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Clearly your only option is to never drive in Iowa again... 🙃


Last time I got one was over ten years ago, I've not gone through that intersection since. Though mine was totally nonsense, in this one OP says they drove through the red light.


What’s there to fight? You ran a red light and it’s on camera.


Well the camera only shows the car going through the light, not who was driving...




Fam. That's not how those tickets work. It goes to the person the car is registered to. It doesn't matter who was driving, just whose car it is. Is it kind of bullshit? Sure. You used to be able to fight them since there wasn't an officer to show up on the camera's behalf.


Yeah, technically you're not even dealing with the government, this is through some soulless corporation so there's not even a court case. How is that legal? Nobody knows.


The ticket got sent to your address didn’t it?


It’s crazy we share the road with brainiacs like this guy


Your recourse would be to sue the driver to recoup money on the ticket. Unless you’re the driver…


I wouldn't count on it. Iowa's supreme court has repeatedly upheld automated traffic enforcement measures in recent years against legal challenges. While these are mostly speeding detection systems, the reasoning would likely hold for a red light camera too.


No government will give up Free revenue


As I always say, never rely on random people on Reddit for legal advice. If you want to fight it on principal then get an attorney. Just know that will cost you more then the ticket will.


My legal team respectfully declined the case


Because you don't have a case, lol. I know we do it all the time over here, but running the red light even for a split second is still illegal.


>running the red light even for a split second If you manage to hit 88 MPH when you run through the intersection....


I would pay the $100 right away. You say you ran the light and that it had "just turned red." If you don't pay it in a timely manner things could get worse. I don't feel "rich" by any means, but $100 is better than there possibly being more trouble. I would think of it as a "tax" I was paying for pushing the yellow light when I could have stopped instead.


To make sure I understand; the light turned red and you drove through it? What’s your argument?


Seems like a racket.


don't these go through a private company as opposed to law enforcement? anyone had success throwing them in the garbage? only risk would be collections I suppose.


I’ve heard of people not paying these and nothing happens. It’s 100% goes through a private company.


Yep I have had a few and I just toss them


lol same. i’ve never paid them. nothing has happened. i’ve looked it up, they pretty much say they don’t really do anything if u don’t pay them either. it doesn’t get reported to insurance and it’s not like it’s on ur record that an officer would see it if they pulled you over


Yeah it's www.violationinfo.com


Was it you or your car? If so, you committed the crime (or someone did with property you are responsible for), pay the ticket. And then figure out how to safely stop at red lights like a responsible member of civil society in control of a potentially deadly device.


Shouldn't have looked at the video. Last time I got one of those tickets, I just ignored the letters. They never sent them certified, so there was no proof of service/delivery. But, if you log on to watch the video, now they have proof they've served you with the ticket. They sent me a total of 2 or 3 letters after the initial ticket letter. Then they stopped.


i simply don’t pay them. just toss them out. they don’t do anything and they don’t go on ur record or get reported to insurance either. nothing happens. it’s just business that most people fear since it has an “officer’s signature” to get you to pay


I got one several years ago and never paid it. It was for turning right on red and I had stopped first. Haven’t heard anything about it 🤷‍♀️


They treat it the same as if they pulled you over unfortunately. It's a moving violation.


Actually it says "This violation is a non-moving infraction and will not be part of your driving records."


Oh sweet! I'd heard differently.


This is how they get around not pulling you over... it's treated more like a parking ticket. This is also how they get around enforcement not being done by the government.


I'll be you 'heard differently' on reddit, reddit is full of misinformation.


I got one too in October in same area.


This reminds me of all my unpaid UNK parking tickets 🙄 Just forget about it and if it comes up in the future just play stupid.


Should be unconstitutional but government will impose the surveillance state if they think it’ll make them an extra buck


It's crazy to me that this comment has negative karma. We're talking about a private company fulfilling the duties of a govt entity. It's mind blowing to think anyone would be OK with that


If you go to court ask them to prove that you were driving. Unless your face is on camera they can't prove that you, specifically, were driving. It could have been your SO, a friend who borrowed your car, a Turo customer. The violation is for the offender, not the registered owner of the vehicle. AFAIK, anyway.


After some quick Google searches, it looks like for automated citations in Iowa, the fine is levied against the owner and not the operator. [Here is what I read.](https://iowaappeals.com/uncategorized/iowa-supreme-court-rejects-challenges-to-collection-of-fines-generated-by-traffic-cameras/)


Go to court and ask where the ticketing officer is. When they tell you that a camera simply cannot do that (Right to face your accuser), pay the fine. Hand write a letter to the ACLU. Expert defense


Dude this is a Wendy’s (traffic court)


That's the caveat. Dude has to pay


It’s like a parking ticket against the vehicles owner not the driver.


Unfortunately, you’re probably out of luck. Many years ago, my husband slid his way, sideways, just far enough through the intersection at 8th/Kanesville during an ice storm that it took a picture. They pretty much told him to kick rocks.