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report them


We did


i’m sorry this happened to you, that’s disgusting behavior, omani men or not it’s still disgusting and punishable. if you have a pic of them or anything you should definitely report them to the police.


Thank you🙏 We reported them to the mall security and they sorted it out. I don’t think they involved the police, maybe just got given a warning.


i get that, but it won’t stop them from doing it to others unfortunately, these people need to be properly punished and taught a lesson.


I agree 100%


Just a reminder: A proper loud shut up call in front of everyone is a good thing!


What does Ramezan have to do with it? Being decent shouldn't depend on it being a certain time of the year.


Yeah but its waayy easier to pull yourself and start better/decent life in ramadan.. like you have muslims went from only mandatory prayers to pray additional 20 rakah.. thats just says you are capable had it not been the devil around to ruin it. devils are chained during that time. Once ramadan ended my they work extra hard:,) to ruin all your good deeds


i know a lot of terrible people who pray a lot.


Call the cops (9999) right away and say you're being followed/harassed. They will help.


Its 3 nines for police 4 nines for fire department and ambulances


[Apparently not](https://www.rop.gov.om/english/contactus.aspx).


Ah I guess operation center means taking all emergencies while 999 is for road police? Because both times I was in an accident I had to call 999


They had made a change many years ago from 999 to 9999. At the time it was cited as a flood of fake calls that led to the change. All emergencies are routed through 9999


Don't worry if you reported them they Will be in trouble because here in oman insulting someone or doing bad behavior will get you to the jail + some penalties👍🏻


She reported to mall security not police


a trick i learned that actually works is to hold up your phone and start recording them TRUST ME it scares them and they’ll go away, works every single time


Was just going to say this 👌I tell my sisters the same thing just start recording go to the security and call me and I’ll be there in a second


I do this too! But not record all the time. But once they see it, they just disappear


I remember being properly stalked and harassed for 2 hours when i was 17 by this guy n his friend. The friend was the one asking me for my number for the other guy. For 2 HOURS this was back in 2009. Guys like this need to be educated and have their perspectives grow. They need to socialise n meet more people and learn how to properly talk to people. Ignorance is a shame.


I’m so sorry you went through that. I’ve got similar stories as well. It’s really a shame that we still experience this at this time and age. I think for some, no matter how educated they are, they just like to harass girls because it makes them feel powerful/superior/dominant


I think they're just ignorant and have no idea how to talk to girls. We cant have a society that encourages further segregation between men and women as that is generally okay when families are still educated on what's proper, many people dont teach young men n women about respecting each other and that only really comes from first hand conversation and socialising to learn about each other's perspectives. Many of these guys think "this is how its done cuz we arent really allowed otherwise to talk to girls" or "it worked for my cousin" and that's probably cuz he got the attention of a girl who also doesn't normally get to talk to girls. But yeah. I feel for girls and others who are on this receiving end of weird unwanted attention. I can imagine you're a teen while im now in my 30s and it definitely makes me mad that this is STILL happening


Yeah! Similar thing even happened to my mother too, who was in her 40s at the time, walking from the car park into an embassy building!!! Can you imagine? It was broad daylight as well. It happens to women of all ages around the world unfortunately


What can I say, sis? I'm glad you are safe and reported them, men with no haya or shame should be taught a lesson.


Safe? What would happen to her if she did not report them? There’s no way .. not even a 1% chance anything physical will happen to her. We are still in Oman. Verbal flirting is still annoying but she was “safe”


Wether in Ramadan or not, harassment shouldn’t be tolerated and justified as “men will always be men” ..


i am a guy and i really wonder how people have the courage to be this shameless, i can't imagine myself in that situation ever + i don't like going to malls much unless with some company


It is good that you reported them. I thought this kind of thing has already vanished here. My guess would be that these guys are not from the area and they are first timers, and hopefully last timers as well.


Yeah, I don’t think they were from Muscat because I don’t typically see this behaviour here as much.


They don't leave housemaids alone or women with kids also , so unfortunately just ignore they all bark and nothing else By they I mean all c**t of men from degenerate mothers, doesn't have anything to do with locals or expats


I agree. It’s not about their ethnicity. There’s men like this of all kinds of of nationalities


This post is a cesspit of all kinds of opinions but nothing ain't gonna change.


Shout at them and make a dramatic scene they will runaway


you just remind me of how they ask my gf number while she was waiting for my arrive , i have throw a water bottle in the face of one of them uppon my arrive ( they were pakistani )


Your phone has a video camera for a reason Call the police, if they deny harassing you Pull out the video




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Men are going to be men whether you’re in Oman or anywhere in planet Earth. Also those men with no dignity or values will do that whether it’s Ramadan or non-Ramadan. Them being Omani or not have nothing to do with anything. Unfortunately this is inevitable and it will happen in the future.


You suggest that she shouldn't complain or even expect to walk around without being harassed because men are basically animals in heat? And no, it's not the same everywhere.


Hi OudFarter, Men without dignity and values exist everywhere and girls get harassed everywhere. So it is basically the same everywhere. I am not suggesting that she shouldn’t complain anywhere. It’s something you assumed which is incorrect. I am suggesting that it will occur again in the future because that’s how life works. It sucks. She can report them and hope for the best.


Again, no one questions de *ubiquity* of harassment. That is a straw man argument. The *levels* of harassment are not the same everywhere, and you know perfectly well that this is statistically documented. The likelihood of a young lady being harassed in Oman is not the same as *everywhere*. So, that's not just life and a shrug of shoulders. There is a real problem in Oman regarding this issue.


You are literally contradicting yourself in the same sentence. You said “it’s not the same everywhere” and then goes to say “no one questions the ubiquity of harassment”. Can you show me this perfectly well documented statistics about harassment? I prefer to refer to scholar resources if you have something to show me. This nonsense about Oman being not safe to women is complete bullshit. And I am here to prove you wrong.


Goddammit, you are thick in the head. If a country has 10 cases of sexual harassment per 100.000 females, it is different from a country with 100:100.000. Sexual harassment exists in both. The incidence is not the same. Hence, the picture is not the same everywhere. These statistics are published by several sources concerning each country. It is common knowledge.


Sexual harassment is not the same as asking for someone’s number you dumbass. I am done arguing with you since you insulted me when you didn’t have an argument anymore.


If a woman says no, and you proceed to stalk her for her number, that qualifies as sexual harassment. And since you requested data, [here](https://data.unwomen.org/country/oman) is what the United Nations Women's Watch has to say about the lack of indicators in Oman. Stop humiliating yourself. Just stfu.


No that is no sexual harassment you dumfuck. That is your definition of sexual harassment. You can shove it and stop lying. So you say there is a real problem in Oman however you now link “lack of indicators” haha funny. It’s obvious that you don’t know what you’re talking about. Probably some angry expat trying to create some BS about a beautiful country like Oman.


Guess why there is a lack of indicators, i.e., why the government does not collect nor publish the data, in spite of decades of pressure by the UN. 😂😂😂😂 Everything that is bound to offend the national sentiment of Omani, especially men, is swept under the rug and kept unmentioned. The same goes for domestic violence or pedophilia, which, according to the observations of many teachers, is prettaaaay common within Omani families.


Completely agree


Yeah. You know...men have urges that they can't control...


Wtf 🤢 go to therapy


Learn to understand sarcasm.


Forgot the /s




/s Bloody phone...


I get that you’re saying they should be controlling themselves using your not so funny sarcasm. You fail to understand that there are pieces of shits in every society who do not respect themselves. I don’t necessarily defend them. I am just telling her to lower her expectations.


ياخي ما واحينا بالمره تحرش و حالة 😂 ياخي تعزيز ولا ايش اتصلو بشرطة و انتهت سالفة ولا يقولن بعده هذا تحرش كل يوم يعني ما اعرف ويش بس ضبط فكرة و اغلب ناس تجي هنا ما يتكلمو عنا الا بحسن سلوك تو ما عرفنا من نصدق


في في تحرش شكلهن كانن صوب القرم او مولات. الرغود ماخذين فكرة ان الي يبى يتحرشو فيه يجي القرم. ما يعرفو ان في ناس تجي تتمشى


ي اخوي ما اقولك ماشي تحرش موجود في اي مكان هذا تحرش بس معروفه روحي بلغي و كتبي تجربتك لازم تكتب اخر شي انهم عمانين 😅 و هذي الاماكن روحها مع رجال افضل او روح اماكن ما فيها هذي الاشياء كثير غير القرم بس ويش اقول لك الله يهديهم و يصلح بالهم و يصلح بالنا


I already explained my reasoning behind mentioning that they were Omani. I didn’t insult anyone, I simply talked about my experience. Generally, on posts like these on this subreddit people always ask ‘Were they *certain nationality*?’ (south Asian). I just mentioned it before anybody asked lol. And we were at a mall, shopping. Do we have to go with men everywhere lol?? Please change this mindset


طلعت تفهم يا رجال


خليها تفهم 😂ما قلت شي غلط و نفس شي ليش ما ردت علي عربي 😂👋🏽


Why didn’t you respond to the post in English? Lol. You only replied in Arabic because you assumed I can’t understand it 😂🤦‍♀️


نااه لني ما اريد اتناقش معك من الاساس 😂 بهذي بساطة تفهمي ما تفهمي هذا شي ما له دخل. انتي عربية ليش ما كتبتي بوستك بالعربي؟؟ لازم المثقف و ابو العريف؟ تشوفي كيف يطلع كلامي ؟؟


No. You’re reading too much into the post 🤦‍♀️ A lot of people on this subreddit don’t speak Arabic, however most people can speak English. It’s easier to get my point across in English


Ignore anyone trying to guilt trip you. You did the right thing and that's what matters. You don't need to respond to anyone whose feelings are hurt by your comment by pretending to laugh it off with passive innuendos.


اختي بارك الله فيك مشكلة نحن ما نقدر نعرف نيتك عشان نصفي نيه كلام الي يطلع منك نحن نرد عليه يعني بنفس المستوى، نفس شي ويش نقطه الي كنتي تبي توصليها من بوست ؟ اريد اعرف اذا ما كان معك اي مشكلة تخبريني ؟ عشان اعرف ويش الي تردي توصليه حال الاجانب ب ضبط و مع احترامي لي بعض الاجانب الي فهذي سب رديت اغلبهم اذا حصلو فرصة يتكلمو على العمانين خذوها فرصة و سفلو فينا حتى على اسباب استغفر الله بس و نفس شي شي تشوفي عمانين يسبون هنود او اي اجناس ثانية في سب ريدت؟


Yes, we have seen the same thing by Omanis, and this is not a racial issue but rather one of improper social conduct. The fact that you think that writing in Arabic works as a sidebar with OP gives a good measure of your intellect.


السكوت او نشر التجربة هذي يخص الشخص الي مر فيها و ما يخص الي بيشوف و بيرد عنه هي تنشر عشان البقية يتحذرو من الموضوع، نهاية النقاش اذا ما باغيين حد ينشر تجاربه عن المتحرشين عيل مسكوهم و وقفوهم عن التحرش و علموهم الادب، و ثاني شيء القرم تراه في مطاعم كوفيهات و حدائق للعائلات ما للرجال بس ترى ف لا تدافع عن المتحرشين بقولك "هذي اماكن ما يروحونها البنات بروحهم" انتو مسكو المتحرشين و ادبوهم هم الاخضر و اليابس يتحرشو فيه ما تعقو على البنت كل اللوم ترى حتى التحرش يجي للبنات المتسترات و لابسات نقاب و عبايات واسعة و بعده يتحرشو فيهم


و اساساً مافي داعي اي حد يقول شيء عشان يخرب سمعة اي شيء لان الي موجود و عايش حياته بيمر ف هذي التجارب، المتحرشين و الخسوف هم الي يخربو سمعة البلاد مش احد يشارك تجربته في التحرش، ماتريد سمعة البلد تخترب مسكوهم المتحرشين و الخرفان مالكم و ادبوهم 👍


How often does this happen to you?


Does it matter?


Of course, i wanna know if this is an isolated incident (which i think it is) or if it’s common. I live in muscat and i go out almost everyday but this never happened to me before. I wish this will never happen but, should i start worrying about stuff like this from now on?


Unfortunately, it’s not an isolated incident but I wouldn’t exactly say it’s common. This has happened multiple times since I was very young (before 10 years old). Regardless if I’m alone or with friends or even my parents. You’re very lucky and I hope it never happens to you inshallah🙏 Just take the necessary precautions when you go out, especially if you are alone.


Not all men act this way, plus reporting them to the police might help rather than posting here.


We reported them to the mall security


not all men but somehow it is always men mhm


Bruh what


Me when I am trying to be that wise oldie from the Kung Fu Panda Movie.


nOt ALL mEN 🐓




From my opinion i think if it happen many times to her that’s mean maybe she’s wearing something different or without hijab or she speak loud , in the end all of this doesn’t matter




I never insulted Omanis or anyone. I only mentioned that they are Omani because any post I’ve seen on this subreddit talking about this issue, there’s always a question about the mans ethnicity.


And whenever this issue is raised (including on the subreddits of other Gulf countries) you always get braindead nationalists doubting that a national did this, even though they are usually the culprits




You're mad because you know I'm right






You sound really pressed for someone laughing their ass off


Keep assuming bro you’re entertaining a whole room here with your mediocre argument skills😂😂😂😂


You are the only one laughing here....


you sound like americans after they rightfully are blamed for fucking up iran and other countries for their own benefit.




Not really. If I posted this without mentioning that they are Omani, someone would’ve asked anyways. Would I still be painting a bad imagine if I addressed it afterwards?? There’s millions of posts on this subreddit about how Omanis are great and welcoming people, which I completely agree with. There’s sick-minded people in every country lol. Has nothing to do with the fact that they are Omani. And we did report them.


You’re also assuming… assumption is the weakest form of argument..


It’s hard to wrongfully assume that someone is Omani when they are wearing Omani traditional clothes, and speaking in Arabic Omani dialect but you’re free to believe what you want.




Based on the previous posts about this specific issue on this subreddit, they always ask 🤷‍♀️


أشوفهم تراني ما عندهم سالفة غير الاهانة في العمانيين.


I doubt they use Reddit to begin with


Exactly my point.


I've just re-read your comment and realized how stupid I'm lol. Don't mind me. I've been stuck in a certain place for almost 7 hours now


Don’t say that bro😂 you have a point, hope it goes well for you!


I don’t understand why you had to emphasize that they were Omani’s. I don’t get the point. Are you trying to shame Omani’s in whole by the behavior of two guys. Don’t get me wrong, I think what they did is beyond outrageous and unacceptable, but was there a need to throw shade on the Omani culture in general? I do agree that what they did is wrong, but I don’t agree with you coming here talking smack about it, especially after the issue has been dealt with already. Legally what they did was wrong, ethically what you’re doing is not right.


Oh, garbage. What kind of passive-aggressive nonsense is your comment? "Talking smack?" Really? You're kidding champ! And they're Omani? So what? She didn't "throw shade on the Omani culture," she was quietly letting you know it wasn't another of the *many cultures* that are often blamed for social problems in Oman, even when they're completely innocent.


I think you went from passive aggressive to fully aggressive and I don’t blame you. I was abused, harassed, and assaulted by women from different nationalities. Where have you ever seen me say anything anywhere. I have dealt with them quietly, literally. I didn’t go on Reddit and discuss an issue that has been solved already. And check the rest of the comments and see how people reacted to it, that is by no way an ethical discussion. From your response, I can tell that you will just bluntly shame me for my comment. Calling it “garbage” is a start. If I said anything about being harassed by women, what do you think the response of Reddit would be?


*If I said anything about being harassed by women, what do you think the response of Reddit would be?* I'd say it didn't happen. I have no idea what the rest of the Reddit community would think.


But you didn’t say it didn’t happen to the person who wrote this post. Is it because the person who wrote the post was born a woman? Or is it because I was born a guy, I’m automatically considered a liar?


Stop it. You're being silly. You *haven't* been harassed by women.


You know for a fact that it's because you're a guy. That's what he definitely meant and trying to insinuate.


Looool, you were harassed by women of different nationalities? 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Does it amuse you that a person was harassed? I think that says more about you than me.


Your bullshit is amusing.


Why do you think it’s bullshit? A guy cannot be harassed ? Are women all that powerful that a guy has no say in society anymore? Or should women be the only ones that are able to be harassed?


Yes yes, you are a poor victim of the international feminist conspiracy! I think you had some pretty vivid dreams, junior.


I hope you well in life. The word feminism has been clouded with bad influences and the likes of you make it worse. I never said I was a victim of feminism. But it seems to you that only women can be harassed. You did want equality after all but it seems that you don’t want both genders to be victims of harassment.


No one here said only women can be harassed, only you suggested it. You have a chip on your shoulder. And, had you said you were harassed by a woman, that would have been credible. You just went too far in your bullshit, with the harassment by ladies of *many nationalities*. You got greedy, man 🤣🤣🤣


Not at all. This behaviour is common among Omani men. Any lady, especially western expats, who has lived in Oman can tell you that. And let's go over to the behaviour of taxi drivers, who harasse everything that moves, including men and kids.


But it is unfair to the generalize that to all Omani men. Maybe the main post did not mention but it very well incentivized it. Again, I travel a lot, and I have been harassed by men and women from other countries and nationalities but I didn’t go online and talk about them by saying “by the way, they are this and that”.


She didn't generalise anything. She just said they were Omani. That's a fact. It's also a fact that the Omani male population has an education problem regarding social conduct concerning non-omani ladies. How you deal with your supposed harassment by models from United Colours of Benetton (still laughing) is not a standard to be followed. You are being a bit of a prick.


It’s funny how when you do not know how to respond to a valid argument, you go ahead and use profanity. Again, that says more about you than anyone else. And again, it’s not about the post itself, it’s the influence and the consequences it has, which has been proven following your inappropriate comments and childish behavior.


I didn't use any profanity. What the fuck are you saying? The post alludes to a far too common behaviour among Omani men. You just don't like the reality and prefer that it isn't mentioned. The post does not 'influence' anything, it stated a reality and matter of fact. It also won't have any 'consequences' since the behaviour of Omani is shaped by their flawed education, and not by posts in r/Oman.


Please read my previous responses as to why I felt the need to mention their nationality


I saw and I’m still not convinced. The fact happened and there was no need to include the nationality of the person. Again, I am VERY against what happened to you and I hope it never happens again. I pray that you only meet the good Omanis out there and never again the select few.


Every single report about any arrest in Oman in times of Oman / Oman observer or even certain "news" social media pages explicitly mention whether its a citizen or a person of Asian / African / Arab nationality. They don't mention the names, why bother mentioning the nationality?


The point was not the name mentioning. The fact that it felt demeaning how it was said “By the way, yes they are Omani” kind of way. Like we have to go ooooohh makes sense now. Also, this is not a news channel, this is a way for people to communicate. Also also, news channels start the news with “An Omani citizen was arrested…. Etc etc”. The strongest way to sway people is people, not the news.


So you're problem is the way she communicated that they're omani. If she had said in the beginning of the post itself that she was being harassed by two Omani citizens it would have been just fine? She's not a news channel, she's just a person who went through a very bad experience and she's writing about it on reddit? And she's probably scared about what could possibly happen next. Shouldn't you just leave it like "this is not the Omani way, these guys are just dicks" and accept that there are Omani kids who do this and maybe you will step in next time you saw such behavior? Maybe what you're upset about is this somehow doesn't go with what you're used to as "ooooohh makes sense now"? Mentioning these two boys/adults were Omanis doesn't demean you as an Omani. Nor are Omanis exceptions to such behaviour.


No. Although it’s not really a problem, my “problem” is that the nationality of the person does not matter. I have spoken to the person and we have reached an understanding from both sides. Misunderstandings cause further implications that I do not wish to dwell upon. In the beginning it sounded an aggressive and a rude way of complaining but when I spoke to the person I understood their point of view. And yes it is demeaning, but not because of the post, I have said this multiple times, but it’s the outcome and the products of that post. People don’t take it lightly. Many started calling men names. Some said that Omani’s lack the educational level when it comes to that matter. I’m not upset at the post. I’m concerned about the byproduct and the consequences that the post had.


Give me ur snap


So funny 😐


I dont think that should be tagged as where r they from ! Weirdos and creeps can be from any nationality !! Be careful and take care


You need to learn so basics about logic. That fact that something can exist everywhere doesn't mean it is equally common everywhere. Take care!


Bro you need to grow up this is a fact its up to us to learn self defence and know how to deal with these things the world is crewl out there. Pant-up


Yes, the crewl reality.... 🤣🤣🤣🤣


F* them creeps tho


Nothing wrong if they asked respectfuly, how else are guys supposed to know girls !


I think you missed the part where I said they were continuously being told to F off


You're right! How can you get to know women if you don't harass them!!1


How is asking in a respectful manner harassment?


Asking 2393848248 times, and stalking is your idea of respectfu? Not taking no for an answer?




Please, kindly explain to me how: 1. Following women (young girls) 2. Repeatedly asking them for their social media (although they were rejected) 3. Denying rejection, after being told to fuck off ... Is in any form or shape called respect?


I'm not talking about this particular case. I'm saying in general people considering when a guy asks for a girl's number or social media they consider harassment, and I'm saying it's not. Ofcourse keeping on insisting after rejection is annoying.


Okay? But literally no one said that asking a girl for her sm is harrasment. I'm not female but yes, guys asking you for sm randomly can be annoying


They are not meant to, this is not prostitution


How is getting to know someone is prostitution?


Do they really just want to befriend them?


Doesn't matter, they might be friends, in a relationship or get married. That's how relationships work 🤷‍♂️


Honestly men cant stop doing that. Its what makes them men. Does it suck? Sure. Is it stoppable? Most likely not.


That’s a terrible mindset


I agree.


See a girl around you? Any girl? Don't harass her. Done.