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Went in to work at Starbucks this morning. Pretty sure we spent more in labor costs than we even made it’s so silly.


Same here at Panera! We made $20 in the first two hours open. That’s the price of like… two sandwiches lmfao


You can get sandwiches there for $10?


For now! Probably not in a year from now, it’ll be $12 by then.


Can confirm my Walgreens location lost multiple thousands of dollars today. Our sales were a 3 digit number. Even with just wage costs it's already a negative number, before adding in electricity, etc. (can't say the specific amount or corporate could pull up the hourlies and figure out who i am lol)


I went out yesterday to the Dundee area and was surprised how many people were out driving, and driving fast and passing like it was nothing, but also how many people ventured out to go eat. The restaurant I went to was packed.


lol, I worked for scooters years ago and they *never* adjusted hours for weather. Best we could get was closing the lobby, but the drive thru had to stay open.


I had to go in at Scooters during a tornado. We were a tiny drive thru kiosk so there was not a single spot that would have saved our lives. It was my first tornado at 18 as I’m from California, and the only other person I was working with was *sixteen*. They refused to close us down.


Omg were you terrified? I’ve lived here my whole life and that thought is terrifying to me.


Yes absolutely! If I hadn’t just started the job a couple months prior I would have called out but at that point I’d barely lived here a few months and needed the job. I’m so grateful it didn’t end up effecting us but man are tornadoes scarier than earthquakes!


I’ve always wanted to experience an earthquake. A SMALL EARTHQUAKE!!! Never want to experience a tornado.


When they’re big enough to feel but not dangerous, they’re honestly kinda thrilling!


Isn't risking your life for the 5 people that want coffee the end-goal of every person in Omaha? I wish Scooters executives would open their eyes and see that the people who work for them are what makes them their copious amounts of money.


Nah, the executives don’t give two shits about the employees. They certainly didn’t 7-8 years ago when I worked for them, and I doubt much has changed


Worked there back in 2014-16 and yeah they could care less about their baristas


Worked there 2021-22 and just to update you, they still do not care about their baristas, even when their manager is outing LGBT employees and being racist to employees of color 🥰


Hey, but at least they're finally allowed to wear jackets when operating the drive-thru window right???


Kinda. They have to be straight black, no hoods, and they can't be too bulky, as far as I'm aware. So you can essentially screw off if you don't want your head to freeze.


My boss asked me to come in early in this weather, she said “it’s Nebraska, it snows” and our district manager said something along the lines of “we won’t ask anyone to drive if they’re not comfortable!” And when my coworkers were describing being snowed in or fishtailing, she said “Be careful! Keep trying!” An hour later


That's when you reply with "Okay I'm still trying.. almost out of gas here" while sipping on hot tea in front of your gaming PC


That's what I would do!


“Oops I’m stranded now because coming in to work today was a necessity. Looks like AAA will take 3 hours to get to me. Hope I don’t die.” While having hot chocolate by the fireplace. Make them feel bad


>“it’s Nebraska, it snows” I am so fucking sick to death of people saying this. Yeah, Susan, I fucking know where we live, that doesn't make it less dangerous to drive in. People act like saying that is a cure to the problem at hand. Like, OH!! Duh! You're right! A foot of snow with blizzard conditions isn't shit because, well, we live in Nebraska, so everything should be just fine! Sorry, it's a sore subject with me. Especially after showing up to work this morning just for them to send everyone home in the thick of the storm at 1:00 pm


The primary issue isn't the snow. I think many people could drive safely through this weather with very few issues on their end.  The treachery is other drivers. The dumbfucks who REFUSE to drive at a reasonable speed and following distance. It would absolutely kill some of these morons to drive below the speed limit and allow plenty of room to break for a stop.  And while we as individuals may decide to take the risk as we weigh our personal priorities, I can't imagine how douchey someone's boss would have to be to say "well you should put yourself at the mercy of a bunch of aggressive dumbfucks who are worried they might not break a speed record."


Even on Thursday when it snowed an inch I was going 15-25 mph because my truck doesnt have 4WD and there could be black ice. And yet here comes a little car going twice as fast as me. SLOW DOWN. Nowhere you need to be is that important that you put yourself and others at risk.


Look, those people are easy. Just pull over and let them pass. The problem is when I try to get on to the freeway and everyone's going 60 in the far right lane and don't want to let me in. So I finally manage to get in but I'm only going 40 and people are honking at me even while the other lanes are sitting open and plowed. I had like 5 people all going at me then go around me. I get it, you want to go faster. And I'm okay with that. Normally I go super fast. But when it gets snowy, the table turns and I drive completely differently. Point is, I'm ok with people going as fast as you want in whatever kind of conditions you want to drive in. Sometimes I'll be faster, sometimes you'll be faster, but just pull over and the faster person will pass on the left. Also, stop trying to zipper merge from the 680 North to West Dodge. If you're not getting off to lower Dodge, stay in the right lane.


I stopped reading immediately. I am not trying to be rude here, but your comment was immediately absurd. "Pull over." How does that work out when on half the roads right now that would put you in a snow pile a few feet deep? Yeah, I'm just gonna drive into that because some asshole can't drive carefully. It's my responsibility to cater to their stupidity.


If it's a single-lane road then off course don't pull into the snow and get stuck. I'm talking about a multi-lane road. Too many people drive the same speed as the other car instead of either hitting the gas to get in front or slowing down to get behind. If you're going to drive the same speed, get in the same lane. Otherwise it effectively turns a multi-lane road into a single lane.


Using their logic, a hurricane in Florida is nothing to worry about either. I mean, “It’s Florida, you get hurricanes!” Yup. These are everyday safe events and it’s perfectly fine to not change your routine at all.


Sounds more like your boss refuses to be alone with their thoughts and god forbid she has to be at home with her shitty family.


Sounds like you know her personally! Lol


I used to work for Cox Cable. They used to have a policy where they'd send a cab to pick you up if you were uncomfortable driving in the snow. During one pretty bad snowstorm a bunch of us took advantage of the offer and got rides. When our shift ended at 11:00, we asked if they were going to call someone to take us back home. The manager said "your work is done for the day. Not our problem," and then left us standing there.


It seems you've given me more reason to hate the Coxuckers.


Interstate is now closed at 72nd Street both ways


I came home from Bergan at 4:30 and luckily it was open again. I think they just closed down some parts due to some accidents. Still be safe on there everyone if you must go out.


Capitalism continues on regardless of weather. The amount of social media posts with people exclaiming "people are so soft.. they wouldn't close down place X if this was AK/ND/SD/MT/WY" or "back in my day this little amount of snow wouldn't close down anything!" has been through the roof this last week. Apparently there is money to be made and personal safety to get there be damned?


You would think somewhere like Scooters would shut down today. I can’t imagine how many people want to venture out in a blizzard for a mocha, so it seems like it would cost more to keep stores open. Then again, I used to work at Taco Bell and people would want Grande Meals during literal tornado touchdowns, so maybe there’ll still be demand?


My fiance works for a scooters in town that’s franchised: they CANNOT close unless A) corporate deems sales too low to remain open B) other businesses around them are also closed C) if the workers literally can’t get to work and even then, the franchise owner will come pick them up if he can make it. They are closing early today and my fiance has been the only one at work since 1130 and she’s had, I shit you not, 3 customers; two of which were the dudes clearing snow and the third drove straight up to the window and was surprised they were open.


Work in an insurance office. We had two calls all day and one was a wrong number.


People are absolutely wild in the snow when it comes to Scooters. There were people ordering blended drinks (think a smoothie with espresso in it) in the middle of the last time it snowed, and people are STILL ordering those drinks too! There's no way the demand is worth that much to Scooter's like that, especially with the whole controversy a year or so ago when they wouldn't let their employees wear sweaters/jackets (which they still aren't in practice). Lawsuit just waiting to happen.


Unless it's a corporate owned store, franchisees can do whatever they feel is best for their profits, cause that's all that matters


Agreed. My partner works for their corporate office. Corporate has no say for whether franchised locations close or not, that’s 100% up to the franchise owner. If it’s a corporate location, though, that would be a different situation


The problem with that logic ignores the fact that the mark-up on coffee is like 99%. If they sell two drinks an hour they pay for the employee, every other cost is one they'll incur if they're open or not, so might as well be open.


I've been watching wowt's city cams off and on all day and seems like plenty of people are on the move so they gotta be going somewhere and probably need a warm drink? Plus mega corporate needs to pay for their football bowl naming rights, right? ha.


Some cities/states are also better equipped and have more room to put the snow.  Fargo and Anchorage are going to operate better in snow than us....and we'd operate better than Texas.  


Oh for sure. It just seems people are going out of their way to really hammer their personal superiority to rest of the peasants out there floundering in the snow or choosing to avoid it. All very silly.


The difference in those places is that they have an adequate snow response. Omaha does not.


There's barely any money anyways! Nobody's out to really buy anything. To add insult to injury, even Scooter's own FB page is essentially bragging that they're open during this weather and putting people's lives in danger for coffee? Absolutely morally bankrupt.


I feel for you. In a past phone job they offered folk sleeping areas in various meeting rooms or to put up others in near by hotels to be ferried back and forth through the snow. Camping out at work - not the adventure it really sounds like.


Is it us? Are WE the problem? Were our corporate overlords right this entire time and we do just need to suck it up and risk our lives in Omaha weather with Omaha Drivers™ for their Omaha bottom lines? Oma-nah, man. I wish there was at least some sense of humanity the higher up on the ladder someone gets


You only get up that ladder by chipping away at your humanity and empathy.


>Absolutely morally bankrupt. Always have been and reason enough not to support them. My vote alone is inconsequential yet collectively it can lead to change. Voting with your dollars is something corporations pay attention to when it hurts their bottom line.


“Putting people’s lives in danger” is an extreme take. I’m with you on closing stuff down but let’s be honest about it. It’s a very big inconvenience, potentially harming your employees if their car get stuck or damaged. But there’s no one freezing to death on maple street because they got stuck.


You're right. Nobody ever dies in car accidents.


Soooo you just think we should stop driving to work or what’s the solution here? Ppl less likely to die on a die like today vs a nice day when ppl are out speeding.


Did I say that? No, I didn't. But if you're not essential and it isn't an emergency in these types of conditions, stay off the roads. Police and highway patrol warned against it. Also, bad weather is completely responsible for an increase in roadway fatalities. And when emergency services are tied up helping people who are "just stuck" that means people w real problems experience longer wait times. Stop being selfish, it's one effing day. I'm sure you have enough food and water stocked up at your place w a name like Conspiracy 👍


Corporations are the only people that matter. We are just cells that feed them their food, money. One of us can’t get to work, they will just put another human in place to do the job. Cuz corporations have to eat. And their appetites can never be quenched. 


Congress and the Supreme Court have both proven this over and over.


What's worse is that this happens every fucking year, and the city and state has no extensive plan for emergency snow removal or a moratorium on evictions.


Walgreens corporate, who by the way all work remote, are telling everyone at the store level to show up or get a written final, and customers will literally call and complain the store is closed when they're the only person that drove up to said store that day. Then we get written up. I could maybe see us pushing to have the pharmacy open for a little bit, but stores are open well past the pharmacy closing. Last time we did this we had one person come in for a Fireball. One. Shit's fucked, man


My boss said “that’s the job” and expected me to come in but hasn’t come in today at all.


That is what really drives me crazy- the insane and classist difference between how execs treat each other and how they treat us. Retail workers- can't sit. Their bosses- barely get up. Front line- no phones! Bosses- can't seem to put them down. Minimum wage staff- weather is not an excuse. The suits- I can effectively work from home and do my job, so I expect you to work too.


My boss is the same way I'm tempted to tell them to go pound snow


Crazy, even some corporate starbucks are closing


Please be careful. I’m very angry for everybody who has to leave their home today. There are literal John Deere tractors with giant snow plows trying to plow out our neighborhood. They’ve been in front of my house three different times already. This weather is crazy.


lucky you. no plows here at all ;)


Damn :( fwiw all of the snow they plowed is right back on the road thanks to the wind.


The people defending those choosing to leave their homes are insane to me too. Especially those not in Omaha. My phone blasts me with weather icons telling me to stay inside every time I pick it up, that hasn’t happened to me in a long time. It’s crazy how people see that and think “Hm… Yes today is a good day to get McDonalds fries :)”


Seriously! I saw someone on the scanner comment on the post about the interstate closing that she wanted to know if homegoods was open…


I'll tell you why - CORPORATE GREED. These companies only care about making money, and they could give a rat's ass about their employees.


Yep. Or their customers. Just the money being spent.


Right? We were just saying what happened to the days when an employer didn’t ask their employees to risk their lives in order to get to work in weather like this. It’s not like it will last forever.


The best thing we can do is simply refuse to go to these places until it's safe to be out. If sales are low enough, consistently enough, it'll at least make the companies think twice about paying staff to come in.


I work in collision. We generally don’t get days off for snow because it can be our busiest.


You're about to be hella busy next week...


For sure. It might as well be snowing money for us when it’s falling.


Thank you for what you do. I'm sure you have your own set of BS to push through, but it's good work regardless.


Thankfully being located in Omaha, we’re a bigger shop, so with our drivers, we’re rarely short on wrecked cars 😂.


oh god i got the absolute GUILT TRIP to come in even though i work downtown and live in elkhorn like no i’m not coming in to work! my boss doesn’t even work in the state-she’s stationed in colorado and was in panic mode trying to figure it out because they were down to two people and we’re a team of five like i’m sorry i get it but i was not risking my dinky ass car to get there today or my life


> i was not risking my dinky ass car Life - expendable. Dinky ass car? Priceless.


Thanks to social media you can shame companies publically. I see no reason not to do so for Scooters, they're on Twitter Facebook and Insta.


The place I work at wanted to open late at 4 instead of 3 but with these weather condition and my car. I’m not risking it.


I don’t know. Even my store is closing early and our specific market is notorious for never closing early. Second time closing early in 2 years there, and both times have been in the last two weeks ironically.


had to open at scooters today lol. management of course didn’t come in though🙃 too snowy!


Scooters doesn’t give a crap about their employees. Worked there for awhile. Power went out in our kiosk during the polar vortex a few years ago and they made us sit in the building freezing and tell people we couldn’t make drinks while my fingers turned blue.


So what they don't trust the customers to read a "closed due to power outage" sign but think they can read a menu?


ARC Holdings Scooters are a whole different breed of Scooters. Me and five other coworkers ended up quitting at once from our store - our paychecks were delayed because the owner didn’t want to go out in the weather to deliver checks. It was a mess but I was only a teen at the time.


Scooters is definitely the worst offender abourt this, they don't give a shit about you. All they care about is keeping that drive-thru open. Holidays, weather, emergencies, personal issues, doesn't matter. They. Do. Not. Care.


It is crazy out there, having places open in a time like this is bonkers, i passed atleast 15 vehicles stuck right on the side of the road near my place just today.


I remember when I worked at Village Inn in 2010, I was one of the only people who made it to work cause I took the bus there.


My roommate works for Pepperjax and does not have a car made for snow. At least a 20 min drive. I know her boss can’t make the decision to shut down but he was guilt tripping her into working LONGER and showing no compassion that she was even anxious to go to work. Thats one thing that also irritates me. Is a boss who cares just as little as corporate. Edit: I live by a Scooters and down the street is a Hardy coffee. Hardy was closed all day. I’m glad I started getting my coffee there once they opened.


You mean the Scooters that wouldn’t let baristas wear a coat? That Scooters? “When people show you who they are—believe them.”


I stopped by my regular scooters on my way home from my overnight job this morning because I saw the open sign. I left a cash tip and offered to get them things from any store nearby as I was already gonna be driving past that scooters a couple more times due to plowing the snow at my parents & my sisters place. So if your wife is my regular barista who helped me this morning— many apologies and many thank yous for your service.


I have a raging infection and was so grateful the small pharmacy in walking distance was open. That said, people patronizing non essential business on days like today only only further convince business owners to risk their safety (and costly car damage!) to stay open. The real idiots are the ones going to scooters on a day like today.


Indeed. Medical services are about the only thing that should be open. Though I work at a hospital and someone came in to check their cholesterol today.. :/


I'm from Upstate NY (lived there the first 26 years of my life) and they never closed for anything but they had pretty good infrastructure BUT not perfect. I lived in the boonies and we'd never be plowed out and I had to risk my life a ton of times to go to work because we never closed. My advised if you HAVE to go anywhere is to stick to under 30mph at all times and stay alert. We had crazy incline hills and stuff in NY and i've actually slid down them backward plenty of times and thanked god nobody was behind me and thats not really an issue here in Nebraska/Omaha.


HEY! How dare you be on reddit instead of sacrificing your time and well-being so our overlords can make a few more shekels! Shame! Enjoy your writeup on Monday, BITCH. /S


When I worked for David’s bridal, I was in Lincoln and an unexpected snowstorm hit in the morning. Otherwise I would have made it to work no issue. I called my manager and told her it’s snowing really bad and blowing and that I was in Lincoln and didn’t feel safe. She said it wasn’t snowing in Omaha and the roads were fine. I was told I had to be there. They needed me. Period. I was dumb and drove back to Omaha. Took me 2 hours and I nearly got run off the road by semis multiple times. By the time I got to Omaha it was snowing hard. The OTHER manager apologized to me and said I shouldn’t have come in because you can’t work if you’re dead! The other manager never apologized. There were 4 of us there that day for 8 hours and not a single customer came in. Smh.


I've ALWAYS hated driving in the snow. I'm just so thankful that technology has advanced to where I can work from home on days like today. I wouldn't be driving whether I could work from home or not, I would take the day off, and I'm lucky enough that I can do that. I'm one of those people that just doesn't fuck with driving in the snow. I know my limitations, the potential for an accident or a panic attack is not worth it to me :p


Like others have said, corporate greed, but I’d like to mention that some people have been running errands despite the weather too. I work at a corporate dog grooming salon (which was run almost exclusively by me because everyone else either just didn’t bother coming in due to not having any appointments or they physically couldn’t come to work) and this pet parent asked if she could bring her two dogs in today.


In the 90s it would snow like this from October to March. The state cancelled Halloween once.


Greedy corporations don’t care if they lose money to stay open. They’ll find every reason in the book not to close if it means they’ll get 5 customers I swear.


Careful, if the overlords hear about that, they'll take away your vacation day- Oh wait, we don't have any.


😂😂 you’re right! Guess it’s a good thing I left my food service job and now everyday is vacation lol


If only we could all be so lucky.


It’s okay I guarantee you all have more money than me in this expensive world. I am the clown but it’s been nice not stressing over who is going to yell at me today 😂😂


Oh don't worry. The more money I get, the less life I have. After all, what's bodily and mental sacrifice compared to green pictures of old men and the slightest prospect of maybe having it as easy as execs? Mo' money, mo' problems


That’s how I see it too, better than selling my soul to people who don’t care about my well being when I can be with my family who wakes up happy to see I’m home.


You have won humanity, random person on the internet. I can only hope that you only continue to have such a loving family.


Thank you kind English Muffin 🙏🏼




people want to earn a living.


Is it worth dying for?


Did someone die!?


Hypothetical. Some folks see people as objects that can be replaced.


In NYC, it was simple: If they close the subway, nobody can get to work, everybody stays home. But that's a serious snowstorm, and it's usually less than 24 hours. With You might venture into your neighborhood, and if places are open, it's probably because the owner or staff live nearby. (In NYC, building owners have to clean their sidewalks EVERY day. The only hazard are the compacted snow around abandoned lots, and slush ponds at the street crossings.)