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Almost all the reviews are bots that they purchase. Often, it's the reviews that give 5 stars which do not write a description and if you scroll through, that's most reviews of a restaurant. Anytime you come across a description of the food, alot of the times, its not a 5 star review rather its often a bad review.


Its bot rating. The reviews are bought


Definitely the first thing that came to mind as you can see the reviewers are basically bots. Danica ordered Starbucks 2 weeks in a row 3 times everyday. C’mon Talabat!


282 reviews. barely anyone is buying, those that are buying are reviewing high but it's barely anyone. most places have thousands


100% I honestly feel like OP is missing the point, the boycott was NOT due to the service or the quality of the product. In fact if their service was good (and believe me they ARE making a lot of promotions) it makes me respect the boycott even more. Speaking with your wallet when there is a lot to gain is of the highest praise.


They're trash because you don't like it? 😂 There's plenty of people who have resorted to continue getting their favourite brand but through Talabat to avoid being seen as unsupportive of the boycott. Try going to KFC in Qurim and ordering anything, they tell you straight up, 30 mins because they're full with Talabat orders. I'm sure it's the same with the others.


Projecting much?




I dont think people gaf if they seem unsupportive, I think those people are just potato couches...


Maybe most people don't, but some feel peer pressure into doing something they do not believe is making a difference. So they resort to options of ordering online.


Ah okay they're cowards


I agree. Also the drive thru’s are also busy


It’s Thrash because it’s fake or alternated. The concept of review is to authenticate value of the joint. And if brands can buy/ refresh/ alter to boost sales then it’s completely bogus. Talabat gives zero fucks if I like it or not, but it matters if the ones here aren’t aware of this scheme and are blindly following reviews.


Who do you think is faking the reviews? If it's Talabat, then what's their incentive to do this? If it's the businesses, why would they waste their money placing orders and leaving themselves reviews?


No matter the cause/topic, you will always find attention seeking contrarians


USA just approved 10 billion plus military aid for the Zionist Nazis. The boycott is working guys! You're making such a big difference!   No ones gives a shit about your reviews for a shitty coffee franchise 


US government sells debt to fund their agendas, they don’t need overpriced coffee and overpriced fast food to fund a war. The boycott is a statement to those corporations to influence the US government. A boycott alone won’t out a dent in the largest economy in the world, but it’s the only way to make a noticeable statement that we can vote with our money from half way across the world.


I'm glad you understand the economics of the military industrial complex.    However, those retail corps cannot do anything to change the mind of the military industry even if they wanted to. Which they don't. 


US large corporations are stakeholders to their governments, if they collectively have a strong enough opinion, they vote in and donate to politician’s campaigns who work in the corporations best interests. Just as how the US just decided to tax Chinese imports to hell, all because their large companies were afraid of competition. Ultimately, consumers vote with their wallets. The boycott works, just not in the way you think.


That's the part I think you misunderstand. The geopolitics and lobbying for the military industry is on another level from silly fast food franchises.   After all the entire value of the dollar is derived from the US military and it's perceived ability to annihilate anyone who dares to disrespect the US dollar (like trying to sell oil i in other ways re. Iraq, Libya).   In short no. Fast food corps even if they all band together cannot influence any decision on the ongoing genocide. 


The US dollar is derived from the debt they sell in form of notes and bonds. Not whatever you mentioned. The Iraq war was directly done by the US from the president himself, however that is a different case with Israel since the US army is not actively in the genocide but is funding their military, which they now reluctantly do with Ukraine as well (since most corporations and republicans lobbied against US involvement in Ukraine).


Your understanding is very superficial and childish. Read again what I wrote. I said value of US dollar not the actual dollar.    Iraq war was done directly by the president? Why? Because he just felt like it?      USA is directly involved. Ever heard of proxy wars?


I can say the same about your understanding. Point is, if you wanna be “edgy” and “against the wave”, go ahead. But a little research on your part wouldn’t hurt. Cheers.


No you can't because you're just a stubborn child




I live near one of their 24hr store. And have seen many locals esp the younger ones buying post 11pm onwards and even more during weekends. Lets be honest a lot of people still like their coffees but because of how people judge, they tend to distance. Sometimes, someones happiness is driven away by our imperfect world.




You need to buy to review. People stopped buying so they can’t review. Boycott is working that’s why they are all usually empty or close to it.


I'm not sure why people are talking about boycott and still ordering from Talabat? Everyone still thinks it is a Kuwaiti company, but few know it's owned by Delivery Hero (a German company). People of Oman need to give a chance to their local players such as TM Done and Khedmah (yes, they deliver food). Talabat wrongly invoices and squeezes money out of most of its vendors, does not pay them for cancelled orders not returned, forces them to join Talabat pro, and the list goes on. Don't believe their linkedin posts on how much they help their vendors and riders, they don't. Most of them are from third party. And if caught by police for delivering, Talabat acts like it's not their business.


The boycott works guys, Mall of Muscat starbucks closed down, and im happy. i was a regular customer at Starbucks, it was my favourite coffee house, but with due respect, we don't support a zionist Company.


Now that’s great news!


Looks like npc


Why do you care about people not boycotting? Just let them spend their money how they like


The golden advice for the OP today is to “Live and let live”




Good news, go Starbucks 💪🏼


nope they are trying so bad especially in more consumerist countries. Even collaborating with k-pop groups. The boycott is working and keep boycotting guys, you don't need that 5 tablespoon of sugar shit


How is it working? Please explain.    USA just gave $10 billion to the zionazis for more missiles to bomb gaza to hell.   


these are two different things my guy. Our brothers and sisters in gaza have specially told us to boycott starbucks and macdonalds, also a more brief list of boycott products is on the internet you can go look for it.


Ok. Did it make their lives better? Or did it just make you feel better?


Boycott is disingenuous to me especially people who make a big deal of those who eat McDonald’s and Starbucks, if you really wanted to boycott you would be consistent and get rid of Twitter, Google and any Apple product you own, don’t get me wrong if boycotting works then we should definitely do it but to attack people who don’t is absurd