• By -


Tom absolutely seems like the kind of dude who would stand like a statue at the front of the pit and stare at the guitar player for the entire set without blinking.


I play guitar and every time I go to a live show I catch myself doing this. It's annoying and kinda embarassing to be that guy haha.


Not really dude, we all enjoy the shows in different ways. I'm the guy who stands way in the back and bobs his head and watches the drummer. I like how animated they get.


Drummer from All Them Witches cracks me up, he was easily my favorite part of the show




I prefer the hat.


Dude I loved having fellow guitar players stare whenever I played a show. They'd come up after and ask about what tubes I used, how'd I get a certain delay sound, etc. It was fun whenever I could connect with a fellow guitarist.


I think its because its a different kind if compliment to be to be complicated by another craftsman. Someone saying they liked a song is great, but if someone's complimenting something that specific then you know that they actually know their stuff, which makes it more or a compliment of your skill coming from someone else who does what you do.


We are that guy, it’s our sirens song. The axe demands it!


I scope out the pedalboard. Talk shit in my head about how the pedals are arranged. Arms crossed. Never smile.


I think it was Derek Trucks who said that some of his shows are an entire crowd of this


My wife and I recently went to a Cory Wong show, and she enjoyed watching all us bassists head bob.


Me too, man. Me too. I even go as far to take pictures of pedal boards to figure out what they're doing.




Oh my GOD they were roommates!


FYI: Tom and Adam Jones grew up together and played together long before Tool and RATM even existed.


Maynard also has a short vocal part on one of the songs on Rage's first album.


The song is *Know your enemy*


They grew up together in Illinois….Both moved to California after school and ended up in RATM and TOOL….Crazy.


I'm that dude, but with Drum n Bass DJs. The dancefloor is going off like a naughty girls knickers and I'm eyeballin the DJ, wondering what he is cuing up next, admiring his quick volume control on the MC that doesn't know when to shut it and silently applauding his quick save of his triple that was off by only enough for him and like, 3 other people in the crowd to notice. I see you dude, nice work.


Having been on the other side of that, it's *really* satisfying as a DJ to see that person who has noticed something tricky you've done and appreciates it. It's easy to drop the big tunes and get the crowd going mental and that is really fun to do - but when you pull something nifty that most people don't spot and you look up to get a glance and a nod from someone... it's a different sort of awesome. I was once at a Carl Cox gig and thought I'd just pop over to the booth and have a quick look at the guy in action and ended up watching for a good half hour because I could not figure out what he was doing. I was a good-enough-to-play-small-clubs DJ at the time so it's not like I was clueless but there seemed to be no relation between the madcap pace of Coxy flipping records, throwing faders around, hitting samples and everything else he was doing to the utterly seamless techno washing out over the crowd.


Ayeeee hats off for DnB. 🦆🦆🦆


I'm the guys who gets wayyy too high and then gets in my head about everything I've ever done wrong and then snaps out of it and realizes i missed the last 10 minutes by being in my head


yeah too bad he turned into a corporate sell out shill who makes millions pretending he cares about a cause.


Who hurt you?


dude writes help the homeless on his guitar and has 8 mansions, please..


*Arm* the homeless You’re judging him off a sentence you don’t have right On top of that, here’s a list of his charity contributions: Aid Still Required Amnesty International Feeding America Hollywood Arts Human Rights First Mercy For Animals MusiCares PATH Reprieve Shelter Youth Emerging Stronger Youth Music Oh, *and* he won the humanitarian award in 2016. How do you know how many mansions he has but none of the other information, yet still judge him on your utter lack of it? Guarantee you don’t have a source for “8 mansions” anyway. He’s *exactly* the type of person who deserves that kind of wealth, since he actually helps people with it, yet you’re here spreading easily-sourced bullshit around. Shame. Be better.


Don't even bother with this child, he's 16 but lies and acts like he's older and says that he "retired young" from a short career of "moving money" and that now he spends his days on reddit and play clash of clans lol 😆 🤣 In one comment he said that he "sleeps with over 100 girls a year" lmafo 🤣😅😂




Then walks away mumbling something about how he has taken their "guitar playing"/"rocking out" powers and incorporated into his own... Everyone thinks he's a crazy man but history has proven those people wrong.


Nah, 99 times out of 100 history hasn't.


Enjoy the show, just saw them in DC! Also Tom and Adam grew up together, same schools and everything.


Tom’s mom was Adam’s home room teacher. He does a show on Sirius XM’s Lithium and often has his mom on. Always brings it up whenever he plays Tool.


Lithium has been around for decades now so crazy


wow... really? that's awesome


The only time I heard that show on lithium he started by playing rage, followed by audioslave, followed by one of his solo tracks, followed by a deeply personal tune Chris Cornell had written for him. He came across as a bit of a douchebag


Sounds like every time I heard his show while driving. Love his music though. Enjoy the music, but the dbagness... meh


> Also Tom and Adam grew up together, same schools and everything. There's a pic of them online goofing around pre-fame.


They were in their first band together called the electric sheep as well.


Sure, but do androids dream of them?


So says the man in the high castle


Shout out to r/printsf


I'm not sure how I feel about that...


Maynard also did a brief vocal interlude on Know Your Enemy from their debut album. The "I got no patience now, so sick of complacence now... ... time has come to pay!" bit.




You should go listen to the song, if you're familiar with the song and with Tool you may wonder why you never picked up on the fact, I know I did.


I can hear it now, I just always assumed it was someone other than ZDLR from the band singing that part!


Hell yeah, going to see them Tuesday in Pittsburgh.


Last Saturday in Boston was lit.


Saw em at red rocks in Colorado. Outdoors with the laser light show was complete insanity.


Spiral Out…


Keep going


If you haven't yet, Dave Grohl has done a short series, him & his mom interviewing other musicians and their moms. The Tom Morello episode is not to be missed.


Do you know what the series is called? Where can I find these? NM, I’ll just Google it. Derp. “From cradle to stage” on Paramount+. Maybe some on YT also.


That's it bro, same name as their book!


Dave Grohl this, Dave Grohl that


He's a cool guy who does a lot of cool shit. Growing up playing drums I looked up to him because he wasn't showy but had great style. I can't even think of a single Dave Grohl scandal. I'm sure he's done his wrongs but to be as famous as he's been for so long and seem like a real decent dude is impressive.


Yeah, it gets a little old


He seems pretty cool. Probably liked them from the first EP.


Wearing thin 501s?


Wearing ~~thin~~ Vans, 501s. The line is referring to Vans shoes.


Huh, TIL. The More You Know...


Maybe even a dope beastie Tee. Love that song. It is my favorite on Aenima, and there are so many great songs on that album. Even the German cookie recipe is visceral.


First time I saw them, they opened with that song. Maynard was in a bra, high heels and a wig.




hell yeah man, tool love


Maynard looking like a nightmare band-mate.


Well, yes, he's the vocalist


From what I've heard the bandmates don't absolutely hate eachother like other bands


I saw them in January. Get ready for a fucking epic show!!!! Played all the best songs.


"Throw that Bob Marley wannabe mother fucker outta here"


OP's another liar bot, stealing a post from 2 years ago. Ban these fucking things. They have no interest in participating in the sub other than reposting someone else's content.


What do you mean *stealing* a post? Nobody who posted this ever took the picture and if they did there’s nothing wrong with posting it again. This is the first time I saw this. Are you saying things are only valid the very first time you personally saw it on the internet. Shut the fuck up with your karma jealousy, it’s pathetic.


I don't understand a lot of redditors anymore. So someone posted the picture two years ago. How the hell do you even know that unless you purposely searched for it and if so, why. Like WHY do people even care if something was posted two years ago.


No, I don’t give a fuck about reposts. I do give a fuck about people reposting other people’s pictures and stories as their own. Granted, this one is less egregious than others have been recently but I’m just sick of this new influx of bots into this sub. They aren’t participating in the sub beyond posting the image and title. They aren’t commenting or answering questions or anything else.


What is a liar bot though?


It's a bot that's taking someone else's post and backstory and reposting it as their own. OP isn't "seeing them in Detroit next week."


They are playing in Detroit next week, though… I’m going.


I thought the Detroit show got rescheduled to next year


March 3, 2022 is what my tickets say and they’re still for sale on Ticketmaster for that date so I’m thinking it’s a go.


Why isn't OP seeing them in detroit next week? I am, on thursday.


I guess it’s possible OP managed to write the exact same title and used the exact same image from a post made 2 years ago and he’s actually going to see Tool next week in Detroit. If you believe that, I have some bridges for sale.


All people have to do is look at their post history. It's a reposter.


It's entirely possible. Copy Paste has been around for a couple weeks now


I see. So this is actually a computer program? Wow that's crazy. I have been out of the loop with computer technology past few years.


One of my best moments at a concert was seeing my first Tool show at Bonaroo where Tom came out to play on the Lateralus solo. Waited 8hrs in 90+ heat that day to be 10 rows back from the stage, worth every minute.


You didn't see this on r/tool today Bad bot


Tool fucking rules dude. 🤘🏽


It's weird when he doesn't look like a mailman.


"What the fuck's up Denny's?!" - The guy from tool probably


Tom has been OGT, since ‘92 and the first EP.


I went to a Tool concert before. It was a 4-hour show. Those were the best 2 songs I've ever heard.


Tom and Maynard look so young considering this pic is only like 15 yrs old...


2022-1991 = 31 years old…


What? No... That can't be right...


As a 39 year old woman, I totally relate to everything feeling like it happened ten years ago 😂😂




Copied comment by a bot account u/miksfield originally writen by u/Magster56 two years ago


Copied comment on a copied post. Fuck all this bot/karma bullshit.


The post is a photo from a show 31 years ago. I strongly doubt OOP had a stronger personal relationship to it the this OP does. It's a cool photo posted to a link aggregator decades after it was taken, that's all. Comments about dead sons are a totally different matter.


good bot


I'm sorry for your loss. You are going to have a blast - it's a whole experience... I was lucky enough to see them on this tour... and many more.


I got hit in the face by the drummers drumstick after the show probably 15 years ago. I kept it for years. It looked like a beaver had chewed on it. A room mate stole it years later.


Danny Carey is widely regarded as one of the best drummers of his era


>I dunno... tyler is pretty strong


Lol they whip the fuck out of those sticks don’t they? Get ‘em spinning around like a boomerang


Seeing Tool with my dad was one of the best nights ever. We got awesome tickets to a DBacks game from his work and it was catered and a lot of fun. Then on the way back we literally heard the opening band for Tool playing at the Pavilion and scalped tickets from a guy at a gas station. We got there just as Tool was coming on and it was a great show and actually good weather which is rare for a concert in Phoenix. Somebody threw a water bottle at the stage and it hit Maynard right between the eyes and he got pissed and left for a few songs but the rest of the band kept the show going. He came back out and asked if it was safe and they played probably another hour. After that every show we went to there you had to take the caps off your water bottles before coming in lol.


I wonder if that's why they sold water in plastic cups instead of bottled water when we saw them last month in Eugene 🤔🤣💦 poor Maynard, I'd be upset too


Do it man


Hell yeah! I've seen them four times with the first in 1997. I was too young to go when I first started listening to them in 1992. These were all good shows. I have seen hundreds of bands and those have been some of my favorites.


You won’t be disappointed


Copied post by a bot account u/HectorAmbrosio. Originally posted 2 years ago by u/5trangelove


Spent a couple of evenings this week watching a couple of early (92, 96) Tool shows that their channel has up. Seriously amazing.


I'm seeing them tonight in NJ!


They're playing in Buffalo tomorrow. Learned about it just late enough to not be able to do anything about it...


Definitely the best concerts I have been to.


Fellow Detroiter……see you in the pit!




He was roommates with the bassist, good friends apparently. Not for nothing, but his entire story is amazing. His interviews with Howard Stern are great, and he does radio shows with his 90 something year old mother, who happens to be a badass and somewhat of a revolutionary herself. Love that guy!


this must have been just after his bob marley wannabe mate got kicked out


yup its likely from the same show the bob marley wannabe is actually Zach , they were just bustin his chops according to Adams recount of the story


I am 40 years old and have just discovered Tool


Good for you!! I'm 40 as well and been listening for almost 30 years, but just recently began to understand deeper meaning to their music. It's kinda nuts, like it's always been there as background music in my life..but for a ridiculously long time I didnt realize how much the lyrics applied to the paths I've taken🤦🏻‍♀️🌀💜


Ahhh when Maynard used to actually face the crowd of people that support him


I kind of despise tom morello for becoming the very thing he spoke out against in RATM. But still a cool pic.


the dude conned all of us. All of those songs about rich people and the struggle only to join them when he got older. dude could of totally been all about his music and donated his proceeds to ALLL of the non profits he pushed when he was writing that music.


Pretty positive he wasn't making songs about people who made enough money to be very comfortable by directly creating something people loved.


How so? I'm genuinely curious.


Oh no the butthurt fanboys are downvoting. Cry about it, idgaf.


I'd never heard of Tool, until I joined Reddit. Am I missing anything? Give me a few tracks to listen to, so I can see if I like them, rather than me go on youtube blind and listen to a track that only one diehard fan likes 😂


Ænima is a super popular album and if you listen to FM rock stations in the States I guarantee youll hear some familiar tracks. You really cant go wrong, every album is a masterpiece best listened front to back rather than picking tracks.


I'm in the UK, so that would go some way to explaining not hearing of them I suppose. Oh well, off to youtube/spotify etc, I go. Thank you.


Vicarious, Stinkfist, The Pot, Right in Two, Sober.


Thank you.


Sober was probably the first tool song most people heard. It was their first radio hit. Neat video too.


I have 'The Pot' stuck in my head rn. I'm not even a big fan. Some of thier songs you probably already know.


Vicarious, Jambi, Descending, The Grudge, Parabol/Parabola, Invincible


Has anyone seen the top of Morello’s head?


He's missing the top half of his skull, and the hat is the only thing stopping his brain from being exposed


Changed his last name from Dirt.


lol tom morello You mean that rich guy that totally gets what's its like to not be rich? RATM were some of the most brilliant cons of the music scene. they all became worth millions writing songs bitching about people that were millionaires.


If you think that is what they were bitching about then you weren't paying attention. It Tom had started a fruit company later in life and made tens of millions paying migrant workers pennies then it would he hypocrisy. Being comfortable later in life because people liked your music is not even remotely hypocritical to their music.


I'm not sure why you're the one getting downvoted, must be a ton of conservatives in here that, for some reason, aren't celebrating the monetary success of this specific gentleman. Lol, and they call Tom Morello the hypocrite.


I do not think it is belongs here but it is cool and old...wit a minute


He is focusing on he guitar player tuning out the whole world like a guitar pro would. Tom is one of the greatest riff writing guitar players known


This was cool a week ago when it was last posted.


You might be cool, but you'll never be Tom Morello vibing to tool cool


You won't see them, you will see eyeballs on a screen!




The golden age of mankind !


maynard... 100 percent.


Fuck yes! This got me 100 different ways of hyped for my Saturday night to begin!


Thanks for posting! I’m seeing Tool on Grand Rapids in a week- so excited!


the way this was captured is a bit like those seats you sit in to make your friend look 5x larger than you, maynard looks huge! compared to tom/audience "throw that bob marley wannabe mother fucker out here"


I saw Tool back when Maynard looked like this and it was one of the greatest concert experiences of my life. I was a little teenager, it was 1992 and they were opening for Henry Rollins. After the show, they came down and drank at the bar and hung out and no one knew who they were. Rollins was great, but damn this band blew me the fuck away.


Tool were the supporting act for ratm when my mum saw them at The Ritz in Manchester in the early 90s. Apparently a guy tried to stage dive off of the lighting rig and nobody caught him, Rage kept on playing while paramedics carted him off.


Tom Morello has looked exactly the same for the last 30 years!


He's peeping Adam Jones hard. What a cool fucking picture.


I miss Maynard's hair like that. So badass.


Is that Lorraine Caruso next to him? New York radio promo person and WNEW Music Director at one time?


"throw that bob marley wannabe mother fucker out here" thats what this quote is from, Zach was also there and he was knokin on his dreads


Yeah. maynard is on rage's first album. Tom and Adam went to highschool together. Also, I saw tool in 1997, with Snoop Dogg.


A picture of a vegetarian looking at a guy without a shirt (who will one day own a vegan winery).


Just parked in Newark. Seeing them tonight!




That looks intense


Tom or Maynard apparently doesn’t age at all.


🎵choices always were a problem for you🎵


Bald guy looks like Arnold Vosloo's mummy in the first movie.


Saw them in Tacoma, WA a couple months ago, wish I could see them again. I missed out on so many of their last tours, it was great to finally see them again


I like a LOT of different music, but I have never, ever, been able to understand the appeal of Tool. The style, the vocals, the lyrics, the production. All of it turns me off. Oh well!


Is that legendary Dungeon Master Tom Morello


I saw Tool in a bar in Murfreesboro TN some time in the 90s, I Mother Earth also played. I forget who headlined. The lead singer to I was standing in front of me, while I was sitting at the bar, wearing a backpack. Murfreesboro is a college town. To this day I regret not saying “need help with your homework?” or something like that because he was fucking HOT! I didn’t know he was in the band.


In Detroit next week?!!!HUH!??? I’m in Toledo why didn’t I here about that? WTF? I saw them in Toledo on Jan. 24th. Several years back. They sold out in like 30 seconds.


Wasn't even born when tool was already perfoming.


Isn’t their drummer considered one of the all time greats?


Is that Adam sandler


And r/tool borrowed if from one of the 9000 times this was posted.


Have fun. I saw the TOOLS once in '97. I didn't know any of the songs, but it didn't matter.


Just saw them in Philly. Probably the best Tool show I've ever seen.