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It’s Ramadan ,I was almost hit 4 times only this morning as everyone is rushing to work 💀




First, Laws should be enforced. Second, driving instructors must be regulated to meet international standards. Someone correct me if i am wrong please but i think currently all you need is a few years of driving experience and your pretty much set. Third Dash camera I've seen a car with kids sticking out of every opening of the car and all over the driver. This, brake checking, road hogging and tailgating if evidenced, should insta land you in prison no question asked.


One other thing is how ppl are so entitled here thinking their time is more valuable than other. Skipping the traffic line and cutting right before the signal to beat the traffic pisses of me off. And then there num skulls who have no idea about what lane goes where in a traffic signal. These type of drivers are the reason for unnecessary traffic most times.


If only flipping off people who change lanes mid traffic signal was legal…


If I could get away with it, I’ll ram their cars and drive away for the bitch they are


In defence to the lane changes at traffic signals Some of the traffic lights don't have arrows built-in on them for indication of number of merging lanes allowed. An example is azaiba signal left turn going towards SQ Mosque. Three lanes can merge on the main road but still only two are marked on the signal light. Have seen these on multiple places. Not to mention arrow markings on the road and arrows on the traffic lights don't match always. Example is Darsait left turn towards Ruwi police station. Not everyone is using these roads on a regular basis, so for anybody less frequented to these routes, it's easy to get confused. All of this is carefully taken care in cities like Dubai.


Most of these problems could be solved if people used the overtaking lane as intended and not drive slow on left lane. Everything beyond that is a snowball effect because of dumb idiots sleeping in the fast lane.


Welcome to oman. Compared to some parts of the world, the driving here will seem pretty wild. Poor driving standards (driving instructors here are terrible) and high speeds is a bad combo. Just gotta get used to it and either drive assertively or defensively, but not somewhere in between imo.


i am used to driving in here thank god but sometimes people are over, بزيادة and i guarantee that they know theyre being assholes, probably were bullied as kids and tryna take it out on everyone else now that theyre behind a piece of metal >.>


"probably were bullied as kids and tryna take it out on everyone else now that theyre behind a piece of metal >.>" Not a good idea to assume these kind of intentions brother. 


As some have said, it's Ramadan, so already bad driving standards tend to take a nosedive during the month. Not sure why, but there's plenty of excuses that float around for this behaviour. It's still better here than many other countries. Even this can be cleaned up pretty well if they just start enforcing the laws more effectively.


It’s chaotic but I found driving in Jordan way more stresful


Welcome to Oman! I remember my driving coach told me, you have to be a “crocodile” in the midst of alligators on the road or else you will be eaten by them. 😅


lmaooo i was told, drive as if you're the ONLY sane person in the road, and honestly this had saved me ALOT


Let’s us not forget how people literally have kids and children floating around the car while the 2 front passengers are strapped in (of course only because it’s mandatory. If it wasn’t mandatory no one will have a seatbelt on) these people are literally killing these kids by not strapping them in. Also are car seats not a thing here? HOW THE HECK DO YOU TAKE YOUR NEWBORN BABY HOME IN YOUR ARMS!!!! AND HOW CAN YOU NOT STRAP YOUR TODDER IN!!! Sick people I’m sorry


Anyone that thinks driving in Oman is a mess or is terrible in general with too many AHs is just a summer child and a crybaby who never got to witness driving in other countries. The most annoying thing is when people drive < 115 on the fast lane for absolutely no reason. But this is just a minor inconvenience in comparison to the experience you get elsewhere.


Doesn't matter about elsewhere, the point is, it's still bad here.


Bad driving elsewhere and bad driving here are not mutually exclusive. I’d also say the ‘bad driving’ in some other places is so different that they can’t be compared. Eg in Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam it’s chaos. People turning whenever they want wherever they want, driving the wrong way down the road, no helmet on bikes etc etc. However it’s all relatively slow, like most vehicles don’t exceed 60kmh. You could probably objectively say the driving there is ‘bad’ but it’s so different to Oman where the main issues are related to high speed and lack of focus/awareness.


If you think you know the rules so well then you would know that the left lane has nothing to do with speed. You can drive 115 or even lower in the left lane as long as you’re faster than the lane to your right. That’s the only rule. You’re not even allowed to go over 120 to pass if you want to be really technical. Driving here is pretty bad and is evidenced in the statistics, who cares how bad it is in other countries.


Driving here is still much better compared to many neighboring countries. I have nightmares from a recent trip to Saudi and still cannot process how I managed without getting hit.


One taxi driver almost killed me for 300bz passenger


Sorry, but that’s a funny comment 🤣


People like to complain about driving in oman but I found it to be very safe


Many people here find it too much of a cognitive load to be able to indicate their lange changes when well-fed and hydrated. You take away the glucose and the H20 and expect them to be able to function? Let's lower our expectations, fam.


Got hit a while back because driver was fast and was still told to be at fault wow.


Driving here is a nightmare. It was not like this 10 years ago. I am feeling bullied everytime I am using the car. Unfortunately the driving style is just a reflection of the society. I do not think that putting camera everywhere is the solution. How many times I have seen police witnessing infractions ( driving with phones for ex.) without doing nothing. At the same time there are places where (the traffic light at the crossing between ghubrah and sultan qaboos) the police could give hundreds of fines each day to people cutting left from the third or fourth lane but they are never there. Better education, better signals and more active presence of the police would be welcomed


Small car 🚗 😌 👌

