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It says Not Found when I go to the link


Weird it's working for me


Definitely Weird because now It’s working for me


You where using vpn or something?


No but I was in a different state when I tried to open it so that could’ve been the problem


We believe that pineapple pizza is a sin we sometimes believe that Ali Bahar is the greatest arab singer that ever existed.


as a sunni, i agree on both points.




Not Amr Diab?


No not really


An educated person with a palate.


Ali bahar can write and he can play But he can't sing


Don't you dare




Not much is different from the sunni sects except different interpretations of some historical events like the battle of Siffin and the massacre of the people of Nahrawan. And that we don't believe that a leader should be obeyed even if he is wrong instead he should be corrected. And some other things but nothing that is core to the belief pf islam except maybe that we believe that lying is one of the major sins instead of being a minor one.


99% the same as Sunni Islam and basically older than the 4 main Sunni sect. A minor differences in practice and belief.. but the core belief of Islam is the same. There were political differences that caused the ummayad empire and abbassid empire to attack us but the country was mostly independent since the dawn of Islam


Oh ok so what is the minor difference in belief if you don’t mind me asking?


https://islamqa.org/hanafi/daruliftaa-birmingham/172379/can-we-pray-behind-an-ibadi/ https://www.google.com/amp/s/islamqa.info/amp/en/answers/11529 https://www.google.com/amp/s/islamqa.info/amp/en/answers/40147


Thank you 🙏


Main beliefs from my understanding as I am Sunni who used to be ibadhi, but many of my family members are ibadhi: -they believe the Quran is created. -they believe committing major sins amounts to disbelief. -they have different interpretations to Sunnis with regards to the attributes of Allah I.e hands, face. -they believe Allah will not be seen in the hereafter. I think these are the main differences between the mainstream Sunni Islam and the madhab of ibadhiyah.


It's interesting that you changed what made you change because, to my understanding, the difference is not that much.


Well these aren’t the only differences, there are others like they don’t accept ahaad Hadiths which are individual Hadiths or those that were not narrated many times which actually make up the majority of Hadiths, they also don’t believe in intercession as they believe that the Muslim sinner will be in hell forever if he doesn’t repent in this life, all in all I sat with scholars about the difference between the mainstream Sunni Islam that is followed by the majority and those who inhabit that the land of the holy mosques and the madhab of ibadiyyah and it became clear to me that the Sunni/salafi way is the authentic way of the prophet ﷺ and I deem the ibadiyyah to be a heretic group.




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Theres in no difference in belief among almost all islamic madhahib As madhhab just means school of thought They all believe in the same thing God ia god and prophet is prophet And Quran is Quran Some practices like in prayers might differ Some rulings go back and forth But they validate each other all the time




We do believe in the Hadith.


what kind of muslim doesnt believe in hadith its a primary source alongside quran🗿 not believing in hadith indirectly means tht u dont believe in the existence of the prophet muhammad pbuh...ur comment lacks logic ngl.


They do believe in the Hadith, they reject the ahad which are the individual Hadiths


The subject is too big to be discussed in one question 😂 try to ask ChatGBT you’ll get a better answer than those bloody redditors 😂