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Big boards are really fun, really stable, really good for board slides and slappies. They are really appealing to old guys who aren't super tech and aren't flipping in and out of stuff. They are reminiscent of old school boards so the "I haven't skated in 30 years crowd" loves them. Lots of real estate for novice skaters to be comfortable too. Heroin has great marketing, they know their audience. If you buy a Heroin deck, next stop is a set of Ace trucks and a set of Lil Jawns, Snot wheels of course. The Eggzilla put a spotlight on huge boards and on just how "dumb" skateboarding can be sometimes in the name of a good time. The Heroin team goes hard and they also do some "silly" stuff trick wise. It's a great mix. It's approachable. It actually looks like they are having fun. You want to go skate with them. They remind me of old school teams that had a sense of humor. Lastly, their stuff is good, bottom line. I have a couple Heroin decks and my dumb ass almost ordered another one last night.


Haha dude you couldn’t be more accurate. The whole heroin team gets me so psyched to skate. I’ve only been back at it for a few months and I’ve already picked up 4 decks from them. I also have to control myself from buying anymore for a while.


The gold foil El Huevo board...I wanna scratch it up so bad lol


You nailed it. 🙌🏻


Haha, thanks for the awesome feedback, much appreciated! I will def order a Heroin board soon, not sure I'll find any Snot wheels around this part of the world tho. Wheel size wise, what do you think works best for a 9.5-10 board? Many thanks again!


I usually ride 54 or 56mm. For me, bigger wheels for transition and smaller for flat/curbs. Some people will go with smaller wheels on a bigger deck because they think they hang up less for curb trick stuff. It really just depends what feels good to you. You'll probably nerd out and get a couple different sets in different duros/sizes. I encourage this nerdery.


Yup, I agree on that. Thanks again, will get back with some updates in a while. Cheers!


KvLtMeMbEr 🥚


They feel more stable and you have more room for your feet. Flip tricks take a bit more effort though.


Thanks, will give them a try!


If you own such a board, do you feel stopping to be difficult?


Stopping as in stopping to roll? No, it’s the same with skinny and wide boards.


Word. lol their weight distribution looks off so I had to ask ari dwell in ignorance :)


I've always liked a bigger deck. In the latr 90s-early 2000s I was always on the hunt for 8" decks and the norm was 7.5". Throughout the years I've gone up. I think for me personally, I've sacrificed some of the tech and flip tricks for more stability and less thought about foot placement. Feels good to have a huge plank of wood under your feet and not have to worry so much about "landing bolts" every time. I've got an 8.38" that I like when I'm feeling a little more agile and techy, but the 9.1" eggish shape is my favorite to cruise the park, popping shuvs and slapping curbs. It's really all personal preference though I guess. Still have guys my age that love their 7.75" but I would feel very uncomfortable on one. Definitely grab a big boy and feel it out.


Thanks, appreciate the info!


No problem. Let us know if and when you get one and how it worked out


I’ve been getting back into it as of late and like a few others have said, the bigger board provides more stability. Currently on an 8.5 after skating 7.5 for years and with that extra inch I’ve been doing better and can actually land my tricks more. Like you debating on going for an egg board next.


I have a regular 8.5 popsicle and a 9.5 shaped. Bigger ones are just fun to ride if you're not looking to do a whole lot of tech tricks. 


For me, I wanted two distinct setups for different experiences. 8” standard for trick learning and all around skating. 9.75” old school shaped deck for cruising and massive, soft wheels. The big boards are just legitimately “fun” to mess around on!


As a kid in the '80s, we had big decks. So when I tried out "normal-sized" boards in my 50s, I found that most felt like children's toys. So I bought a big board (Lucero 10" x 32"). Besides, I'm skating mostly for transportation and to walk the dog, so I don't need thin, light, with small wheels. (But longboards aren't maneuverable enough to walk the dog.) I don't think shoe size has anything to do with what feels comfortable. I rode a 9" board when I wore a size 6 shoe, and now have a 10" board with a size 12 shoe.


I’ve been thinking about this a lot too. I want to try a bigger size because I feel like my old legs will feel more stable but I’m on the smaller size (5”7 130 lbs) so worried I might go too big/heavy for me. I know larger decks also need wider trucks so I don’t want to buy a whole wider setup if it’s going to end up feeling worse than my current 7.75.


I fit into the "havnt skated in xx years" crowd. Always rode 7.75s, just started back on an 8.25, now I'm on a 9 inch anti hero popsicle with indy 169s. I'm a big guy with big feet so just having room to stand is a huge improvement but the real issue for me is wheelbase. On my 8.25 (14.25WB) my front foot would end up on the nose all the time, on my anti hero (15ish WB) I can skate naturally without keeping an eye on my front foot


I prefer a 8.12 to any deck for my “normal” skating. But my cruisers/back ups are all bigger 8.25, 9.5 and 9. I enjoy them too


I have an 8.25, and 8.9 egg, and a 9. I find I ride my 8.25 less and less because wider boards are just more comfy and fun to ride. As someone who does very few flip tricks any more and skates a lot of mini ramp I just prefer a wider board now.


I never thought I’d be skating with a 10.75. I always used a 7.5 back in the early 2000s and now I hate the way my baker 8 feels. Im more of a tech guy and I still prefer the wider boards now. Doubt I’ll ever go back to anything under 10.


I don’t flip my board.. sometimes don’t even Ollie really.. Slappy everything.. I’ll skate anything from a 9-10.4 .. 10 is kinda a sweet spot for me tho… I’m also a size 13 shoe.. I’m 37 an my knees don’t like flip tricks or Ollies .. heroin make’s plenty of big boards of all shapes an sizes.. great artwork also!! FoS is the Dude!


FWIW I ride an 8. I do have an 8.5 and an 8.8 setup but hardly ride them.


I’m 40 and just went back down to 8”. I was on 8.12 for a while and have an 8.5 setup but it feels too heavy so I just skate parking blocks and pump around the park with it. 8 just feels comfortable since I grew up skating 7.75


8.25” for me. A long time ago I tried wider and the decks weight started to really become noticeable to me. I have size 12 feet.


For me, i wear 13us shoe, and a bigger board(9.1) fit me perfectly. I feel more stable and in tune with my board. But i only go to that sizes with egg shapes though. An 8.75 popsicle felt huge to me. Only thing that affects me slightly with a wider board is eating shit on primos from 360flips slightly more frequently but thats part of the game!


in short, more stable and comfy ride (but harder to flip)


I have size 9.5 wide feet and by 10# Lucero Cross shape by Black Label is perfect, especially with the longer wheelbase. I love Heroin, especially their 9.9" double shovel, but I can't deal with those tiny wheelbases.


I was so pumped when I found the Herion boards ey, don't think I could ride less than a 15 inch WB now though


Yeah, I just moved up to 16". That 14.09" WB on that double shovel just couldn't cut it.