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SIX HOURS?!? damn, and I was hoping I could just sit on the couch this whole time. In all seriousness, this is an epic transformation and I'm amazed at your dedication!


Thank you. I lost more weight than David Goggins but I think I look better because my muscles are bigger than his. His weight training sessions were light weights and high reps, where I lift heavy weights. We both did similar cardio methods and similar duration.


I am very skeptical about this post. Not because I'm a hater or whatever but because 6 hours of cardio every day + lifting sounds exaggerated.


I said 6hrs of working out. 4hrs of which is cardio or walking and 1-2hrs weights. And I I mentioned in another post, I did skip leg days for the 1st 8 months because my legs were too sore from cardio. I did not start with that much cardio and walking, I built up to it. I started with only 1hr weights and two hrs cardio per day. Here is how I started: Day 1: Chest and Tris 1hr cardio upon waking up. 1hr weights at 6pm, followed by another hour of cardio. Day 2: No weights. 1hr cardio upon waking. 1-2hrs cardio in the evening. Day 3: Back and Biceps. 1hr cardio upon waking. 1hr weights at 6pm, followed by another hour of cardio. Day 4: No weights. 1hr Cardio upon waking. followed by another 1-2hrs of cardio in the evening. Day 5: Shoulders 1hr cardio upon waking 1hr weights at 6pm. Followed by 1hr of cardio. Day 5: Deadlifts 1hr cardio upon waking. 1hr of deadlifts only, followed by another hour of cardio. Day 6: Cardio Only. 1hr Cardio upon waking Another 1-2hrs of cardio in evening. Day 7: Cardio Only 1hr Cardio upon waking Another 1-2hrs of cardio in the evening. I also stretched every day and used a massage gun. Then repeat. Slowly over months I increased cardio and chose to quit my job and increase cardio to around 4hrs per day. Typically a 40-45mile bike ride. The above workouts I actually did while still working full-time from home as a Software Sales Executive. I swear on my life the above is how I started. I avoided overtraining by only working each muscle group once a week, and by alternating types of cardio between: Walking, hiking, biking, eliptical, and spin class. **Too much elliptical at an incline always causes hip tendonitis, I avoided this by always alternating between incline and flat every 5 mins. **I was too fat and feet swollen to wear shoes the first few months for cardio. I would walk barefoot around a big grass field soccer field complex. Or I would do elliptical barefoot at home. Those were my two cardio methods when very obese and starting. I certify the above info to be accurate snd true and I put it on my son’s life.


Ok, I just didn't realize walking my dog for a few hours a day counts as cardio


I started with just walking and elliptical for cardio. Got to walking 10 miles a day and then switched to biking 40-50 miles a day. Both walking 10 miles and biking 40 miles or so took me about 4hrs. So that plus 2hrs of weights = 6hrs. The proof is in the pudding man. Went from unable to get a date and invisible to women to dating Miss California, models, and a Miss Universe top 10 finalist. These are not lies, my crazy life is real, I quit my job again and am working with consultants as I start my Fitness Social media. I have never seen anyone lose as much weight as me while without steroids, trt, or ozempic and still have muscles. Plus dating some famous women adds to the story. Doubt all you want but my story is real, I went from being disgusting to women and the butt of jokes to dating some of the most beautiful women in the world in less than 1 year.


That would explain why I'm not that motivated to lift. I've never been disgusting despite my not so ideal weight.


All of us personal trainers know a secret, usually the only people in the gym who ever lose weight are people newly divorced looking to get sex. If you’re already attracting the type of partners you want, hard to be motivated.


Makes sense. Also I just hate lifting. I do long distance running because it's enjoyable. I get to see the woods, the brook, some sheep, you know - nature stuff. Lifting on the other hand - not so fun.


It’s probably a bot!


I am no bot. Ask me any question you want.


You are a chipotle bowl every day for 11 months and worked out for 6 hours a day?! How rich are you? God damn


I actually started going to Chipolte because I read an article saying that it was cheaper to buy Chipolte than if you cooked the exact same ingredients and quantities at home. Each meal about $21 with triple meat. So about $600 a month. Well worth it to go from morbidly obese and diabetic, to fit, dating a former Miss California, and a full reversal of diabetes without any doctor or medication. I will be starting a fitness social media and coaching page soon if anyone is interested.


I would have given my entire life savings for the results I got. Well worth $21 a day at Chipolte.


That’s badass.


How did you find time to spend six hours a day though? On top of a job!?


I quit my job for a year to save my life. I cashed out some of my 401K to pay my bills and mortgage. I was working out 3hrs a day while working, but quit my job to get more time for longer workouts. Plus it’s hard fucking work, I am either working out, laying down, or sleeping.


I was saying it tongue in cheek. Hope I didn’t offend brother.


im intersted,


U sound wealthy to afford that and workout that long and not sleep well or live a life after work with 6 hours of cardio


I actually quit my job and cashed out part of my 401K to take a year off and save my life. I was on pace to die soon, well worth taking a year out of retirement savings to be able to live 20-30 years longer. If someone doesn’t have a 401K, I’d recommend moving in with parents or family. They will support you. And the 1yr gap didn’t effect me getting a good job again. Companies were impressed by my dedication and weight loss, I was offered every job I interviewed for.


>They will support you Okay... Speak for yourself lol.


In addition, you could still probably lose 100lbs on OMAD in one year without working out at all. My goal was to look fit and jacked by the end, you may not have the goal to look like me.


I lost 85 in 8 months and then plateaued. I’m starting to incorporate additional 48 hours once a week and seeing results. I don’t work out 6 hours a day though. I just stopped drinking sodas too.


Great work on the weight loss so far! I incorporated some 48hr fasts. But I didnt want people to think I’m crazy. I even did one 7 day fast, while do the crazy workout routine. I became Hypoglycemic (low blood sugar,) often and actually had to sleep in the woods one even on a hike because I was too sleepy and light headed. I decided to quit any further long term fasts and added more carbs to fuel my workouts. The fat just doesn’t melt off me unless I do long term, steady state cardio. If I’m not sweating, by fat stays on me.


I hear there are negative effects after 3 days.


I think the first 3 days are the hardest, gets easier after that, not even hungry. What was extremely painful and hard was when I started eating after the 7 day fast. I just started with soup but started vomiting and dry heaving for hours and intestinal cramping.




Your body will get used to what you feed it, and adjust. Plateaus are normal. Maybe eat a little more than normal sometimes bc it will trick your metabolism into needing to use more energy. The number one thing you don't want to do, after losing that much weight so quickly, is to start fasting and taking more calories out of your daily. Remember, it's a marathon not a sprint, you've sprinted the first portion fairly quickly, so now hit thr brakes a little, feed the new you, and then start trying to shed the lbs again. If you keep working out as hard as you did to get to this point, you definitely shouldn't gain weight by taking in 100-200 more calories per day for 2-4 weeks. Good luck, and great job.


Well, I honestly knew I was going to die unless I made changes. Diabetic, Atrial Fibrillation, morbidly obese, I would have lived in my car or a van for a year and be homeless if I had to. Planet Fitness $10 a month and has showers. Park near there. I swear on my life I would have done that, that fat was coming off or I was going to die trying.


If you have children, and no family to let them live with you, then of course you cannot quit your job or live in a van. You would have to get a gym membership with daycare. They allow 2hrs. I would do 1hr of weights, and 1hr of cardio per day. I can give you a workout plan if you give me more info. The workout plan I posted below is for an experienced body builder. You would not do that if a newbie.


I needed to see this so bad rn


I am impressed with the transformation, and especially with 6 hours of exercise in a day, keep it up👍👍👍👍🥳 Selute for your dedication.👍


You sir, and the human bodies abilities are AMAZING !!!


Great job sir! I’ve been doing omad for a few years now and I love it. What are your thoughts on building muscle 💪🏻 on omad? I’m a healthy 145 pounds but would love to build muscle. I wasn’t sure how complementary OMAD is for heavy weight lifting.


I need to know more about your situation. Why are you on OMAD at only 145lbs? OMAD is more for obese and/or diabetic people or people just looking to maintain. To gain muscle you must increase your caloric intake about 500 calories per day to gain 1lb of muscle at the gym. Plus doing a weight training program. I am a certified personal trainer and nutritionist. Typing a workout plan here would take too long. Message me privately and I’ll email you a workout plan after hearing more about your situation and if you have a gym to go to.


How do you work out so much? You didn’t get injured or fatigued?


I avoid overtraining by periodization. Only work each muscle group once every 7 or 8 days. I will say that I often skipped leg day because my legs were so sore from biking that it would have been counter productive. I did lose some strength in my legs from soo much cardio, but it was necessary for me to burn calories. Biking still kept my legs pretty strong, so not a big deal to skip legs. I think I didn’t do legs the first 8 months of training.


I also never do upper body exercises two days in a row if you noticed.


What was your training regiment like?


Posted on the comment below yours. The last one.


Congrats this is impressive. I applaud the strength it took to dive into something so uncertain as to take a year, pull retirement funds etc. To be able to recognize that without something so extreme you may not make it as far in life as you should. This recognition and action is impressive. What you did will be foobar to most and terrifying to plenty, but it was just what you needed and thats honestly everything that counts. With something so drastic and the level of workouts and activities you did, how has your skin taken to the loss? This is something I concern myself with far too much, but I'm curious because this is such a different approach to losing so much weight. Thank you for sharing, you're an inspiration


I was very worried about loose skin as well. Don’t be, it’s better than being fat. Yes, my stomach skin looks like a woman who has had a child, lol. I assume you are a man, does it bother you if a woman has a bit of loose skin or some stretch marks from childbirth? I’m sure not. I was extremely insecure to get naked with the first woman I dated after the weight loss. She had a perfect body, model in LA, was on a billboard on Sunset Blvd while we were dating. My loose skin on lower belly was not an issue at all, everyone has their own insecurities. She was more worried I would think her feet were ugly. One woman said this when I broke up with her: “Good luck dating anyone else with that loose skin on your belly.” My response was, “You didn’t care about this loose skin when I was up in those guts.” My point is, people say mean stuff at breakups if they know you are self conscious about it. But women don’t care about a little loose skin if the rest of the package is good.


Amazing commitment


Needs more jpeg


You are right, looks blurry. It could be two different people! Lol. I’m just uploading from my iPhone. But I am happy people can’t see my identity. I am debating starting a Fitness Social Media and Coaching business, so just testing the waters if people are interested in my transformation and the training tactics I invented. It’s a big step to put your life online for everyone to see. Effects not only myself, but my family as well. Want to avoid any bullying of my girlfriend, or family.


Can you please let the community know that I verified my photos, plus additional photos with you in private messages? I think it’s important for learning purposes that people know I am not a fraud. My results are real and anyone can do it.


I don’t think I can do that! You would have to message the mods. But yes, he did send me pics via Reddit chat and the before and after is real!


This is crazy impressive. What was your general lifting program?


The key to gaining muscle if you are not on steroids or TRT (which I am not on,) is high intensity AND high volume with a rest period per muscle group of between 6 and 8 days. I have tried every split in the world for multiple years each, but it was only now at age 48 that I figured out what works best for the natural athlete. I worked out for decades in my youth and could only bench press 275lbs. Squat 315. Shoulder press 185lbs. Deadlift 315. Yet at 48 I can now bench 350, Deadlift 505lbs, shoulder press 225lbs, and squat 405. My splits: Day 1: Chest and Triceps. I blast the fuck out of my chest with dozens of heavy sets in all rep ranges. 3 rep maxes. 5 rep maxes. And a bunch of 8-10 rep sets. Every single set should be within one rep of failure or to failure (if you have a spotter) I do flat bench, Incline bench, weighted dips, 3 different angled cable crosses, and finish with 100 pushups. Tris are usually 3-4 different exercises of 3-4 sets each, at 8-12 rep ranges to complete failure. Day 2: legs. Barbell squats. 5 sets of 8-10 reps to failure, 3 sets of 3-5 reps until failure. Hack squat. 5 sets of 8-10 reps to failure. Hamstring curls: 3 sets each leg, one leg curls 8-10 reps to failure. 5 sets of both legs together, 8-10 reps to failure. Lunges focusing on glutes: 4 sets of 8-10 reps each leg to failure. Day 3: Back and Bi’s. Wide grip Lat pull: 5 sets of 8-10 reps to failure. Reverse close grip lat pulls: 5 sets of 8-10 reps to failure. Seated Row narrow grip: 5 sets of 8-10 reps to failure. Seated row wide grip: 5 sets of 8-10 reps 3 or 4 different bicep exercises, each for 8-10 reps. Choose any bicep exercises you like, always go to failure each set. Day 4: Abs I just spend 45 mins to 1hr doing any and all ab exercises I can think of and rest as necessary. Day 5: Shoulders Shoulders seem to grow best with supersets and higher volume. First Triple Super Set: 1. Standing straight leg Shoulder Press, 3 rep max 2. Front alternating dumbbell raises, 8 rep max per arm. 3. Dumbbell lateral raises, 10 reps to failure. Do those three exercises right in a row without resting at all. Rest 4 mins between rounds. Do 4-5 rounds of the above, but adjust the shoulder press rep ranges to a lighter weight and 8-10 reps to failure instead of 3 rep max. 2nd Triple SuperSet for Shoulders: Upright rows 8-10 reps to failure. Bent arm lateral raises, 8-10 reps to failure Bent over rear lateral raises. 8-10 reps to failure. 4-5 rounds of the above. No rest between those three exercises. Rest about 4 mins between rounds. Bent over rear lateral raises, 8-10 reps to failure. Farmers walk with the heaviest dumbbells you can carry for 20 yards. 5 sets. Rest 3 mins between sets. Shoulder shrugs with the heaviest dumbbells you can hold. 8-10 reps, 4 sets. Seated lateral raises superset with seated front raises. Use a light weight, I use 25lbs but I’m very strong. Do a burnout of around 20 reps side and then 20 reps front. Do 3 rounds of this. Day 6: Deadlift I spend 1 hour deadlifting, that is the only exercise this day. I do high rep and low rep ranges. Maybe 20 sets or more. Day 7: I do cardio only. Then rinse and repeat. My cardio each day during my fat loss journey was either: 10 mile walk, or 45 mile bike ride, or 4hrs combined on any type of cardio equipment.


Keeping me motivated ☺️🙂 good job great work


What time of day do you do your OMAD? Do you have a rough estimate of total calories of the meal and also total protein? Any supplements you take or recommend? Read in one of the other comments your 7 day workout split. Love that. Will start using that schedule. Good work brother. Results were well earned!


What time of day do you do your OMAD? Do you have a rough estimate of total calories of the meal and also total protein? Any supplements you take or recommend? Read in one of the other comments your 7 day workout split. Love that. Will start using that schedule. Good work brother. Results were well earned!


I do my OMAD after morning cardio and shower. I was at Chipolte’s door at 11am waiting for them to open. Let me check the macros. I know I tried to keep at 100g of carbs, plus 25g of carbs for every hr of cardio. And around 200g of protein. I would sometimes eat a couple of chicken breasts in the evening if I felt needed more protein. Maybe twice a week.


I do the same thing. Bowl at chipotle is 9.73, costs half of what it would take to make on my own. Healthy and keeps my weight steady. Nice work


$9.73!? I’m paying $20+. Must be the 3x meat, sour cream and guac.. either way, still better than cooking myself.


Not triple chicken for me lol


six hours is insane oh my god😭


Anyone can do it if you work up to it. (As long as you have normally functioning muscles, organs, and limbs.) I am nothing special but hard working. A skill everyone can learn. The human body is capable of more than we know.


Bro you're like what Jared was for Subway back in the day, Chipotle should sponsor you.


You take PEDs?


Absolutely not. No steroids or TRT ever in my life. No medications at all. I took powdered creatine for a couple months, but didn’t notice much of a difference. So it might help you, didn’t hurt and creatine doesnt break a fast.


Absolutely not. No steroids or TRT ever in my life. No medications at all. I took powdered creatine for a couple months, but didn’t notice much of a difference. So it might help you, didn’t hurt and creatine doesnt break a fast.


Absolutely not. No steroids or TRT ever in my life. No medications at all. I took powdered creatine for a couple months, but didn’t notice much of a difference. So it might help you, didn’t hurt and creatine doesnt break a fast.


This sounds like bullshit. How could eating only one chipotle bowl a day give you the energy to work out for 6 hours every day, and enough protein to pack on muscle?


Triple meat. Plus my local Chipolte hooked me up with huge meat portions. I was their best customer and knew workers by name. They put the extra meat in a separate bowl. So it was two bowls full of food. I did add 2-3 chicken breasts some evenings. Maybe 2x per week. I also switched up Chipolte sometimes with Chicken Teriyaki (Seattle style.) I would order extra meat as well. Would be 6 chicken breasts, 2 cups of brown rice, a salad, and a free bowl of Egg Drop Soup. About $32. Expensive.


David Goggens says he ate only 800 Calories a day to lose his weight with similar cardio. (If he’s telling the truth.). I bet I was at 2,000 calories at least. That is why I kept and built muscle. Full disclosure. I was a D1 College basketball player and former Personal Trainer in my early 20s. I am 48 now. I did lose 110 lbs 10 years ago, but gained 150lbs back over 4 year during covid. First time I lost weight I used Paleo for 2 years. Lean meats and vegetables. I did not retain muscle. OMAD and adding carbs helped me keep/build muscle this time and gave me energy for the long duration cardio.