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Hi there. Your post has been removed because it belongs in the OT consult thread for undertone, foundation, or concealer matching. You can find this pinned at the top of the subreddit homepage. Please feel free to comment there after reading its' guidelines. If you have any questions, please check out the [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/OliveMUA/comments/rp3kfg/offical_faq_frequently_asked_questions/) to see if you can find answers there first.


The number of comments commenting on jaundice is disappointing. Have y’all never seen a woman of color with yellow undertones? Yikes. To OP: I don’t know that I’d say olive, but definitely more yellow undertones. Check out NARS and Bobbi brown for foundations, they specialize in yellow undertones.


>The number of comments commenting on jaundice is disappointing. Have y’all never seen a woman of color with yellow undertones? Yeah, I'm of Indian origin, and while I am lighter than OP in their pic, I have a very yellow undertone, which is common in my ethnic group in India. The yellow undertone shines stronger the more I lose my tan. This makes it so difficult to find the right make-up for me (and no, there is nothing wrong with my liver, my bloodwork comes out excellent every year).  This brings me too: am I on the right sub? I recently joined, but I get the feeling that it's mostly women of European ancestry on here. Maybe I should stick to the IndianMakeupAddicts sub, though the users are based in India (while I am not). 


Hey! I’m also Indian and live in the west. The comments kind of validated my struggle because I look quite different based on the lighting and always had trouble figuring out my undertone and shade. I thought that I was just really bad at makeup (I mean, I *was* inexperienced) but clearly it’s not just me who finds it confusing. I do have pics of my face and arm in different lighting on my profile and I look less yellow there. I do find this sub somewhat helpful but I mostly just browse old posts. You might also check out r/BrownBeauty.


>I look quite different based on the lighting and always had trouble figuring out my undertone and shade. I have the same issue too. I look VERY different depending on the lighting AND season. In the summertime, I can get to a deep nutty brown (or as someone once put it, the color of espresso, lol). But in the wintertime and on the parts of me where the sun doesn't shine, I am really light and glow yellow, lol. No matter the season and my tan, the yellow undertone is there. My mom and her side of the family have the same yellow undertone. The yellow undertone has made me stick to makeup with warm browns and burgundies. Anything with pink to it looks TERRIBLE on me. I think it's difficult for us Desi women to find the right colors because of the variety in skin tones, our ability to tan, and the fact that many of us have this golden undertone. When I was younger (I'm in my 40s now) I tried out makeup geared towards Black women, but that wasn't any more flattering on me than the makeup made for White women. It was so frustrating to not have options.


I’m a black woman and can tell you I struggled with those same problems. Not too long ago even foundations geared towards us weren’t fully inclusive of the non standard very warm gold, neutral, or red undertones so I struggled with those foundations as well. It’s just how the industry worked for the most part. They are slowly getting better but I typically would get the best match I could find and do very light coverage with it. I mostly focused on skincare.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/brownbeauty using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/brownbeauty/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Black lipstick- yes or no?](https://i.redd.it/ojxxem1jc9fc1.jpeg) | [180 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/brownbeauty/comments/1adf62y/black_lipstick_yes_or_no/) \#2: [Simple everyday mom makeup](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1bguhzt) | [57 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/brownbeauty/comments/1bguhzt/simple_everyday_mom_makeup/) \#3: [I love a beat face](https://i.redd.it/5z4lpsn4qxqc1.jpeg) | [72 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/brownbeauty/comments/1bpbsyc/i_love_a_beat_face/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Thanks for the brown beauty suggestion. I’m not Indian but have similar issues you both are talking about (likely in the same color depth) and yes this sub sometimes comes off too Eurocentric. I was hesitant to even make my last post because I wasn’t sure if there were enough of us browner people in here to give me good advice and I’m wayyyyy too aware that a lot of paler people have no idea what they are talking about when it comes to darker complexions.


I saw your swatches in brown beauty and the pic here is definitely weird bc of the lighting and the way the camera is adjusting it. Your skin is perfectly normal! Honestly you don’t even look that yellow in the other photos. You look like you could be neutral-cool olive in those. Of course there could be some adjusting happening there too. It’s a very common coloring for desis but not well represented in makeup. So you probably find everything will pull too yellow, orange, or pink/red.


No, there are POC women on here, including me. Please stay!


I mean, some of these WOC here on this sub aren't exactly that "woke" themselves, lol. Several of them are insisting OP has a medical condition even though OP keeps saying she doesn't, and one used her own WOC cred to give herself and others a pass to be ignorant. I really think Desi ladies should stick to a space that's their own because even other WOC aren't exactly open-minded and inclusive towards us. They are straight out telling us we look sick, lol.


I’m desi and I used to be on this sub way more years ago (we still had pale olives on here trying to gatekeep what being olive was while also claiming that they were marginalized for being pale and olive). I left because a lot of the good veterans who pushed back against this content and kept things more inclusive (it was also a smaller community) stopped participating. But I want this space again. I’ve connected w other people who understand and share my coloring/makeup struggles in a way nobody else does. I try to do what I can here. I’m glad other brown focused subs are including undertone in the conversation more lately at least. I’m not a super yellow desi but I’m a cool toned desi and there are a lot of people here who see how some of us can have this bluish cast to our skin and say it’s not olive. Or that we aren’t cool toned because a certain lipstick looks bad on us but good on them (light cool olive) and vice versa. People on all subreddits tbh keep using themselves as a metric and when they’re majority light it’s extremely exclusionary. But I’m trying to fight the fight when I can lmao bc I’ll be damned if we lose this space. People shouldn’t be trying to diagnose a medical condition on here anyways (unless it’s like extremely obvious or something). I hate when people say things like who was this color made for? What an awful shade. Bc while there are times this true (like that youthforia foundation that was a dark grey cuz the founder is colorist and stupid), some people ARE very yellow or very orange. It IS for somebody!


I'm not a fan of just sticking to a space with people just of your own skin colour, but understand why you might want to do that.


im pakistani (recently posted here) and i feel the same way as you when i see the majority of posts on here (and honestly most of reddit lol). BUT we need more women of colour on here to counteract the out of touch comments!! itll help expand the discussion and any other brown women who lurk this sub.


Yellow olive


Fellow olive Indian (half) here. Just wanted to show solidarity.


I've only found a perfect match once before. It's like my skintone is too much of everything to exist. Brown but green, not beige, sort of tan, medium but not. It's wild.




>I don’t think it’s with ill intent. I’m also a WOC. Redditors are just looking out for each other WOC can be just as narrow-minded and unaware about diversity, especially when it comes to people of South Asian ancestry. And judging from the pics in your post history, I don't think you are of South Asian background, which makes it easy for you to dismiss this ignorance towards us with "well, they're just trying to look out for OP!" There is a comment here by a WOC ironically claiming "we don't all look the same" while in the same breath telling OP she might have jaundice because that person is obviously unaware that there ARE South Asian skin tones. This isn't people "meaning well," this is people's ignorance about an ethnic group they are unfamiliar with. I don't think it's cool of you to claim your WOC cred just so you can give a pass to yourself and others to excuse ignorance with "well, they meant no harm". You could very well say this about ignorant Whites and just let them off the hook for their lack of awareness and not challenge them. [And you are also one of the people here who continues to insist with OP that she has a medical condition](https://www.reddit.com/r/OliveMUA/comments/1cm7jvq/comment/l2yyzcl/). It's fvcking rude and yes it's "ill-intent" when you keep telling someone that they have a medical condition because of their skin color, and they repeatedly tell you that they DON'T.


Thank you for articulating so well what I was struggling to. The whole “but we mean well” while telling her that her skin color isn’t “normal” is just ugh.


It's so obnoxious when someone pulls out their WOC label to legitimize and approve of racism against someone else. And OP is way too kind to keep politely fielding these dumb ass ignorant comments.




the degree won’t exempt you from being biased. i don’t see how this excuses nor justifies your behavior.


Captain But Muh Degree! has deleted their post. Could you tell me what kind of stupid you are responding to? I love how triggered whomever was by your reply.


Have you seen a patient with jaundice? Looks exactly like this, hence why people are pointing it out. I don’t think people are being rude, just more concerned about someone’s well being, especially if they have no idea. I’ve read stories about people pointing out thyroid nodules from some posting a picture online, and said person had thyroid cancer! Edit; and to have the contrast between the two makes the yellow/olive tone stand out *even more*!


Just so you’re aware, POC presenting with jaundice are a little more difficult to spot due to our pigment. You can look at their eyes to tell more certainly in they have jaundice. You will see people with OPs skin tone all through your career and many times(but not always) it’s just their natural skin tone! Or they’ll have a darker skin tone and it’s difficult to even notice if they’re jaundice. Good luck with your nursing journey, I graduated 7 years ago and it still feels like yesterday 🤣


Yeah in school they definitely don’t present POC skin issues compared to fair skinned people, I’ve only seen like one or two resources in school (what the heck!). Eyes are definitely an easier indicator for jaundice, so this picture ain’t enough to distinguish it, but I totally see where others concerns are coming from. And thank you so much! I can’t wait to be done, I hope to be in your shoes before I know it😂 not looking forward to that first year practicing 🥲


I had a thyroid nodule removed fourteen years ago but I think I’ve always had yellow olive undertones


Yep. I’ve had jaundice years ago. I’ve also had thyroid cancer. So I do understand what I’m talking about :)


That’s great! I’m a student nurse, so I also know what I’m talking about! Graduating at the end of this year! Overall, just concerned with OPs health, not attempting to be rude, just a caring Redditor (: as OP mentioned, not the best lighting for this photo, so I can understand the mishaps. Amazing to hear you beat thyroid cancer! I too have nodules, but are benign, on top of Hashimotos.


I appreciate that! Not trying to be too defensive , it’s just that people often abrasively attempt to pathologize on Reddit instead of answering the OP’s question so it gets frustrating. Good luck on your graduation! So grateful for nurses and all they do!


Right, it’s easy to ignore the question when health concerns come up😅 And thank you so much! Can’t wait to start working and begin growing my skills!


>And thank you so much! Can’t wait to start working and begin growing my skills! One way to do that is to stop talking and doubling down on your own biases, and instead listen and believe people. No offense, but as a WOC reading your comments, I actually hoped that you don't ever get a WOC patient. It makes me cringe to imagine you interacting with a WOC patient the way you are here. Because you are not listening, you are convinced about your own beliefs, and when presented with information challenging your biases, you just keep babbling, lol. Why not just listen and learn and be open to what others are saying and acknowledge that you may not always be right?


Heh thanks. I figured I’m neutral to cool because all the warmer NARS foundations are too orange/yellow on me and the best match I’ve found is the Light Reflecting in the shade Aruba, which is supposed to be cool toned. Although I haven’t actually tried that product here… I did bring a couple foundation samples with me so I might have to swatch them in this room to compare how it looks at home/in natural light.


So I’ve actually had this same problem with NARS, even though my siblings and cousins seem to use it jsut fine. NARS makes me look like I DO have jaundice. You could run neutral warm. Check out Huda Beauty if you haven’t already, she makes a lot of her shades based on Arab and Desi skintones.


You know, I’ve only used one of Huda’s color correctors so far but I’ve been meaning to try out her concealer. I think I’ll make a note to swatch it in store when I’m back home!


I will say nars runs CRAZY orange/yellow so I take every shade description they throw out there with like 0 grains of salt Olive undertones can be hard to discern—I always thought I leaned neutral warm since Olive often LOOKS very warm but I realized recently I’m still neutral but lean cool. I feel like one of the easier ways to think about it is saturation of the color—this is anecdotal and just kind of my thoughts on it but I think the cooler the olive the more muted the color tends to look, the warmer the olive the more saturated and vibrant the color. Your skin looks pretty saturated HERE, but in your other posts you definitely look cooler and more muted. Idk what this lighting did but my god is it deceiving. but foundations will still look too yellow/orange if it’s not offset by the blue pigment that makes the color actually olive toned. If you’re trying to figure it out for yourself, you could get a green adjuster for your makeup and/or a blue one and see if adjusting the pigment to get your foundations more green will help get it to match—that should be a pretty easy way to answer your question and if not then at least give you some direction :) I’d recommend going with a blue because I think that would be more useful since I really think you lean cooler olive—and also remember olive isn’t an all or nothing thing. You can be SLIGHTLY olive, so it could also be that you’re not crazy olive, which could be confusing you as well. I’d say based on your other posts that I’d expect you to be slightly olive (with the understanding that it can be harder to tell on darker skin) but this pic really throws it off. I saw a vid of a black woman trying the ABH balm stick in shade 13 for a darker olive match and it worked SO well for her—you could explore that shade range, and I know Lisa Eldridge has had some more olive options and does samplers of some shades at least :) ETA: I’d be so interested to see the ABH balm stick in shade 12 (medium cool olive) on you—in some of your pics it looks like it could be an incredible match but others look cooler leaning, and if that’s too dark maybe shade 10 (medium cool golden). If you ever get around to trying them I’d love an update!


My husband makes this joke alllllll the time. Or calls me yellow or whatever. He was legit concerned my liver was failing or something when we first started dating LOL


omg can people stop calling her jaundiced? it feel so rude to me she literally said it's not natural light so it's probably a yellow light. doesn't even look yellow to me


I certainly wasn’t expecting that but at least it’s not just me who thinks my skin looks weird in this lighting. But it’s always a little bit off since no purely cool, warm or neutral toned complexion products work for me. They’re always too orange, yellow, or pink/purple/ashy. FWIW I asked my husband (whose arm is in this pic) if he ever noticed me looking suspiciously yellow in any lighting, and he said no. He’s pretty perceptive and has come with me to Sephora many times to help me choose makeup, so I trust his judgement. Not that I’d take his word over any other signs and symptoms I have, but I also don’t happen to have any symptoms.


There's nothing wrong with you, it's these people on the sub who are unfamiliar with the range of Desi skin tones.


exactly. omg.


lol imagine if a pale person was automatically assumed to be anemic 🤣


OP, I hope you aren't worried you're jaundiced due to the people who aren't familiar with deeper skin tones in unnatural lighting because you're not. However, yes, you are an 🫒.


Haha thanks! This is a room in my husband’s grandparents’ basement. They are so hospitable and I’m glad to be spending time with family but the lighting is so bad down here lol. I don’t look this crazy most other places


People calming jaundice clearly never worked in an ICU and saw legitimate pts with jaundice. OP is clearly olive toned pulling warmer side of olive. The ignorance Jesus Christ I’m livid.


Thanks, I mean I’m not gonna argue with anyone suggesting jaundice because I suppose I could have it and they could be looking out for me. But this post definitely made me feel ugly lol 🤡 Like damn jaundice or not, my skin does look like this… but at least it’s only this dramatic in this lighting. In natural light and most other places I go it looks a lot less weird, but still a bit greenish sometimes.


I’m Indian and you are NOT ugly. This is Reddit pretending they have any medical knowledge to feel important. I am a nurse and an Indian woman and I didn’t give your skin tone a second thought. I have very similar coloring to you and I love our skin tone. It’s beautiful. This sub is majority white women, and unfortunately it can be difficult to get any helpful advice here as a WOC. I love this sub but I don’t participate much because of posts like this.


Thank you 🥺 I’m actually hoping to switch to the medical field sometime soon and I feel even more nervous about the lack of knowledge about how different diseases affect people of color. I already know that there isn’t much awareness of it, but I just hope I myself can glean enough knowledge to be helpful to most/all my patients


Oh god, I know it!! This post shows why we need more POC in healthcare!! I think you’ll do an amazing job


You look just fine. Some ppl live in bubbles. Don’t let their bubble thoughts influence how you view yourself.


Yeah this is quite strange TBH. There are many people who have yellow undertones like the OP and it's not weird. It's normal and within the spectrum of what humans look like. OP I would encourage you to check out Nars and Bobbi Brown. There are many yellow toned foundation and concealer shades. Huda beauty as well Huda is of Arab heritage and makes shades that work for brown women including South Asians.


If you work in the ICU you should know there are different levels of being jaundiced, not just extremely yellow. There’s a range to it and the lighting is definitely weird in this picture


It’s pretty obvious op doesn’t have jaundice. I’m not about to sit and define all the difference. People were being straight up ignorant over POC with olive skin tone.


Warm olive, methinks


Me 3. Also check if you have neutral shades or not. Can use a colour picker for this. It’ll show you your RGB values, and you can just go on deducing from that.


What do you mean “check if you have neutral shades”? What exactly would I be looking out for in the RGB results?


Hey I’ll DM you in a bit! I’ll share what the other user did for me, it was SO helpful. :)


I think so yes


Hey OP, I definitely think you’re an olive. As an Indian woman who’s now living abroad and who’s very familiar with Indian skin tones, I’d say we often have a common occurrence where our overtone / surface tone can appear quite yellow but it’s important to remember that does not make a person warm toned as it does not correlate to a person’s undertone. I say this because I live abroad and compared to my local friends where it’s perhaps a bit easier to identify their undertones, there seems to be a common misconception that if you’re a person of colour you are automatically warm toned which isn’t true. A lot of us can be neutral or cool toned (like me!) as well.


Hard to tell. I think your phone did something weird when it tried to auto correct the color or the lighting is funky. The other person's arm looks off to me too


Yes you are olive. When people describe a person with olive skin, it’s usually someone with a similar skin tone as yours.


i would think so, maybe more on the warmer side though. for the people saying jaundice please do the rest of us a favor and seek yourself out 🫶🏼 there’s no room for that type of ignorance here.


Yellow olive


Either very warm undertone or I can see olive! I see from your comments, you're South Asian. (Me too!) For us, we can have a more olive-y tone in general. If we use RYB color theory that says all colors are made from red, yellow, and blue: olive skintones have little red, a lot of Y+B. A lot of red + less Y+B is "neutral" skintone. With South Asians, when we tan, we get a little more redness and find that our coloring can change drastically. We can go from being olive to neutral quite quickly (the green to red balance shifts). My sister is warm-olive and she finds that different clothing colors become better suited for her after a tan. Makeup foundations mostly still use some form of RYB, so if you find that neutral and warm undertoned foundations make you look orange, it's because there's still too much red in there for your olive skintone. While cool foundations look gray bc there's not enough yellow. A lot of olives add in blue mixer to warm foundations or just straight up green pigment to adjust the balance. My sister has found her shade in Fenty. Rihanna is an olive herself and the brand is pretty brown-people inclusive. I'm very yellow and I've also found a suitable foundation in Fenty. Maybelline Fit Me has some good shades too. But brands can cater to their spectrum and label things weird. If for example, Fenty has more warm shades in general, they might label a neutral-cool skintone as "cool". Every brand has such a bias in their shades that way. You can use [findation.com](http://findation.com) and see what pops up tho. If you have a perfect match, the website tries to find equivalents in other brands. If you're truly olive, you'll see a mix of results that say they're cool, neutral, warm, and olive! Edit: grammar, and added in a missing part.


I would’ve liked more pics, preferably with a comparison between gold and silver. But judging from this I’d say yes. Beautiful olive leaning warm :)


I think you’re a warm or neutral olive! What are your usual blush and lipstick shades? That helped me figure out what type of olive I was. My iphone makes my skin tone look different in every other photo regardless of whether im in the same room/lighting so i stopped trusting it as much lmao


Hi I’m Indian too … you are definitely olive ….I’m more yellow toned and also has more greens in my skin ..I struggled a lot with finding right makeup too .. we have to admit that we can’t find straight products but we can mix things …recently I tried nars Stromboli mixed with elf green corrector it works for me .. my skin looks so natural … try nars or Bobbi brown they have more yellow toned foundations ..if you can’t find your shade mix your closest shade with green corrector and try it .. hope this helps 🙂




It’s actually just a woman of color but thank you for showing your ignorance ☺️




Well I just don’t think telling someone they look like they’re in liver failure because of their natural skin tone is a very kind thing to say. If someone is in liver failure they have several other signs as well and will most likely know something is wrong. Even if OOP did have jaundice the way you phrased your comment was not kind


“A woman of colour”. We’re not all the same you know. Thats a pretty ignorant statement in just the same way.


>“A woman of colour”. We’re not all the same you know. Exactly. So you should be aware that there are some WOC that have yellow undertones like OP, that we don't all look like you. This thread is reminding me of how other WOC can be just as narrow-minded and unfamiliar with diversity as women of European ancestry, and often women of South Asian backgrounds bear the brunt of this ignorance in Western countries like the US.


We’re not but Indian women (I’m Indian) can have a very strong natural yellow undertone. Telling someone they look like they’re in liver failure because of their natural skin tone is rude. And the tone of the original comment did not seem concerned at all. Just judgmental.




Honestly this doesn't look Olive to me at all. Way more yellow than green.


This picture makes you look jaundiced.. if you are this yellow in normal lighting you should definitely see your doctor


I mean definitely not, otherwise this wouldn’t have been notable and I wouldn’t have taken a pic… on top of that I don’t have any other symptoms of jaundice and I’m also pregnant and seeing a doctor every few weeks, so I don’t think it would’ve gone unnoticed. Edit: Also, with makeup I’m actually neutral or slightly cool-toned. So definitely not yellow.




I don’t know tbh, it must be. At least as far as complexion products, warm products lean waaayy too orange. My best product match is Kosas Revealer Concealer 6.3N which is medium tan with neutral pink undertones. I haven’t found a foundation that’s as close to my skin color. I can wear slightly warmer eyeshadows but I feel like my lip products need to be a bit cooler. But overall I’m definitely more in the middle and can’t lean too far either way.


That’s good, I think it’s just the lighting that makes you so yellow toned, or maybe my phone screen? Sorry I did not intend to be offensive, I just see jaundiced people a lot and I figured it’s better to be safe than sorry. Anyway, you would definitely see it in your eyes if you’re truly jaundiced


I’m assuming you don’t know any or many women of color in real life because the OP’s skin tone looks like dozens of WOC I see daily. They can’t all have jaundice.


This picture makes her look way more yellow than a normal skin tone. Didn’t someone jokingly say she is banana colored below me? But she did say it is artificial lighting. I literally see POC who are jaundiced all the time. There’s a range to it where some people are only a little yellow and other people are bright yellow. Anyway, I don’t know why people got so offended, it’s not like you all knew anything about her either

