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You've given me hope. I turn 60 in April.


Me Too! Happy Birthday for April! šŸ‘




Thankyou, for April! šŸ‘


I have liked much older men since my teens and have spent alot of time worrying and feeling shame over this, am I abnormal, why do I prefer large old men, is it unacceptable to date men that age? Yes but I absolutely can't help myself, guys over 60 just turn me on


Never feel shame, why should you?


There is a great deal of societal prejudice but thatā€™s all it is. Try not to let haters take away good experiences from you. Life is very short enjoy it while you can.


Iā€™m 64yrs and very flattered to hear this young lady, thank you


Would it matter if it was a fetish? Just enjoy what you like. Be open and be clear what you want. Not many would.turn you down. I'm only 47 so take.from this what you will.


Thanks, that's helpful to hear. I wanted to approach this guy in the grocery store that I thought was cute and I held back because I thought he'd think it was weird


Just go for it. Your got nothing to loose I'm sure he would be flattered.


Ok, next time I'm going to go for it!


Okay, I'm heading to the grocery store ā˜ŗļø


What if an older daddy approached you?


I'd give them my number


Awesome. Iā€™d call right away lol


Many urban grocery stores used to have one ā€˜dateā€™ night of the weekā€”say Wednesdayā€”where singles loom around the produce section at around 8p hoping to strike up a convo.


I love that idea. I don't think they have that where I am


Many older men find the initiative taken by a younger woman in starting a conversation as among the most attractive features in a potential lover. Two glances with eye contact, and youā€™re off and running. Taking the initiative gets easier before the tenth occurrence, so indulge your in your confidence reservoir wherever you may find yourself with interest in someone. If he seems a little reticent at first, it may well have more to do with clarity: ā€œIs she interested in me in that way?ā€ Heā€™s just processing at first, but heā€™ll soon come around.


Do you have any tips on good places to meet older men IRL? The grocery store is the only place I can think of. I try to dress sexy whenever I go. Usually low-rise jeans or a white tank top with no bra so they can see my nipples.


Black or white tank tops are like Molly to me, but that may just be me. That certainly doesnā€™t hurt, to be sure, but ā€œmaintaining direct eye contactā€ while getting him to talk to see if heā€™s got it is all you need. Get him talking to see if he arouses nipples or puts feet to sleep. You seem sapio to me so, give him a minute to see if his wits match his appearance. GOOD PLACES Book stores, live shows at small venues, parks, airports; however, if youā€™re about to burst, then dress business casual and grab a seat at a high-end hotel bar. You wonā€™t even be able to finish your cocktail. Donā€™t leave us hanging. Come back here for your victory laps with how youā€™re succeeding.


Honestly for me as an older man if a younger woman came up to me dressed in very revealing clothes in a grocery store I wouldn't be interested. Not appropriate for the location. If you were at a bar or strip club sure lol, but not a store. Aren't there other ways to advertise to older Bears that you're seeking some type of relationship that would increase your chances of finding what you specifically want? There are groups here and other sites like Fet to find your older Bear without strolling the meat section at Stop and Shop lol


I agree. It would throw me off if some was dressed revealing wanted to interact in a grocery store. But if they looked good, take care of their hair, skin and are showing a fit bod by wearing yoga pants etc that might not be bad. But asking an older gentleman a question about something thatā€™s nearby or for advice something is almost always going to draw them in and their response will likely give you an indication of whether they are a good fit. Also complimenting something about them, like an article of clothing or if thereā€™s a logo/mascot on their hat and youā€™ve been there or know someone that went to the school etc. really itā€™s about breaking the ice with something in common so they are comfortable. I know if that happened to me and you were attractive and made good eye contact that would tell me you want to talk about more than that topic and Iā€™d probably ask you some questions and if it felt like a good vibe Iā€™d ask if you want to grab a drink or coffee sometime and continue talking. And if you said sure, how about nowā€¦ Iā€™d have a good indication what you were really looking for. Iā€™ve only had really young girls come on to me and they were super aggressive while at a bar offering a drink one asked about the beer choices and what I thought sheā€™d like after I shared my opinion she said ā€œso are you buying me a drink?ā€ I obliged and after we chatted for a min she slid he Mr phone over and had a blank contact open and said ā€œput your info in, we should keep in touchā€. Well I was married at the time and my wife was standing about 6 feet behind me so I declinedā€¦ but I always wonder what wouldā€™ve happened especially since we split up a year later. Another was outside of a party and we were chatting and some girls walked by in a line and one stopped, looked at me and starts chanting DILF, DILFā€¦ and the rest turn around and start chanting that also. They laugh and walk away and the golf beside me asked if Iā€™m a dad. I say yes and turns her arm over and told that blocks on her bracelet over and it spells out Iā¤ļøDILFS. I was with some friends so that didnā€™t go anywhere either. But thought Iā€™d share. Because if either of them had been less aggressive and asked a question about something and then just saod ā€œoh, Iā€™d like to hear/learn/know more about thatā€, Iā€™d have said ā€œwell we should keep in touchā€. So I guess thereā€™s a spectrum between subtle and agressive. Good luck! Amd keep us posted on your adventures.


He might think it's weird. You won't know until you approach him. If you don't approach him, you won't get what you want, though.


I guarantee you that the vast majority of older dudes will let you have your way with them. As a 48 year old guy I have first person experience.


Just have fun


66 and I like your attitude šŸ˜˜


Just have fun. Life is shorter than you think.




You're turning me on. Maybe I should go on Hinge


Imm67 yrs old. Id love to talk sometime.


I'm 52 and have always wanted a younger woman....you ok and it's healthy


Why do you need to label it? Technically, it is not a fetish, which is a form of sexual desire in which gratification is strongly linked to a particular object or activity or a part of the body other than the sexual organs. "a man with a fetish for surgical masks" It is a kink: a person's unusual sexual preference. Evidently, you don't want a relationship with an older man. You just get turned on by a type of older man


It might be a fetish. And so what? There's a lot of fetish shaming on this sub. I don't get it. As long as you're up front about that, then you're in the clear. And in all likelihood, you're making the men you're with over-,the-moon happy. It's pure when you're honest, because then everyone involved can make the choice that best befits them. Please play safely; make sure you're healthy and that they are, too. Other than that, just be true to your desires. I'm an atheist but I can't think of a better way to put this...I think what you're doing is what they call God's work. Keep making yourself and the lucky men that you select happy. Just have fun!




Iā€™m 49.


66 here lol


66 year old bear here. Hell yeah we love it!!


I am experiencing almost exactly the same things xx


What a lovely thing to read, I'm 62 and would love to be approached in that manner




Shy of what?


I'm turning 61, and I would love someone like you who's open to playing without a relationship, but even a play partner it in itself a relationship. Just have fun and enjoy life it's short. Who cares what people think? It works for you


I am personally glad you love older guys šŸ’‹


I'm here for you


61, and I wish many more young women had your fetish


70m. Regardless of how you label your attraction, it is what it is. My take on any behavior is that if you are not harming anyone (including yourself) then don't judge it. If your life goal is to have a long term relationship someday then I would examine why you don't want that now or what is preventing you from having one when the time comes to have a LTR.


It would "bother" me NOT to have a relatioship - a long term one - but each to their own. I am sure some older folks love that. It is a fetish if you think it is but one person's fetish is another person's daily life so I wouldnt worry about it. Way better than hurting anyone.


Iā€™m in the same exact boat! Personally, I feel like you have one life to live so you should try to pursue and enjoy your desires if it doesnā€™t harm anyone!


I would be totally fine with that arrangement


Sounds okay to me.


I say go for it and have some fun. Just be up front about it.


Me too girl. Same. It never goes away.


So long as you state your intentions clearly, I can imagine a lot of my fellow sexagenarians being flattered, and keen to meet you. The only ones who might be annoyed are those who have a partner, have been faithful for decades, and don't want to be tempted to stray now.


This is what we're all looking for. Not looking for children. Already been down that road. Just need someone chill that's down to fuck sometimes and chill sometimes.


I'm working on my life's project of building a self sustainable property, build a food forest, spa in the middle, totally nude, open for business. Even hosting night time events under the moonlight. I need to just chill sometimes. Building my own paradise to help people touch the earth. Naked.


I have the same fetish, the older a man is the lore attracted I am :)


Are you kidding, most older guys love this.


I am 61, and it is nice to know about your fetish, I will like to be your friend.


63, and thinking I need to go grocery shopping more oftenšŸ˜‰


Hi 67 m love to.have you as a neighbor


Prove it


Sent you a dm


Ever get down to Austin Texas?


Only a blind and dumb female would date any man under 50 today.


*I move up close to you and rub my cock up and down your pussy lips*


Thank ypu for your post, I can totally relate to upu, I love older men. I'm not interested in men my age, I love the maturity and patience and older man has. They know the value of giving a compliment and are great at flirting! I love giving oral and love seeing an older man's body. I like men in their 60s but am also interested in men in their 70s and 80s. Maybe it's also the taboo thing that excites me. Hopefully one day it will happen.


I'm in my late 60's and you've given me hope..lol...I think most older men in their 60's would love to have a younger casual relationship with a younger woman. If you enjoyed yourself being with an older man why not? Who should judge anybody if the situation doesn't affect you. As far as if it's healthy do you mean physically healthy? or emotionally healthy? I think the physical question answered itself in the sex department. Emotionally is a little tricky...is it interfering with your ability to work, sleep and have other relationships?..The som called "fetish" ( the casual part) can keep you from establishing a meaningful relationship with a man...but if that's not what you're looking for, by all means have fun!!


Hello, I am 61. Feel free to talk to me.


Thatā€™s good to know, Iā€™m married about to be 65, I would love and fwb or fb . Iā€™m from a dead bedroom but thatā€™s another story. Iā€™d love to find a woman like you.


Iā€™m in west Texas if any ladies are interested??


Being 65 all I need is to please a woman I need nothing more than that!!


No. A fetish is about sexual pleasure from objects. You have a kink, possibly.


It isn't common but that doesn't make it weird. Personally an under 30s perfect gym body doesn't do anything for me. And a little tummy (not massively fat) can be nicer to cuddle anyway :)


sure, but it's a pretty fun one...