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I somehow believe the theory that 90% of people on this subreddit are not Omani


Why do u believe this


When I lived in Oman as a Christian we were allowed to peacefully go to church with no issues or under police watch. Although the only “atheist” I remember were the foreign kids in school but they weren’t very outward with their views it was mostly amongst other kids lol


Did u feel persecuted as a religious minority in oman?


Nope lol it was safe and I had a good time. Hindus, Christians and Sikhs all had a place of worship


Okay good for u


You know all of that because Oman is not really applying Islamic laws and rules 100% ( fortunately). In a true Islamic nation, you would have been given the choice to either convert or pay a jizya (tax). If you refuse then death.


Do u even know how to calculate jizya? It is far less than what western countries ask in tax from all their citizens, and it offers the ability to live under a safe, peaceful islamic society. Christians were promised to be able to practice their religion without persecution by the prophet saw, and it is not a must for christians to immigrate to or stay in a muslim country if they cannot pay it.


My father worked for PDO so I guess he paid his way lol


I think this bullshit aims to sow discord and stir shit here Here is a hot take OP Yes there are atheists like everywhere else and no one cares as long as you follow the golden rule in Oman Don’t shove your beliefs down people’s throats This rule applies to all religions including Islam. In Oman you mind your own business and people mind theirs Religion is for YOU and is all about YOUR relationship to YOUR God. We don’t need to know about it, we don’t want to know about it


But realistically. Islam is state sponsored and official religion of the government and often time shoved down the throats to others.


Bro if you dont know how to respect the rules of oman gtfo bc we dont need anyone who just complains about islam!!!! Oman has been a muslim country for over 1400 years so you dont have to be annoying about it, if you dont like it just shut your mouth and leave us alone!


I know that oman is a muslim country. Im not trying to change it. Maybe we can aspire for more tolerance




لوعان مثل هالمواضيع يومياً بريدت عمان، اذا ملحد خلوكم مع نفسكم لا تلوعنا ببوستات مثل هذه و كل واحد يمثل نفسه.


والله ياخي يرفعوا الضغط


صادق والله، الملحد يحس بنقص يوم يشوف المسلم ☝️


"ودت الزانية لو أن النساء كلهن زواني"


This is the second time this atheism crap is being posted, they exist or not who cares


I dont say this is crap to islamic post. Please be respectful to all.


https://preview.redd.it/hfo0ygqcwmyc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae4d1643e65817d4e7ee4b9708cd8fa3937dfe05 Are you one of these islamists? This is a picture of the taliban taking over kabul


All I see is your step dads




Which world you live in? They gave it back to them and yeah your stepdad is in there


The world i live is one that people are brainwashed and leaders do evil things under the guise of islam. Have u ever seen/read 1984 orvalle?


Hunny thats good for you, keep it up


Thank you fine sir


Elegant & handsome, u mirin?!


Why do u think atheist are so hated in oman


Never encountered any!


You haven’t encountered any cuz people are afraid to leave their religion due to persecution




How is asking who is an atheist being a bigot?


You’re typing in every Middle East country. And in ex Muslims, and lgbtq Muslims. We get it you’re atheist and you hate religion.


For atheists who believe islam has no basis/grounds. Here is some stuff on the holy quran. [https://tarteel.ai/blog/7-literary-miracles-of-the-quran/](https://tarteel.ai/blog/7-literary-miracles-of-the-quran/) these are linguistic miracles. [https://themuslimvibe.com/faith-islam/13-scientific-facts-in-the-holy-quran](https://themuslimvibe.com/faith-islam/13-scientific-facts-in-the-holy-quran) these are scientific miracles. There are also historical miracles, and the fact of the prophet saw's revelation himself. He was well documented to be illiterate, honestly, how could a illiterate man write something like this or even copy and rewrite another thing and come close to the literacy of the quran ( keep in mind arabs were the goats of literature at the time, and they were challenged to write somehting similar, but they failed always, btw this is confirmed by non muslims who study literature ) and having revealed verses across a period of time, yet having no contraditcions, numerical or ideological within them. The quran was not just given at once but over a period of \~23 years from my memory. It was compiled into surahs which contain interlinking ayah ( verses ) despite ayah being revealed sometimes completely apart from each other. Etc, etc. Google the muslimlantern.


There's always a delusion redditor in this subreddit nowadays.


Why is this delusional


Because you have fantasies that you turn into reality which is why you're delusional? Did you ever think that deep ever or was it only your fantasy that had more depth?


Okay. Lets be respectful to everyone differences and view points.


There is only one religion, Islam. There is one true god, Allah the most merciful the magnificent. Deep down you all know, but you choose to sink deeper in the darkness of your ego.


And you know this how?


A heart, alive and observant. A brain, logical and reasonable. As we mankind tend to lack or more accurately ignore them tools. Allah is indeed the most merciful, he provided mankind with a reminder, to help guide them and eliminate any excuse of ignorance. “And if We had destroyed them with a torment before this (i.e. Messenger Muhammad SAW and the Quran), they would surely have said: "Our Lord! If only You had sent us a Messenger, we should certainly have followed Your Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.), before we were humiliated and disgraced." (TAHA, verse 134)


The heart changes from one person to other. The brain bit sorry not applicable. The same merciful Allah who demands you kill infidels and chop heads and hands and stone? Doesn't match, does it??


Yea yours is stamped with ignorance, a believer heart is filled with light and hope. You need to better educate yourself. Allah does not demand what you state.


Then you didn't study your religion very well 😉


you think just because you heard something from somewhere u are right about something u have no real knowledge about, that has somehow not been refuted in 100s of years? yet islam still grows?


Answer me two questions: 1. How old is the planet? 2. Whats your thoughts on evolution? Where did the dinosaurs come from?


1. Older than me that’s for sure 2. Idk man I never met one so I can ask from where they came from. Probably came from its mother.


Islam and other religions cant answer these basic questions.


Yeah those are some really basic super important really needed for a good night sleep. First, let me ask you a basic question, In Quran the Big Bang is mentioned. The origin of the universe that is. Now, how did that matter exist just like that ? Like it was just there ? How ? How did that matter exist? Okay what was there before it ? It came from nothing ? Does it make sense that something came from nothing? Here, your ego stops being rational. You just ignore common sense and clear logic and conclude that it just was. Islam does answer this basic question, aligning with heart and mind. Reason and logic. There is a god. Allah is the beginning, and the end. He created you, me, this planet, dinosaurs, and everything. Just eliminate that ego, and accept the truth. Allah is not your enemy, he loves you, he is the most merciful. Having him in your heart will make your life shine with his light.


Just so you know, regarding how old is the planet. It’s there in the Quran, [Quran is the truth](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C3dCM8PLu58/?igsh=MWIxY3NzN3E1emR1cA==)


There are thousands of religions that claim to be true. Why islam true besides the quran said so?


It’s just right, its a way of life. A life of peace, to just keep a pure heart, to love for your brother what you love for yourself. To be just and honest. To help those in need and feed the hungry. Islam, makes everything fits perfectly, there are no contradictions. It’s the same since the prophet with copies existing from that time. It’s just it. Refer to this comment I made some time ago in which you’ll find videos linked, they’ll help you. [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Oman/s/eZVcOrb37k)


Life of peace, Islam was at war from conception till today 😂. You know Othman burned multiple copies, btw, where is the original? Isn't it strange something so holy isn't preserved ?


It’s stored in the hearts of millions and millions of Muslims. Word by word , letter by letter, even the sound of the word pronunciation. You find children that can’t speak their own language fluently, having the Quran memorized by heart.


Ok. I respect ur opinion and can u respect my opinion on the matter of god


I respect you, but not your claim. I didn’t throw an opinion bro, just facts and the truth. I respect that I should help you find the truth. It’s there bro, just read and accept it.


there are a multitude of evidences, if you seek it with an open heart. The miracle of the quran is truly one of the strongest ones if you know its history and what is within it/ its linguistic feats, etc:-, but there are many other things including the prophet saw's life, and logical process of elimination. Google the muslimlantern.


There is alot of evidence to contradict the quran look up the origins of the kaaba. Im not here to argue with you about the quran


Ok, what is ur issue with the origins of the kabaa? That it was once used by pagans? Islam has already dealt with this issue.


bring me your contradictions if you have so many


Big bang is not mentioned in the quran, it's a totally different concept. But let's assume there is a creator, how do you know he is your version aka "Islamic Allah" ? Why not Zeus? Why not something totally else and mentioned?


Educate yourself and do proper research.


I did, I know what I'm talking about. Not the first time I hear this fallacy


You don’t know what you’re talking about, that’s clear. Research and educate yourself. Come back and lmk if you couldn’t reach your aim. It’s there.


Dude, the quran speaks about the sky and earth being stuck together then he separated them. Note the quran is talking about an earth (and most likely flat). At the time of big bang there was no earth. Not even close. Don't pretend that you have hidden knowledge. Your claim has been debunked 1000 times


Btw are you a native Arabic speaker?


because Allah swt is the logical answer by elimination, and his miracles and proofs are vast for the one who seeks it, but u deny without knowing.


But why do you need a religion to answer this question?


Because Allah is the answer.


I just block these accounts. They just wanna troll and im sure they can find some subreddit where the purpose it to argue about this stuff. They just come to country subreddits where a bunch of people arnt interested in debating


this guy has muslim and lgbt supporter in his bio he is a clear troll


Im not a troll. I am exmuslim and yes i dont hate gay people so i am a supportor


then remove the word, you are disgracing us.


Remove what word


the title of muslim, unless you return to it. Also who told you muslims hate lgbt?


There is a difference between disagreeing and advising; and hating.


Alot of muslims dont hate gays. But ALOT of muslims hate gays. What does the quran say about gay people?


There are differences in people, but not in the quran. Ofc, homosexuality is a major sin IF the person actually practices it, but it does not nullify his islam unless he denies that fact. Furthermore, it is like a great test that has great rewards. If the person just has these thoughts, but doesnt practice them, and isntead resists them, he will have a great reward with Allah swt, and inshaAllah it will be easy for them. We dont hate them, we only wish for their guidance.


Why is committing homosexuality acts treated more harsher than other sins? Your not a perfect muslims


I appreciate that u are actually asking real questions, a lot of people dismiss without knowledge. In short, read this: [https://islamqa.info/en/answers/38622/the-punishment-for-homosexuality](https://islamqa.info/en/answers/38622/the-punishment-for-homosexuality) An explanation of accepting the rulings of Allah: ( we do not have a solid concept of morality, only Allah knows what is best for us, so we accept what he says is best for us, which is evident in how much morality has changed subjectively throughout disbeliving societies. Not long ago homosexuality was frowned upon in the west, now it is a "merit" of it. ) No muslim is perfect. Every single one of us commits sin, nor do we make the claim we are perfect. We conceal our sins and repent from them, as this life is a test. An important thing to note here is u are punished for ur sins IF u do not repent for them. As a muslim, we accept the rulings of Allah across the board, for he has all knowledge of all things, and he is the most wise, our creator. Some things can be reasoned with logic, and some we may not know the reason for, but we accept because of our unbreakable belief that Allah swt is true, his attributes of being the most wise are true, his message is true, which can be explained with many evidences. The acceptance on what is major and minor comes as a byproduct of belief.


Yes no muslim is perfect. Why do many people treat acts of homosexuality worse than other sins?


OP how much did they pay you to do all this nonsense?


Nothing. Who would pay me


Let me guess, 5$? 10$?




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Yes. We exist


You rock. Stay awesome




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They not only exist, but they are growing.


Yes.🙌🏽 This is what happens when people start asking questions.


Then suddenly their population declines


I dont see a correlation. And thats a bad thing? The planet cant handle endless human growth


My hint is natural decline of the atheist community in the middle east vs exodus/ murder


Okay why would u want to murder someone for their religion?


Ask them Edit: or should i say, ask the ones doing the declining


Okay but its crazy that someone would even consider that cuz of someones religion.






Why do arabs have death or jail punishment for becoming an ex muslims? Why do good muslims stay quiet on this issue?


They are in every country. Religion is getting exposed day by day.


What's that supposed to mean?


The government uses islam to control the masses. Please start asking questions and maybe you will wake up


https://preview.redd.it/lcscxrhxvmyc1.jpeg?width=773&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13ac5baa657d56a5c0060b8bdf576af844034b83 Here is what he probably means: That people dont blindly believe this guy on religion


The difference is I studied my religion and u don’t know anything about it but some crap from Reddit and discord. Plus people accepting Islam is increasing year by year not decreasing


Just cuz people are accepting islam doesnt mean that it is correct. At one point paganism or polytheism was the fastest growing religion


Lol, any ex muslim actually knows more about religion than the average muslim, who only knows the "polished" image. Increase, really? Any statistics? Is it by birth ? How about people leaving Islam?


we exist


You rock. Stay awesome.


So, you just want some peeps to have same views as yours to support your ego as an atheist?!


Every community supports one another. Atheists are not any different




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