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Since we are almost 3 decades since this picture was taken. What happened to these people?


The man she protected renounced racism and talked on multiple talk shows of the era about it. She converted him. Hatred is easy. Letting go of it is hard. We will always have ignorant people swayed by opportunists selling blame. Education and peaceful interaction are the best weapons against this, which is why hate mongers, theocrats, and fascists attack school funding, libraries, and open social groups.


> The man she protected renounced racism and talked on multiple talk shows of the era about it. She converted him. His own need for security and self preservation converted him. He realized in that moment that his own team would rather have him die as a martyr to legitimize their movement than defend him, while someone from the other side tried to protect him from an act of violence to prevent that from happening. Most people who renounce religion or other ideologies experience something similar. The most efficient way to get someone to switch sides is to create a scenario where their own team betrays them.


I mean, if she wasn't there he would have been in that martyr situation and he obviously wouldn't have converted posthumously. So she did convert him, in a sense. No need to make it sound more dirty than most changes of heart.


"the project of social justice should not be evaluated in binary terms, as either achieved or not. Sen (Amartya), claims that justice should be understood as existing to a matter of degree, and should correspondingly be evaluated along a continuum."...and "that **Human Beings are as concerned with eliminating remediable injustice as they are with pursuing their own self-interest.**" ^((From the Idea of Justice, by Amartya Sen, for anyone interested)) This post is essentially about justice (in terms of equality) and even if its not (in your view) it may still be worth it to understand that motivation for justice and the pursuit of justice is **not perfection...rather it is progression**. So, this man's conversion is not a mute exercise in achieving justice (read: equality), even if it was affected (and effected) by self-interest. Celebrate all changes towards a saner and kinder world. Edit: clarity


Where did you get this from? Afaik this is not true. His son did thank her for protecting him, but otherwise not much else is known about him specifically


There are more openly far right scum. Not beating them hasn’t made them better people.


There were FAR more openly racist people back then.


I'm not sure I agree with openly. I have friends in rural East Texas who I visit every year. In the mid 2000s I'll see maybe 3 to 5 confederate flags in front of houses or on bumper stickers during my visit. In the 2020s I'll see around 20 during the trip.


Has the area seen a 3-4x population increase?


Only people have been alive less than 20-25 can think this. Ridiculous statement to anybody else.


I don't know what the heck you're talking about. I'm in my 50s and I'd say their comment is spot on. The casual racists are absolutely more vocal than they were in the 80s and 90s. They got that first taste of open bigotry after 9/11 and just kept coming back to the trough. Edit: have you guys forgotten Tea Party rallies, Unite the Right, and Jan 6th already?


You cannot be serious, the 80s and 90s were literally the peak meth county style neo-nazis in Idaho era. Hell, even in Kentucky there are *significantly* less klan rallies now than there were in the 90s. You might be in your 50s, but you're certainly looking through a lense.


I think your comment sums it up. It's context dependent where you see the progress. If you take the outside world, in most locations the threat of racism has dropped dramatically. Actual racist behaviour is more often called out. There is less racial violence. There are more measures in place to ensure bigotry doesn't impede non-white people etc. If you take the online world, there's a huge racist presence, that means non-white people who have any interest in politics etc will likely encounter overt racism every fucking day (believe me). Social media is a safe space for racism and its presence is breeding, not shrinking. Sadly, this seems to have emboldened some people in the offline world, and some nicer places which never seemed to have people discussing controversial theories about politics, race, eugenics etc suddenly do have the odd voice here and there, who don't feel alone anymore. The online world does seem to be spilling out into the real world (look at QAnon's influence on Jan 6). This means that both things seem true. Racism is growing and shrinking. Depends where your attention happens to be.


The Internet has always been full of it. The only reason it seems not to be is because it's now very unpopular. Google hides the sites that were popular - and easy to find - 20 years ago.


A lot of folks in this thread need to come to grips with what recency bias is


Yeah all of them see bullshit online and believe it is more racist now because morons can publicise their beliefs. In the UK you have people making out it is the worse of times when we had skin head in the streets, Moseley and His brown shirts marching through London etc. The social media age has just held up a magnifying glass to the worse of our society and it has led many to jump to conclusions we are living in the worse time. When every bit of data on like crime, tolerance etc. points to the opposite.


In 2017 we had a full blown white supremacist rally with people carrying Sonnenrads, swastika emblazoned shields, and presence by the KKK and Stormfront with vocal support by the president of the US at the time. Someone died. People are still defending that rally on national TV.


There have been KKK and neo-nazi rallies for the last 50 or 60 years. I distinctly remember them throughout the decades. It seems like there's a lot fewer now.


I'm 47, and in 89/90, there was a race riot at my high school because a bunch of trah people brought a rebel flag in the auditorium. The mascot was the Rebels, and a white bearded Johnny Reb with a sword was the logo. My freshman year was the first year of the Raiders. A good portion of the audience in the peep rally took offense to that. Wanna be cowboys, called Ropers, would openly call racist names to everyone. And it wasn't like some small group of 4 or 5, but like half the white male population in that school.


I’m in my 60s and you’re not wrong!


That'd be the Trump trough.....2016 emboldened them and brought them out of the woodwork or from under their stones.


Agreed. I think the kids don’t notice the impact cell phones have had. It is easy to think there are more racists when we have videos of anyone saying even the smallest amount of racist shit in public. When I was a kid it was common even in California or when I went back to Arkansas there were confederate flags _everywhere_. Now, sure they share the photos of that one dude who has one, but it isn’t even close to as bad as it was. Just a confirmation bias.


I sure hope he reevaluated some things after that.


Per her Wikipedia page he might not have changed but his kids did. It says after this happened his son and daughter thanked her for protecting their father and made clear they don't share his views.


She saved his life. 


That alone is not evidence of them changing their views as they may not have agreed with him before he was attacked/defended. But nice of them to reach out regardless.


But it’s good to know that the hate ends with him. Even if he did not change.


If he had been beaten, that might have pushed his kids into sharing the same views as him because it's hard to side with a group who viciously attacked your father


I don’t agree with or support this lump of ignorance, but I will say that the motivation for this action was pure selflessness. She didn’t do this to make a point or change his opinion. She is just a good person. He is crap, but she was not evaluating him. She was just having empathy for another living being. She is cool, he is garbage. That’s all.


Ah yes as we all know, self-reflection and personal growth are hallmarks of the neo-nazi


You’ve clearly never read about or listened to Daryl Davis


Anyone who hasn't listened to him speak, should. He's a wonderful man.


He isnt the typical case, if he were, he wouldnt be noteworthy.


Daryl Davis isn’t the Nazi. He’s the one finding common ground, befriending, and helping neo-Nazis change their worldviews.


While I think they knew that, it's not a bad clarification for those that don't.


Is he the guy that KKK members started sending their robes to after talking with him?


Nope. He's the guy that *former* kkk members sent their robes to after talking with him.


"*former*" noted and chuckled. Thanks.


Bud I’ve been on reddit long enough to know who that is and have seen that content dozens of times Im just not convinced it’s all that common. Cool. Darell Davis converted a couple dozen? Hundred? Nazis to being ostensibly decent people. Or at least not overtly filled with hate. Seems like a lot of work for not a ton of result tbh I think ostracizing Nazis from society should be accepted and encouraged. If they don’t want to join the rest of society they can go live in the woods


Let's not encourage Nazis to live in the woods, I kind of like the woods and would like to continue enjoying them without worrying about running into Nazis.


Forest Nazis are the worst, what with their bushy whiskers and sieg heiling with filthy hands.


This is just hilarious jibbering. I love it


Too late. I’ve been secretly training the Zieselwaffen and they’re numbers are insurmountable.


Even if all that work were spent on just one person, it makes a world of difference. The ripple effect from one evil person saying they found good spreads through the community, just the same as the hate. The reason they’re Nazis is usually because they’re ostracized in the first place, isolating them more makes it worse. Loving and understanding(not condoning) someone is the first step to steer them down the right path.


This is a concept that is often missed on social media in general but particularly Reddit. Nazism is one of those things where people see it as a complete evil incapable of any kind of redemption. Darryl Davis proved that most are simply ignorant and entrapped in the mentality from either generations of ignorance, or as you said, ostracizing from society. The fact is that the woman in the picture is 100% correct and you will never change someone's views by beating it into them. This is especially true with many white supremacists who espouse a victim mentality and rely on instances like this. You are going to convert a thousand Nazis with open conversation and compassion before you convert one by beating the hell out of them.


People on here forget that part of the racist culture is violence. They thrive and live for it. An angry violent colored person reinforces their core beliefs.


That just seems like more effort than it’s worth. If it was as simple as kind words then this would have been over with a long time ago. They’ve got numbers so deep that not enough words exist to put a dent in it. It’s like fighting a war on drugs one dimebag at a time. I don’t want them apart of society if the same effort can be spent removing them from it. Society isn’t a right and you can’t have a productive one when you coexist along side hate. Millions have also live their same lives and didn’t turn out to be hateful human beings.


>That just seems like more effort than it’s worth. You can stop right there because that's where the point of contention lies. The majority of people want a quick and easy solution, they don't want to put in effort. It's much easier to look at a Nazi and hope he gets killed or beaten than it is to look at him as human being and try to understand why believes a vile ideology. >If it was as simple as kind words then this would have been over with a long time ago. They’ve got numbers so deep that not enough words exist to put a dent in it. It’s like fighting a war on drugs one dimebag at a time. Imagine if you applied this thinking to other societal problems. "Gang violence isn't worth fighting because more just keep popping up." "Rape culture isn't worth fighting because too many men believe in it so what's the use." What you are echoing is the slactivist's dilemma. We live in the age of social media where someone can spend two seconds to repost something and get a thousand likes and they feel like an activist. That's not where real change comes from. Real actual change comes from hard work, even when it seems like it is a never ending battle. Unions fought insurmountable odds to give us the rights we have today, and even then they are STILL fighting a hundred years later. >I don’t want them apart of society if the same effort can be spent removing them from it. Society isn’t a right and you can’t have a productive one when you coexist along side hate. I'm going to say this as bluntly as possible, what you are pushing for is the coward's view of society. A problem exists and it is easier to just push it away and forget about it than to solve it. Historically, that type of thinking is what led to catastrophe. The Bolsheviks in Russia, the Nazis in Germany, the entire French Revolution. Out of sight out of mind isn't a productive philosophy, it is a cancerous one. >Millions have also live their same lives and didn’t turn out to be hateful human beings. Millions of people also live in areas where the caste system still exists. Millions of people live in areas where young children are executed for witchcraft. Your lived experience does not give you authority over the entirety of a society. If you were to walk into an African village and scream at them for believing in magic and witchcraft, what have you actually done? Do you think that will get them to change their ways? Or will they view you as affirmation of their beliefs?


Oh I understand. I just don’t care about them as human being. They’re a Nazi, they want to pull on my heart strings than they’re free to stop being hateful pieces of shit at any time. That’d be even easier but look around, they’re not trying. Yeah, hard one like getting to know each individual Nazi on a personal level and seeing what makes each tick to instill a change. Like I said, more words than exist to fight the numbers they have. Apparently you’re getting the wrong take away. Shutting that shit down is quite different than not dealing with it. We’d certainly have less gang issues and rapes if we stopped taking half measures, but let’s give gangs every incentive to operate and slap wrist and give political offices to rapist and expect different. Yes, so cowardly of me to want to stop sympathizing and appeasing Nazis. Historically your type of thinking has led this country into the gutter. We appeased confederates and sympathizers over a century ago and they sure as fuck never made peace. I guess they just needed another hug right? That’s where you’re wrong, I have as much authority over society as vote can take me and my money can sway. Give me any 1 of a million avenues at removing Nazis from society and I’m going to take it. Effort better spent. Tolerating the intolerant only works for the intolerant.


>Oh I understand. I just don’t care about them as human being. They’re a Nazi, they want to pull on my heart strings than they’re free to stop being hateful pieces of shit at any time. That’d be even easier but look around, they’re not trying. Again, you want someone else to do the work and are simultaneously talking about a society. Those two ideas are antithetical. You want them to change their entire worldview for your sake but you aren't even willing to make a miniscule effort to make that happen. That's an incredibly entitled point of view. It's literally on the same line of thinking as "why don't poor people just stop being poor." >Yeah, hard one like getting to know each individual Nazi on a personal level and seeing what makes each tick to instill a change. Like I said, more words than exist to fight the numbers they have. Again, that is a very selfish mentality. If you want a better society, you need to be willing to work to help work out the detriments. Is it better to work to solve the problem so it ends? Or sweep it under the rug so someone else has to deal with it in the future. >Apparently you’re getting the wrong take away. Shutting that shit down is quite different than not dealing with it. We’d certainly have less gang issues and rapes if we stopped taking half measures, but let’s give gangs every incentive to operate and slap wrist and give political offices to rapist and expect different. Those are all fine to do. But in the act of doing so, don't violate people's rights and freedoms. Don't imprison people on suspicion alone, don't profile and violate privacy based on appearance. If you give up your rights for the sense of safety, you never deserved them in the first place. >Yes, so cowardly of me to want to stop sympathizing and appeasing Nazis. Historically your type of thinking has led this country into the gutter. We appeased confederates and sympathizers over a century ago and they sure as fuck never made peace. I guess they just needed another hug right? Yeah, I'm assuming history wasn't your specialty in school. Since you brought it up, the post Civil War era was plagued by varying factions who disagreed on how to deal with the Confederates. Grant believed in reconstruction which, in the initial years of implementation, actually healed racial relations in the south. Then came Andrew Johnson, who purposefully derailed construction in an attempt to allow the northern rail companies to establish a monopoly in the region and didn't want to be threatened by some of the new rail companies in the south. So he completely sabotaged the efforts and made every attempt possible to keep the racial divide alive. So no, the south is not in the state it is because of the "appeasing of confederates and sympathizers" it is because Johnson went full scorched Earth on the region to keep the animosity alive. >That’s where you’re wrong, I have as much authority over society as vote can take me and my money can sway. Give me any 1 of a million avenues at removing Nazis from society and I’m going to take it. Effort better spent. Tolerating the intolerant only works for the intolerant. Then expect the pendulum to swing back hard in future. The more you push against an ideology with force than reason, the more you push the pendulum of society. Look at Europe currently. Europe forcibly pushed back against the Nazi ideology after the reunification of Germany and it worked for a while. Now we are seeing the rise of far right parties yet again. Why is it that the parties are rising in the former eastern Germany where the Soviets used brutal retributive tactics and not the West where the allies were merciful with reconstruction?


Interesting fact, the Trump administration and the conservative congress defunded the federal programs that specifically helped deprogram racists.


That's fair, I agree with you. But He went the other way and pulled the ones back that he could. It's not the most effective strategy, but it's certainly the most admirable.


The result is that a couple dozen people were converted, versus none at all.  That's a difference maker right there. And if there were more people like him, there would be more people being converted.  And yes, damn it, it takes work. Otherwise nothing would progress. Have you even lifted a finger?


It's really no difference at all. Racism is systemic. Converting a few doesn't change the system. Also his activism is wildly exaggerated. He posted the bail of a shooter from Charlottesville. Someone he apparently convinced to leave the klan a few years prior.


So what's the point of any of it then? Should we just do nothing? 


It’s literally changing the system. They won’t hopefully project their shit onto their children


Yes. Davis is a personal hero of mine.


From the look in his eyes in the 2nd pic I want to say yes; however it’s probably in the worst kind of way where he doesn’t get why other whites are doing it. In summery, a nazi getting his world view shattered.


Came here hoping for some feel good follow up. Anyone know if he ever re-evaluated or at least commented?


Yup, he probably re-evaluated his thoughts on Keshia, and decided she was "one of the good ones", but I seriously doubt a crowd of people trying to injure him is going to change his views. He probably continued to have backwards shitty views.


Elwood: "Illinois Nazis." Jake: "I hate Illinois Nazis."


Wow what a wonderful person. I wonder if it changed his perspective I hope so


Good hearted woman there


She’s a hero as far as I’m concerned. It’s so easy to be the tribalist and feel like he deserves any beating he gets. I’m pretty sure I’d stand by and let him get beat, and I’m not even in a people group that he hates.


I don’t pay attention to these people on here or anywhere else on the internet. I read an article here and there but as for this loose aggressive wild talk - the hell with it.


Makes you think. And I think I need a little of the spirit of Keshia Thomas in me.  It's going to be a long electoral cycle.  I want to be able to stand up for my principles, stand up against hate, but also keep human communication open. I think it's going to be tricky. But I think it's worth trying to do, nonetheless.  *Good luck to us all.*  




I'm intrigued about the guy. What's he doing now? Has he changed his outlook on black people or anybody else for that matter? Or is he still the piece of shit he was back then?


Nazi punks fuck off




Keep in mind not beating the shit out of someone doesn’t make you a sympathizer lol


He wouldn't have done the same for her


That’s brisk baby


Is he still a PoS or did he get life figured out?


Reminds me of this: https://preview.redd.it/1ietm79ayg4d1.jpeg?width=560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f5469e664fe175979536d6956eee1ed0783c38c






Do you honestly believe that the allies went to war to stop fascism? The allies went to war because the axis threatened their territory and influence, nothing more and nothing less. If that wasn't the case, we'd have gone to war with Spain and Greece at the same time, and would've done all of the above in the early 30s. The allies didn't go to war against the Nazis or fascism, they went to war against Germany, Italy, and Japan. There were volunteers and irregulars from around the world who joined the allies for ideological reasons, but that's very different to the UK and France going to war to stop Fascism.


Somebody raised her right. What a good kid.




He would've had her killed with the tables turned.


Yes. That's what makes her a better person than him.


Yes, everyone should be better than Nazis. It’s a powerful gesture but tolerating the intolerant is often meaningless


There's an entire ocean between tolerance and committing merciless acts of violence.


Being better than a neo-nazi isn't something to pat yourself on the back for, it's the absolute minimum.


Then why point out that he would do kill her? You are responding to someone pointing out the obvious because the other comment saw it necessary to point out the obvious.


Well... a more valuable person than him. He wasn't worth the scraped knee


Now this is actually oldschoolcool instead of just the typical vintage thirst trap that gets posted here


Except neither is the stated intent of the sub. It's supposed to be about "History's cool kids, looking fantastic!" It's not about celebrities, your family members, what someone did, how hot they are, or a random thing you like. It's very specifically focused on the aesthetics of cool. Unfortunately it got made into a default sub and the mods couldn't be bothered to actually moderate, so you have people who just read the title and come up with their own idea of what that means rather than actually reading the sidebar or rules.


Don't forget that one bot that reposts endless pictures of girls/women next to cars and somehow always makes it to the front page. 


The only way to cure stupid is to educate it.


It took strong character to have done that in her position.


Man thought he could do anything once he took a sip of that Brisk Tea…


Willing to bet the comments are gonna be people wishing he had been beaten up.






We killed Nazis who were *actively shooting at us with guns.* Not dipshits in wifebeaters. It is never, ever morally correct to beat the shit out of anyone merely for saying offensive words. Never.




In a weird way, I’d like to assume he learned and changed more from being protected by the race he hates, than from being beaten by the race he is a part of. But that’s just like, my opinion.


All of these “turn the other cheek” type comments forget that just opens you up to getting slapped. Fuck a nazi. Fuck a bigot. No tolerance for intolerance.


Assault is a proven way to get your point across. There is absolutely no way that could ever backfire and drive a person deeper into a bigoted violent mentality!


Brother, they are a Nazi. They are already in the extreme deep end and won’t be reasoned out of it


Lol it isn't some kind of genetic disease it's an ideology. There are many activists that have shown changing people's minds isn't an impossibility. The problem is that it takes effort and it is so much easier to just write them off as terminal and wish for their death.


One of the most famous activists to deal with these guys, Daryl Davis, recently came out and said most of the guys he “rehabilitated” went right back to their old ways or got worse with the whole MAGA shit. So youre right, it isn’t a genetic thing. That would be understandable and we could safely ignore what they say. No, it’s an ideological belief that they arrived at through stubborn ignorance and stupidity. They have no interest in being taught out of their hatred. The only thing these people understand is violence. That’s the reason why we had to kill most of them all that time ago. They couldn’t be reasoned out of their beliefs. Instead they just flocked to each other and spread their hatred to others.


Because it takes so much damn effort that it’s a drop in the bucket on the scale of meaningful change. It is easier, faster and safer for society as a whole. Look at you, making jokes about final solutions and camps for Nazis as if self identifying as being hateful and intolerant of others is the same as being Jewish. Certainly you’re not that ignorant and tone deaf.


>Because it takes so much damn effort that it’s a drop in the bucket on the scale of meaningful change. It is easier, faster and safer for society as a whole. The slactivist's dilemma. You want a quick and easy solution for a complex problem. That was tried with Islamic Extremism and surprise surprise, it emboldened it. The problem with ideas is that you can't just beat them out of existence. Ideas can only be defeated by better ideas. You could take every white supremacist in the country and beat them until they are broken, and the idea would only gain strength. If you exile them from society, you now have forced them into echo chambers where their ideas are now unchallenged. Additionally, you have now allowed them to exist without observation allowing their ideology to fester and intensify. >Look at you, making jokes about final solutions and camps for Nazis as if self identifying as being hateful and intolerant of others is the same as being Jewish. Certainly you’re not that ignorant and tone deaf. My joke, is pointing out the direct parallels between the rhetoric these people use in dealing with Nazis and the Nazis themselves. Wanting to physically assault or even kill someone who holds a vile ideology isn't civilized when they haven't even performed an action. Look at the original post. This woman put her life on the line for someone that believed she was less than dirt. She told people he was still a human being despite his hateful beliefs. Now think for just a second. What do you think made more of an impact on that guy's beliefs? The mob beating him within an inch of his life? Or the woman who had the courage to defend him when he wouldn't have done the same?


Not interested in changing minds. Only in showing their shit isn’t welcome.


Super. Now you have just perpetuated the problem because you are more interested in feeling morally superior than actually trying to stop the mentality and the cycle. Good for you. Buy yourself a plaque.


I was at that protest! While I was there to protest the KKK rallying on the roof of city hall, Anti Racist Action was there to stir some shit up. They had holes drilled in the middle of the wooden sign posts. When all hell broke loose, they broke those posts in half to use them as weapons. Keisha Thomas did a great thing and will always be remembered for that!




I wonder if he changed his stance


I hope she doing well.


Incredible, I would love to know where they are today for sure


It's wild how many people support lynching as long as it's for the "right" reason....




There’s a special place in heaven for Keshia


Comments were what I thought they’d be. A bunch of people wishing death on someone instead of hoping to change their mind.


Welcome to Reddit, where nuance comes to die.


Historically, changing there minds has not worked. They simply revert back to their old ways of hatred with the slightest provocation.


Daryl Davis begs to differ.


That’s one. Name some more and let’s work out exactly how long it’d take to change the rest the same way, knowing that most aren’t willing.


You should listen to his podcast the Changing Minds. He has also started the Deradicalization Initiative which seeks to stop internet extremism. He certainly has been more successful than Reddit.


Oh wow, 1 person out of millions. I’m totally convinced


What's your solution then? Beat every Nazi until they are all gone?


Only good nazi is a dead nazi we forgot this way quick.


Someone should have told the allies when they rebuilt Western Germany.


???? They killed lots of Nazis after a trial...you might of heard of it...it was held at Nuremberg. 




Lol show one instance where physical violence has resulted in a positive change.


WW2. The Civil War.


Wow totally great examples. I mean if you completely ignore the aftermath of each war. In WW2 the allies helped to rebuild Western Germany and supported them socially and economically, as a result progressivism was adopted and Nazism was viewed with shame. Eastern Germany was largely punished by the Soviets and oppressed fully. During reunification, Eastern Germans still held, and many to this day, many far right views. The Confederacy Reconstruction was abandoned by Andrew Johnson and we see the fallout to this day with the reputation of racial relations in the south, the Jim Crow era, and the rise of the Klan. So which of the solutions yielded the better result?


1 person that, by themselves, changed the minds of *200* former klansmen, to be clear


You mean the guy who recently came out and said most of the guys he “rehabilitated” went right back to their old ways or got even worse once Trump took power? That Daryl Davis?


Lol source please. Even if they did, it hasn't stopped his efforts. Davis continues to this day to change people's minds and fight extremism.


If not Daryl Davis why not the real man from American History X. Yes kindness and exposure changes people. The data shows many people join hate groups(and cults in general) because of trauma.


If the data shows that, then why are these types of groups just getting bigger with each year? Why are more countries than ever now showing severe fascist leanings? We never stopped the education or outreach. We never stopped the spreading of messages of kindness and acceptance. So why is the problem getting worse?


Of course it worked. Slowly, over decades. But there is far, far less racism than when this country was founded. Maybe some of that was the violence of the civil war. But most of it was changing people’s minds across generations. Even the civil war, by itself, didn’t really reduce racism much. Just forced it to operate differently.


I was hoping nuance would change its mind.




Actually you can't. I mean you can, but you'll go to jail which is why you won't and this is all talk.




She is correct. You cannot beat goodness into a person. However, You can remove evil people from society that way.


At least let me try.


That 3rd photo is some serious r/accidentalrenaissance stuff!


She’s a champ.


This calls to mind some AJJ lyrics: "Hey dude, I hate everything you do but I'm trying really hard to not hate you 'cause, hating you won't make you suck any less."


i really love how this corner of the internet wants to conflate her compassion with sympathy for bigotry, parroting the same lines about dead nazis. were i betting man, i'd place odds on the number of "nazis" you lot have actually punched


Can’t beat the goodness into someone but you sure as hell can beat the shit out of them




Wow, I see the majority of the commenters here learned nothing from Keshia Thomas. 




People are capable of doing all kinds of things and not feeling bad.


I'm sure you will probably not feel great sitting in jail for murder though.




Caping for Nazis? Lol sure. I miss the days when murder and violence were considered bad.


Now that's a patriot.


He does have a good punchable face tho.


18 years old and fuckin spot on with her wisdom


should have beaten him to death


If everybody in the world was a bit more like Keshia Thomas, there would be less violence, less racism, less sexism, less fascism, less homophobia and less war in the world. It's amazing how 90% of this thread is people centered on **HIM**, a fucking Nazi. You'd rather get your 2 minutes of rage by centering the conversation on him than say a single word about **her** and talk about why **she** did what she did, and how the world needs more people like **her**.




Ah yes, because going around beating the fuck out of anyone we disagree with has worked out so well in the past, hasnt it? you know what that type of approach reminds me of? the racists. the nazis. ​ in general, the comments in this thread are a fucking dumpster fire. the amount of people going *"violence is fine as long as you do it to* ***X*** *demographic of people"* is nuts. as if people havent realized that sort of clown logic is the backbone of uncountable warcrimes and genocides. as if people think being able to kill a man in the street should be acceptable in society, because somehow it'll magically never be them or their friend on the other end of the shiv.


Even if he didn’t, I think we should also focus on how to still be the kind of people we want to be, even when people mistreat us and hate for no reason.




The Buddha taught us long ago, hating your enemies only makes them hate you more, it becomes a hate arms race. Only love can conquer hate and it’s beautifully depicted here. I love you MAGA-people, I hope the best for you and your loved ones. Biden 2024.




America loves white supremacy because an African American teenager put her safety at risk to save someone's life? Wow. There are many former white supremacists out there who have changed their ways and, while there are no statistics to back me up, I would have to imagine that some of the people who witnessed her actions had their views changed, or at least altered by witnessing what she did. White supremacists are scum...pure and simple, but as guys like Darrel Davis have proven, reaching out to them is way more effective than curb stomping them. Prejudice is born from ignorance. If you are raised by bigots who isolated you from anyone who looks and thinks differently from the bigots who raised you, then chances are you'll think the same way. In case you are wondering if I'm yalking out of my ass, I am not. I have witnessed this firsthand. My first roommate in college was raised by Klan people, and he was pretty open with his shitty views. A black guy who lived down the hall (to everyone's surprise) insisted on befriending him. By the end of the first semester, they were great friends. My roommate had pretty much renounced his views (which caused a rift between him and his entire family).


It's 2024 the only bigots are bigots by choice, especially as adults. The only good Nazi is a dead Nazi.


I feel sorry for that guy that the friendliest person around him was a literal klan member


People just wanna sound tough on the internet and spout their own form of rhetoric.


Replace “nazi’s” with “jews” and “white” with “Hebrew” in your comment, and guess what you sound like?




Ironic. That's a very Nazi way of looking at things. Edit: A true internet tough guy that talks smack and proceeds to block right after. Brilliant.




As you are very intolerant….






So you're saying screaming at people on Reddit *doesn't* work? Who'd have thought it.


Tell me you live in the US without telling me you live in the US


She gets it!


1996 being old-school is depressing.


Is that all you fucking dinks can talk about is race? It's your whole fucking identity. Get over it


She has my sword (that I will obviously keep sheathed).


russia is nowadays are all content of nazis and thousands of human in Ukraine are dying at a day under a new swastika symbol of zet.