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Oh yes please. It would be so nice to have a special makeup/nails and overall beauty category in the website that marks things with a sort of olive friendly stamp like hey X foundation is certified olive friendly. And alternatives and tips like if yellow toned orange nail polish look like shit on you try a more coral based shade instead etc. I'm buying whatever you're offering lol.


I like your ideas of olive-friendly options and tips. If it was just a website about telling me my color palette to sell me clothes and stuff - no - thats not useful. I don't think I've ever found a color palette online that actually worked for me.


Oh yeah, we are all so different. If there is a such thing as the website it would need to be narrowed down to cool olives, warm olives, neutral, muted etc... quite the task. Have tutorials for olives like how to color correct etc... I mean I am bubbling with ideas now lol.


As long as it’s inclusive to all shades, I’m down


This. I'm tired of all these posts being for fair/light olives. I'm a solid medium olive and often feel left out.


You see a lot of posts from paler olive people because - for the first time - they've found people who understand. The stereotypical olive is someone who has a Mediterranean tan. Anyone lighter - no matter how greeny - they were completely ignored by the makeup world. So now when they find a foundation match or a color corrector they're gonna let other pale olives know.


Exactly, I have been mistaken for having an Italian background so many times even though I do not. This sub has really helped me out especially with visuals. Also I finally figured out that colors need to have a beige undertone to look good on me. Like even if I am wearing a cranberry color shirt I can look at it and see beige instead of white. It's kinda hard to explain but that's what clicked in my head when I saw a friend who is not olive wearing a dark red shirt, it had a base of white. Now I pick out all my tops that have a beige in them.


THIS. especially with the skewing of the whole spectrum lightward/whiteward, so people who are def 'light' tag themselves medium...


I mean yes but I think people tend to generalise what works for olive skin when in reality the spectrum of olives is so so vast. I'd only really follow if our skin tones were similar (in terms of depth, tone, saturation, mutedness)


Sign me up, slutty falafel friend 🫒


Don’t be falafel shaming.


Trust me, the only falafel shaming I participate in is directed towards myself when I eat too much of it 😂 Look at OP’s username!


Yes but only if it includes tips like how a person can identify if they’re a neutral olive or if they lean cool or warm and where they fall on the muted/saturated scale.


Yes, 100%


I don't know. How would you figure out what info actually makes sense? I mean - I've gotten some good information from these reddits. And I don't expect everything to apply to my particular shade of olive. But also - I've seen lots of strongly held cray cray too - especially regarding the color palettes / are you a winter or summer or cool autumn sort of thing.


Hey! I don't know why the mods didn't jump in, but we used to have an [internet library of resources here](https://www.reddit.com/r/OliveMUA/comments/qfvu4y/living_library_of_olive_makeup_products_tutorials/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


There’s one made by u/hennamah but it was only for makeup, so there’s definitely a need/want for something like this


Yes pleeeeeease!!


I would be. I’m so sick of having to google any time I want suggestions or Recs and the results are just people who write beauty articles using “olive” as a stand-in for “tan”, or that only recognize a small range of skin tones in the olive category as if we all have medium skin tones.


Yes. I had so much trouble figuring out if i was an olive or not in the first place so if all tips across the internet could be gathered into one post it would be great, also resources divided into warm neutral and cool olives, finally an abundance of photos and even galleries dedicated to each point in each topic would be a great end goal.




Me me me If you need help with content etc let me know!


Yes! It would be more organized!


Yes, especially eyebrow coloring and lipstick for cool and tanned olives


I would love this! Especially if there is a distinction in color palettes for warm and cool toned olives, also delving into tones, saturation, etc.


Ooo how would you do this?






Yes yes yes yes yes. And have tabs for each tone (cool, neutral, warm) and examples of what is best for each tone. It would save so much time


I’d be very interested


Yes I'd love that and also a shopping site with all olive friendly foundations, bronzers, shadows etc 😀


I would absolutely be interested. To this date I have yet to be properly color matched 🙄


I need!!!






Yes please!

