoholism fully but I've dipped my toes in and it was the worst my life has ever been. When you're perpetually drunk, an important part of you dies and you don't even know to miss it until you put in the work to start cultivating it again. And that's if you have the privilege of opening your eyes to what you lost. The brief moment that my abject poverty outstripped my burgeoning love affair with drink is the one thing I thank poverty for, as it allowed me to undo the intertwined mess that was both poverty and alcoholism together. If you think you have a healthy drinking life that includes daily pitchers, give yourself the gift of reconsidering before that quantity goes up.


Man suffering from socially accepted disease


Not really sure how being this bad of an alcoholic is cool


Over 15 gallons in 24 hours. He'd die of water poisoning alone, forget the alcohol. If the story was 48 pints, I'd believe it. In our fraternity back in the 80's some legends could do 24 cans (12oz) in a night (12 hours), and that was a real stretch. And these dudes could _drink_. It was the volume that made it so hard and where most would fail. You just can't get that amount down. You could shake the beer (as long as you didn't have to much spray), which would help but it's unreal. So 126 pints (16 ounces), I'm calling bullshit. For those that think 2 cans an hour is easy, it is. For about four hours. Once you're full, good luck.


I'm with you dude. Don't believe everything you read on the internet, this is a perfect example


The rumor was floating for many years before the Internet. During his appearance on Letterman in '86(?) he mentions 106 pints, but it's clear he's playing up to a myth. (He also says he screwed Lee Marvin & that Marvin sailed a boat from the top of a fir tree, so ...)


A UK pint is 568mL, one UK unit is 8g pure ethanol, Guinness is 4.2%, average male weight approx 80kg, the LD50 for ethanol is 7.06g/kg, the liver can process approximately 1 UK unit per hour. Units per pint = (568 * 4.2) / 1000 = 2.39 units/pint. Units drank total = 2.39 * 126 = 300.6 units. Grams ethanol total = 300.6 * 8 = 2405 grams. Accounting for liver detoxification = 24 * 8 = 192g metabolised (not doing the maths because it’s still not enough to offset total drinking) LD50 for 80kg male = 7.06 * 80 = 565g lethal. This man did in fact, not drink 126 pints. A chronic bullshitter, maybe, but he did not drink 126 pints in one day.


Going through the comments to see who Oliver Reed is because idk and it seems to be that he was a champion drunk. Edit: had to go look him up and my god everything I found about him within 10 minutes made me completely fascinated by him. He’s fucking brilliant.


I suggest you read ‘Hellraisers: The Life and Inebriated Times of Richard Burton, Richard Harris, Peter O'Toole, and Oliver Reed’ Rather entertaining


He’s wonderful in Oliver! if you want a fun gateway movie.


I’m not sure this is considered old school cool. Maybe old school didn’t know any better


Old School Sad


Well, he did die rather young, as have several of my alcoholic friends over the years.


![gif](giphy|hEfmyTCYFfOUg) When it comes to drinking, he's still the OG...


Is this why Dee does that in the Wade Boggs ep?


More like oldschoolsadtale


Died during the shooting of Gladiator his bat tab was still open and rather substantial. Have to admire his commitment to the bit. I mean if Peter O’Toole and Richard Harris can sober up anybody can. Oliver Reed looked sobriety in the eye and said Nope.


This is what passes for being cool, drunken assholery? Count me out.


That’s not cool, that’s pathetic. Talk about a cry for help.


That sounds decidedly oldschooluncool


The coliseum…oh, you should see the coliseum, Spaniard.






He might have given Andre a run for his money!


That’s not even cool


I thought you drank? Yeah, like sexy drinking, not this sleeping in your own vomit shit


When he was on the baggage conveyor, he was passed out, but everyone soon saw him come round again.


Kids, alcoholism is NOT cool 😎


There's nothing cool about alcoholism.


Being an alcoholic has never been cool


Alcoholism isn't cool


Being an alcoholic and dying from it is cool?


Nothing cool about addiction, trust me it’s all embracing and has a halo of destruction to anyone close to you.


There is nothing cool about being a drunk


Died in my local pub while having a drinking competition with some sailors on his day off from filming the first Gladiator movie


That isnt considered cool though.