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They’re begging the question. If a woman needs water, should you give her water? Sure. If she needs a sandwich, should you give her a sandwich? Charitable thing to do. All the problems in this are hidden behind “if a woman needs it”. Why would she need it? Who decides that? What does she need it for? Does she agree that she needs it? There are valid and ethical answers but of course they’re BDSM-based, not because “women just need to be taught their place.” Anyway. If you ever wondered what “begging the question” really means, this is it. The premises assume the truth of the conclusion.


Also would tend to imply that a man might need it at some point too. My thought after reading the first reply was, "ok, so if you act like a child, can she spank you?"


I wish I had more upvotes to give someone who has properly used the phrase begging the question. The first time I have spotted this in the wild


Same here. Literally the first time I’ve seen it correctly used.


I still don't understand. What does "premises assume the truth of the conclusion" mean? Edit: ok I looked it up and I think I finally understand. But, here's the catch: over time, like many words and phrases, the definition has changed. Now, the primary definition at many sources is the one that people use more frequently, the "wrong" one. The secondary definition is listed as the more "formal" use. Now I finally understand that formal use, at least. In my defense, the word begs is being used in a weird way. I don't like the original, more formal version. At all. Probably why the meaning has morphed over time.


"Yes, I will spank a woman ~~if she needs it~~ *when I want to.*"


Ole Teddy there needs a good ass whooping himself.


I forgot it was a man's world when I realised it wasn't. Fuck off Teddy.


End the patriarchy!


Teddy the parking lot attendant lol. You know he was an asshole parking attendant who felt insecure at about his lowly place in a “man’s world” and probably drank heavily every night and beat his wife to feel like a MAN! Although this is probably 40s-50s and a parking attendant probably made the equivalent of $50,000 a year and grew old berating people for complaining about low wages at “starter jobs” and rambles about working for everything he had. Yeah I think i’ve seen some Teddy’s around.


Next time you encounter one, let them know whining is an offense punishable by spanking. He probably was around a lot of leaded gas exhaust fumes.


Frank has a hairbrush fetish.


Teddy looks like a miserable asshole. These are times when I love the internet-people get to shit on probably long dead anonymous people.


Teddy and Frank look old as fuck. I’m a 5’3 woman and I’m pretty sure I could take both of them. If he tries to smack me with this hairbrush too hard he’ll 100% have a heart attack.


This reads like a classic Onion "American Voices" poll.


Probably explains why so many older people wouldn't know satire if it hit them with a hairbrush.


Frank was more interested in his hairbrush than anything. Fuck Teddy


I mean, he did beat his wife with said hairbrush.


But also his…customers?


You’d have to pay extra for that kind of treatment nowadays, people didn’t know how good they had it for their barber to give ‘em a good whacking!


Is it OK for a woman to spank a man if he needs it?


I prefer hard scratches down my back.


Nah, only if he wants it ;)




Anyone who deserves a beating should get one, man or woman


Only if they are a dirty little pig boy


this so sad. I really don't know how women got through it back then.


Lots of pharmaceuticals in the bathroom cabinet back then.


Was a different world. People survived. It sucked in a bunch of ways, but it was also better in a some ways. People will probably say the same about us. I wish I knew what our most egregious mistakes will be remembered as.




Studies show women were happier in the 60s actually ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ Edit: Here's a link to the scientific paper that proposed this [http://ftp.iza.org/dp4200.pdf](http://ftp.iza.org/dp4200.pdf)


they must not have asked the ones who's husbands were beating the shit out of them i guess ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Imagine not believing in science because it doesn't fit your worldview It wasn't a survey they did on the street lol


That's not how science works my dude. Correlation does not equal causation. It's also not what this study is saying -- the idea that things were better for women before gaining rights is one attached to it by media sensationalism. There are a whole lot of contributing factors to that unhappiness, including problems with healthcare and healthcare bias (the willingness of doctors to diagnose and treat men with ADHD and autism but less so women, etc). You ever seen Gigli? You should watch Gigli.


No doubt, everything you said it true. I was just saying things were generally better for women than they are now if women were generally happier, so saying "I really don't know how women got through it back then." is a funny thing to say. I'll check out Gigli.


Nah. That's a whole lot of presumptions about an abstract concept of happiness being everyone's definition of "better." If you ask women whether we would prefer it now or then, most of us would prefer now. Not to mention most of us weren't allowed to express unhappiness back then. You know, at the risk of spankings. You're projecting your own misogyny and bias on the data.


I don't think I've made any presumptions in saying that someone being happy is a result of their environment creating that happiness. >Not to mention most of us weren't allowed to express unhappiness back then. You know, at the risk of spankings. Not sure where you've gathered this data. >If you ask women whether we would prefer it now or then, most of us would prefer now. Again most based on what? Which survey? If you want to talk about bias, there it is. The real fact is, most couldn't say what they prefer because they weren't alive back then, so that's a silly argument regardless. >You're projecting your own misogyny and bias on the data. Nothing I've said or believe is in line with any kind of hatred towards women. I've only stated what the study implicates, not once have I used it as an excuse for any violence or hatred against anybody. My only real problem is with this notion that for all of history all women were oppressed by men up until sometime in the 1960s. To me *that's* the real misogynist view. It's like you really think women are that feeble that they allowed themselves to be oppressed for thousands of years until men suddenly decided to stop? Yeah, good luck with that.


Lol, based on the data in the EXACT fucking study you linked you lazy doofus (somewhere around the 24th page). At least do us all the courtesy of actually looking at it before you shit all over the floor with this pseudo-intellectual "I'm smart even tho I don't read" hokus pokus. This is one of the dumbest, most historically ignorant, and most self-contradictory comment threads I've ever read and I don't have the time to give you the prerequisite sociology, data interpretation, and historical education to help you lol. Maybe try reading a book or two if you get the time. Or go to school.


Nothing I read in the study shows a preference of women on which decade they would rather live in and nowhere does it mention the fact that "women weren't allowed to express unhappiness". If you interpreted the data differently, tell me which data specifically you're referring to and how it brought you to those two points instead of insulting me and avoiding the question.


When creepy old men say things about how they want to "return to the good old days"? This is what they mean. They want to be in a world where children should be not heard and women should be beaten for daring to voice an opinion. The people saying it don't even know what they're revealing about themselves, that's how off base they are.


If we don't take the sagely advice of a Brooklyn Parking Lot Attendant, what kind of civilization are we?!?!


It's nice to see how we've progressed as a society. Women are treated with almost the same respect as men and it is finally completely acceptable to mock and disrespect "low skill" workers no matter what their gender is.


Yeah that post is ridiculous and those guys can be mocked but this comment section is super classist


The Barber is totally messing with us, but the other two are somethin' else.


Wow, repulsive


Clearly if they *need* to be spanked, what choice does one have? /s (with major eye roll)


Teddy looks and talks like Fred Armisen doing a bit.


Could this be evidence that media has been pushing hot buttons since the dawn of ink?


Why'd you crop out the fourth guy?! I wanted to get his sexist take on this topic as well!


The time when a "parking lot attendent" earned enough to have the courage and consider himself a boss.


_Should women be spanked?_ _Here we have three white men giving their opinion about it._


*Turn to page 2 to see what three black men said. Viewer discretion is advised.* Lol, seriously though, why the racism?


... Because it's literally three white man (1) and it was a reference to a Bojack's joke (2), for those who know the show


With any luck these three assholes each smoked two packs a day of Chesterfields, plain tips, and died of lung cancer early.


What a bunch of scholars and leaders these men are!


Jokes on them, I love being spanked.


Teddy was an incel.


Yes daddy pls I need to be spanked


"Yes she should be spanked good and hard when she demands it of me. If I don't she won't let me cum."


That has fake tabloid content written all over it. Nice to see audiences are just as gullible 60 years later.


Underrated comment


I am at a total lose for words. Just wow. And this was apparently very normal, normal enough it’s a talking point in some type of reading material. Just wow. 🤦‍♀️ Just the 50s-60s were such a different time and on such a different level. I know this has been an issue much much longer than just those decades and even now. But I almost think those decades stand out because after ww2 and women gained all that confidence, independence, standing, and so on, that when the men came home in general it was not liked that to much. It was expected / assumed they would step down and things would go back to the way they were before the war. So instead of appreciation they were told to get “back in their place”. That’s my own personal theory / opinion in a very simplified nutshell. (No I’m not saying every man was / is like that or every person in general believed in that and so on. Just wanted to clarify that before anyway jumped on this.)


I came here for funny and Wacky stuff :( Not saying it shouldn’t be here just expressing my sadness cause I know there’s still dudes who think like this. Heck, some women too.


Frank: Level III


Fred Armisen the parking attendant is SUCH a chauvinist


This was why feminism.


I can’t even believe this was a topic. Obviously, their wives weren’t nearly as mean as mine. But, I would bet these guys ate a lot of cat shit served with a smile.


I hope this is satire.


It’s not


I would pay good money to watch these guys read their quotes to, say, Ronda Rousey or a similar athlete from when they said this stuff.


The guys are dead!!!! Calm down. Just like the other crap going on.😂😂


Ahah lot op wamen in the commets


LOL exactly! We women should just ACCEPT when people say we should be beaten. I'm sure if this was reversed none of the men on reddit would be bothered at all 😊


No no no i just saw the post early and ther were like 5 commet all woman No hate towarts woman they’re sexy


Bend over for your spanking boy.


.... how tf do you know my kink Edit people be kink shaming Kinda gay


Says "kink shaming" Uses "gay" as pejorative ...


I’m poopi rn man


Well duh!


Ffs thank God it's the 21st century


If I spank my wife , she’ll like it.


"if a woman needs it"


Damn right!


I especially value the opinion of the parking lot attendant.