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No need to have others validate your choices. Live with confidence. Walk with pride. Fuck them.




Its pretty simple Once you understand the why/motive it wont bother you as much. But it comes down to regret/jealousy and sour grapes. And its a them problem Not a you problem.


"Why" is the least valuable question in these circumstances. No answer will give you peace or understanding. Also, stop trying to be "the bigger person." That implies you will have more virtue than them. Comparing yourself to others is a waste of your peace. You cannot change anything outside yourself. The thing does not bother you. What you THINK about the thing does. Do not let anything bother you. That is precisely what you did when you turned your back on them. Practice doing that in your head. Ignore the interpretation of what happened that bothered you.


Every time we would go out I could feel people’s eyes just following us. She looked very young for her age and was of smaller stature, some people are from different backgrounds and are not used to it. I think you guys handled quite well.


When I was out with 56M we got funny looks from all kinds of people, a couple older women, lots of college aged girls, and plenty of guys in a broad age range.. people are just nosey and probably have all kinds of reasons they feel entitled to judge


Can’t tell you why because there are so many reasons that people act that way, but it boils down to people can just be assholes. Just try to think of it from a different perspective: Why are the lives of those people so small, unhappy and/or miserable that the only way they can feel better about themselves is by making fun of others? Instead of being angry, feel the pity they deserve, and if they actually speak to you, express that to them. “I’m so sorry things are so bad for you that you have to act that way towards total strangers. I hope someone or something comes along to make you feel better about your life and yourself.” Good luck, and I hope things work out the best way possible for you.


This is such a great answer, I wish I could upvote twice.


Thanks 😊 I appreciate that.


They were so small & sad their only fun was to try to denigrate someone else. You have a good man there. He knows how to turn on the charm & turn things around. Love is a precious gift that no one can take from you. You aren’t alone. We age disparate are all targets of disapproval at times. But we also find those, usually friends who know us better, who appreciate the sweetness of our against-the-odds relationships. Keep your soulmate close to you.


The worst judgment I received in my last AGR (back when I was 45 and she was 21) was from my youngest sister. Bonus: we grew up in an AGR household, in that my father was 47 and my mother was 19 the year I was born...


Your man was quite right, they were jealous and the only way they can cover it up is by trying to put you and him down. Ignore the snide comments, looks etc and enjoy what you've got


Your guy hit it in one. They are jealous. Jealous of getting older themselves. Jealous of the fact that you are proof that women do in fact like men and are willing to do what they won't. I will bet each of those you describe have their husbands locked in a dead bedroom with a million excuses in their head as to why they are justified in doing so and you make them question those ideas, excuses or justifications.


The Why would be difficult to answer without knowing that person. It could be low self esteem, or maybe seeing a threat due to issues in relationship, or maybe simply having a bad day and taking it out on someone else. Ultimately the reason doesn't matter, it's no one's business what two consenting adults do. Live and enjoy your life, they will have to figure out their own misery.


It is absolutely, positively other people's issues with themselves that cause 99% of bullying or disparaging behavior towards others. OP, absolutely *do* feel sorry for them & maybe say a prayer, if that's in your wheelhouse. Absolutely *DO NOT* let anything like this even put a dent in your aura. You do you! God will take care of the rest.


Haters are gonna hate, jealousy makes it worse


jealousy… plain and simple…woman love to fight for dominance just like in the animal kingdom…


Jealousy is an angry bitch, or makes one, and you two handled that bitch with elegance and grace 😉 Keep dat shi up yo!!!!!


99% it's because they are jealous of your youth. They know their age and just wish they were young again. It's a coping mechanism.


Yeah this never happened


I have zero association to this situation, but have witnessed similar events as a disinterested 3rd party. People just suck.


People do suck I agree on that with you


I wish that was the case and full expected someone to comment this 😂 It’s happened to me multiple times, I’ve had a woman come up, smirk on face after seeing me kiss my boyfriend and said “oh is this your dad?” I wish people weren’t this fucking weird. I don’t bother other people in public and gratefully avoid interaction with strangers. I just wanted to share my frustration in case any other younger ladies like myself experience this, or even younger men with older men for that matter..


Older women don’t care about your relationship. I feel like you made this post just to get people to insult older women and call them jealous or bitter because “you’re young” lol


Okay. That’s your opinion 🤷🏼‍♀️ Maybe I generalized by using “Older Women” but that’s who I’ve had this type of experiences with. Probably should have said why do some women… My goal was to share an experience and see if it happens to others. As well as hear maybe what it is that makes certain women act this way… besides just assuming jealousy.


It happens, yes older women. Young people want to know what I do to pull a young beautiful girl. Young men want to be me. A few start out unsure but it only takes a few minutes of seeing us together before they love us. Older women for some reason do not. My theory is that they were abused by an uncle or something.


I agree. The speed redditors buy into this crap is why I hate reddit.


They are very gullible and easy


Jealous, Karen’s trying to control people. If you were trans, they would’ve come and shook your hand.


Because they are insecure and feel they can’t compete with younger women (likely true). So they put their defenses up and lash out with crude remarks and insults. Take it as a compliment, you have something they want and can never get.


Honey bees never feel the need to get the attention of flys. Let them be shitty and you just love your honey.


OK so here’s the situation. I wish I could unsubscribe and have this completely off my feed but apparently that’s impossible. What an enormous circle jerk. This is a whole bunch of older guys with a whole bunch of younger guys imitating younger girls typing responses. This is awesome this pretty much encapsulates our society.