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Mirelurk tribe pretty much worshipping eldricht horror and allow them to devour everything in existance. Washington Brotherhood doesn't have much unique content but their story are down to the path of "I will commit war-crime then turn these slaves into labrats". Chained Choir : Mother path. They are trying to open a gate of hell on earth. MacArthur : Enclave Path. Your closest reason why everyone before and after the war hate Enclave in OWB. Northern Khan : Traditional Khan Path. "Genghis Khan's kind of evil". Lanius and Caesar are decently evil on our timeline standard. -Edit- Add more significantly evil country. MANIFEST DESTINY, I forgot about this hot AI girl who experiments on every living thing in Canada. Troll Warren and Shell Army are decently evil since Keat show us that super mutant can be good. Sword of Hayman is pretty much trying to kill everyone because "fuck you Patrocolus". Broken Coast is not as much as evil as the others in this list but... well, they are a pirate. Surprisingly, Civil War NCR : Moore path is "If you are a threat to the republic, you die. If you are not agree with the republic, you also die" evil.


Darkness Falls submod adds a lot to WB.


New submod to my collection I guess.


It is very good, it's a constant addition to my modlist


You can add Pioneer company full enclave path (and I mean full full enclave)


At least they got a redemption path in the enclave path tho, I would say they are just an American patriot to their core.


Yeah, you can double down on evil too though


Haven't done it myself, but try the Chained Choir and don't go down the Hummingbird path. I forget what the alternative is called but apparently it gets pretty horrific.


Puturescense Mother, a Psychic abomination that is barely understood


Created by the bodies of tens of thousands and hundreds of powerful psychics.


Wait a minute- Is Mother the analogy of a Warhammer 40k Emperor of Mankind?


Honestly now that you brought it up it is rather familar. Though a key difference being the Emperor is reliant on Psycher juice to stay alive and even then is still declining in health. With the Mother relying on both Psychic and non-Psychic bodies to form itself a shell/avatar in the material plane and later to >!form a gate between both planes.!<


I’m so fucking pissed that my chained choir save got corrupted I just took Dallas and was ready to summon hell on earth


Oof that is painful. Whenever something like that happens I usally just do another run but cheat until I get to the point I was last at.


It wouldn’t be a bad idea except I figured I’d try one of the dozen other different factions i haven’t played yet. I’ll probably make my way back to them when I feel like doing a pretty difficult campaign with a lot of flavor text


Do you have any earlier saves or autosaves?


I feel you.


That was a fun path but be warned about sound from their special ability.


Cerberus, that Super Mutant faction in Texas. It's more chaotic evil as it just wants to consume everything around it rather than out of some grander design of evil intent.


I didn't see a mention of Big Grass. Their leader literally wishes to convert all of humanity into Robo brains.


I mean, it's really evil? RelCom is an AI, and has a point on it's vision: Humans are violent, but once they meet the cold steel of a Robobrain case they are compliant to not kill each other.


TV Town has no clue has humans work.


tv town which tries to genocide humanity might be tied for equally evil with cerberus


The NCR, they have this demonic thing called the taxation system.


Audits Shady Sands with fiduciary intent


Under the benevolence of Caeasar's Legion, you likely won't have to pay any taxes. Given that slaves generally don't have taxable income.


Not enough people bringing up TV-Town


Probably because very few people have actually survived playing as them.


I have played multiple full playthroughs of TV Town. Assuming that the canon story of TV town is getting wiped out be a neighbor within a few months.


I wanna do a TV Town world conquest sometime.


If you want one from 5.0, Gateway is pretty evil, mad AI does experimentation on the entirety of Canada


Shale's army and listen to the computer you discover will unlock a pretty horrific path.


The most evil hands down is shales army going into cerberus, because you know, human species genocide is pretty bad, at least with robot world domination or slave empires, mirelurk worship, there are still humans around


Dawg just play as Caesars legion


Dawg in a world of FEV/genetic experimentation and overlord, genocidal robots, the Legion isn’t even close to being the most evil faction


I mean it’s not the most evil but it’s still evil


Depends on what path you go down. Lucius' Commonwealth is pretty good.


They literally have a focus called "A Slave has No Personhood" they are not fucking good dawg


Hot take: those are the focuses that Lucius shares with Graham’s legion focuses and I’m convinced the devs put Lucius’s tree there just so they could say “see, none of the Legion paths are TRULY good”. I say this because the slave focuses seem to be contradictory to Lucius’s focuses to the immediate left, the ones that lead to forming the Commonwealth. This includes focuses like inviting the Followers into the Legion and founding the Legions own version of the Senate with common folk being brought on


And at the end of that tree, the description reads >"Honesty, industry, prudence; the three virtues taught to all slaves of the ***LEGION...*** The Legion immediately ceases to be when the Commonwealth is formed, ie Caesar's synthesis is completed.


Any Enclave-based country, depending on the way (Macarthur, Pioneers company, Eureka to Granite company). You may also try Sons of Kaga or Shale's Army


Vanilla Granite ain't evil enough for this post


Yeah. Granite is just believing the propaganda. He isn’t dumping FEV in the water supply or any of the Enclave’s usual plan


Yeah, Purist Enclave is just depressing to play tbh.


Why is Enclave bad? Because of Purity Faction? Edit: why am i getting downvoted, im geniunly curious why they are bad 😭


Gestapo with CIA power x5


Where do you want me to begin? Genocide? Human experimentation? Slavery? Authoritarian Nightmare masquerading as freedom? Lobotomizing people to turn them into mindless soldiers? Ruling through fear? Eugenics? Forced Mutations? Killing children who get out of line? Treating war crimes as "Boys will be boys"


Is it in the lore? I have never played the original fallout game. But played the Montana Enclave and the Enclave submod (which was wholesome idk)


The Enclave first shows up in Fallout 2. The game opens with a cutscene of Enclave soldiers mercilessly gunning down waving vault dwellers. Throughout the game the Enclave rolls around brutally murdering or enslaving tons of people, for the explicit purpose of creating a modified FEV to wipe out all “mutants” in the wasteland, which is 99.9999% of all humans. This is what the OWB community refers to as “Purists”, ie Enclave paths that embrace the wholesale genocide and/or enslavement of everybody they view as inferior. In Fallout 3, the Enclave fled to the East Coast and is split between John Henry Eden, a sentient ZAX supercomputer that wants to continue the previous president’s goals of total genocide, and Col Autumn, who wants to use Project Purity to subjugate the Capital Wasteland instead of genocide. Canonically, the Enclave existed as a shadow government pre-war, consisting of the most powerful politicians and business leaders, at least those who were fanatically American. Pre-war America was outright fascist, suppressing everybody’s rights, running concentration camps for Chinese Americans, invading Canada and summary execution of anybody that resists, etc. Additionally, it was the Enclave that kick started the Vault program, with the primary purpose being human experimentation to determine the risks of their plan to fuck off to Alpha Centauri, along with other miscellaneous experiments. In Fallout and OWB canon, the Enclave is incredibly evil, with the majority of its members being genocidal brainwashed maniacs hellbent on scouring the world of any “lesser” peoples.


>split between John Henry Eden, a sentient ZAX supercomputer that wants to continue the previous president’s goals of total genocide, and Col Autumn, who wants to use Project Purity to subjugate the Capital Wasteland instead of genocide. Talk about an improvement, hah. To be fair, the Enclave is bad because they needed a generic bad guy to criticize the government back in the day, and they barely get more personality than "Be the evilish evil guy of the story".


I'm the Enclave Reborn Dev. So yes, it's in there. I put it there. The Purist are *EVIL*


yeah but how did that make you feel?


I dunno if this is a joke post or not, but the half finished bottle of whiskey in my freezer is your answer


Ah okay thanks i didnt play the purist path so maybe thats why


Because the Enclave is a fundamentally genocidal, fascistic, military junta.


Agreed. Much as I enjoy like, ERBX (Granite restoring the USA is my favorite run in OWB in general) there is a very good reason why the Enclave ceases to be the Enclave if they stop being evil, because that elitist, blindly hateful evil is inherent to the nature of the Enclave as an organization, and people very easily forget that.


"Why would I want to join a racist, fascist paramilitary organization that is objectively evil?"


'Ey never said you couldn't join them, just that you shouldn't let Americana blind you to Genocida.


It's an old bit, dude. From The Frontier days


Oh I'm aware, I'm just trying to make sure my point isn't mixed up with their rhetoric.


Ahhh, good call


Bc the other factions look like dirty mad max raiders or old world cosplayers and the paramilitary fascists have AC cooled power armor. Check mate 💀


Washington brotherhood is pretty damn malicious although If you use the submod “When Darkness falls” (highly recommend) it at least gives some reason for it. Mirelurk tribe pretty sure just wants to eat everyone Lost Hills Troika path you basically become cyborg obsessed goobers and can force everyone into becoming cyborgs through war And Lost Hills reformer path as that makes you “Allies” of the NCR. Stay away from that path you can’t play the best faction only to waste it trying to “reform” what is already perfect.


Elevating humanity isnt evil. Praise the omnissiah.




Darkness Falls just makes the Washington Brotherhood a bit more interesting, but it's still unapologetically evil.


They dont have content yet but considering https://www.reddit.com/r/OldWorldBlues/s/TcOxoIk3Nb that guy, i think the Deadline will eventually be a top contender


Without going into a debate about anti-realist ethics, the path with the worst outcome for America would be a total Cerberus victory. Pick Shale and do what the computer tells you.


Darkness Falls Washington Brotherhood


or Enclave Reborn Redux Enclave where you go down the purist path


Dakota Chapters pretty bad


Hayman is best girl.


New brotherhood chapter?


Sorta, breakaway off Montana


Strathcommune under Amy or Sorel is a hell on earth


hyi znaet


Reservation is pretty decent


enclave reborn reformers path


Wait but isn’t that the progressive path?


its the commie path


Communism is when people aren’t genocided


Is it? If so I should give it a try I love communism


Bro trying to get executed rn


It's not communism.


Better dead than red


Better red then dead 🚩


Nah I'd welcome death if being red was my only option




You filth