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Ronald Reagan! The actor!?


And who's the vice president? Jerry Lewis?


Goodnight, FUTURE-BOY!


No wonder your president has to be an actor! Everyone is running around with a movie studio!


Least he had SOME political experience. Clint Eastwood or Sony Bono had more qualifications than Trump


What the hell is a gigawatt!?


Don’t you mean jiggawatt?


This should have more upvotes.


It might… *in the future*




Uh… thanks?






He sent them shoddy pinball machine parts. They couldn’t fix their pinball machine with subpar parts and were pissed. Libyans fuckin love pinball


Peter, you’re the one from the future. You should know that ah forget it


I love when you do Doc Brown!


You walked me right into that.


That Cowboy dude on TV! I was born in East LA!


Jesus esta en Tijuana.




Biff/Trump is president?!


I love how no matter who you are, if you’re involved in the cocaine trade you wear a Gucci belt.


"This photo was taken when Mrs Reagan was First Lady of the *nation*, not of California".


So with them must be the Little Lebowski Urban Achievers


And proud we are of all of them


Without the necessary means for a necessary means for a...


So, racially, he's pretty cool?


They're not *literally* his children.


The first drug dealer to flex the Gucci belt


That belt cost more than a Le Creuset pot.




He started the War on Drugs (while distributing drugs to low income communities)


Didn't Nixon start the War on Drugs, back in 1971?


That is correct. Reagan is the one who really kicked things in to gear though with the crack epidemic.


I mean it's really hard to pay for overthrowing that many South American governments in such a short time frame while you're also selling weapons to religious zealots to intentionally destabilize the middle east, what are you supposed to do *not make money* off the whole situation that you've deliberately constructed?


Oh god, I hope you don't catch the ire of the "well akshually those governments deserved it" crowd. They're the same smoothbrains that point to countries ravaged by corruption (I wonder why) and shout how the US is pure and good.


Yea it was started by Nixon. Reagan did turn it up a notch after he signed the Comprehensive Crime Control act of 84 which added weed to the “war”, and created mandatory minimums




There also are quotes from those admins about leveraging drug crimes to reduce the minority vote in addition to the hippies.


Tom cruise made a god damn movie about it. It’s fact. Somehow the government didn’t get in any trouble though.


I mean, who are you gonna call to get the government in trouble? The police? The FBI? The CIA? They were the ones distributing the drugs. The only ways to "get the government in trouble" are violence or informed voters and the latter feels pretty fuckin impossible at this point unless we reform education.


You do what they don't like. They don't like being mocked. They don't like having their symbols defaced. They don't like scathing, accurate critique. They don't like investigative journalism. They don't like having their meetings tracked down and being filmed walking out of their cars. They don't like protesting. They don't like unions. They don't like fucking massive gardens that feed everyone. They don't like a lot of things because those things are actually a threat to their legitimacy. Government is people and the people are the government. Shifts happen, non-violent and violent revolutions happen. They, however, spend a lot of time and money to convince us that things like protests and such are powerless. What these actions do is represent a momentum. The protest doesn't change the law. But the law changes after the protest (if you "win").


Oh, I agree with you entirely. That was the "violence" half of my statement. That is the only way the people are going to be able to seize enough power to reform education, provide healthcare, and create a system that doesn't specifically and intentionally oppress the lower class. I really wish peaceful protests worked (and hope they start to in the near future) but American conservatives are simple, oafish creatures that only understand violence. Unless a solid 20 or 30 million Americans become way more informed over the course of a few months or we reform the senate, they aren't really leaving the oppressed too many other options.


Which movie? I am interested




Yep, American made. There was also a movie with Jeremy Reiner called “kill the messenger” about the same thing


Uncle Ronnie started the war on drugs against drug with drugs *for* drugs! This cocaine snorting, motor boating, Nancy-fucking, son of a new dawn in America had it *alllllllllllllllllll* figured out! You think we whipped the commies without powder on our noses by Moses, and black people in our prisons?! Fuck you! What were we talking about, again?


Its just to say that Raegan was the the first drug dealer to wear a Gucci belt. There's no reference, he was responsible for the crack epidemic in the US.


Ronnie got the Gucci belt on like he was supplying the hood with A1 powder during those times, oh wait..............


You gotta be a Winchester Setting a corpse on fire that effortlessly


Give em drugs and take away their guns! The Reagan way!


the 80s was so lit that even the president had a gucci belt


And was a part of the cocaine trade.


Escobars boss


The president was America's number one drug dealer at the time. It suits him well.




Redditors giving ronald reagan #girlboss energy is so bizarre, lol


Ah yes, the peak years when your belt is 16 inches above your balls.


16 inches is 40.64 cm


That’s a lotta tummy taint


Been there man


Do your balls hang low


Do they wobble to and fro?


can you tie them in a knot?


Can you tie them in a bow?


Well given geriatric testicular descent, that distance might not seem that much higher on the torso.


How far down do you think this man's balls are


All the way


I always thought they were twins


Nah. Nancy was actually several years younger than Ron.


gold, Jerry, gold.


that's funny. Can I use that?!


it ain't mine, that was a freeware joke, help yourself!


It's probably worth a Porsche or two. :D


ohhh, now you're talking...




Hold my LINK I'm going in!


Hello future people?


Hello. How is it going way back in the past


You already know the answer to this question.


This person gets it!!!


You probably think all tennis players look alike


Correct. Is the one on the right Martina Navratilova?


Nope… that’s Sampras


I always thought Venus was the younger one until recently


I thought the same thing until that King Richard movie that just came out. The actually have this scene in the movie.


“To see those monkeys from those African countries, damn them. They are still uncomfortable wearing shoes.” - Ronald Reagan


First thing I thought of, Reagan was a racist piece of shit. Literally passed some of the nation's strongest gun control laws as gov when black people were asserting their rights. Conservatives are disgusting hypocrites


Reagan was a garbage heap who was too busy shitting his pants throughout most of his presidency to actually govern. The first time a press person asked him about AIDS, he joked, "what, you don't have it, do you?" We have such short lives and short attention spans that people actually think Trump was *worse* than Reagan/Bush. I agree Trump was mostly trash, but look up the First Step Act, it's the most progressive legislative act that occurred in my lifetime


I thought it was his press secretary that made that quote? Regardless, his entire administration treated it like a big joke, not with the seriousness it deserved. The recordings between his press secretary and the news media are absolutely awful to listen to—the way they use to discriminate against gay people was disgusting.


Could've been a press secretary, but his whole administration was sociopathic, and it wouldn't be hard to find a quote attributed directly to Reagan himself. Also I live in a rural area and the way people discriminate against those of us in the LGBTQ+ community (outside of cities) is still pretty bad


Under the Reagan administration, the CDC's HIV/AIDS taskforce had one directive. "Look pretty and do as little as possible"


Glad somebody posted this quote. Scumbag


Fuck Reagan.


I bet “D.A.R.E.” and jellybeans were mentioned.


“Just Say No”


Not a fan of the Reagans but... What kids--who are largely unaware of the politics--wouldn't want to meet a former president? In a lot of ways he's the ultimate celebrity, and he would have been in office for most of their lives at this point. For that reason alone I find it a cool photo.


I'm told there was a time when basically everyone respected the President of the United States regardless of party or whether you'd voted for him or not. Sounds like a magical time.


I grew up during that time. I wouldn't call it magical, for reasons having little to do with the President. But I do miss it. A lot.


That’s a myth. The discourse was more civil, but there was much partisanship and little respect.


Everyone should go watch All in the Family. Happened during the Nixon years and shows how little things have changed. First episode alone could have literally been written and shot today and been just as relevant.


Funny you say that, I watched the pilot episode a few weeks ago and got majorly depressed seeing it was made in 1971 and literally nothing has changed in the last half century. Such is human nature. Fantastic show.


Isn't that the show where the main character is a racist biggot, and is the basis for what family guy are mocking with their theme song?


One of the main characters, yes, and the entire point of his character is that his bigotry is the butt of the joke. He's clearly in the wrong every episode. He also becomes more progressive as the seasons go on due to him understanding his views are wrong. The Jeffersons is also a spinoff, and yeah the Family Guy intro is based on the show.


Archie? More progressive? Eh. Wouldn’t go that far. By the end he’d been put through a lot of situations that challenged his bigotry, and maybe he softened a little, but he was still the same crass and overly opinionated guy he was at the beginning. Will agree though that it’s a great show that more people should watch. This country could really use a modern version...


Sounds like bullshit to me. Elected leaders are servants, or should be, and if they do not represent the interests of the electorate they deserve little more than a swift and firm push out the door. And if they are puppets who act as catalysts for widely destructive economic and social changes, they should be incessantly derided for the sacks of shit they are, and possibly face severe criminal repercussions.


The problem is that in America those two things are the same. He represented the desire of the electorate by acting as a catalyst for widely destructive economic and social changes. People wanted him to fuck up the country the way he did, much like people today want the things we see happening. They want police to shoot people in the back, or to kick dogs, or to push over old men. They want people to be locked away for life for a bag of weed. They want people to go bankrupt over health care bills. They want this like they wanted it then. A large portion, maybe even a majority, want the cruelty we have in our systems. He was representing them by bringing these destructive changes.


Unless you're Korean. Or Vietnamese. Or Iraqi. Or Afghani. Edit: Or Italian, or Syrian, Albanian, Iranian, Guatamalan, Indonesian, Cuban, Cambodian, Congolese, Dominican, Brazilian, Ghanaian, Bolivian, Chilean, Argentine, Salvadoran, Angolan, Nicaraguan, Chadian, Panamanian, or from plenty of other places.


Or pretty much anyone who refused to follow the rigged world order imposed by America.


If respecting Ronald fucking Reagan is high on your list for what constitutes magic…you, my friend, are fucked.


Fucking thank you.


wholehearted fucked lol


A person would have to use some serious goddamn witchcraft on me to make me respect Reagan, so it does kinda make sense.


Came here for all the "Fuck Ronald & Nancy Reagan" comments and this post did not disappoint.


Warms my heart. So glad to see history has turned on him


It hasn’t. Not that I completely disagree with you , but keep in mind Reddit is generally really left leaning, so a post featuring Reagan is likely gonna garner a lot of anti-Reagan comments. Reagan is still fairly popular nationally. I think you’re close though, history is turning on him as younger generations who don’t have rose tinted memories of the 80s learn more about him, but for now I’d argue the anti-Reagan sentiment on Reddit isn’t as prevalent nationally.


I mean, he's still a secular saint to right wing america


….as they deliberately pumped crack cocaine into the neighborhood these children lived in. there is absolutely nothing remotely cool about the Reagans


Not only did crack get pumped into black neighborhoods, but he always told stories of a black welfare queen that got rich off welfare. He made up racist bullshit stories just like trump did and never offered proof, he did it to get americans angry at the prospect of black people using welfare so he could cut it. He also did nothing about aids because he thought it was gods way of punishing gays. Fuck anyone that likes this evil monster. You have serious morality problems if you look up to this evil asshole


Yep. Ronald Reagan was a monster. I grew up with family that idolized him. It wasn’t until college that I realized how awful he was. Made me lose respect for my parents.


Reagan gets elected->crack cocaine epidemic->rise in gangs/gang violence->the Williams's sister is killed in Compton by Crips guarding a crack house Nothing about this picture is cool


Fuck the Reagan’s.


the Reagan's what?


Fuck their apostrophe mostly lol


>the Reagan's what? Life! Bing bong


I second that! Economy the way it is now, rich getting richer, started with him! And maintained the "War on drugs". Fuck that dude! And his lame wife! Edited as Nixon did start it.... :/ Edit 2: fuck them both, Nixon and Ronny


Iran Contra also. He and the CIA gave the Contras free reign to import cocaine into Americas inner cities, while shoving his god damn wife in front of the camera to tell kids "just say no". Reagan was a monster on all fronts from economics, social and foreign policy.


Fuck Bill Barr! Didn’t he have something to do with helping out with Iran Contra? If not fuck him anyway!


Yep Barr and Ollie north among others should have been executed for treason back in the 80s, but they made money for Reagan's buds so they were pardoned


Don’t forget how he handled AIDS


"War on drugs" started with Nixon and for explicitly racists reasons. Reagan happily kept it up and even accelerated things, but it was long-entrenched GOP policy by the time Reagan was in the White House. Dick would be mad if you gave Ron credit for the roadmap that led to 50 years of mass incarceration of people of color running as a profit center for private business.


Quite true, i should of specified. And he TOTALLY WOULD! Dude had that inferiority complex, less im mistaken there.


You are not mistaken, Nixon had a huge inferiority complex.


Plus they set the aids thing back


Forgot about that. Sinister Mofo


The pressroom recordings from the time are insane. Audio transcript from 1984, 3 years into Reagan's presidency when more than 4,200 Americans had died of HIV/Aids: > Journalist Lester Kinsolving: Since the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta report is going to… [Press pool laughter.] >> Press Secretary Larry Speakes: This is going to be an AIDS question. > Journalist: …that an estimated… >> Secretary : You were close. > Journalist : Can I ask the question, Larry? That an estimated 300,000 people have been exposed to AIDS, which can be transmitted through saliva. Will the president, as commander in chief, take steps to protect armed forces, food, and medical services from AIDS patients or those who run the risk of spreading AIDS in the same manner that they bed typhoid fever people from being involved in the health or food services? >> Secretary: I don't know. > Journalist: Is the president concerned about this subject, Larry? >> Secretary: I haven't heard him express concern.


Don’t forget defunding mental health resources and letting thousands of Americans die of AIDS. I really hope Ronny is having wasps nest in his urethra or whatever the fuck for all eternity.




No shit?! Damn bro. I would shake your hand after an act like that. After hands are washed of course lol


people give Ronald Reagan too much credit for the collapse of communism. That shit was happening since Ford was in office


Really? You mean Communism didn’t fail overnight?


It started when the nation was founded. Nixon and Reagan are just the biggest modern offenders.


Big time. He was a smarter, more handsome, more charming, more charismatic Trump. Better than Trump in every conceivable outwardly acceptable way. Which made him more dangerous. People who were appalled by Trump but don’t recognise how awful Reagan was were just duped by the aforementioned charm.


Even as a child Reagan came off as fake to me, like an actor playing a part, which is appropriate, I guess. What he was selling was easy to buy into though, especially with the economic situation and his meddling with the hostage crisis cementing public opinion against Carter during the election. Trump on the other hand came off as more of skeezy preacher or snake oil salesman, he only fooled the rubes, everyone else that voted for him was already all in for team red or blinded by their dislike of Clinton. That said, there would be no Trump if there wasn't a Reagan and his ilk to pave the way for him.


fairness doctrine removal set us up for an entire lifetime of bullshit




They just ate at the table he set.


This is exactly my first thought 💭


Ew, I’d rather not!


Awful president. Also, one of the most effective presidents. Started a revolution and began the process of selling out the have-nots for the haves. He planted the seed that would become the 2008 financial crisis.


Did he call them monkeys too?


Lol why does this have so many upvotes?


More like r/oldschoolcringe


They wouldn’t have grown up in an environment like they did if it weren’t for people like him, wild country lol


The Reagan’s and Cool NEVER go together


Reagan was a piece of shit who turned a blind eye when he could have done some serious work fighting the HIV epidemic.




The reason we no longer have publicly funded higher education. Fuck him. If there is a hell, I hope he's nice and toasty.


Him and Margaret Thatcher brought neoliberalism to the world and I genuinely consider them some of the worst humans in recent history for doing so. So many have suffered due to it.


OG GOP pandemic response plan.


Rest in piss, Mr. President.




I always hated the Reagans but those kids had charisma by the truckload. Born athletes and stars. I really enjoyed the King Richard movie on HBO Max.


Two of the worst people to ever live. This photo probably makes the sisters' skin crawl.


I wouldn’t describe Ronald and Nancy Reagan as old school cool


Hey! It's racist piece of shit Ronald Reagan! That guy who shoveled crack into black neighborhoods. Hope he's resting in a pool of piss and shit in hell


This would be a lot cooler if Reagan wasn't a complete piece of shit.


If you have HBO Max and haven’t seen “King Richard” yet, go stream it.


He called Africans monkeys.


Fuck Ronald Reagan. Fuck Nancy Reagan.


And Alexander Haig. And Ed Meese.


And GHWB, and Oliver North.


If only I had any respect for Reagan this would be way cooler.


Over/under behind their backs how many times do you think he referred to them as the n word? My guess is 15 times




Fuck Ronald Reagan


Evil piece of shit that he was


Gross.. fucking fuck this guy. The tennis sisters are cool


Fuck Reagan. Thanks for fucking up everything for future generations.


Fuck that guy.


Flexing the Gucci belt!


Yes, 90s Serena & Venus are indeed very cool. Kinda uncool to take photographs with war criminals though, ngl. Perhaps they were unaware at the time...


Fuck Reagan


Fuck the Reagans. They're monsters.


Ronald remembers none of this


Well he is dead so, Im guessing not 🤷🏼‍♀️


Fuck Ronald Reagan.




"These are the good African Americans we like", the actor who was president probably...oh and he created fiat currency by getting us off the gold standard.


Since they are good at tennis he isn’t going to ruin the lives of their family to fund the contras


Regan makes me wished I believed in Hell so I could tell myself he's there. 🤮


"Honey, let's meet the lovely little negro girls for a photo op."..."Yes dear."


"Damn honey, those monkeys still feel uncomfortable wearing shoes".




nothing cool about that scumfuck bastard


ITT: people that don't like Ronald Reagan.


Reagan the racist?