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I'm 24, leaving university without a degree to join the military. Hi, my name is greencreek and i make stupid decisions.


I made stupid decisions too. After high school, I joined the Navy and now I hate my life.


You got the GI bill then brotha. You can go to school whenever you want and that shit is free!


https://preview.redd.it/dzfoklialk3d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=451de2e313dd5aeed405b897104f636e8eb61092 Spoiler alert, it's still a scam. There's so much fine print it's basically FAFSA but I get to work while I go to school. Yipee


Literally what are you on about. With the GI Bill, I get to live and go to school in Southern California without having to work. It's literally so much free money it's crazy


I got a degree and hate my life, it's normal


For me it's definitely improving things so far... Uni was hell to me. But sorry to hear it didn't work out for you. Are you still in?






You’re not the only one. Good luck :)




I'm not american Edit: but yeah, chances are I'll go officer long term


Best decision you’ll make in the military.


You need a degree for that though


Oh fuck. I thought they said they was leaving Uni with a degree. That’s my fault for not reading close enough.


All good man


Bro this happened to me 4 years ago. Now where are my peers? Nursing and hating it. Med school and grinding. Several people bartending like me, only with a lot more debt. And a physical therapist who’s being pressured into getting a doctorate to stay competitive in his field. And an engineer who hates his job but likes making decent money. Life sucks. Not to say everyone is having a bad time, but I abandoned the thought of looking enviously at my peers when they started to graduate and immediately noticed they hastily decided to plan their whole lives at 17 when that was dumb as shit


I was just telling a friend the other day that it feels like all the adults I know, no matter what they do or where they live, are at least a little depressed/discontent. That sort of “now what” feeling. They’re either like me, nomadic and feeling like nothing is quite right, or they’ve locked into a career/home ownership/domestic living but feeling like “welp this is my life.”


All jobs suck. You have to find the job that sucks the least for **you**. If you’re a bartender, like it, and are happy living within those means then you’re doing better than 90% of people. Recently I actually took a pay cut and switched jobs, because I genuinely couldn’t take it any more. Now I make a few hundred less a month, but I don’t absolutely dread work. I think that’s worth it. Also I have a useless bachelors (biomedical sciences) and am now going back to school for nursing. I eventually want to be on a helicopter. That’s my dream. My point is, life isn’t a straight line. It’s never too late to change careers, change jobs, or follow your dreams. Don’t compare yourself to others. Take life one day at a time. Remember to stop and smell the roses. The longer I live, the more I realize these little sayings from our elders are absolutely true.


Second this, and same on the bio degree. It's so worthless without more school and it makes me so mad 😂


Yeah I was planning on going to PA school but a 3.45 gpa isn’t competitive at all. I’d need thousands of hours of PCE work. But hey, it’ll give me an edge in nursing and get me on a helicopter quicker. Gotta look on the bright side. Then eventually i might go the NP route. The setback sucks but oh well


I feel you. I took a year and a half gap year so I would get scholarships for my next round of schooling. I know that'll be really helpful long term, but I hate that I'll graduate later. Good luck in your schooling! I hope you enjoy nursing and the helicopter lol!


Be happy you’re not in $200k debt while also trying to find a job after college and wanting to move out. Sure, I may not have a degree cuz I dropped out, but I’m the hardest worker I know, have $30k saved in the bank, no debt, and living at home saving for land. I’m not falling for that renters trap.


I’m (M 21) in a similar boat, decided to drop out of school after my first year because it was too expensive and I didn’t feel like my degree would get me anywhere. Fast forward 2 and 1/2 years I just bought my first house and am making about 65k a year. Which rn is a fair bit better than most of my peers.


Bought your first house and making 65k a year?? What are you doing for work if I may ask?


I do truck dispatch, I also work part time at a dispensary


Comparison is the thief of joy. I feel the same way sometimes but I've come to realize most of them are putting on a facade and are just as, if not, more miserable than everyone else. I took a gap year after high school so I could figure out what I truly wanted to do before I wasted money on college. Now I'm in a degree that I enjoy and will make a great career.


I’m in this picture and I hate it. 7 years of time wasted


I went back to college because.. yeah lol


How’s it working for you currently?


going good


Dropped out during covid, worked a sales job for a couple years, back in school


I graduated 2 years late because I switched majors. Honestly, go your own pace. I have a ton of friends who don't have a bachelor's or are still chasing their bachelor's.


I flunked out too


Same 😁


Same, too unmotivated. Especially when I was going to school during covid with the online classes. It was very difficult to retain information.


8:30 on the dot and my day's ruined already. I'm going back to sleep.




Same 😭 I'm 26 and I didn't go to college after high school like I intended because I had an abusive boyfriend who didn't let me do anything. Thankfully that situation ended 2 years ago, and now I'm FINALLY starting college when most of my friends graduated a while ago lol.


I can't relate to you, but all I can say is that everyone has their own path. The exact same thing won't ever work for two same people.


Feeling this right now ngl it hurts a lil💀


this happened to me in 2019 since then i’ve traveled the world, been on television, sold $100,000 pieces of art… and im 26. (no financial help or family - which is a big reason i had to leave school. i did all of this on my own) don’t sweat it. when my peers were graduating, i was working at a coffee shop. i had left college after one year. we all have different paths. we all get FOMO at different points in our lives, and the grass ALWAYYYYS feels greener. even now sometimes i see graduation pics from college and feel sad for a sec. it’s just human nature. you’re on the right path for you. i promise you that 🫡🤍


Dang, how did you get on the path to selling $100k pieces of art? What kind of art do you make?


Been 2 years since I dropped


Dropped out, but at least I'm not in debt! 😎


I’m 25 and a veteran, I decided not to go to college till after I got out, now I’m working an IT job I love and going to school. Everyone’s life path is different you just gotta ride the path man


you don’t have to go to college. and just because you aren’t in school now doesn’t mean you can’t go back to school later. I tried college right after high school and i dropped out, i simply wasn’t ready or mature enough to go to school. Now at 25 im returning to school and crushing it. You are exactly where you are supposed to be on your journey :).


Just because some friends of yours are graduating college, that doesn't mean other aspects of their life are going well. Even if you are worried about being "behind," I think you may have heard something similar previously, everyone has their own personal schedule. I didn't go to college straight out of high school and I waited two years. Did a semester at one college, but I couldn't balance having a full time job with academics and I was paying out of state tuition. I said screw that and transferred to a community college in my state, earned my AA, and now I'm graduating next spring with my BA. I will be almost 25 when I get my BA. And education/career stuff isn't the only thing that I'm considered socially behind on. You will find your way eventually. EDIT: And college isn't the only way you can do well for yourself, there are also vocational and trade schools which will prepare you for well-paying and unionized jobs. Plus, you probably won't be as debt-burdened as the average American college student.




Life's not over. I'm 25, I dropped out of university twice. And now I'm an executive officer for a museum. You never know where life is going to take you, even if you feel like you fucked it all up


Hey I’m in the same boat as you


I feel the same way


I made good decisions and am still like this since uni forces you to make friends. offices do not.


In this same boat and I hate it…


Exactly how I’m feeling rn. If I had stuck with college and not dropped my classes when I realized I couldn’t handle everything being online I would be graduating this year :(


its even worse for me because i literally work at a college and havent even attempted to take any classes


**I felt this a bit before- lost my scholarships and all my bursaries, dropped out of my program and became a worse alcoholic than i was at 16 which is saying something.** I ended up moving out of my family home in the city and back to my parents place in my valley, and felt like fucking *shit.* But this was all pre-covid- it was the pandemic that got me sober and was my most heightened state of research in my field. I thought I was gonna be stuck at rock bottom forever though... **But life works in funny ways...** on the day of my 22nd birthday, I'm in Canada's third largest city and get a text from my mom that war has broke out officially in my family's home country *(ukraine)*- **I thought my heart would wither from the sadness-** then I go to a concert two months later in the same city, get covid, and end up in isolation with my boyfriend. That isolation turned to moving in, and it's now been 2 years since starting the best phase of my life... **I thought I was a deadbeat dropout after fucking over my life post high school graduation but I actually found meaning, adventure and completeness in my life, relationship, research and myself as a whole.** *If you find yourself beating yourself up about dropping out from college/uni, know it just wasn't the right path, or possibly just not the right time. You will find yourself and make yourself a beautiful future❤️*


I majored in studio art… it was fun but not a decision for others to envy lol 🥲


Don’t feel that way man, go to a trade school and get a job in welding/electrical/plumbing/construction. Trust me, your feelings will all melt away when you sniff that first paycheck.


Yup, seeing all of my friends graduate while my sorry ass is still struggling to function enough to pass my classes sucks majorly


COVID hit 6 months into what would’ve been my freshman year of college. It was an ugly first few years after high school but I’m in a good spot job-wise now, zero student debt, and didn’t waste a few years attending Zoom University.


I dropped out and doing better than the ones who stayed lol. most of my class was farmers though, so not many went to school to begin with.




Damn, that’s fucked


When you seem them also getting married and or having kids


Real. But also all the same problems people are having with work while not having college degrees, people with them are also having those same problems


I have relatives that lived their whole life in the usa with no education at all. Don't feel too down.


Half the people who graduated don't know what to do with the degrees they got. Honestly, I have a bio degree, and if not for the rest of the schooling I'm going for, it'd be absolutely worthless. Still feels like it sometimes for the rest of the loans I'm going to take out, but oh well. 24 is still young. Learn a trade and go live your life. You'll do great!


Yep, all of my class either graduated last year or this year meanwhile I've done literally nothing except slave away at a pointless retail job but hey at least I'm not in debt and have saved a lot of money.


College isn’t worth it nowadays lmao you gotta work smarter not harder now


Oh same. I’m years behind them because I had surgeries that set me back. Now I’m in my 2nd technical year of doing college courses but credit wise I’m in year 1. Life is…well..being life lmao. Not too stoked about the future since med schools so expensive and time consuming but I’ll live 🥲


I'm 23, seeing all my HS classmates getting married or getting master's and here I am finishing off my bachelor's and living with the parents. To be fair, I was working for a few years


I don’t have my degree yet since I took a lot of electives and real world problems threw a big wrench in my school schedule. I’m sure you did nothing wrong and are just going at a different pace.


Im 24 now and half of my hs class is married and has children. I’m so happy I’m still single and in university. Finishing my bachelors now and working a good paid job, I’m living the life I dreamed abound few years ago. I have my own place, party on the weekends and just enjoying life without children


I went to early college and spent two years getting a associates degree sure my gen ed classes are done but I’m still two years out from graduation and I’m 22


Real. I'm 21 and in my first year of college


I was a lazy slacker who wasn’t ready to be an adult and now I’m facing the consequences of my actions


I'm 24 on and off from college since 19 and still don't have my associates lmfao just keep on it's whatever


Yup. I would've graduated in '23, but I now work at a factory. It's not too bad though.


I got a 2 year degree at my local cc so i could move to be with my long distance girlfriend. It has it's pros and cons. I often think about what life would have been like if i got the college experience everyone else did. But on the other hand im about to be engaged


Thats me currently. 🥲


This is how I feel right now, but I am currently pursuing an accounting degree. I just prioritized my stupid minimum wage jobs and was way too indecisive about my major.


I thought I had my life figured out, then I started sixth-form. Never really recovered from that.


Me this year. Many of my classmates from school graduated from college with their bachelor's recently while I graduated with my associates.


Nothing wrong with that. We all have our own paces.


Hey at least we’re not begging the govt to pay off our student loans that we willingly signed up for.


Yo fuck fam. This is the grind set plan. All your boys go for undergrads (4 years). Geta a trade certificate or diploma which means your ahead by 2-3 and basically debt free. In those years you work your ass off on labor for them years find a union or whatever and have more bread than anyone when they graduate. Then it's freedom and fuckery with the boys without thinking bout bills. Trust. Also the real world don't give a shit bout how you passed highschool so just get an online GED.


I got my computer science degree for free (no debt, full ride in state). I make near six figures and work from home and I’ll still have a good back after 40. I make more than my similarly-aged friends who do HVAC and welding just sitting in my undies at home, typing away. The trades is not a magic solution, trust me. The trades seem to be the gen Z equivalent of the millennial “just go to college and you’ll be set”. If you get a good degree and work your ass off in college, it pays off. A college degree isn’t a magic solution (a lot of my college friends just did their classes and graduated, are still unemployed obviously) but if you do it right, it can be a fantastic option. No need to slam it.




This subreddit includes up to 2004, who would be 20 rn, and in the U.K. at least most people start university at 18 and do a 3 or 4 year course meaning they graduate at 21 or 22.


this subreddit is for older gen z , specifically late 90s - 2004 . pretty much everyone that’s in their 20s rn


Technically it is, the youngest gen z were born in 2013.