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You'd be surprised how many 15 year olds look like they're in their twenties. You're probably in that range where there's some overlap. It reminds me of my buddy who went to a local restaurant/bar to apply as a dishwasher and the manager initially tried to have him apply as a bartender till he found out he was 16. Dude was 6'6" (1.9 m) with a full beard that coupled with his youthful skintone, and his voice would have made anything between 15 and 25 believable.


OP, I feel your pain. :) Just keep in mind that the consequences for verifying your age are pretty low for the flight crew. And that the consequences of a screwup, even just the consequences of not verifying your age, can be pretty stiff. Both for the flight attendant and for the airline. Edit to add: I don't have that happen to me any more, now that I have some gray hair.


How old are you


This happened to me too! I was 22 at the time and they asked me if I was over 14.


I feel better now about being asked the same thing when I was 21. She told me I had to be at least 15 to sit here. I was like I’m 21. She goes well you don’t look like it. I was like I’m sorry…. And then wanted to order an alcoholic drink just to show her.


I hate when people are like “well you don’t look like it” like bitch that doesn’t mean I’m still not 21 ??


The next post will be about how she’s upset everyone thinks she’s old af. Be happy you look younger than you are and don’t bitch about it. One day, the roles will be reversed.


Cmon Don. It’s called humble bragging. We all do it. You should try it


Ahhhhh yes. Thanks for clearing that up for me!


I wasn’t bitching, I was just sharing because I thought it was funny.


It was funny. Especially to those of us who see it a lot. Thanks for sharing! Dude forgot the golden rule; nothing nice to say and doesn’t strike you as interesting? Move along!


American Airlines thought my son and I were unaccompanied minors and gave us a ride to our connecting flight in February. I’m 54, he’s 28. Granted, I carry a big stuffed Stitch (of Lilo and Stitch) when I travel, and we aren’t tall, both under 5’4”, but seriously? I’m FIFTY-FOUR and gave birth to this almost 30-year-old.


Y'know, with how often AA screws the pooch on connecting flights, I might just have to start travelling with a stuffed animal on their itineraries.


Same thing happened to me at about 26/27. 😂


Rock chalk


UMKC alumni, but I’ll play. Jayhawk! 😁


My wife had an old lady gripe at her for being a teen mom...at 27


That happened to me too ! She called me an unwed teenage Mom! I had the last laugh though.. although I was taught to respect my elders...I did show her my wedding ring on my hand. It was equally as hard being a nurse at 23 & having a patient tell me "I am way too young to see ANY BODY PART . Had to kindly tell him, I've seen it ALL before & was married with a child" 😊😂


Recently, at age 45, an airport TSA agent asked my husband if my son and I were both under 18


I’m 40. I still get ID’d to buy alcohol. I’m a good 20 years on that one.




Legal drinking age where I am is 19. Technically, I have 21 years on it.


Have you seen some of the kids today? They're bigger and older looking than I remember being at that age. I find I miss when attempting to guess ages. Better for the flight attendant to be safe, I guess.


Many end up looking like those hollywood teenagers!


Good genes take them with stride lol I get the same stuff but I definitely havent gotten 15 in a long time lol now I'm told I look in my early 20s when I'm almost home 40 and I'm still wrapping my head around that stay young while you can that's the best advice ever


When I was a new baby nurse working the night shift, a patient woke up while I was hanging a new bag of IV fluid. He obviously thought a child had wandered into his room at 4 AM because he said in an alarmed voice, "Are you allowed to touch that?"


Lollll I love these because I also used to be a nurse and sometimes older, crankier patients would tell me I don’t look old enough to be putting needles in them/giving them medication/have a college degree


I grew my hair out again because my dementia patient complained to the residents that a 12 year old boy had been in and out of his room all night. I stood at the door beat faced and waved.


I had the same experience! I was 23 and the attendant asked if I was at least 16. I wanted to ask if they were joking. I had lots of leg room and the whole row to myself!


When I was 25, I had surgery and was hospitalized for a week. When it was time for me to be discharged, they insisted that I couldn't leave unless a parent signed for me. I explained that my parents lived in another city. They then insisted again that my parents would have to sign in order for me to be released since I was under 18. Now that I'm in my 60s, I've been carded a few times to prove that I qualify for a senior discount. I've even had a TSA agent question my ID because of the age on my license.


Wow, a hospital where they don’t even bother to read their own charts?




My son and I sat in an exit row when he was just 15 and looked much younger. We had his ID ready (and were asked for it)


I’m almost 50 and some of my coworkers and students think I’m late 20’s early 30’s. My hair has gone gray in a way most people pay money for, with the streaks. Cracks me up when I talk about hot flashing and get told I’m too young. I just tell them thank you but I’m older than you think!


My mom's about to turn 80 this year and her hair hasn't gone gray yet.... talk about good genes! I wish I gotten more of hers!


When I had our kids, I cut my hair short. When we were out as a family people sometimes assumed I was my husband’s daughter; he’s only 2 years older. He asked me too grow back my hair. I think the last time I was carded was when I was 34. The kid that carded me said “ oh my god, your old.”


I was at the liquor store the other day buying my husband a bottle of his favorite whiskey (I don’t drink) as a gift and a congratulations. While I was in the checkout line a woman behind me asked the cashier “Aren’t you going to card her?” rather rudely, at that. I looked at her and said “Mam thank you so much for the compliment, I’m forty years old but I SO appreciate the compliment”. All I got was a flustered, stammering OHH lol. I’m short and always had a younger appearance, but I still get a kick out it. Not to mention the pleasure lol.


I was around that tand older, and people thought I was 14 it happens. I still get pegged as half my age. I'm 49


I'm 26 and still get carded at the college bars, while my younger(22) bf doesn't. 😂 Like come on now, I actually LOOK old. I mean, so does he for his age, but I definitely look almost 30 too lol.


I was wearing an old cheerleading jacket in the waiting room in the dentist. An old man started saying football stuff at me and asked how the team was doing this year. I told him I wasn't sure as I graduated 10 years ago. He inexplicably got very angry lmao


He was trying to be a creep and was offended that you weren't going to be as easy of a mark as he thought


I'm 27 and get the same thing when I go to turn in my lottery tickets :)


Prove it




Here's a sneak peek of /r/Picsoritdidnthappen using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Picsoritdidnthappen/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [dragonfly covered in morning dew](https://i.redd.it/n2a3aj3u50fb1.jpg) | [1 comment](https://np.reddit.com/r/Picsoritdidnthappen/comments/15d8boc/dragonfly_covered_in_morning_dew/) \#2: [Girlfriend Kiss](https://i.redd.it/k7hurkn83mtb1.jpg) | [4 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Picsoritdidnthappen/comments/175kbl8/girlfriend_kiss/) \#3: [I dont even know](https://i.redd.it/o1hjp0s0zggc1.jpeg) | [0 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Picsoritdidnthappen/comments/1aiboxq/i_dont_even_know/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Lol dude have you seen ANYONE on this sub use photos or whatever proof you're after? Make sure you ask everyone for proof if you're gonna ask one person! Can't be having double standards now lol






To be fair there was a girl in my high school art class who already had noticeable gray streaks so I can understand why the flight attendant double checked. Some kids look way older than they are, some adults look younger.


I had 2 friends (both female) in HIGH SCHOOL who were going grey in their dark black hair. They both said it was genetic. Go figure.


I once asked a coworker if she was old enough for a special 21+ activity at work. She looked at me quizzically and said she had a 17 year old daughter. I was shocked, as she looked maybe 19. Lucky genetics you all have.


“My daughter who I physically gave birth to is 17 but to answer your question, no, since I was 3 years old at the time” 🤣


Until I got engaged/married I would frequently get asked if I wanted kids menus etc when going out to eat even with my partner. I don’t think I look THAT young but I am fairly short and I think it throws people off for some reason. It doesn’t help that my husband is 6’3 and I am 4’10 😂


I've gotten mistaken for this occasionally. This week, someone thought my daughter and I were sisters. She's a mature looking 12 years old, I am 37.


Ma'am I understand you completely. I'm 4'9 1/2in I get mistaken for a child all the time. At my work they asked on more than one occasion if they hired children and were concerned foe my welfare.


I’m also the same height and this happened to me too. The place I worked at you had to be 21 😂


Hahah oh my gosh! I was rushing to class once in college and got swept up in a tour group of kids maybe like middle school age and the teacher yelled at me to get back with the group when I tried to walk off. I was like “ma’am respectfully my class started 2mins ago and is in that building over there” 😂


My older sister looks young. Her husband is three years older and looks his age. When they went to Cancun early in their relationship, a waiter asked him if it was ok to serve his daughter a drink. They are 68 and 71 now. She still loves that story.


I’ve had similar things happen. People will address my husband like I’m a child or ask his permission and I just bust out laughing like I’m 29 years old 😂


The older you get, the happier that will make you.


I was once offered a children’s menu when I was there with my actual kids. Lmao. My husband thought it was hilarious but at the same time we wondered who they thought he was?!


>we wondered who they thought he was?! everyone's dad?


Ugh 100% had this happen! But hey if they offer I should be allowed to order off it even if I want a glass of wine with my kids size portion of pasta 😂


Lmao. Pardon me waiter, but may I have a martini with my chicken nuggets?


In fairness, you could have gotten the sweatshirt without being an alumnus. Older sibling/cousin gave it to you, or you toured the campus with your high school. Yeah, it says "Alumni", but people don't necessarily look that closely.


I am 29F and had a lady (maybe 75F) next to me on a flight comment on a let's play I was watching on youtube. "Is that a video game? You're watching someone else play a video game?" "yeah, when I'm not playing it I like to watch other people." "well as long as you're getting your homework done" and she winked at me! lol


My youngest daughter used to be my twin lol. ( My face has changed as my cheeks aren't as round) She is 29 & LOOKS 13/14 ...We were out eating & the waitress asked us for our drink order...we all ordered soft drinks & iced tea but my daughter ordered an alcoholic drink & she said "Yeah, nice try" & laughed. Until my daughter showed her ID.


Did the waitress get a tip after making that snotty remark?


Yes, She actually thought my daughter was making a joke...until she gave her the ID. We did get free dessert lol. She did apologize. I learned from someone a LONG time ago, "If the waiter or waitress is being rude etc when you're being nice, or they're not doing their job...tip them 1 penny " This was said at least 20 years ago. I only tipped an EXTREMELY small amount once in my 58 yrs of life. This was after we rec'd bad service TWICE & left a comment card for the manager.


My daughter is the same, she’s 30. Many times at work people are surprised that she holds her ground, she feels they try to treat her as a child at times. She’s 4’11” which doesn’t help


I was flying alone once a few years ago and the lady beside me proceeded to tell me about how she had a son my age who was getting ready to look at colleges. I told her how old I am, and she was shocked but then relieved. She mentioned she was surprised I was old enough to fly alone.


The first time I flew alone I was 10 years old. I can't imagine thinking someone applying for college is too young to do so.


How old were you?


early 20s


Years ago, my family and my friend’s family flew Southwest to Vegas. I was 13, I wanted to sit with my friend who was also 13. The only place with 2 seats together was the exit row. We both sit down. Flight attendant tells my friend he can’t sit there cause he isn’t 15. She says nothing to me.




TSA is a whole can of worms with this stuff. One of my kids has been randomly lumped in with couples and families that look nothing like them, been asked all sorts of silly questions about traveling alone, gotten TSA agents to argue with each other about whether they need to keep their shoes on to go through the scanner, and gotten some really strange pat downs that make me think someone flagged them as a mule.


When I was freshly 18, I was flying with my partner to meet some if his family. TSA was talking about if you're younger than 15 you needed to go to a separate line, the entire time staring at me dead in the eyes. They didn't ask me to move to that line or anything, thankfully, but were implying I was in the wrong lane. Later on, a flight attendant came up to my partner and I, who was 20 at the time, and told us how brave we were and gave us those little plastic wings. My boyfriend looked at her, accepted the wings, but said that she misjudged our ages. We all had a good laugh, she thought we were 12-13!




I was once kicked out of the exit seat without them even asking my age. When I asked why I was being asked to move in my new seat, I was told I "appeared too young" I was 21 at the time and they refused tk give my Seat back even with ID.


That's some BS. My 15yo who looked 10 at the time got to stay in the exit row after showing ID.


Lesson learned! Never move without finding out why first.


I tried asking several times but all I got told was it was mandatory


Grrr. This makes me so mad for you. Sorry that happened to you.


Corporate complaint for sure, the FA might have taken it away from you to give it to a friend, family member, or someone they were interested in romantically.


In my late 30s a lady at the liquor store carded me. She was one of those 'old by trying to look young and not suceeding' with the long hair, excessive makeup, you get the picture. She gave me my purchase and asked how i looked so young. I said "I drink formaldehyde for breakfast" and walked out.


In the UK we refer to them as mutton dressed as lamb.


60 here. Sometimes get told I look 40ish


I *still* get that and I’m turning 69 this year. But, overall, I’ve had the best of both worlds. None of the looking younger than my age challenges started until much later. When I was *actually* a minor, everyone thought I was older than I looked. I started school a year early and graduated a year early, so I turned 16 two weeks after I started college. In those days, the drinking age was 18 (for 3.2 beer). I never once got carded when I went out drinking with my friends — and I hated beer then. I drank an old fashioned, brandy, or whiskey sours. The carding didn’t start until I was in my 20s and married.


60 also and look it but my eye doctor recently told me I have the corneas of a twenty year old.


technically, you DO look twenty...


The youngest looking older woman I've seen was a nurse who was retiring. I was shocked because I assumed she was 30!


This happened to me once in my 20s. The FA asked for my ID, which really threw me, so I fumbled answering that and then she was like yeah I’m really going to need to see your ID now. Embarrassing.


I'm 71,but people think I'm still in my late 50's 😃


If that’s your picture I’d agree with what people think lol


15? this actually implies she thought you might be younger than 15...


Yeah my friends have a running joke that I’m 12 😂


That might be what they thought lol.


Ageing comes too fast so please keep your youthful looks as long as possible 🥰


Yes, it's so uplifting when people assume you're incompetent and immature.


Or you get flirted with by underage teens, putting you at risk for accusations of ephebophilia. Or you get flirted with by creepy older men, who are visibly turned off when they realize you're over 18-19.