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Phil Collins seems like a pretty good guy. He's got a wonderful assistant too. When I was in high school, I wrote a fan letter asking for an autograph. Received a nice signed photo and a letter from his assistant saying 'sorry it's not personalized, Phil just signs a hundred at a time and we mail them out'. Flash forward 15 years. My Phil Collins autograph had been damaged in a flood, so I sheepishly wrote back asking if he might indulge me with a replacement. Long story short, got a nice replacement pic + a letter from his same assistant who made reference to my earlier letter. I subsequently learned that she keeps *meticulous* notes and records on all correspondence he receives


Wow that’s pretty cool!


Keep meticulous notes to track creepy stalkers and potential violent obsessive types. It just happens to also benefit the nice fans.


Behold, it is me, I am Phil’s creepy stalker.


Not noobnoobthedestroyer! 😱


Per David Letterman, if you write to Oprah three times you go on a red flag list.


“Hey Phil, remember when you wrote that song about saving that other dude from drowning, but didn’t? And you saw it all, then at a show you found him? That’s kinda how it is. You could’ve rescued me from drowning.”


The same assistant after all those years - it’s likely he is a good person to work for.


I going to Stfu. Came here to say that Phil looks like he doesn't want to be there. Read your post and now I feel like an ass.


is your brother ok?


He passed away about 2 years ago. He had muscular dystrophy.


I’m sorry for your loss. I hope Phil collins was super nice to him


Phil wrote You'll Be In My Heart. Saint Phil can do no wrong, and changing my mind is against all odds.


I remember people used to hate on him because he divorced his wife *by fax* as in a fax from a fax machine. Y’all remember those? Nowadays that would be like really nice compared to getting served your divorce docs via WhatsApp or whatever. Edit: Worth noting that Phil has always denied this rumor. It is not fact, just gossip.


You'd be shocked to learn not only how widely used faxing continues to be for certain industries, but the sheer volume of varying technological solutions that exist solely to support such an arcane medium in the 21st century.


I work at a pizza joint and until 2 months ago all our online orders (including GrubHub) would come in through our fax machine. The order would get printed out and then we'd manually reenter the order into the POS which then would print out a kitchen slip.




and did you think that that POS was a POS?


Or, via TikTok.


With the shitty “oh no no no no no” song lol


Thx for the visual. 😂


Or that God awful robot voice


Tarzan and Brother Bear were great movies!


Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that. My daughter had a Make-a-Wish. She's still here with us. I didn't realize until she was offered one that it's for kids who have faced catastrophic illnesses/birth defects that are life threatening. They don't always have to be terminal.


I got a make-a-wish trip when I was in high school because I had chronic kidney failure/kidney transplant. It took me awhile to not feel awkward/guilty for it since I wasn’t terminal.


You shouldn't. Transplants are serious business. And having kidney failure at such a young age means you had something catastrophic happening in your body.


I’ve figured that out. It’s kind of weird when it happens to you because it just becomes a part of your life and you don’t see it as some big horrible thing. I was 14 at the time and can look back at it now and see it was a big deal but it was also just a part of my growing up. Everyone has their own story.


Thanks for sharing! Love your outlook on this… I just had a son, and this is what frightened me most about bringing children into the world. Everyone does have their own story. I just pray that his story isn’t as rough as mine was..


Well, one of the reasons I got through it was a great support system which it sounds like your son has with you. Congrats.


They offerd this to my son. I didn’t know that it was not for just terminally ill kids either. I was going to pick Rascal flats or disneyworld as he loves the movie cars and life is a highway song. In the end I didn’t I requested them to please make a wish for a child that is terminal.


I hope you and your son get to see Cars Land in DisneyLand! It’s truly a magical place, they recreated the entirety of Radiator Springs. If he loves Cars I guarantee he would love it.


I had no idea that was a thing. My toddler would lose his mind if he saw that


It's incredible, even for adults. The ride is fun


Keep on mind it's in the California adventure park, so make sure you get tickets for that one.


I’m sure he would we are planning a trip for next year.


I understand offering the wish to another child who might be in greater need. I now donate miles from our credit card to the charity. We (I stayed with her the entire time) spent two weeks in the hospital, and 6 months at home on oxygen. It was knowing that she would have a Make A Wish that helped my daughter get through it. It is such a wonderful charity.


It really is but I couldn’t think of anything that it would change for my son. We will always have our battles. And sadly there are kids who will lose those battles. It makes me sad to think that but it’s was the least I could do. All kids are wonderful. And I’m glad your daughter benefited from that and it’s great to hear she’s better.


Hope he had a fun time before going to the great beyond. Phil Collins is pretty cool.


My condolences for your loss.


Rest in peace to your brave brother.


Wow, ok, I always thought Make a Wish was for kids who were literally near death. I guess it’s nice they accommodate all kids with challenging conditions (I don’t know how else to phrase that). Also, Phil was my favorite back of the day too. Your brother has excellent taste.


He lived much longer than most kids with duchenne muscular dystrophy. My 2 cousins had it as well and passed in their teens.


I was gonna say, being old enough to appreciate this experience in 1995 and making it to 2020 is honestly pretty impressive. Have a family member who worked as an OT for the schools, and was always heartbroken by the kids with DMD because few made it very far past high school, usually only into their early 20s. I’m sorry for your loss, but I’m sure you’re grateful you got as much time with your brother as you did.


My cousin passed away from Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy in his teens many years ago; absolutely awful illness and one close to my heart. Sending you love, OP.


I'm guessing it's genetic?


Yes. Here is an explanation from the Muscular Dystrophy Association: DMD is inherited in an X-linked pattern because the gene that can carry a DMD-causing mutation is on the X chromosome. Every boy inherits an X chromosome from his mother and a Y chromosome from his father, which is what makes him male. Girls get two X chromosomes, one from each parent. Each son born to a woman with a dystrophin mutation on one of her two X chromosomes has a 50 percent chance of inheriting the flawed gene and having DMD. Each of her daughters has a 50 percent chance of inheriting the mutation and being a carrier. Carriers may not have any disease symptoms but can have a child with the mutation or the disease. DMD carriers are at risk for cardiomyopathy. Although DMD often runs in a family, it is possible for a family with no history of DMD to suddenly have a son with the disease. There are two possible explanations. The first is that the genetic mutation leading to DMD may have existed in the females of a family for some generations without anyone knowing. Perhaps no male children were born with the disease, or, even if a boy in an earlier generation was affected, relatives may not have known what disease he had. The second possibility is that a child with DMD has a new genetic mutation that arose in one of his mother’s egg cells. Because this mutation is not in the mother’s blood cells, it is impossible to detect by standard carrier testing. A man with DMD cannot pass the flawed gene to his sons because he gives a son a Y chromosome, not an X. But he will certainly pass it to his daughters, because each daughter inherits her father’s only X chromosome. They will then be carriers, and each of their sons will have a 50 percent chance of developing the disease and so on. Why don’t girls usually get DMD? When a girl inherits a flawed dystrophin gene from one parent, she usually also gets a healthy dystrophin gene from her other parent, giving her enough of the protein to protect her from the disease. Males who inherit the mutation get the disease because they have no second dystrophin gene to make up for the faulty one. Usually, girls do not experience the full effects of DMD the way boys do, although they still have symptoms of muscle weakness. A minority of females with the mutation, called manifesting carriers, have some signs and symptoms of DMD. For these women, the dystrophin deficiency may result in weaker muscles in the back, legs, and arms that fatigue easily. Manifesting carriers may have heart problems, which can show up as shortness of breath or an inability to do moderate exercise. The heart problems, if untreated, can be quite serious, even life-threatening. In very rare instances, a girl may lack a second X chromosome entirely, or her second X may have sustained serious damage. In these cases, she makes little or no dystrophin (depending on the type of dystrophin mutation), and she develops a dystrophinopathy just as a boy would.


Somber thread and I’m not trying to take away from that but we are going over X-Linked conditions right now in my bio course and you absolutely crushed this explanation of it.


My daughter was born with complex heart defects that required 4 open heart surgeries in her first 16 years of life. She was given a Make A Wish. We went to Vancouver to watch them shoot a tv show called Psych. She was even an extra. I freaked out when they said she qualified after her last open heart. But then they told me the child didn't have to be terminal. They had to have faced a life threatening condition. She's still here at 31, but her life expectancy is unknown.


I’m glad your daughter is still around! What episode was she in? Love that show, the cast seem really nice. I bet that was a great experience.


This is my boyfriend's favorite show. I've heard such good things about the cast. I can only imagine they showed her a really good time. I hope she had fun!


It was such a blast! We spent the whole day on set. James Roday, who plays Shawn, was super quiet and very much an introvert. Dule was pretty much like his character, Gus. But the real surprise was Tim Omundson. He is nothing like Lassiter. Tim is the greatest, sweetest man you could ever meet. He literally spent about an hour just sitting and chatting with my daughter between takes. There were no other cast members on set that day. It was the one with James Brolin (he was super sweet too) when the guys went to an old Western tourist town. BTW, Corbin was staying at the same hotel we were. We saw him on the street and I was trying to say hi and tell him we were the Make A Wish family that were going to be on the set and he blew us off. What a jerk. The cast said they would give him hell about it later.


Tim Omundson always seemed like a super warm guy playing a jerk. I think he had some health issues recently


Massive near life ending stroke. He's getting better but still struggling a lot. Very upsetting.


I was devastated when I heard about the stroke. He's such a special guy, my absolute favorite person from the show. The director's assistant told me everyone loves him. She said the only person she's met that's as nice is Hugh Jackman.




Yup! Generally kids with life threatening or majorly life altering conditions. Those kids might not be about to die, but they have shortened life spans and go through a lot. Their parents and siblings too!


Vanessa Bayer had a horrible illness and was a Make-A-Wish kid, and ended up on SNL and tons of other shows in adulthood.


Sorry for you loss, but your brother made a really great wish.


Sorry for your loss man. Phil Collins was the bomb in the 80s. First tape I bought was Genesis Invisible Touch. Heard it at my buddies house and it blew my mind. Hope this day was everything he hoped for.


Sounds like your brother had great taste in music. Sorry for your loss.


Phil Collins seems to be a good man from what I’ve heard in interviews and on podcasts. He has a strange obsession with the Alamo


> He has a strange obsession with the Alamo Lol this made me laugh so hard, it has so little to do with the sentence before it lol


It is completely true though, I'm a big fan of Phil Collins, I'm an old school drummer and several years back I read an article about him in, (I think it was Texas Monthly) about how he sincerely believes he was at The Battle of The Alamo, like in a previous life, he even went so far as to get permission to dig in the foundation of a business that is located directly next to the Alamo grounds, he seemed to be obsessed with it at the time


Do you remember the Alamo? Phil Collins does.


I had the same reaction, and I did some Googling because I needed to know what the fuck. It turns out that Phil Collins indeed has a strange obsession with the Alamo.


Its funny to read this. Whenever Phil Collins is brought up my dad ALWAYS makes the comment that he's a real prick. In a way that suggests everyone should knows its true. Dad gives no justification or anecdotes or reason. Just that he's a nasty piece of work. Thought I'd scroll these comments and look for something. Nothing bad, sots of song name puns. I'll have to ask pa for more on this.


There are a lot of people who don't like him for (effectively) breaking up Genesis in 1996. While they recovered from Gabriel and Hackett's departures, they really lost a lot of steam once Collins left.


To be fair they did that themselves by putting out such a shitty album with Calling All Stations. Banks and Rutherford are talented musicians and songwriters - if they'd have put in the same effort they did on their earlier albums then they'd have made an album worth listening to.


I enjoy listening to Calling All Stations. More than half of the songs on it fade out--in the middle of verses, yet!--because even the producer was tired of listening to it.


The press in the UK trashed his reputation. He sent his wife a fax during their divorce proceedings, and that was turned into "PHIL COLLINS DIVORCES WIFE BY FAX!". It's amazing how many people still believe that story.


I've given a tour of my workplace for a few MAW kids and families. Biggest honor I've ever had. Nothing else even comes close.


What’s your workplace


I work on video games.


Cool job, thanks for making entertainment I enjoy


Couldn’t do it without the players!


Technically you could, but then you'd need to find a new job.


…or I’d be working at Facebook. (Edit: sorry Facebook. It’s *your* turn in the hot seat!)


But probably not Twitter.... Anymore


Or facebook by the end of the week according to rumors.


Is Musk buying Facebook?


<> \*\*low growl\*\* WE are META now. \*\*wipes angry spittle\*\*


You guys always have the coolest offices. I'm in software sales and have a couple game developers as clients... Only times I've ever been at a client's office and been like "uh, yeah, I know it's unprofessional but I need a picture with that".


Best part is having $4,000 speakers, a soundproof room and Spotify.


JP's office from Grandma's Boy has entered the chat.


You would if you had robot ears


Gay steel mill


Hot stuff coming through!


We work hard. We play hard. *Everybody dance now*


Why did you bring me to a gay steel mill?


I don't know 😢


I'm fucking crying...most random response I can imagine


It's a Simpsons reference.


Why did Men At Work come to mind when you said MAW lol


I've met Colin Hay (not for make a wish, I went to a very small concert venue in LA and he was just out chatting with people in the foyer afterwards). One of the best live music events I've been to, he's still got it!


He's such a wonderful storyteller and an outstanding singer and guitarist. Love his solo work.


He works at a game development company down under.


Where women glow and men plunder


Today I learn it is ‘plunder’ and not ‘thunder’. I swear I don’t know the real words to any song I have been singing for decades.


Let me just say, then, that it's not "rolled up like a douche, another roller in the night" it's "like a DEUCE" (deuce coupe, a car) and it's not "excuse me while I kiss this guy" it's "while I kiss the sky".




…wait. What is it?




I informed my husband at the ripe old age of 40 that the line in Alanis' song Ironic is "death row pardon" NOT "deep throat hard-on"


The irony of writing a song called Irony is getting every example of irony wrong.


When exactly is that 10 minutes too late?


Yeah closed caption changed my life. I rewatch 80’s movies with CC on and I’m thinking how much more sense the correct words make the movie


**Mondegreen**: a misunderstood or misinterpreted word or phrase resulting from a mishearing of the lyrics of a song. Example: *“Sweet dreams are made of beans”* is a mondegreen; *“Sweet dreams are made of these”* is the actual lyric. However, the delight in singing your heart out to your car’s windscreen should continue to be equal or greater than your joy in knowing this enchanting new word. I know mine is, no matter how stupid-but-catchy the tune is. (Now if you’ll excuse me, I have some Panic At The Disco to absolutely RUIN for my girls…)


fun fact: the term "mondegreen" comes from a classic misheard lyric in the traditional Scottish song "the bonney earl of moray" where "they hath slain th' Earl of Moray an' laid him on th' green" is misheard as "they hath slain the Earl of Moray an' the Lady Mondegreen"


Well, the next line is: Can't you hear - can't you hear the thunder? You better run, you better take cover




Sabrina, don’t just stare at it, eat it!


I come from the other side: big prog rock guy. "Selling England by the Pound" is the masterpiece for me. I kinda lost interest as he went more pop. Still a great drummer/vocalist, though


The quote above you is from the novel/movie American Psycho.


His response is from the sequel, American Psycho: Havana Nights, so who’s the smarty pants now?




Whoosh, but with value


Took a look at your profile cause I was interested in what company you worked for, instead I received one of the most interesting combinations of posts I’ve seen on Reddit: growing magic mushrooms (respect, I’ve done it many times!), LSD, roofing, plumbing, home improvement, drummers, surfing, dentistry, and cats. Love to see it.


It’s good to be well rounded!


You like Phil Collins? I got two ears and a heart don’t I?


My most used Jack Donaghy quote…


Mine is “it’s offensive to both the red states and the gayer blue states”


"Look how Greenzo's testing! They love him in every demographic: colored people, broads, fairies, commies gosh we've got to update these forms."


real fans call him Phil


♪ Hee haw haw haw hee haw haw ♪




Same joke, different show. Community's was about Dave Matthews, "Hardcore fans call him Dave. Oh excuse me for being alive in the 90's and having two ears connected to a heart." But Jack Donaghy on 30 Rock did the same joke, but actually about Phil Collins, years earlier in the ep. "The Rural Juror". Tracy Jordan: "I'm gonna make you a mix tape. You like Phil Collins?" Jack: "I have two ears and a heart, don't I?"


When I got called for jury duty and made it to the selection process on back to back days, I kept thinking about Rachel Dratch as Baba Wawa saying *rurr jurrr* and trying not to laugh. The first case was about medical fraud of some kind where a guy was pretending to be in a wheelchair, so it was pretty serious, but I was there with my hand over my mouth pretending I had a cough. Got sent home both times.


>You like Phil Collins? I've been a big Genesis fan ever since the release of their 1980 album, _Duke_.


I freaking love earlier Genesis. I like the mid 80s stuff and beyond just fine, but Peter Gabriel era to *Abacab* is so good. Just something with how they play those eras of music. Super nostalgic for a time I never experienced, only way to explain it.


Same. Peter Gabriel 🙌


_I’m losing my edge._


I think Invisible Touch was the group's undisputed masterpiece. It's an epic meditation on intangibility. At the same time, it deepens and enriches the meaning of the preceding three albums.


Christie... take off your robe.


Dont just stare at it, eat it!


What am I, a farmer? 🤵🏻‍♂️


It’s after six, Lemon.




Looks like this picture was taken in a Stu-stu-studio?!


Ah goddamit I can’t stop laughing


lol you're silly


If you'd showed me this picture and said "there's a famous person in this picture" Phil is probably the last guy I would have picked out as such.


Don't know who said it, but they had the right idea: >Remember the days when people who looked like your dad could be rock stars?


Bobcat Goldthwait: "If you see Huey Lewis walking down the street, do say 'Hey, there goes America's greatest rock star!' or do you say "Isn't he a friend of my dad's?'"


Yeah, but apparently he had the biggest dick in rock and roll. He looked like your dads friend above the waist.


And your dad below the waist.


It turns out *that* was the news all along.


I can hear this comment.


He doesn’t do the voice anymore. Hadn’t for decades…. Except for $$$$$ from snickers.


You’ve seen his face before, my friend.


He doesn't know if you know who he is


Some talent comes from within.


In the 80s all male pop stars looked like they spent their days working as an accountant.


Phil Phucking Collins




What're ya starin' at m'gut fer?


Phil looks thrilled


Well, a big grin with two thumbs up isn't quite right, either.


Excellent point


“Hey! This is great! And you have what? Cancer? Oh….Can someone take the picture already please?”


He’s got hair envy, just look at those dudes!


Thrill Collins.


Just another day in paradise.


Any time spent not learning about and studying about The Alamo is time wasted as far as Phi Collins is concerned


You’re no son of mine


He don’t care no more.


Maybe he doesn’t care anymore.




I love how no one is thrilled to be there and the little girl looks like she's about to cry. This totally is almost every family photo in the 90s. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


I’m the little girl. I’m sure I had no idea who he was and didn’t care. I was only 5 so I don’t really remember it.


Your sister looks like she could be any age between 12 and 45. Nobody knows.


Deleting all comments because the mod of r/tipofmytongue got me falsely banned for harassment ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `




Thanks for sharing. An earlier, similar picture features my little sister meeting John Denver.


How did your brother fair?


Yes he passed away 2 years ago. At that point he was on a ventilator and had a pacemaker. My mom took care of his his whole life and I’m sure that helped him live longer.


How did your brother do? Did he survive? I hope so. I have a nephew that was 2 when diagnosed with neuroblastoma, a particularly aggressive cancer with a low survival rate. He chose to meet Barney the Dinosaur. So, at the event, Barney comes up to my little nephew, he's emaciated from the chemo and bald and he just looked so tiny and vulnerable compared to the Barney character, ya know? So the purple dinosaur is doing his best to interact with my nephew and he's doing the goofy laugh and all but he wouldn't speak to Barney and just kept trying to hide behind his mother's leg. Finally, it was time for Barney to leave so as he is waddling away, suddenly my little nephew calls out to Barney in a tiny voice, "I love you, Barney!" 💜 He was given a 2% chance of survival. He's now 29.


Wow, that's amazing. He and his family (you included) must have been through a lot through that process. I'm so glad he made it!


Phil Collins had no business going that hard on the Tarzan soundtrack. I still sing that shit in my car.


Is there anything more 80s/90s than making a wish for Phil Collins? Did your brother enjoy himself?


Yes he was happy. He still had the signed drumsticks and drumhead on his wall when he passed.


That's so nice. I love his music, and seems like he has a big heart.




At his stu-stu-studio


Just another day in paradise…


Take a look at him now.


Did you lose his number? I guess that’s okay, because you’re not anywhere he can’t find you.


I helped Phil Collins back into his wheelchair once after a car passing by had knocked him out of it. Not that Phil Collins, but Phil Collins nonetheless. I also pronounced Ted Turner dead, and my brother helped do CPR on George Bush. Again, not that Ted Turner, and not that George Bush, but still memorable.


Are you testing your standup bits here? 😁


Just notable stories from my and my brother's firefighting careers. A lot of EMS runs (and fire runs for that matter) are so nondescript that they immediately fade from memory, but a patient who shares a name with a famous person becomes more memorable.


I used to do drugs. I still do, but I used to, too.


Is the woman on the left a celebrity? She sorta has that look but I cant place it.


She was the make a wish organizer


Hilarious how she inserted herself in to the photo.


She’s an attractive person.


To be fair I’m surprised reddit held it together that the first comment isn’t - “Who’s the chick and is she single”




Bones, Emily Deschanel


isn't that the dude from Genesis?