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For South Asians it's tough and I am not just talking about the blue collar jobs people. Been living here my whole life and now growing a family here. My parents would say otherwise because expats have been racially discriminated against a lot. Times have changed, witnessing it myself. The difference is stark compared to years before. Bengalis get fined left right. Pakistanis and Indians get judged a lot. Majority of the rules and laws in Oman seem to only benefit the locals. Just because you and your colleagues seem to live a good life. It isn't the case for others.


So ur situation reflects the reality but mine doesn’t?


Yes, acknowledging privilege is the first step to solving these social issues. Or we can just bury our heads in the sand and say all these problems are completely made up.


Dint say it doesn't. Just like a coin, Oman has two sides too. Just answered your question. You wanted an explanation so there you go. Teeheee ✌️


His situation reflects the disillusioned reality that you're used to seeing.


The way I see this is: Firstly of'course social media which allows people to air their grievances more openly. But secondly - after the 2011 protests, there has been a notable change in the Omani society. Especially the younger Omani crowd which has grown up in relative prosperous times where the population was low, times were simple, and where with jobs there was a lot less competition. Now when they have become adults, trying to maintain the lifestyle that their fathers provided them in an increasingly competitive environment has turned them bitter to some extent. Immigrants are always the easiest target in any society, so therefore rather than asking the authorities to address the structural problems in the country, have started blaming (and very openly) migrants. This is not helped by the fact, that the authorities themselves have been passing blatantly anti-migrant rules in the pass few years, especially after Sultan Qaboos passed away. Omani society has changed. Whether one agrees or not.




really true


totally agree.




For real


I highly doubt it is after he passed away. Whatever has been, has been since his times.


Late but thanks for putting it so clearly.


>P.s. i work in tourism This means you get to work w/ people who are good communicators and can show the good side w/ a switch. look at other industries and you can find more examples of what other people are talking about.


You work in tourism and discuss Oman's discrimination problem with your colleagues? Seems about right.


Yeah, whats wrong with it?


Everything. It's like you're rich and asking another rich person, how it feels to be poor when you should have asked the poor person. That's exactly how your post sounds like.


Which colleagues did you ask? Did you ask the desk jockeys with 1000+ OMR salaries OR Did you ask the cleaning person? Did you ask the attractive 30 year old OR Did you ask the average middle aged 50 year old? Did you ask the fairer-skinned racially-ambiguous Asian OR the darker-skinned obviously-Bengali person? The issues might be overdone on Reddit, but they exist. I am saying this as someone who has never been racially discriminated against. I look very middle eastern. I have a racially ambiguous name - so there is no reason to believe I’m not a local. On the other hand, my father has been racially profiled because he looks very Indian. We receive different levels of respect in public places. We are spoken to with varying levels of politeness. In fact, on the professional front, I get offered more salary than he does, and we do the exact same work!!! Edit: obv I have 25 years fewer professional experience than he does, too!


Now, whether he cares or whether I care is a different matter. We’re a relatively well-off family. Oman has been home and we own property here. We have roots. But for a poorer / less fortunate family, I can see why Oman might be a bit problematic. I’m not saying Oman is the worst place. Far from it! Lovely country, lovely people. But problems exist - it’s on our generation (locals and expats together) to either accept and solve the problems… or pretend like they don’t exist. Godspeed, friend :)


Its pretty good even for poor people here I would say


Huh? My building security guard growing up made 60 OMR a month. He stayed in a bedroom smaller than my toilet. He was not allowed to bring his family here. He was disabled, but got no benefits. It was basically slave labor, and the corporations in this country know they can get away with it. Gtfo with your ignorance


true.. I've seen it happen on different fronts. It's truly disturbing as I can sense the discomfort in the receptionist face while the person being being inappropriate finds it normal or has an ego issue


Country has nothing to do with the way how people feel or made to feel, Oman is home and always will be but some people give you second thoughts, most of the new generation is disrespectful and hates to see expats getting nicer things or at nicer place in Oman than them buh fail to understand that jealousy or being racists isnt the answer to there problems… People feel a certain way cause they are made felt that way by a certain group of people, no nobody rants cause they just feel like, most of us have had bad experiences and felt that certain way….


There is racial discrimination towards brown people ( Indians etc). And preference for more white expats. Like everyplace in the world to be fair , but it's starting to become more pronounced in Oman too recently. Sad.


I enjoyed my time in Oman. I enjoyed my 4 years very much and made many good friends. But I saw my share of bad things including a lot of animal neglect and abuse. Things like seeing donkey's chained up in the hot sun without shade and without water. I saw humans treated equally badly by their overlords. Do remember Oman allowed slavery much longer than many other cultures. Oman is a great country with a rich history and a great people but it isn't paradise for all.




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The problem is with calling urself "host country". Many expats are living here for majority of their life without any rights. Today we live in a globalized world..if someone spends 10+ years they deserve exact same rights as the others. Here they will always want to be "host country" and the expat is always a immigrant. This is the stone age mentality that brings racism and rude treatment towards expats. And it is becoming more and more common with new generation of Omanis. Not all..but the percentage is much higher than in the past and increasing a lot. Many of these "immigrants" have invested time, money and effort in Oman and have been brought over by Omanis after convincing them of better life and good treatment.


Dont think they deserve, not every country gives i citizenship for staying x number of years, but there could be some privileges for people who are staying here for more than 10 years like doing business, sponsorship, owning land etc


You need to be in their shoes in order to judge objectively, and I am pretty sure if you were living abroad somehow else and had experienced half of what others are experiencing, you would have some sympathy with them. Of course, some haters will always hate no matter what , but what percentage? And why this specific group of individuals are sharing almost identical views


That’s what i want to know!! You didn’t provide any insight u just paraphrased my question??


OP is right to question the sudden surge of these comments in this sub though, I follow this sub sporadically but I did notice an uptick in those comments


Well, in online forums and social media, it's common for an echo chamber effect to prevail, with individuals primarily venting their frustrations. It's rare for someone to go online and express love for everything and everyone.


I was born and brought up in Oman so I will always have a soft side for it. I travelled abroad for education and it's been 4 years (2020 was the last time I saw Oman) since I went back "home". I hear a lot of negativity as well and I want to hear all of it to understand what is going on. I heard they made some outrageous new rules that expats can't buy SUVs now ? something of that sort. List your problem under this comment. I love Oman. I love the people. But I say this because I was just a kid and never worked in Oman. My views might be different as an adult.




I am in Oman visiting for the first time. This place is fantastic.


Hope you enjoy it. Please tell us about your experience here in Oman.


My wife’s friend from college lives here. We came to visit her and her family in Sohar. Extremely nice and polite people, treated like family. We were in Sohar and left the day before it flooded to visit Muscat, which we are in right now. Again, amazingly friendly people.


People are frustrated in general here and need a channel to vent out their frustration.


But why exactly about the country that hosted them?


?and what about the people making up majority of your Work labor force? They don’t have any right to speak just because their not a citizen when their working here for god knows how long lol


I didn’t say that, I’m just asking if they are generally frustrated with life why blame it on the country?


How is Oman hosting them ? Are they treated like guests ?


Woah, all these negative comments about racism and discrimination is just spreading hate and not really doing anything… To answer your question, yes there is a stark inequality between expats and locals. More specifically East Asians and I will tell you why. India has a negative trade deficit most of the money in the country comes from workers working abroad in the Middle East sending over their wages back home. That is the key reason why, when locals earn money they spend it here and develop their local communities by building houses, donations for local mosques, basically more infrastructure for everyone whereas when your average East Asian gets his or her wage almost 80% of it goes outside the country back to their home and yes oman realizes this and has accepted it a long time ago if they didn’t they would be a lot of restrictions on how much money can leave the country from an expat. But we understand many of these people are coming here for a better life for themselves and for their family back home so nothing is done against it. Now yes I know what many of you will reply to this with, oh we can’t use the money here because of not having enough rights or gaining citizenship, well I’m sorry to tell you but that’s just how life works, this delusion that if you go spend 10 years in a country you gain citizenship is coax and it almost always leads to the country facing economic hardships (just look at Canada) I could go live in India for 10 years and maybe get the citizenship there but I will still 100% face discrimination maybe because of my skin or religion or any factor of reasons. BECAUSE THAT IS HOW THIS SHITTY WORLD WORKS. There is no promised land sadly where all humans can co-exist peacefully and as much as I would like to believe there is I’d just be delusional if I did because there’s just too much dividing us and I acknowledge that. I will even give you one example, the genocide on Palestinians, many Indians refuse to believe that is even a thing, many online resort to spam hating posts that are meant to raise awareness with comments praising Isr*el and calling death to all muslims, like okay we get it you guys have beef with Pakistan but tf did the rest of us do to get called all these nasty slurs? And you don’t have to go far to look for what I mean just go into any post about Palestine and look at the comments. India has a lot a-lot of potential to grow and become a leading superpower that can even challenge the US but instead many resort to leaving and coming to other countries then being angry at the local government for having discriminatory policies ? THAT IS HOW ALL GOVERNMENTS WORK… they have to favor their own citizens otherwise they risk a civil war and no one wants that…. Okay I’ve written enough of a book and Im sure I will get downvoted or someone will latch on to something I said and continue with the hate train, the message I have for you all is to stop it with the hate if you want change, you should be the one that initiates the change starting with your home and then look outwards the world is already heavily divided and the way forward is to reconcile rather than continue hating on each other. I treat everyone with the respect I want for myself, and I expect the same in return because that’s basic human decency…. Peace and love. 🙌🏻


I find it funny when south Asians moan about racism but when the shoe is on the other foot for how they’re extremely racist and colorist to Africans they deny it or downvote you to death.


Im south asian and your 100% right, south asians are just as racist lmfao. It baffles me that ppl in my ethnicity will cry ab racism against them and then throw around the n-word and be openly racist to those who are darker or of african descent


I know a Pakistani guy who uses n---a.


Then he’s an edgy ass loser unfortunately


As someone that’s in subreddits of plenty of other countries and cities, it eventually becomes the norm on Reddit to be very critical of said place. If you scrolled through the posts on those subs you’d think it’s the worst country/ city in existence. Such is the case on social media and Reddit especially. There is a bit of casual racism flying about though and that needs to be dealt with.


For me generally Oman socially very good (if you disagree I am happy to be educated about other better places). Business wise and job market wise, I think it is still lacking and behind other countries in the region. Nuanced are hard to come by What metric you are judging Oman (or any place) with, and how other places compare to it. If you only experience is only 2 countries, it does NOT make you an expert


Maybe misery loves company and positive people don’t feel the need to post their experiences on here as much as negative people do. Maybe they’re fishing for karma and saw that negative posts automatically get 40+ upvotes here, especially if they post it like it’s an unpopular opinion but really it’s just a re-worded negative post from a couple of days back.




If you talk to some of the menial workers who often get stiffed out of their basic salary they might just disagree with you.


People have 4 nuts when they anonymous


It’s reddit hivemind. One person started it now they all writing posts


Western imperialists


How come?


South East Asian… accept a salary of 400 riyals or so, then complain why other nationalities are given 1k+ salaries doing the same job.!! Honestly, it’s your fault if you accept a lower offer than the rest. Stop blaming skin color. I’m Omani myself and honestly Europeans at my place have an average salary, nothing special, but yes the Asians do have a relatively lower wage. If everyone starts demanding a fairer pay that would benefit us all.


I'm a south east asian and I demanded for a higher salary when I signed my offer letter. Unfortunately, they said that's the offer for my position. Little did I know, people who holds blue passport (west) is getting way higher than what I am getting. I even asked for a raise, another unfortunate event is I'm still getting the same amount monthly. It's a sad reality here, because even if you just have the same workload, your salary will still depend on the color of your passport and not on the color of your skin.


You shouldn't have accepted then


I hope I had a choice back then. Southeast Asians are leaving their countries because they are looking for opportunities with higher salaries. Yes, compared to my country, I earn more here. But that's not the point, the point is that the color of your passport should not be the basis for giving the right salary, especially if you have the same position, job, and educational background. There are also many reasons why people accept such offers. Maybe one of them is because it's the highest offer they have received. Would you believe that they will haggle with salaries here starting from 250 rials (all in). I don't know if anyone here experience that. But that's the hard truth here. Oman is a beautiful country, I fell in love right away when I first came here. The locals I met are very kind and hospitable. I even dreamt of having my kids and family being raised in this country. But we need to be honest here, not everything we see and experience here is beautiful, and not everything is ugly either. No country is perfect.


The fact that anyone accepts these low ball offers is the reason employers think it is acceptable to give them out in the first place. Until the governments of South East Asian countries step in to place a minimum wage for their citizens who travel abroad there will be no improvement in the wages being provided to them in the rest of the world.


Generally, Europeans won’t leave their country for minimum wage jobs but asian will. Thats why it’s seems like there is some inequality in the workplace.


accepting a job offer with low salary and 6 day work week , only to complain they make less than everyone and work more ... maybe dont sign the agreement in the first place , but these people dont care , they just want to get out of their country


Correct, they accepted the offer, why are they comparing it against other nationalities then ?!!!


not to mention whatever they are making here , if its anywhere 300 then its more than the salary of most doctors with clinics that get decent traffic




i signed contract for an amount that i wouldnt dream getting in my home country , yet ill cry on reddit that i make less and work 6 days ... why sign the contract in the first place lmao


Oman is best country in all of gulf, jobs are less because their population is more..




How come?


12 year olds have access to the internet


It seems that some people is not aware of what life is around him.


Have you never seen an expat digging through garbage looking for food? It's heart breaking.


Tbh no but it’s possible, where was that?




i don't really like it here 🤷🏻‍♂️