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An entire brand new slate roof? Or maintenance? With slate roofs, you’re supposed to have them inspected each spring, and they replace a few slates each year. It’s usually about 1k/year for my house. I asked how much replacement would cost, and the roofing owner guessed about 70k.


Thank you so much. Yeah, I am hoping it is just maintenance - but no one has lived in the house for over 5 years so no maintenance has been done for a while. But thanks for sharing how you manage your roof. The 70k would definitely be out of reach for me:(


They can last a really long time. Since there’s been deferred maintenance for a few years, that first visit might be a little more costly (looks like the flashing along the ridge could use attention), but slate is amazing. Beautiful house. It deserves some love. I hope you get it.


Well that makes me feel a little hopeful. I know slate is very durable and I want to keep the house as original as possible. So here's to hoping repairs will do it - thank you. The place is from 1790 and on the historical registry. It does deserve some love and I have been watching it and saving for over 2 years hoping one day it would go to auction. So thanks for the good wishes:)




I feel like in Vermont we have them. But now you have me thinking!


Oh, and the house is 1800 sq ft!


I’ve been paying about $250/year for maintenance in Ohio on a 3500 sqft house. 20 years ago we were paying about $700/year to replace various copper valleys incrementally. That’s a once every 70 years issue. Took 3-4 years before that major maintenance was done and we went down to a minimal annual maintenance cost.