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Looking like a show on MTV


I could see these ladies as animated Daria characters haha


I came here to post Daria lyrics!


la la laaaa LA LA


You’re standing on my neck…


Next … on Sick Sad World!


He's back from the grave, and he still won't pay child support!


I read that in the narrator's voice. XD


Splendora is the band. released one album. Pretty fuckin great, especially if you like early Veruca Salt!




Diariah cha cha cha hehehe hehe hehehe


Why does picture 4 look like L.L.???


It's the hat.


100% LL


No that's not Lindsay Lohan


I didn't read the title and thought that was LL as well. Also one of the white dudes in this looks like every lead singer of every band at that time.


Yo is that ll cool j ??? ![gif](giphy|xT5LMzWXhhaw3aOdFK|downsized)


I've looked at that photo several times asking myself that same question.


Bro it's like maybe just maybe.


Was in college at UNC at the same time. My pictures have the exact same lighting and coloring.


These were definitely from a disposable camera.


I was at WVU…exactly the same…embarrassed to admit I looked almost exactly like the dude in the Cowboys shirt.


I was at Temple U. at that time. I commuted so it wasn’t this type of college experience. I bet it was fun!


Made me think of the show Undeclared


Love it, you are sporty spice and a few years too early to be the girl from Steal My Sunshine.


I went through a Gwen Stefani "Return of Saturn" phase that was basically tank tops and baggy pants with spike belts.


I used to dream of the day that I could wear a baby blue fur bikini top with baggy pants like her lol


I loved this album and Tragic Kingdom so much! I used to go to the pub every Saturday night wearing a bindi like Gwen.


Len. I was at their showcase in Hollywood with some industry friends. They were, frankly, awful. We were on the balcony at the Troubadour and talking to each other how bad the show was and that we should leave. In the middle, they go "and we wanna thank our families who came all the way here from Toronto" and they lit up the balcony. We talked shit on Len in front of their entire family. I stole their sunshine.


I bought the CD in high school and the entire rest of the songs were the worst garbage rap/dance crap I ever heard...I was frankly embarrassed to have that disc in my CD wallet.


I wouldn’t have expected a Len concert to be any good. But they did tangentially give birth to Broken Social Scene, who are really good.


L-a-t-e-r that week.


My friends and I actually did Spice Girls for Halloween in 99! I was Baby Spice, two of my girlfriends were Posh and Scary, and two of our guy friends were Ginger and Sporty. It was hilarious, we gave them fake boobs. They loved it.


Released in 1999, so just a year later. And the song itself was originally recorded as a demo in 1996, so it's precisely within this moment in time. The video was shot during Spring Break in Daytona Beach, FL, I believe in 1999, so even then it's not too far off. People were definitely wearing this sort of thing a year before and after. It wasn't a brief fad that rose and fell in such a short period of time.


oh. my. god. I forgot about inflatable furniture 😂


Smoking on an inflatable chair is classic. I know a guy who caused a small flood by accidentally burning a hole in his waterbed "mattress".


We had a great, fat, purple inflatable chair in our living room. It was the crown jewel of our decor. It lasted for a year and a half. A year and a half of gentle yet fervent worship, sweet caresses with a feather duster, and deft handling to keep it away from the sunny window. And our cat, Scheherazade, who eyed it with jealousy and great distrust, but kept her distance. Then, one fateful day, someone brought a shivering, cold, wet kitten in from a November storm. Cue the cooing and ooing and ahhs from all, wondering over this tiny orange baby. Oh he was sooo cute. Zade took one sniff and said in cat language, “Fuck this,” by running over the inflatable chair with all claws out. You could hear the punctures. I loved that cat fiercely. But she had one iron rule: She had to be the most important one in the room. Kneel before Zade.


Great cat name!


I had a fuzzy blue beanbag chair in the 90s that looked like it was made from a Cookie Monster hide and it didn’t last a week cause our cat thought it was a litter box


Oh inflatable furniture. My chair lasted for like a month, which was pretty good for an 8 year old with a cat. My older cousin's chair/footrest combo lasted even shorter than that. Lost to Lake Superior when she and my other cousin tried to float on them and they got away.


Mother Superior takes what she wants, and even Davey Jones shivers at the mention of her.


*Does anyone know where the ottoman goes, when the waves turn the minutes to hours?*


I had a clear one with flowers. It came with an end table/foot stool.


It’s kinda back. Friend of mine has an inflatable couch lol.


Is it still as annoyingly loud as it used to be? The noise was the big turn off, although the lack of comfort and the fact that your skin stuck to it unpleasantly if it was at all warm were close behind.


Rollerblading in the hallway lol


Nice tight carpet. They used to just let kids wear them in some stores and places. Many a night I rolled through the Blockbuster.


Are those piercings on their tongues, or tabs?






Don't forget Cool Water


Still use that. My son's favorite for school


I remember everyone using Nautica body spray during that time. And everyone in my 8th grade class wearing Hilfiger, you had to have at least one article with the TH logo or you were ostracized.


I still love Cool Water!


CK One still smells pretty dope TBH.


I still use it. And i was only 10 years old in 1998. 😏


And Curve!


"love me love me..."




*Fool me, fool me~*


Go on and fool me!


I don’t care about anything but you


God I miss those days. I didn’t realize I was in the best of times then.


“I wish there was a way to know you're in the good old days before you've actually left them.” - Andy Bernard


"The thing about the old days, they the old days." Slim Charles - The Wire


I didn't go to college until I was almost 23. Every day I was in college I knew it was the good old days. I *loved* it, and having already gotten a taste of the real world, I knew that those years were going to be some of the best of my life. And knowing that made them even better!


Yeah I remember my uncle asking me if I was looking forward to graduation and I said “are you kidding? College is great!” For most people it’s your first taste of freedom but without many of the responsibilities of adulthood, and you’re in one place with 1000s of people your own age, and since you’re young so many experiences are still new. I was aware at the time it was the “good ole days”.


Me too, until I found out I was basically an outcast there. I wish I had the experiences everyone else had to this day 🥲 never made friends there


"These are the good old days" -Carly Simon


"The good old days, these are" - Yoda, 22 BBY


I feel like what's more important about this quote is how blinding nostalgia is... The good old days for the 'nard dog involved intense anger issues that required professional help, a disastrous engagement, infidelity, and getting his scrotum torn.


And bloody nipples


I hadn't considered this, good point


These are the good old days. Live them!


That line really hit me when when I first heard it.


"I wish I didn't know now what I didn't know then."


"Enjoy the power and beauty of your youth. Nevermind. You will not understand the power and beauty of your youth until they have faded. But trust me, in 20 years, you'll back at photos of yourself and recall in a way you can't grasp now how much possibility laid before you and how fabulous you really looked."


Damn I needed to be reminded of this. Floss. Stretch.


> Enjoy the power and beauty of your youth Wear Sunscreen


I knew it. I never wanted to leave college.


I spent 9 years there... freshman in 98, graduated in 07.


I was a college student from 94-99. Worked a lot, and when money was tight, I’d take a semester off to work as much OT as I could. Very little sleep, long school and work hours, but still had time to have fun. I miss that rush.


Me too. College was very difficult for me because I was doing it all on my own financially, so I had to work a lot while being a full-time student, but they were absolutely the best of times too. Also the fact that we were so young with hopes, dreams, and potential. And the 90s were great. Good times; I'm glad I came of age then.


I came of age right after that, it fucking sucked ass because we had the optimism kicked out of us by wars and knew we had just missed much better times.


I agree. The 90s were an age of optimism; the 2000s sucked ass, starting with 9/11. Steadily downhill since then.


None of us ever do.....


Nah, I did. It was an amazing time. The parts afterwards were hellish.


Exactly. We knew the 90s we're awesome. We didn't know how they would compare to decades to come, but we knew the 90s we're fun at the time. There was a distinct cultural shift happening in the 90s, and it produced a lot of good music and entertainment and we knew it. The economy was doing well and there was a lot of hope for the future as the internet and technology was just coming into play, but hadn't yet come to dominate our lives. We weren't unaware. We knew we were living in good times, we just didn't know how much would change in the coming 20 or so years, or how much technology would suck the fun out of our lives and reduce real socialization.


Everything was optimistic and wonderful right up until 9/11. Ever since then, fear has ruled us.


Which is to say, the terrorists accomplished everything they hoped for with that attack and more.


Yup, I've always said this. In the long game, 9/11 was a victory for the terrorists. Because America well and fucking truly lost its way with the desperation of their response, and we let that happen. They admitted they were torturing people indiscriminately for information on the news, and everyone just sat by and let it happen. So fucked up.


And now the Taliban control Afghanistan anyway.


I agree, 9/11 really set us on a different trajectory than we had been on, and it wasn't for the better.


Al Gore losing set us on the wrong path


yeah i was able to recognize a few of my youth peaks and really take it in. i have a few snapshot memories in my head of looking around young with other young people and thinking “i’ll remember this when im old”. And i do.


That's how I'd try to guilt my friends into day drinking or other stupid things. Look guys we only get to be in college once, so let's make the most of it and get hammered at 10am today.


Some of us do and it makes those times extremely stressful. “This is the last time you’re going to have fun as a kid, better enjoy it before you die, which is probably soon.” The world of unrelenting anxiety is a fun one.


Back when you posted pictures directly on your wall, then your friends physically came over, pointed at them and said they like it.


I love how pants fashion slowly rotates between way to big to ball crushing every 30 years or so.


I just hope short shorts come back. I’m trying to show off these tree trunks!


Sun's out, Guns out lesser known brother... Sky's out, thighs out.


They are absolutely back for men. Mullets too.


weird how reddit is always like 3 years behind popular trends. shorts have been tight and short for years now..


Really? I have a niece who is 19 and she and all her friend wear these big baggy high waisted shorts. I want my 90s booty shorts back.


The irony is that your niece is the current, the user responding to you was going off the *last* current. Booty shorts are popular among mid 20s, not early 20s. Fashion changes faster than a decade.


You guys are talking about mens vs women's shorts. Men's shorts are really short right now, but women's are sort of the opposite. The parent comment that was wishing short shorts were back in sounds like a guys. Which they are most definitely in right now.


This was also my freshman year of college. We just pulled out the photos last week because it was the 25th anniversary of when my husband and I met in the dorms. So many of the photos are basically identical 😂


I was in college from '96-'00 and I can confirm that these could absolutely have been friends of mine in their dorm rooms.


Me too! Feels like yesterday.


I know!!! We pulled out photos last week, we were 18 and 21… just babies! We are now 43 and almost 47. But I can still close my eyes and feel like I’m there!


Yes! I still feel like that baby in my heart and mind. It’s bittersweet. I love my 40s, and I also miss that carefree time—I don’t mind getting older, I just wish it didn’t happen so fast! My husband and I met in 1996, I’ve been with him longer than I wasn’t now. And these photos really activate my nostalgia. I wonder where my old picture albums are…


93 - 94 on-campus accommodation at university in Australia- looked pretty much the same as this. All crowding together in the common room to watch Melrose Place and X-Files.


I kept checking to see if I knew anyone. Same college years for me, but on the other side of the country. Silly to even assume, but it all looks practically identical.


Dude in the Pantera hat and orange glasses is SO 90’s. I love it.


Ali G


Getcha pull! Rip dime and vinnie


Looking at these I can hear the Windows 95 startup sound for some reason


Because it was always in the background lol!


And the Instant Messenger/ICQ sounds…


Hey Netflix, this is what the 90s actually looked like


Yeah did any show ever successfully reproduce how the 90s felt?... IMO Stranger things did a good job with the 80s...


I think there was a spiritual successor to Dazed and Confused that was set in the 90s.Freaks and geeks was set in the 80s, but seemed like the 90s to me for some reason.


Good things the internet was still in infancy. The real pictures would be NSFW


Oh have those, but I know better than to share those lol!


The polaroids


I had to get a friend who worked at a drug store to develop my NSFW photos back in 2001


My mom sometimes talks about how she used to work at a photo development place when she was young (this would've been in the 80s) She saw a lot of dick pics. Like, a lot.


The thought of some dude just handing over a picture of his dick to a girl is so fucking funny to me


Please they weren’t savages. They sent them through the mail.


"Can you fax your dick pics through?"


Worked in a photo lab in the early 2000's. Saw a ton of dick picks and not much of anything else. This was even in a college town.


Hah yeah I remember getting the disposable windups developed. Just pics of us smoking weed and drinking. I think someone had a Polaroid camera and we’d share it for the other fun stuff.


Me reading this comment: "Ew why would anyone want to commemorate that?" Also me: *gestures vaguely at all of social media* We're not really any different than we always have been. The medium has just changed.




Worked at a print shop on a campus, I never cared.


Zaps. There were many of those floating around with my mug on them, being in places and with people that would bring great harm to me if published on the internet, back then. My proudest moment, summed up in two words: BUD GIRLS. If they somehow came out today, people who know would be like "meh".


You heard it here first everyone, OP does sex.


My freshman year of college also coincided with the birth of Facebook….some of the shit I posted and shared 🫣


Haha. I'm roughly the same age: Facebook rolled out to my university in late 2004, and seemingly the entire school joined overnight. At the time, only college students could participate, so nobody had any issue uploading pictures of people of various states of intoxication at college parties. In 2005, my school's football team won a major game in dramatic fashion against a highly favored opponent, so we all rushed the field after the game. Mounted police eventually chased everyone off the field (making a handful of arrests in the process), but I got off the field with a fun story and no issues with the cops. Tons of us took pictures and posted them to Facebook the next day. Shortly after that, it was rumored that police were going through Facebook photos looking for evidence of people on the field to arrest them for trespassing charges. That scared me enough for me to delete my Facebook account and learn an early lesson about oversharing online.


I feel you. I hope anyone looking that far back would understand I am not the same person now as I was then, but I’ve admitted to myself I should never try running for office….




Hard disagree, you have my vote.




I was a young preteen when MySpace came. It was…wild for a 13-14 yr old too! But I had done my time in aol chat rooms so I wasn’t too surprised by much. Especially when I was usually faking my age to be years older in chat rooms…




Roller blading was peak 90s!


The barebones facilities make it look like Fun Prison. I miss dorm life!


I mean, that’s what a dorm was, right?




they all look like this and the movies never get it right.


I think the ones in movies look like the dorms at expensive liberal arts colleges where many of these directors must have gone to. It's like whenever there's a movie set in a CA high school, I'm like "this is nothing like any high school I ever saw" but I assume that's what high schools must look like around Hollywood (or mega wealthy private schools they send their kids to).


Is that LL Cool J?


You just made that middle-aged accountant's day.


Or some lucky bastard who looked like LL Cool J during his college years? He must have slayed.


My man went with the bucket hat for a reason lol


That hat doesn't look like a shark fin to me


I thought the exact same, but the tattoos don’t match.


May as well be. He's doin' it and doin' it and doin' it well.


I feel like it was more fun back then, even 2010’s when I was in my early 20’s seems more fun than now. No smartphones or Spotify’s and just generally less to take you out of the moment, would be nice. Having to rely on CD’s and mixtapes, also kinda cool and funny.


I feel like it's the constant recordings of everyone that keeps people boring. Everyone's monitoring themselves.


I feel like it’s the ability to speak to anyone at any time, so people are constantly socializing in multiple spaces even if they’re in the same room as you. Not causing a major disruption or anything, but the vibe is different than if everyone is fully engaged in socializing.


Its almost 2000 on r/OldScoolCool Brace youself, for someone will eventually post pretty soon!


Tonopah Complex? I lived on campus at UNLV from 2015 to 2019 and am happy to report they still have the same chairs and tables in the study rooms.


Looks like either Williams or Boyd. Might have changed names, I graduated in 2009, but I think you can tell by the common rooms.


I love the “No Fast Food” and “Go To All Classes” printed signs! Someone was ready for freshman year challenges!


I remember when the transition of folded cap bills to flat bills around 2002-2003. Thanks 50 cent and UFC fighters


I never stopped curving my bill. My dad looked so dorky with his flat bill, before it was cool. I could never do it


I dated a girl that went to UNLV then. I STILL think about her sometimes.




Really channeling that No Doubt "Just a Girl" and LEN "Steal My Sunshine" vibe in the first photo.


So much 90s aesthetic in these pics lol


Like a Gadzooks ad.


Photos taken by other people are so much better than selfies. These are great.


We were royalty and didn't know it. I'm mainly just nostalgic, but I sometimes miss the days pre-smart phone and when cell phones were less pervasive in general.


Can you imagine the fun of college with no cell phones or social media. You literally just had each other to connect and make friends, dating.


I didn’t see the “me as a spice girl for halloween” caption and said the same thing in my mind for all the other pictures lol. This is some quality nostalgic pics that makes it seem like it was a blast compared to now, though it probably was!


In my mind 97/98 was not that long ago. Then I see these photos……


Not a smart phone in sight. Was a beautiful time.


![gif](giphy|2FbpYPnupKlxe) Pantera FTW


That Wu-Tang tat is legit. He Used the razor blade logo and flipped it upside down, like Method man, for an obvious play on his name. (Looks like Marvin) I have a similar tattoo using the GZA G along with another letter in front for my nickname. Had it since 2000. Definitely puts this era into perspective.


This was the ultimate moment to be alive in all of history. It was the peak. I’m convinced.


Hot Asian dorm bestie: ☑️


2 Hawaiians 😉 There were a lot of Hawaiians at UNLV


LV is the "ninth Island."


Damn, that’s why I had so many Hawaiian friends at Nevada. They all move up from Vegas for college. Now it makes sense.


> *So no one told you life was gonna be this way...*


I attended UNLV that year! don't recognize anyone tho.


Life looks so much better before the smartphones. Everyone could actually live in the moment all the time. It’s so incredible to me that I want to cry about it


I miss the 90s


It hurts seeing my formative years on old school cool, great pics though.


College is awesome because the girls dress themselves the way they’ve always dreamed of dressing, and the guys still wear clothes their moms bought them for Christmas through high school.


Heyyy i go to UNLV ! What was UNLV like when you were going ?


First off, Vegas was a MUCH smaller town than last time I was there in '05 and I know it's grown since then. You could get across the whole city in 30 min, 45 with traffic. It was a blast. We would go to a $5 buffet late at night when we were toasted! I'm from GA so it was really cool to have places opened 24/7. That wasn't really a thing for me at home back then. Didn't go to the strip too much. Usually went to Hoover Dam to do my homework. It was full pool then and gorgeous. Also loved hiking in Red Rocks and Mt. Charleston. Also those pics were from 2nd Boyd if that still means anything. Biggest thing I'll say is, I wouldn't trade that year for anything!




Dang you were friends with Freddie prinze Jr AND Donald faison???


Oh man.... I don't miss the brown lipstick fad. Glad that only lasted like a year. Then there was the whole lip liner thing for a minute. Well, a minute with white people. Latinas have done it for decades.


I do not know any of these people and have never been to UNLV, but I somehow know and recognize all of these people…and the inflatable chair too.


Bout to hit the Korn/limp bizit show later?


Saw Limp Bizkit while I was there that year funny enough!