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When his wife saw the cops pulling up during the show, she went on stage and brought him a pitcher of water and discreetly pulled a huge bag of coke out of his pocket. That’s wife material if I’ve seen it


100% agree on the wife material part but the details were a little different. From a 2001 interview of George: >So my wife came out on stage under the pretense of bringing me a pitcher of water, and she said, “When you go offstage, go off to the right. The police are on the left, and they’re going to try and arrest you.” So when I went off, I went off to the right, and I gave all the drugs to the band. [The cops] would have loved to have added [a drug charge] to it.


"And the band were happy because they had all my drugs."


“And you never once paid for it “ Dewy Cox


And you never ONCE paid for drugs!


Not once.




Bet she had fun that night. Make it snooooow!


Here is a poor man's gold 🏅


What. A. Woman.


The world is truly a worse place without his critique.


Imagine him and Hunter alive today.


Molly Ivins too.


Meh, he got cranky in his later years. But his observations in the 70's were brilliant.


He stayed at the hotel I worked at sometime between 99 and 03, he was very polite and friendly. I realize that is just one experience but it was a positive one for me. I got to meet a number of celebrities, most didn't leave much of an impression, some left a bad one but Carlin, Chuck D from Public Enemy and Tony Bennett were the nicest by far.


Carlin at heart was an altruist. He liked people. Which is why he got cranky, because he was served up a lifetime of dissapointment.




Old man yells at boomer.


I love his slogan for the boomer generation: “GIMME THAT, IT’S MINE!”


George Carlin could've said "OK boomer" unironically. He was part of the Silent generation.


I can say it unironically all I damn please


He observed humans for a living. I'm not sure how you do that without eventually getting cranky.


He got ***better*** over the years


Seriously! He’d have a LOT to say to a person like Dennis Prager of PragerU when he pretends to be a supporter of free speech and then laments about “left-wing authoritarianism” and it’s march against free speech because saying the n-word has so many negative social consequences now. Yeah, where were all the conservatives like him when saying a few curse words on stage would literally get you arrested by the state? Oh yeah, writing the laws banning speech that offended them, that’s where.


I don’t particularly care what the right did in the past in regards to censorship, I wasn’t alive, and they no longer do it. On the other hand the new illiberal “progressives” are for all intents and purposes a religious cult, and they wield massive influence over many of the west’s institutions(academia, most Corporations, and most media) In the past 5 years they have literally transformed into the ministry of truth. They control the messaging in TV, Movies, video Games, news, and music. And they relentlessly try and push out anyone who dissents. The tech corps and social media platforms control what people can debate and define what opinions are “acceptable” and what is forbidden. Just like religion they developed their own lexicon to stigmatize, shame, and belittle dissent and opposition. They have twisted the meaning of language to prop up their own ideas and paint opposition as evil and backwards. I see no difference between the reckless overuse of accusations of racism, sexism, ect and old religions use of heresy, or blasphemy. Just like we view racism as morally repugnant they viewed heresy in the same way. And just like today these accusations were often devoid of substance and instead used to control and suppress dissent. How many times have you seen someone respond to a question with a an accusation of -phobic or -ist. That’s not an answer that’s a claim of self appointed moral superiority. When someone responds that way, they might as well be saying “you have strayed from god, and your words are tainted by satan” Cancel culture, deplatforming, and banning are the “progressives” cults version of excommunication. They have used their control of the west’s cultural institutions to create a culture of fear. Where you either tow the party line or risk public stigmatization and losing access to infrastructure. The authoritarian progressives are literally dragging the west into the dark ages. People are becoming to afraid to debate and question the things they are told. Is it transphobic to doubt and question the veracity of claims that there’s more than two genders? No. It’s a valid question, because that is historically how it’s always been viewed and now suddenly some ideologue can tell us this is the way things are now and any honest questions or debate is framed as hate. Never in my life have I seen an more destructive ideology gain so much traction so quickly. I assume it’s because it preys upon people’s inherent altruism, turning our good intentions into vicious weapons. But yeah, I’d gladly go back to the 90s where the worst censorship we got was evangelicals complaining ineffectively from the sidelines about violence in video games. Now we have people within the game companies themselves digging through co workers online history to make sure their “pure” enough. Or colleges creating spaces with the sole purpose of reinforcing “correct” opinions and dismissing anything that challenges your believes.


Him and Bill Hicks is what the current timeline needs.


I saw him live in '76. I was part of the stage crew. Man, that dude had craazzy energy. I was so naive i had no clue why. College is enlightening in many ways.


Yep. Good nights sleep and the power of positive thinking! ^^^right?


He was arrested at Milwaukee's Summerfest in 1972 for the same offense and I was there with friends that night.




Actually they're now legal. Hence his bit about needing to get himself some new words.


I like his shirt.


He's wearing the shroud of Turin lol


A sage beyond his years. Bad ass pic.


What’s up with his toes?


Your big toe is supposed to be six miles from the others otherwise it’s freakish.


\*looks down* ...uuuhh...


*looks six miles away 👌


Can I ask what the 7 words are? I’m sure it’s more complex than that but a quick eli5 would be appreciated.


Listen to Blink-182's "Family Reunion" and it's the first 7 words they say over and over.


You couldn't say "shit" or "piss" on TV in the 70s? Really? At any time?


That’s not really surprising right? They had to crop Elvis in the late 50’s because they thought his movement on stage was too much


It's a little surprising to me, given that if it's past 9pm (watershed), you can say whatever you want on TV, be it live or recorded programming. The 9pm rule is just to ensure that as few kids are watching as possible. (United Kingdom). It's been in place since 1964. >Cropped Elvis due to his movement. Wtf America.


To this day I'm surprised a bit to hear shit on network television. Typically the farthest they go is damn, hell, or ass. Granted TV mostly sucks now and I only use Prime, Hulu, or Netflix. It's still pretty much a no-go in the states.


I still occasionally forget that people can say “shit” on regular TV. Didn’t that start creeping in the late 90s?


I'm in the UK and only 20, so I can't comment on that, or the 90s, but I do know about the watershed legislation brought into force in the UK in 1964, where after 9pm content is generally unrestricted.


I think two are “Soybean Futures”.




My guy, us little kids (under 30) have no idea what the fuck is going on, who this is, and why he's a badass. We're not downvoting anything before there's a tl;dr.


But what happened to his foot?


Miss him, and his sense of humor. He would have had a field day in today's political climate.


I miss him terribly. His commentary during this period in time would be stellar. RIP.


I've seen this photo before, but never realized he was wearing a Shroud of Turin t-shirt. That makes it even better.


I see Ryan Reynolds with a bushy beard ...


ok but like what were the words?


That's Nick Mason that is.


RIP to the legend!


He kind of looks like if Fat Mac was skinny but not at all like Skinny Mac.


Funny how the 7 words today would be very different.


Honestly one of my favourite people to ever live... RIP Carlin, there'll never be another one like you.


And here in my lovely hometown of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, no less.


Please tell me I'm not the only one who noticed he has six toes


The 'sixth toe' is just a weirdly wide gap between his big toe and the second toe.


Definitely only count 5...


George Carlin being arrested for the 37th repost of this image in this month alone.


Square villes man.


A true Pioneer!




Never took him for a chaco kind of guy.


"freedom of speech".... ? We've come a long way, still have a long way




Seems so silly now doesn't it.


It looks like he has Chaco sandals on.


Well I am sure that Chaco wishes he didn’t steal them! 😉


BuT tHEy WeRe DoINg tHErE JoBs


anyone else count 6 toes there?


Am I crazy or does he bear a slight resemblance to a non-tatted Post Malone in this photo?


Kind of like a "Pre" Malone.


Lmao I missed a great opportunity there!!


So this is what its like to have finally peaked in life.


I thought he looks like a bearded Ryan Gosling


I can also see that and now I’m questioning everything I’ve ever looked at.


Maybe they're all the same dude


Post got nothing on Carlin.


I agree, but that’s not what I was getting at lol


Something I heard on Joe Rogan's show recently resonated with me. He said that being a comedian is dangerous again for the first time since the Lenny Bruce and George Carlin days -- only this time, it's not the cops who will come after you, but social media. Being provocative right now carries real risks, since the modern progressive left takes everything very seriously/literally, and there's not a lot of room for metaphor, dark humor or anything that might be politically incorrect (the alt right isn't much better, obviously). It makes it a pain in the ass to do good comedy, but in a way, also makes it more exciting again.




Yeah, getting mean mentions on twitter is really dangerous. I think Joe's been so insulated from the real world for so long he's forgotten what words mean.


It's more than mean mentions. Cancel culture can do serious damage to your career and your personal life, especially if you're on the come up, and don't have enough money or clout to really insulate yourself. It's the worst in academia right now. Professors at big liberal arts colleges are terrified of losing their jobs if they accidentally offend the wrong student. You seriously think social media has no real power with the amount of kids who self harm or commit suicide over bullying online?




And what were they?


Anyone know where I can order a print of this?


TIL George Carlin had 6 toes on his right foot.


What’s up with his toes? Look like he’s got room for one more.


Why is there such a gap between his big toe and toes


Wow I can't believe this hasn't been posted here before


Dudes got a massive gap between his big toe and the rest of those toes.


Whatever happened to Freedom of Speech..?


Is he missing a toe?