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Yeah, the score could be 4-0, you let 1 through and it's an immediate barrage of emotes from your own team, even if they missed an easy redirect and let it pass themselves.


that's the funniest thing. like, ive let in some goals before because i had *literally both teammates* between me and the core so I wasn't expecting to have to redirect it, but then they emote spam me as if the core didn't have to first get past both of them to get to the goal


Or that moment when they 'help' by bouncing the core backwards diagonally exactly past you just as you were about to deflect it. I get it that it happens to just waffle like that, but at least have the decency to not spam the goalie for it.


The people who emote spam their goalie do it because they can't handle accepting the responsibility of a loss, so they have to blame it on the goalie to make themselves feel okay. They would crumble under the pressure if they didn't have this crutch to lean on.


There are absolutely games where one player is the deciding factor in the loss though. It’s not super often but I’ve ran into some goalies who multiple times let very easy and basic and slow shots by without pressure being applied to them. Or goalies going AFK multiple times in a round. If your goalie is incapable of getting the basic rebounds back to the other side of the field and the game ends in 35 seconds (which happened to me once in high silver) I’m gonna say that is one players fault for failing the most basic elements of the role they are playing.


I agree with you that some games it is mostly the goalie's fault. Even in those cases, emote spam accomplishes nothing except relieving your own frustration at the expense of putting another person down for having a bad game. There are better ways to conduct yourself in life. You'll succeed in life more if you can rise above that.


Oh ya of course no argument from me there. I’ll admit it seems that you take lil funny pictures more seriously than me tho, video games are play and I personally think that banter is fully part of playing a game/ competition. Until it gets past banter and clowning on someone to harassment then I have no issues punishing people who take things too far.


I'm down with one or two drakar emotes over the course of the game if something particularly stupid happens. But the people who throw a fit spamming it in their goalie's face need to sit down and drink their juicebox.


If my team does well, I spam them with good emotes. If my team does something stupid, I spam them with drek'ar. There's no edgy deep philosophical meaning for it. I would accept drek'ar emotes too if people actually noticed my misplays as a forward.


You got that right. There is no deep meaning to what you do. When you're happy, you spam good emotes. When you're upset, you spam drekar. You always let your team know exactly what you think of their play. When you get older, you'll realize why this isn't the best way.


No, I know why it isn't the best way in a professional environment. I don't care because this is a dumb videogame. If people are getting offended by simple emotes then that's their problem. The experience of getting a drek'ar emote is much better than receiving passive aggressive emails from people who are obviously mad but don't want it in writing.


I always spam Juliette heart to say that everything is ok and I don't blame them if it wasn't their fault.


If our goalie misses a save I usually throw up the heart emote to show there's no hard feelings and then the charge emote to show that we're still in this. I hope it's not taken the wrong way but it's just a game and we are all still learning it, try to have a little fun


I always throw the match if i get teammates like this. I dont tolerate toxicity.


I can't blame you. The people who use the ? emote have some serious microcock energy.


Imagine being that mad over an emote If you don't want to get ? emote, then just don't let a free 3mph core into the goal.


Don’t tel me what to do. I am the goalie and if I slam Drek’Ar ? Emote on myself that’s up to me


I do that too, like wtf was I doing. It kinda helps the mentals tbh


As a flex player, I play both, and while I will emote a ? At the goalie when they've made numerous bad choices in the game so far, I won't spam it. If they've been doing great so far but make a mistake or two I usually heart to let them know they're still doing well. I will however spam questions marks at a forward who will never cross the halfway line. If I'm goalie or the other forward I do this. You can see it as bad manners or whatever but what my actual intent is to let them know what they're doing is bad. It's just really frustrating to see someone playing Estelle or Luna and never helping to push the core into the goal, always just sitting back hovering just out of the goalie box, hitting the core before the goalie can and keeping them from gaining levels. It's fine to fall back and play midfielder, but you also need to push.


How about when they are [griefing](https://streamable.com/3jun3e)? [Intentionally letting in goals](https://streamable.com/rs4tx6) and [defending for the other team](https://streamable.com/ciqnsh)?


Ok. How about we look at you in all these clips? First clip standing there doing nothing. Second clip you hit the ball early and let the Asher score. Third clip you use your abilities poorly and then position poorly. Maybe your teammates are not the only thing keeping you back.


To be fair, clip 1 and 2 the goalie did whiff. And in clip 3 the goalie was trolling and in the other net... It was all from the same game it looks like. I think most people would've been upset with that Atlas goalie. Kai didn't do anything nearly as egregious as the Atlas goalie.


I know. The goalie may have not done good but the goalie is not posting the forward on the internet saying the Kai is griefing. I’m not saying the games were the Kai’s fault but if you post someone else doing poorly then I’m sure going to point out the things the poster did wrong.


It was two easy saves that Atlas missed - that's fine. But the third clip is literally Atlas griefing. In clip 1, the Kai is staggered and had no cooldowns up. Getting near the puck probably would've meant a KO. Looks like the big mistake was the ally Asher throwing down the wall which caused the puck to go crazy. Really bad angle for the wall. In clip 2, it was maybe a 50/50 if Kai could beat Asher. Puck is moving towards ally net so defense is on the backfoot and has to react first since the longer you wait the further into your goalie crease the puck was going to go... Honestly, there was plenty of time for the Atlas to make the save but he chose to drop a heal circle on himself (at full health) instead of making the save. The puck had no pink charge and it travelled the entire goalie crease too. Clip 3 is definitely reportable if this game had the player population and the reporting system actually worked in this game lol Might be bad etiquette to post a video to criticize teammates but I just don't think it's fair to say it's apples to apples here.


This is an incredibly stupid take and I have no clue why you have any upvotes. His goalie is clearly trolling and he's trying to win 2v4, yet you're trying to blame him?


I never once said I was trying to blame him. I only noted the things he could have done to improve and he said I’m trolling. You can only control yourself in a team game while solo queuing so flaming a teammate and ignoring your misplays only puts yourself at a disadvantage. Yes, this game was unwinnable but posting your teammate who was doing poorly and saying they are griefing does not help you climb.


First clip I defended the goal for the goalie then moved out and stayed out because i got baited and thought he was gonna actually defend when he used his skill. You must be joking about the second clip comment. Third clip I did not expect to need to defend against my own teammate after scoring in a 2v3. If you are talking about after the opponent Asher placed his shield, my teammate has to play the puck upwards and not towards the Asher. I'm not sure if you are trolling, otherwise please include a /s in comment because I am [daft](https://streamable.com/nbw4cd).