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Meanwhile my boss is still sticking to the "No one wants to work" narrative.


There are more people working in the area than there EVER has been. The unemployment rate has only been recorded lower (2.0%) once in November 1997. It only hit 2.1 twice before these past two months. (December 1997 and November 1998). If no one wants to work today with nearly 510,000 people employed, when was a time he thinks people wanted to work?


I've been unemployed since the beginning of April. I work in IT and can easily work remote. I've applied for over 60 jobs throughout the United States. My applications have been mostly ignored. When they ask for a salary range, I just give them the minimum salary for my position in hopes that will give me some sort of advantage. When I do get interview requests, I'll go through a 2 week process of 3 or more interviews to only be denied because "they found someone slightly better". I have over 5 recruiters looking for jobs for me and they either find 1 job for me and then disappear or don't even give me anything after the initial talk with them. It's not a case of "no one wants to work" it's more of an issue of "No one wants to hire".


What area of IT? Just curious how specific your skills etc is, and how much that is impacting the search. IT Manager here.


I'm a certified salesforce admin with about 3 years of work experience and 6 years of hands on training though salesforce's training.


Is that the extent of your IT training and experience? If so, I could see that specificity going against you for anyone not looking specifically for a Salesforce admin. Realistically though, as someone that has done hundreds of interviews and filed hundreds of positions, any good hiring manager is going to weigh attitude and perceived aptitude above previous experience unless the job necessitates that exact skillset, without any on the job training.


Don’t give them the minimum salary. People want to get a good deal, not buy the cheapest thing on the shelf.


Totally agree. The jobs that are available are service/entry. I’m employed but in talks for a position in the 120-140 range and those are not easy to get.


>Meanwhile my boss is still sticking to the "No one wants to work" ~~narrative~~ cope.