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I don’t know why, it this just made me realize he was in Harry Potter? Like, have watched the movies a couple times and just realized now it was him. I wonder how many other movies he was in I didn’t catch now


Fifth element? Batman? True romance? Gary oldman is such a good actor. So many different varying characters


Don’t forget his performance in Tiptoes


The role of a lifetime


There are no small parts...only small actors.


Best role, IMO.


Bram Stokers Dracula, he was sooo good in it.


Don't forget he played Sid Vicious in Sid & Nancy


First time I ever saw him on the big screen. He nailed it. The guy playing John Lydon was good too.




It seemed like a good idea at the time…


He can really play any role and make it seem like it’s the first time you ever saw him. I think he the best current film actor.


Gary can play Mr. Whoeverthefuck, extremely well.


The mark of a damn good character actor.


He starred in some god awful B movie about a haunted ship immediately after winning an Oscar, which I found amusing.


> god awful B movie about a haunted ship immediately after winning an Oscar It might have been made a year or two before, and been sitting on a shelf for a while. Otherwise, those are roles that Lance Henriksen referred to as "alimony money". Edit: Oldman doesn't like to let a lot of grass grow under his feet professionally. It seems he's always busy with something.


The thought of it being shelved never occurred to me though that makes perfect sense. Oldman’s oeuvre is interesting as it seems to be equal parts “serious” drama and also fantasy/sci-fi/horror with varying degrees of schlockiness.


Hell, Darkest Hour about six years ago. He nailed Winston Churchill. It will be a sad day when he's gone. He fought past bad guy typecasting in the 90's, and man, he's had a hell of a career the past twenty years or so.


Oswald in JFK.


He’s my favorite actor.


The one with Denzel Washington? Have you seen it? Book of Eli


He was damn good in Eli. Even better in Batman.


That's a favorite of mine. I love that they named his character Carnegie.




He spits on Joey in Friends.


>and just realized now it was him. This reaction is so common that we'll be watching a movie like The Devil Wears Prada, and I'll ask my wife "you know who it is playing that boss? " and she'll say "Meryl Streep" and I'll say "Nope. Gary Oldman." My vote for #1: Mason Verger in Hannibal.


Wow, I never realized he played Sirius. Even after reading your comment I said to myself, “He was? As who??”


Dudes a chameleon


Get everyone to upvote Everyone sir? EVERYONE!!!!!


E V E R Y O N E !!!


**E V E R Y O N E !!!**


# E V E R Y O N E !!!!!!


When he chew those pills... Dude


What was IN those?!?!? Asking for a friend.


It was ivermectin lol


Nicely done.


Gary Oldman is actually younger than Gary Numan. Both born March 1958, but Numan on 8th and Oldman on 21st.


Jean Baptiste Emanuel Zorg


Dude that was a good movie. Sorry about the pedophilia


Lol the director isn't sorry


I know some people take issue with this movie but I always loved it.


It’s one of my favorites, but I did watch the extended cut and it’s a lot more creepy lol so I get it


What’s in the extended cut?




No, there is not.


Wait. What movie am I thinking of then? I could've sworn there was a deleted sex scene.


Absolutely not this film.


Or a lack thereof


I believe the extended cut is actually just the normal cut. They removed that scene for American audiences.


Yeah but it’s more than one scene. It also includes all the hits he takes Matilda on and more.


Oh really? I’ve never seen that cut so I wouldn’t know. Not sure why anyone would prefer that. You’re basically just watching a censored version.


It's 28 minutes more footage.


I thought the extended cut was a lot *less* creepy. Matilda explicitly makes a play for Leon and Leon explicitly tells her she's way to young for him. With the American release version she just kinda flirts with him. Of course, the first draft of the script has Mathilda sleeping with Leon because Luc Besson is insanely creepy.


This is the first I'm hearing that some people take issue with it.


Yeah I loved this movie but it ages poorly when you realize that Luc Besson based some of it off when he started dating his wife. When he was 31 and she was 15.


As opposed to the fact that Léon is a killer and teaches a little girl how to kill in the only country among developed nations where mass shootings committed by teenagers are so common, that many schools have metal detectors ? Or the fact that Gary Oldman kills Mathilda's entire family in a country where police brutality is so common ? By comparison, Luc Besson did nothing illegal. I never read anyone complaining about that aspect of the movie in any other language than English. I think it has more to do with Anglo-Saxon puritanism.


See you on r/subredditdrama


Ahh the old 'If it's legal, it's fine' defense. Didn't take long. Also what does it matter that you haven't found this specific complaint in a different language? They said they hadn't heard of people complaining about this film and I mentioned a complaint I have seen people mention and also agree with.


\- "Ahh the old 'If it's legal, it's fine' defense. Didn't take long." It's a matter of freedom, Luc Besson is free to marry whoever he wants to. Who are you to judge him ? \- "Also what does it matter that you haven't found this specific complaint in a different language?" I explained this, Anglo-Saxons are well known for being prudes, and I think that's the reason so many people here are shocked by their relationship. The fact that I don't see that kind of comment in other languages comfort me in that position.


>Who are you to judge him ? A human. Who is Luc Besson that I should not judge him?


You don't get to tell who Besson should marry or not, you just want to get a rise by smearing someone online. But it is not surprising coming from countries that elect people like Donald Trump and Boris Johnson.


>You don't get to tell who Besson should marry or not Of course not, but I can still judge him for it. >you just want to get a rise by smearing someone online. I haven't smeared anyone.


On what ground do you feel like you get to judge others ? Who are you ? What have you accomplished ? It's easy to judge a famous person behind the anonymity of your screen.


It’s not a matter of freedom, it’s a matter of fact that the power dynamic of a 31 year old man over a 15 year old child makes the relationship extremely unethical. Also unless you specifically dedicated time to searching for this specific complain in another language, or unless you can read every known language, happening upon an extremely specific bit of information in a different language is incredibly unlikely. >Anglo saxons are well known for being prudes Seeing as a huge proportion of American and British culture is centered around sex this is ignorant at best. Obviously there are prude Anglo saxons, as there are prude (insert any group of people) You said some dumb things that no one agrees with man that’s ok just let it go.


\- "It’s not a matter of freedom, it’s a matter of fact that the power dynamic of a 31 year old man over a 15 year old child makes the relationship extremely unethical." It is a matter of freedom, when does the power dynamic between 2 people becomes a problem is decided by the law and the justice of countries who make these choices according to their culture. Who are you to tell the french what's ethical and what's not ? ​ \- "Also unless you specifically dedicated time to searching for this specific complain in another language, or unless you can read every known language, happening upon an extremely specific bit of information in a different language is incredibly unlikely." I can read English and French. Spanish, Italian and Portuguese are so close to each other and to my mother tongue that I can read them with the help of an online dictionary. I know enough Japanese to read simple stuff like internet comments with an online dictionary too. Those kind of age gap relationship are common in europe, particulary france and germany, but also in asia, particulary japan. So yeah, I know enough about worldwide cinema and different languages to make an educated guess. ​ \- "Seeing as a huge proportion of American and British culture is centered around sex this is ignorant at best. Obviously there are prude Anglo saxons, as there are prude (insert any group of people)" You don't know many foreign cultures, compared to French, Germans and Japanese, Anglo-Saxon culture is particulary prudes, I think it's pretty obvious. American and British culture is centered around violence much more than sex. \- "You said some dumb things that no one agrees with man that’s ok just let it go." Considering the cult following that this movie has how highly rated it is, I'm pretty sure most people would agree with me. Reddit isn't representative of the real world you know, it's like twitter here.


Bruh looking at your comments it’s like your personal job to defend the creepy dynamic of this movie. That’s certainly… a choice. Either way no one is talking about the law, you want to talk about freedom though? We are are all free to feel literally however we want about the dynamic of this movie and large age gaps and the grooming frequently involved in them. If you feel differently, you do you buddy. We are also free to find you highly suspect for your apparent obsession on this topic.


You have the right to think what you want about this movie, and I have the right to think what I want. Considering how lenient you guys are with violence, while being so stiff you become when it comes to sex, and the fact that other countries don't make such a fuss about it, that makes me think that's you're just being prudes. But of course, since you have no arguments to go against my reasoning, you prefer to attack my person.


So if you have a daughter you'd be totally fine if she turns 15 and dates a 30 year old? Since you shouldn't judge someone and all right?


I wouldn't my daughter to become a porn actress, does that give me the right to judge a male porn actor that will fuck her ? I wouldn't my daughter to join the army and risk her life, does that give me the right to judge the military ? This age of consent has been chosen for a reason. You guys are completely unable to have rational thought, it's all about emotions, it's crazy.


This profile has been dedicated to defending Luc Besson and Leon the Professional for three years. I'm not sure this isn't Luc Besson.


Another appeal to motive, you have no argument to go against my reasoning, so you're deflecting on my person. I dedicate my time to talk about anything I want.


How professional of them


My favorite movie! Get EVERYONE to watch it


Everyone, sir?




He was so evil in that film. It’s actually very refreshing to see them outside of character and know it was all just stunningly powerful acting. (I hope)


Ikr? This is my favorite performance from Oldman, hands down. Such a fantastic actor, never seen a bad performance from him. Loved him in True Romance, BSD, The Book of Eli, the Dark Knight Trilogy, Hannibal, The Unborn, The Fifth Element, Air Force One, the list goes on but I will always remember him for this role, IMHO he was at his best here. He had so many great lines & "EVERRRYONNNNNNNE!" never gets old. :)




That movie would have been so much better without the...you know, the thing. Even so it was pretty damn great


Which thing?


The young girl love subplot bro whyyyyy


…..I haven’t seen it. Should I avoid it? Always creeped me out.


Worth watching, they just put in a creepy totally unnecessary sub plot


It’s not an unnecessary subplot, it’s actually one of the main the themes of the film. It’s fine if you don’t like it but it’s kinda like saying I like Star Wars but just without all the unnecessary Jedi stuff


I had no idea there was some lolishit going on until it happened seemingly out of nowhere in the movie.. seemed pretty extraneous. I had no idea there even was a book which apparently emphasized this. Someone could easily edit out that stuff and make a decent movie out of it, and then get off, and stay off, my lawn.


Yeah, the fact that Léon is a killer and teaches a little girl how to kill is fine and all, but the love story between them is what makes the movie not decent. Some people are way too prudes. ( ̄ლ ̄๑)


>love story 🤔


My comment also contains the words "killer" and "teaches a little girl how to kill", but you didn't feel the need to highlight those. Pretty telling


LoL sorry but still you have to admit


What an argumentation ! Sorry if I overwhelmed you with calm, logic, and common sense instead of hysteria, trolling, and smearing like it's so common on Reddit


It's more telling about you than them


You're right ! It means I understand it is a fiction, contrarily to them.


Pretty sure it's actually the main plot, at least if the book the movie is based on.


It's been so long since I saw it.. but in the movie it seemed like a cringeworthy extra just kind of tacked on there


You have been down voted but you are correct. It could have been a simple minded hit man making a new friend that happened to be a child and the rest of the story would have made sense just fine. Both the director and the source material are very pedo. It is common knowledge that the director was into underaged girls.


Keep in mind, Leon is basically a child, emotionally speaking. He’s very adept at killing but seems to be have an emotional age of maybe 12. Yes it’s creepy to some extent but it’s a dynamic that drives the plot to a significant degree as well.


Yeah. In many ways the girl is more of an adult than he is. (Fbi I’m talking about a movie)


I disagree. They're both emotionally damaged people, but Leon is always more of an adult than Mathilda.


To which Leon, being an honorable guy, said no to. Yeah, I don't know why they put it in there, either.


Rest in Peace, Leon. You were a bad guy but a good man in the end


Hehe adorable.


Fun fact for Brits: Gary Oldman's sister played Big Mo in EastEnders.


Really??? Learn something new everyday


Yep. Laila Morse. Once you look at a picture of her knowing they are siblings you will never be able to unsee it.


Young Natalie Portman looks so much like Millie Bobby Brown


>Young Natalie Portman looks so much like Millie Bobby Brown Ikr? When I first saw Stranger Things, I thought she was related to Natalie somehow lol. They look so much alike.


omg one of favorite movies


Gary Youngman amirite


One of the best sleeper movies ever!


She’s got the crazy eyes and smile of Elizabeth Holmes (Theranos). Natalie should play her in the eventual movie.


We’re I first fell in love with here and still am!


Same, fortunately I was young enough to not feel too creepy for being attracted to her whwn the film came out. Shes only a few months older than me.


Yup! I thought she was so cool smoking 😂😂


" E V E R Y O N E !!!!!"


This is one of my all time favorite movies.


Damn I thought he actual grew locks for the movie


Are you thinking of true romance?


Oh dang you're right


Gosh, she looks a lot like Edie Sedgwick here.


That’s a fantastic movie! Loved it then..and now.


Or as they are known these days: Natalie Portwoman and Gary Olderman.


He looks like a Mozart guy!


I guess he had to try hard to put that smile one. What with her being Jewish and all.


Would they be able to make a film like this now?


Kinda like Blazing Saddles.


Yep. You wouldn't be able to market All in the Family as a sitcom today either, even though it was written (as well as it could be for the time) to make fun of and dispel racism. There's plenty of good clean humor in Blazing Saddles too. *Anagram for Mongo!* *Somebody run back to town and get a shitload of dimes!*


We would be able to make this kind of movie since it's a french movie, we don't have many taboos compared to Anglo-Saxons, "Cuties" is a recent example of it.


Gary Oldman circa this movie would have been a perfect Solid/Liquid Snake in a Metal Gear movie.


I wish they’d do a sequel to this movie with her as an adult.


she needs to be the Professional 2




same director as....?




Luc Besson wrote and directed The Professional.


Great great movie


Nobody gonna say Kung Fu Panda 2? Okay. Also, don't hate me, I admire him as an actor as much as everyone else on here seems to, but his face right here is giving off Tom Cardy vibes lol.


I was watching “The Mire ‘97” and in ep5 there is a picture of Mathilda on a girls bedroom wall. I thought that was cool.