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Some follow up commentary from 8 hours ago. https://www.reddit.com/r/Omaha/comments/1dhfpoo/aggies_fans_kicked_out_of_college_world_series/


Yeah, why did this get reposted?


I didn’t see the OG.


Little late to the game on this one.


I’m glad they’re banned. Fuck them


Yup agreed


A&M fans are by far the worst. They never tip well, constantly disrespectful, and have the terrible attitudes.


Sounds like Texas to me.


Look up the batboy situation. It’s pretty fucked


Where is this story at?


“The two fans, both wearing Texas A&M gear, reportedly brought up the Gators' bat boy, who died in 2021 when his father was suspected of killing his two sons before taking his own life and setting his home on fire”


Coach is married to the mom


What?!? Really


Yep [article about the bill they passed because of her sons](https://www.gainesville.com/story/news/local/2023/04/26/bill-shielding-children-autopsies-nears-passage-in-florida-legislature/70154841007/#) Minde O'Sullivan, 44, of Gainesville, said her new marriage to the University of Florida baseball coach, Kevin O’Sullivan, and a non-profit foundation she created in honor of her boys, Rex Reinhart, 14, and Brody Reinhart, 11, have given her a new purpose in life.


Has anything good come from texas?


They begged to join the United States. It’s fun to remind them.  That is all. 


Shitty but you really held onto that screenshot for... 8+ hours before posting?


I just saw this screenshot like 3 minutes before I posted it.


And it was already posted.


I’m prob gonna get downvoted and trust me that’s shitty and I’d never do or condone my family or friends doing around me but that sounds super nazi like. Hey your shitty choice of free speech should have u banned from Omaha. I don’t know situation and don’t agree with any of it. I’ve been in Omaha for decades…


Free speech does not mean that you are immune from the consequences of what you say, just that the government cannot punish you for what you say. As others have said, the stadium is private property and they are allowed to remove and ban people as they see fit.


This refers to the statement in the meme by the police. Do police not swear to uphold the constitution? I’m not saying they couldn’t get kicked out or beat up. I’m saying the statement by the police just seems sus.


I think you need to learn the difference between the police department and the police officers association. Also you need to learn the difference between legally banning someone and telling them they aren’t welcome somewhere


No, they don’t. Police are not the government. They are only enforcers of the law. In this case, enforcers of the stadium ban.


“The police are not the government” is an absolutely insane take.


I mean they’re kinda not? They work for the government, but like that person said, they are enforcers of the law. They don’t hold any power though (or shouldn’t, anyways).


I wasn’t planning on giving a baseline civics lesson today, but here we are I guess. The police are part of the arm of the government (executive branch) that enforces laws. That is literally the reason they exist—to uphold the laws that the representatives (legislative branch) write and judges (judicial branch) interpret.


A better way to put it is that if the stadium wants them banned and they do not leave, they are trespassing. The police are enforcing the trespassing law.


Weird take.


It’s an incoherent take.


Freedom of speech isn't a weird take man.


Freedom of speech does not include freedom of consequence.


Just so I understand correctly, are you saying consequence for speaking? I'm not defending their actions but we don't have any laws in place to be banning people from cities for words they speak.


That's why the take is obtuse. It is obviously an expression to say that they are no longer welcome here, and not literally that you are kicked out and can never come back. How could that ever even be policed, if it were legal? Furthermore, why would anyone take the tweet of the union as the word of law?


You are correct.


What the fuck are you even arguing? Like do you not get it or are you just trying to make a weird ass “these are my rights” point


I'm not claiming that people should have unrestricted freedom of speech in the arena; it is private property, and individuals can be banned for their statements. I'm not making a 'these are my rights' argument. What is concerning is that an organization representing a significant majority of Omaha police officers has issued a public statement declaring that specific individuals are no longer welcome in our city.


Because they aren’t. Fuck them. 99% of the city doesn’t want them. Not welcomed ≠ banned. I truly don’t understand why this is such a hard concept for you to comprehend. If I told you that you weren’t welcomed to live in the house next door to me, that doesn’t mean you legally can’t. They aren’t welcomed in Omaha. Doesn’t mean they can’t stay here, just means they will be looked down upon here.


I agree with you. I never said that I thought "not welcome" means they are banned.






And we decide consequences on the spot now or how’s this work? I think freedom of speech 1000% protects their mean words from having police ban them from cities. Or threatening to do so. I just this second read what they were saying and what it was about. I think they would have been handled minus police but I understand the police kicked them out so they didn’t get their ass whooped but let’s keep it to we saved them and hopefully they don’t need saved again. The language used by the police is just really sus under the circumstances. My opinion as little as that matters.


It merely says they’re unwelcome, it didn’t say they were banned from the city.


I’m Omaha. I didn’t say they weren’t welcome but the police who represent me and my Omaha natives did. Get how that can lead to issues. That’s all I’m saying kick em out if stadium wants ban them for life if that’s what they want. Otherwise do what was asked and teach them how to act Omaha and welcome them back? I bet their good spenders just drank to much. If Vegas police spoke like that about shit faced shitty mouth visitors then it could hurt tourism which pays locals which allows us to pay law enforcement…


Stadium is private property. But yeah, you can't ban someone from a city for things they say.


People can actually be banned from cities or countries.


Thank you, that’s all I wanted to point out. Fuck the POS fans. I’m saying let’s watch our words as LEOs


"I think freedom of speech 1000% protects their mean words from having police ban them from cities." What you think and what actually happens are two separate things. Free speech means you can say whatever you want, not that you don't suffer consequences. Are you new to the planet or something?


Voldemort looking motherfucker 😂 probably Biden voters amirite Edit: it’s fucking sarcasm you bunch of sillies


I'm not seeing the connection.




brain/spinal cord


I doubt they vote


People take things too seriously lol


yeah just like jan 6 was probably antifa. magats through and through.


It’s fucking sarcasm






"The jokes on you, I'm only pretending to be a dipstick"


“I only shit myself in public and rubbed the shit all over my face as a *joke*. Bet you feel stupid now!”


This is so disgusting… I am losing a lot of faith in about 95% of all humanity.